. . ' ' . .. . � • . ,� ,•: ,. . . . . ,__._. .: # y .. -
<br /> .. � �L�•�—.`.a�_.�,__..�_..... s. _-.`�[_•.�..:J1L--_ ,�.__� �..1.�"__..c:.a...____.--'_'.u-�__.-._. � c .� •
<br /> �
<br />, � �y� � .p,q��g�ry _ �_ -- ` �E`"__
<br /> UNI�ORiV1 OOVBNANTS.Borrower and Lender covcnant und agee as foflows: �� iR�p�I�� , ,;� . .`', `�r�_
<br /> 1. Pey�ent of Pr9ndpal and IatEres�.Borrower sbaU penmP�Y Pay when dus the princigal and interest indebtedness eY�dsnced by . , ._.
<br /> the Nate and late charges as provided'm the Ulote. . �_
<br /> � 2. Et3nds for Taaes and lnsuraac�Subject ta agplicabte I�v m a written�vaiver by I.tnder,Bcrro�vu shall pay to Lender on the , •'j
<br /> � le uader the Note,utm7 tt�e Note is paid in full,a sum(herein"Fundg)equal to ono- . , _
<br /> day monthly paymsnts of principal and inteiest are payab � • ,
<br /> b.
<br /> twe{fth of the yearly i�ues and a�sments(includins condominium and planned unit develapm�t ���for�hamrd insursutce. , .,° ,. _
<br /> - priority uver this�ced of Tn�st,und Ei�m-.3 r:.n�an ths Pro�.if any,ptus one-twdfth of yeaziy premi _ ._T_-.
<br /> � plus ono-twelfth of yeufy pmmium insmliments for monga�e insumnce.if any.all as rasanably cstimated initially and from 6me to nme by ..`..,`----'�`.-�'�`
<br /> Leis der on the basis of assessments cu►d biUs and te3sonable Gswaates tl+aeof B°�r°c�'a shall not be obli�ted to make such payments of Funds
<br /> ' ro Lendu to the extcnt that Bortow�makes sush PaY����e holder of a prior mortgage or deed of mtst if such hotder is an i�titutional ; .
<br /> ter.der. , • ---�-
<br />� !f Bo:rowra pays Fumds to i.end�,the Funds shall be held in nn ic�stituuon the deposits or accounts of whith �o���� - .
<br /> hy a Feder.il or s�taie agrscy(including Lender if Lender is svch an institution}.Lencla s5ail tt�pty ihs Fuads to pay - . ,
<br />� insvrance premiums�d�ound�ents.Lender may not chasge£�r so hotding au�appfyinII the Funds,analYrinB said ciacount or verifying and
<br /> compiling said auesssna�ts aad bills,imiess Leader pays Bar�ower int�est on tha Funtts and applicable law pemrits Leada to make such o . I, :
<br /> chazge.Boi[owes and Ixadz�may agcee in writin8 at tt�e tune of exaution of this Q�ed of Trust that interest on the Funds shull F.e paid to _ :'...c...,: _ . ..-
<br /> such aiterest to be d Leader st�aU not be required to pay Bmrower .•;;,.;. .�,: .
<br /> Bormaer,mzd unles suc6 ageement is mede ar a�licaSle la�v requires P� ._ _. , :_ .._ :._.�
<br /> any intaess or eamings on the Fumds.I.�d�r shall give ta Borrotiva.without chaTge,an annual accounting of the Funds shawing enadits and . _
<br /> . r. :�a.�.�.-��:,
<br /> debits w the F�mds and the pwpore for arhisb eacS deiit to the F�mds aras madx.'Rte Funds are pled�ed as additianal ssxurity for the sams : -- .••.,
<br /> m �-�'�
<br /> ;+{..4:t-1...
<br /> sec�ued by this Deed of Tcust ble or w ths dae dates of ';';-.� --
<br /> If the amotmt of the Fund�ted E;lxnder,w8ed�a with the funue monthly installmeats ef Ftmds PaYa Pn •t;•^=_�_�,,
<br /> t��.p�e"�.1°y��p��s�ground ra►ts,shall acooed the xmount required m pay said t�r•es,assesqneate.inbw�ance p�remiums .,;,�..r-- _.
<br /> � and grouad ients 2s thzy£ali due,sncu excea�shall�°.,st Sotmwa's ogiion.either gmmPU3+repaid to Botrower ar citdited to Botrower oa ';Ti�i� .,,,W
<br /> . i monthly mstaltmeats of Fimds.If the aznouat of the Fur,�s d�id by Laider si�t�l1 aoi b.�c'seni to pay taxes,assess��ts,�ce prcmiums ''_�"'��.'a''-- ..
