.. (�,� . .. � � . ' . . . . . - . .. ' t � ., `~ , . .4` . - . � �.ei_i W..
<br /> ' , � • . .. . ,.. _ � . . . . ,._.. a -. . , ""_ a . .. "_'__._..., �C•y /x,F,lf 1'�
<br /> �_:.L.._.(r«...,___�.�-._._. . ., tiR.-.'i
<br /> �.
<br /> . -1�-�r� - __ --_
<br />- _'._' "_"'_"_._�....::c.:-..
<br /> � .�.. ..-..,. ,._... _..
<br /> . � � ..n. - _..
<br /> . . . . '..•:.�.. :_
<br /> ` � �a��-9sss ����oF��8 ���e s � : . .:T=-__
<br /> Loan No (Conttnued) ��m �Q���B . ,. � ,, �
<br /> • takiny pe�3sston ot tha PrcpG+H.su9 tor or atnanvtss eo��:t the cents,tssues and proRts ot thg Prap�riy.tnctuQlnq tl��past dt�and � . , , , : '�� .
<br /> unpa!0.nnd ePDty the samo��ss eaSb nnd exPans�of�zratian and ea:�aetion.�ndudinp attameYS'feas.to anY IndaDiadnscs c�uad �" '-•<;>::°:'
<br /> by tA�O�d of Tntst.aA 1n susl+orQer aa LenQier may deS�nlra�_ Trt�art�nnp upon¢nd takin9 possssston of tha PrapgRy.h�s caGoeEon � ::a_-
<br /> r}��g,�,��nd pratta,and the aycl�tion therflnt shaD not curo or waiva any de?nNt or no�of Qs!aWt und�ttu�CeW of Tn�st ..
<br /> � a invslidata any ad dano in r�sponso to such c�fa�dt ar pmsuant to such not.ca of�faut�end �o�i�nf�r���c:.ct's+a�.�iz �^�-�--- �-°- ,I - - -
<br /> n
<br /> " possessian o!the Prop�ty a the eoL'e�ton,reo�'pt�nd eABL'cation ot rents,�ssu�cr profils,Trttstee cr LonQ�r s@saU be ertti�ed W • � ��; �
<br /> .. e�rdss svmy rtgtd provfdss far 1n tha hote ar th9 Re'.�ted Daeumants ar by law upon trte ooe�nrence af anY eveM af def�utR indudirq�ths �. . ,
<br /> . rt�ht to exardse the Powev at sate: - . .
<br /> ' N) Coramence en actlon t0 fCr0aC58 thts Oesd of Ttust&s e maRgaq9.eAPo+rd fl receiver�speciEkalN enforce anY at trie cavenas�ts -. . . .
<br /> hereaF,and . �-
<br /> �l, .� (C) OeNver to Trustee a wr@fan dectaratfon ot detaW!and demand for saje and a wriHen noUee ot default and e�ettion to cause Tn�stor s �- '..-:..�__�._ ,r-.-_:--- ,-
<br /> in'Erc�t In th�Prapaiy to be sdd.wt�:etf no�ce Tnsiee shall eause to be duty fit�d for rscord tn the approyriab ofCOes of tfle Cca�r�y In .:,--f,. . �..
<br /> . � wh'Ct►ttte Prupetly is IoC8t9�2ad . •':,-.'":. •. :�'=
<br /> (d) V{fitA respect to all ot erry part of the Personal Progs�ty.Lendet shaA hevB ell the riphffi and rersadies ot a saCUred parly under tr�a .>,
<br /> � NetirESka Unifwm Commerdal Coda ..,,;� � -'�. :.^� -
<br /> 1:,,. . .•_ ..,.
<br /> . i F�rL�C�stt�ro by PU�a�a!S�tA If L9rtder etg�AS to faredase by exerr�se of ths Potrer ct Sats herein canffiined Lsnder sha11 n4tHy Tn�stes anJ `;3';t sr�`�:.:.;. ,,, �.,•
<br /> st�aD dgpGSi1 wit?f Trustea thi:.Deod ot Tnist and tts Pioto 8nd such recQ+A1s and evidence ot e�enditures mads and seatred by this Oeed of t,ti�.r.,i,._,:d'. .
<br /> TfU5t85TrLL5te8m8YreQUltB. ",rr.L�..•,,, �,+!�v�.ww�,
<br /> - %l.��i:�:'';:�;.±.�:z�-ss�:-�
<br /> . i •., :
<br /> ' (a) Upon reeeipt of such natioe irom Lendar.7rustee sheU cau5a to Ee recorded.Pubfished and Qellvered to Tn�stor such NaPm a?06farttt :. .,,.,Y, , ;_� : �.`
<br /> and Notice ot b'ate as tnan raquired by lav�and by thLs Deed o!T�usl. 'fnufee sha�,wnhaut demand an Trusta.afler such 6me as maY ;�.��. .•,• .r,..-W_
<br /> -- then ba�equUed by taw and after recorQetion oi such Nafim of Defeufi and��Yo�ot Sa=3 4ra��ts��.n qi:�..n rs r^�+!by i�w,se8 �,;,...�:,:.:_,_+-_�.�. `- _
<br /> tTte prpparly 8t fhe Sme and ptaca af sale fn�d by il in such NaCoB of Se1o.eitfier es a v�hals,ar in sepataie tals a petcets or it�ms es �..;:x , y='�"""-`__
<br /> Tn1s9�e shn0 daam o�rC"isrA.and in such order as it mey dets�min�at pubGC auctian to the hiph�i bidder tor casA in Iawt�money of �,:,�, +•��•=
<br /> r th9 Un�6d St�s p3Y�b13 8t ihe tirtte af sete. TRtsiee sh811 deGvet to such purchaser ar pwchase�s thereof its paod and st�flvertt deed a :..���::�°�':�,'p�'^.�o-r;-.