<br /> ' �i artd ground rents as they fatl due.Bmrow�shall pay to f.endzr any a�ount necess�y:�make up the deficiency in oae or mare paymrnts as � :-�>;.;:..
<br /> a o ss�
<br /> � w�'�;:,--,
<br /> '•; I,CndC!ItlSy i0qII11'C. ' � ":'.
<br /> ,:`� Upon paycnent in ful{of ail R�s�by this Deed of Tcrt�!,I.ender shall promptly refimd to Bortawer anyr Funds hx(d 6y Leuder. < x. ' •^
<br /> [f unda pmngraph 17 haeof the Prapatg rs sold ar the Property is othsqvvise acquired by Lender.L.ea3er shaU apply.no later thaa umne�atelY .; � �- t--`;
<br />-'•x',,3 prior w dte sale of the Pmperty or its ac�us�t'soa bY L�der,any Fands hetd by Ixnder at the time of application as a credit agaittst tke sums - ���- _
<br /> j ��;_
<br /> t ' sec�ued by this Dad of Trust. ts received by Leader under the Nate az►d '
<br /> 3. AppUcation o!PmY�t�Cfiless app}irable law provides othtnvise,a11 AaYmen y.,.;��.�-,-
<br />.= paragrep h s 1 an d 2 h e r e o f s h a ll 6e��'�y Lender 6rst in payment of amounts payable to Lender by Borrowa under pazaaraole 2 h��titeas _..
<br /> .. .�,,` w iuterest gaYable on the Note,and��2o ahe principal of ihe Nou. ` •�'. _
<br /> 4. Prior Mortgsges and Dads of Tras�C6�rges+ldsas B°n°wer sha1�p�o��of Borrowefs obtip_3tions under any mortgaSe+
<br /> T,..�-
<br /> deed of hust or other�crr.eiry agnanau with a Gen which h�priority�z:r tSis�d of Tnist.includ'mg Baac�ds covenants W make � c
<br /> ��
<br /> . • aymeats when dua IIrsrrwer shall pay or cause m be paid all tmces.a�sn�other cfi�ges.6nes and�ons attnb�table w du - •:'�.:•'s:
<br /> P •
<br /> property�vbicb azet�saui a priority over ttus Dad of Trust.and tease.."^z��yvrea's or gmimd ra►ts.iFarry• ..��::`:.;.
<br /> ` a. i3�r.�rd Insar�nca Boaower shap kcep the unproveem�r.�v existing or hereafta erected on ihe Yrag�.ty mstued against loss ',,;;L. • '
<br /> by Cuo.�:��rds included within the terrs"extcnded ooverage",and s��ier ha�ds as Leader mny re�Nse and in anch amouats and for sueh . `�;:'.'.
<br /> ` '• ,r Perlods a.Lender tnay cequire.
<br />-;_;�.�' . She insu�rance cazria providing t6e insuran�shctI be chosen by Borrower subject to approval by ixnd tra�er d sbtdl inclnd a �r�r�-
<br />- 't'- - shall not be unreas o n a b 1y w i t h he t d A D i n s u r a n c e p o l i c i e s a n d r e n n e w a l s t h e�e o f s h a l l b e in a form a c c e p t a b L .,�,,,,�;�• r; �i•:
<br /> s�td�rd mortgage clause in favor of a�d in a fonn acceptable to Lender.Lender sha116ave the right La�ntd+�.��:�s�d���0f, t ;-
<br /> subjat to the terrns of any mortgagc dar3 of trust oi�ther sflcufity agreemeui w�td a lien arhicb 1�rpccar"�'oe�rr�Dad of Trast ' ,S . , ��'�'t �°
<br /> In the event of loss.BorraR�'�s1�aS18�ve promgt nodce to the insurance cazrier and Lender.��sr may'�alCe pr°of of loss if aoc made ,,:1�;�,:.;.��!; '. `
<br /> �,�y ,:.a�f•,
<br /> . pmmptly by Borrower. .
<br /> If the Propcty is abandaned by Borrower,or if Botrower fails to respond to Leader witlsm 30 days fmtn�c dss*.e notice is mailed by ��.:,
<br /> [.eadar to Boao�ver that the iasivance cazricr offers w setUe a claim for inar�unce bcnefi4s,Leader is suthoria�co wllect and apply the -�.-_--"
<br /> � ��u�rooe�s sit Lendeta option either to testorarion ar repair of the Propeay or to the sums sscured bY thts IIesd of Trust ..�::��". - .
<br /> . •- 6, Pr�ervatloa snd Msintenaace ot Pruperty;I.easehoIdc.Condomininmr,Planaed Unit Devdopmenta.Borrowu s1P�1 k,eep �`;��,�..-;:_.:
<br /> the Ptoperty in 800d tepair end shall not commit waste or pamit impa'vmrnt or dcurioration of the Propc�ay and shall comply � ^,
<br /> ,�'� provisions of any tease ifthis Dced of Tnut is on a IeasehoId if lhis Deed of Tnut is on a unit in a condominium ar��rlanned unit develoymeaat, .,:;.,,�r.', . ."��F..
<br /> Boirawer e}�Ii paform elt of Bonowefs obligarions sindes the deelaration or oovenants creating or goveming thc�:raui�ccinium or planned unit .;,. ,•,,,',:?:;:.,:��-
<br /> devetopmea�t!►a bY-laws and ngulations of the eondominium or planned unit development,and wnstitutnt da�mtES , c<a��;�;•
<br /> ts con�,.�:�tLis Dced of 7tusL or if
<br /> 7. Prouctloa of Lcnder'e Secadry.If BoTrower faiLs w perfoan thc wvenants and agrama� c' t�: f....
<br /> ..�.,_.�..
<br /> • an}r acsian or pmoeed'mg is wimnen�3 which materially affeats l.endda interest in the Property.then l�ender+az F�r:ds option,upon nodce to ��•' _-
<br /> Bonower.rt�ay maice suc6 aPPraranas.�isburse such eums,including reasonable aitomeys fees,and take such�si�a as is necessary to ptotect ---
<br /> Lenders inurest If Loar.der*e4uired mortgage insuwnce ss a eondition of making tI�e;oan secvred by this Dad v�Caur�Bomower shall pay the -
<br /> � . . premivms requue3 es r.�sainmin such insivance in ef€ect unfil such time as the rs�air:ment for such insur�ce t�m�sates in accordance with �,K.,..—�- ...
<br /> • Bona:r�a'.s aad I.��s a+ritten agreement or applicable law.
<br />' .�m,�moimts disb�by Lender putsuant to this�+s���'1+7,with interest thereon,at the Note ra.'e,ahall become addiNonal ��. �
<br /> � indd,KSS+,�ess of BorroNer se�vred by this Deed of 7'r�st.Unless Bwm�F��er end Lender agce to other tem�s of paymrm,such amounts aLall be �,,;.;,,_
<br />• ' payable upon no�ce from Lender to Borrower req�esttn&Paymeat thereof.Nothing contained in this para�aph 7 shall cequire Lendu to incur �-.:
<br /> .. ;..•,+ �Y�P��or take any ac6an hereundea. �.���=
<br />' 8. lnspetHan.Lender may make or cti�cs w be made reasonable entrien upon and insyec6ons of the lim�.�erty,provided that Lender
<br /> shail a�rs BomoweT naHce ptior to�y sueh inspe��n speoifying reasonable cause therefor relat�l w l.endds in•.e:tst in the Property. ,, , ,y. � ryf,'+-
<br /> � 9. Coademnatlon.'I1�e proceeds of any award or claim for damages,direet o►G�saqu�al,in conaectiun with any c°ndertmatian or ':'r•�:.,:r,;:-q_ •
<br /> other�:n�of the Propxty,or part theceof.or for cflnveyance in lieu of eondemnation,ere htnby a:�vned�.Q s1�e11 be Paid to Lender,subject , ,s�,;�;, ,�.
<br /> to the tem�of ur�murtaage,deed ottrust or o t her r�x�u i t y agreem e n t w i t h a l i e n��i c h h s i s p r i o r i ty over this I]ec+d of 7Yust. ,:;?�i,�';a;�,+..; .��,:.:._
<br /> 10. Qasrn�var Not Reteased; For�rru,rx By I.cnder Not s Walvs�s Extension of the tim.e far�sn�ment or modification of ���.�;t�. ,��i�n+<_:
<br /> cn i'''°.�';i,,,...
<br /> �..:_.
<br /> ,,.. :. amor�atioa of thr s�;..ms secured by this Deed of Tnu�tod by Lender to any�rs'.r�sor in interest of Earranrrr��ssill not oparate to releasc,in ;,,f!��.":.�';�';�rt:-
<br /> � any m�nnet,the liability of the original Borrower and Borrowe�s su�.�sors in '�' �� `t;+,-.� .
<br /> . . . X' �"ii• .
<br /> �;
<br /> S�•'{�;.,:.
<br /> . �(`���t�
<br /> -. .�,,_
<br /> .. :s�-
<br /> .. •, , +
<br /> . : •• �
<br /> ,_�_ . • —
<br />------ '1�iL��ASXA-�ECOi�'D i�it3RTGAt'iE-1!°�'3 FRII't�.'J.°f�l..:�'Ir�JfII_�J�LM_iNSTIdIIR/JF.N page 2 of 4 3Form 3828 '•••
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