<br /> deeQs cornreY�01�P�DertY so sWd.but wiTho¢t enq covenant ar werreaiY.e�r�s a impGed. The cc,�is in sucfi dee0 a!enY mat9�ra I,..:.:;�:-,;.: . .. - . —
<br /> � ar facis st�&D be candusive Proot of ths fiMfiilnoss thereot Arry p�m.inc!utArtg wdhout Gmiffittan Tnstor.Trustea,or Lendar.m�Y f . -�.,,.._
<br /> ptJtCh359 8t suCTi 8810. : { ,..+,�{4�-:'=--
<br /> .��,. ,,
<br /> (b) As maY be petmttted by taw,flfter deducGng ali cost�,faes and exper�sgs ot Trvsitas and of Uds Tnut.indu�ing t�sts Of eviderae Ot � ;.__.::�..:.:;.'�;.;.:.�ra�-......
<br /> PQ
<br /> � • tiBa in connedian wf�s[tisi�,Tn►stea shaU spply the proceeds of sa!9 to paymEnt ot 0).�1 surte expenEsd under the tr�rms o!itJS Q6ed o! t, ,, _ .��}�,��) �
<br /> �1•c!F.;. _�•�fII:r_.e,.�.�
<br /> Tn�st or under His ternss c�{::G!�tcte nat then repaid,lndumng bN nat Umited to�u�2¢trderest and tate charQes. (ny caS:aYl+er sums tt�an ;c?�;i::,_,_,--------__ __
<br /> � sec�ued hereby.and n L`�!Frn�r.Cr�r.it any�to the parsan ar persons legaJyr e.�e�fiereto. '�`;'�.� � ,
<br /> . (cj Trusis9 may in the mennar prautd2d by taw posipone sefe of eD or arry DoAicn of the Rroperty. - ,
<br /> •. RemOdie�Not EYe[usfica Trustee and Lender.and each of them.st�aU b�entiUsd to entarce PeYmerd and pwfamance af any tn�tlSDdttxs ".` . .
<br /> or obFpotlw�s secured Dy this Deed of Trus!and to exerc�e sll riphTs and pawers under ths OeeO of Tnut.unQer the Nate.un�',v any ot t►►a ;;" :, '•. .
<br /> Fp
<br /> Retated Oocuments.ar under any other agreement ar amlr taws now or hereafter[n taro�naiwitt�standing,some or eD a��+ir�}Sbtpdmsa �., ,::�::: . :,�:`
<br /> ' `.` end o6�gations sectued by this Ooed af Trust may now or hereaiter be ath�uise�v�hether by moRgaQa.deed of�sst,p�eld�.�. ;.:, . ;' ';
<br /> �nmsnt ot otherw(59. M1leither the awephnce of thts Deed of Trust rtcr its es�3a��enk whether by Court ecHon or ptasta�2 to atq prlrer at ��;t:; �. ':',.' _
<br />' sale a�`lr�pawers cantitfned in this Oeed ot Tn�st,shaD preJud"ioe cr is cny mem.�-.�aftect Tntstea's m Lendds rtgM to.�Hi�v u�or t,�., . r,;;�? `
<br /> . j{ .
<br /> ' esito�o ar.y ntRet securiiy now ar heteafter hetd 6y Tnutee ar Len6er,it Detng agreed that Trustee and Lertder,and each d.9har►.�a�t:b9 "y?!;•� f6��,. . ' ,
<br /> antifted to eniuce tNs Oaed of Tru;wt and any other secarfty now a hereafter hetd by L�rnc!er a Trustee in such arder and rcannx a3 tl'r�►i ar „ , ••;j:�;?";i�:` , :�'
<br /> eiU►er o}tJ��m may in i'�¢a b s d u l s d�a e ton d 9 t s r m i y x�. N o re r r r e d Y c o n t e rt e d W�a n'u�reselved to Trustee or lender,451nh�n�3d to 0�9 3;;.. ` , • � '�:.;.'
<br /> � ��6}�ny p(P�ar r,-.n-�iy in tnis Deed ot Tn�st ar bY Gxsr providod or Qermi".,e���s:�h shall 6e eumu�ti�e 8nd strdf bs tn aQ�tion t� ��"�� • ' � _:
<br /> n tn this Oeed of Trust a naw or hereaRer e�ng ai(�rs ar:���;,r�Y ar by statute. Everyt poxrer or�Y 4�ven by tTq t. , . ,�`' •
<br /> ,. svary ottte�remedY 9►ve ��-,:':r; � ,�,;�� 1.,,..•,
<br /> NotA ar erry ot the Reiated OaCUments to Tncsto9 or Lender or to�!yrJ.n P�i�2r cf fham may be oth9nxis0 entitt�d.rtY►y.�boaura"SCt7. ��� �.. �;
<br /> conCUtrenUy or Indapendantty.iro hUment Oeed ot Trust shatl bo a�dt.ed as�pro mitlrtp Lendt�om saeldeg a dsflCt�r+Cy J���
<br /> medles. No �� •
<br /> • ptasue ineonsistant re n0 � ,;� .
<br /> e�st the Tnistot to ihe e�Qent sucl}acllon b pertniaed bY taw. _�• � ___
<br /> pe�ueq Fa�Nptfee. Trustor,on beheH of Tnrstor and t.�rrr,r�,Aereby�equssts that a copy of arry Notleo ot Oetault and,��Y ot aml No'1aj ' ,
<br /> p1 S4i0 un�r thLS Deed of Tnist be mailled to them at ths��1 f�h��1he flrst Derap►ePh of ttiL9 Deed of Tcust �
<br /> �� m
<br /> �.��{�.
<br /> �ti�;�' WatrN;ENttton of RemeEtaa. A watver by anyr PaRY=4 a C�x dr��;rovlsion cf thb DeeO ol Trus!sht9 not cooralih�Ori���td a --N.._-
<br /> .� :��;t>,� pcajudtce the paAy/s riphta othennise to da.^2.d s4ict comFEa:rs•a�M+:hd:�•svtslon or any ott�er Pmvlsion. Elaction by Lerriu fo;a�'s�e.anY W
<br /> ,,;�.
<br /> rOmedY Provfded In thb Dead ot Tnisl.tlse�,in any Ra'�^zD ax:r•�re�i�ar ptovlded by law sha11 not exc►ude pursuit at enf C�`r.7,�r cmmre�l►. L..�,.;._ --
<br /> and an decUon to malco e�endlures ar m telce ac�tton tra r�so�m sn ca5�e[tion of Tn�stor under this Qeed ot Tnut aftrt�fptfb�nn o1 Tr�to ..,f ,_ -
<br /> pgrQOtm Ghell nOt aftecf LEe�3P8 ttQM t0 det�ato B detau`a�rJ+ic euBtCis9 8ny Ot its reme�c-� -
<br /> yA,+
<br /> . AttOltNyb+FMw,E�eC�Ar�. !f Lender institutes flnY sw't�r a�Ston to enforCe any ot tAe't�'ms o1 thh Osed of Tn�st.Ler�r,,,lr sRtl(1 Gs�Y ot�J to _;;,;,_.`.•.:���-::'
<br /> rea�wr such sum as the eoa�rt maY e�it3�II��onabte es attaneY�taes at Ulnl and on anY ePPeol. Whatt�er or n6t sny.ca�i md6aa b —'=:F,:,�=--.. _,T.
<br /> ir.r.das9,m7 reasonable expertises inc�xr��!Lender which in lsnder's c(�r.icn are neCessary at any tlme tar tha protectlOn at iUi ItWiirm6t rys 4fis ��-:;��w��:�;-��•�
<br /> • �r�csf of iis riphffi shall became��iny at the tndebtedness PaY��=n��nd and shaD beat interest af tfie Noti rcAD Sro�tM d1SD o1 ';,�4'��';°;�-.__=
<br /> � �:.�t�:e un�t cepalQ ExPenses cova:ad bY fhts parepraAA inciude.�nou�um�mnon.haweYer subleCt to nr►y Umits�13r oy9ucabe taw, �,: �:z;:,��,�_
<br /> . :,,e:�der's eltaneYs�tces�ncfether a not there is a Iawsu�l.indudnp attomeys tees fa bankruD�N 0���M�udin0 ah'dZS to rr4�ty or ._._
<br /> vaCata enlr automaflo s��a Injur�cUon�,eppeats and arry anUC�pated post-judflrtrent cdfectlon se�vlces,the cost of searchinB rmcard3.obffiINr�p ���:_x,;;Y.-;.-��'
<br />. .�,V��.. Utls reporb Onc(uding forectosure repoAs).survoyora repors.aDDralssl tees.tifb insurar�ce.nnd faes tor the Tnutee.t0�n arS¢N,pxrciUGd by ;.�y-;;,�,,,.,:,:..�.
<br /> •"::.r,r?�; apDik�bla law. Trustor atso�vill pay art��urt cosls,in additian to all cti r�sums provlded by Iaw. '�°�= �'` �
<br /> ,:>�,� ::,,�ro-=--. -- _.
<br /> " •i{l:`.: R1�11U Ot TrWtes.Tntstee sha11 I�ve�U�aj nse dghb and dutles ot LGr�:ta�as se1 forth in this secUOn. '•: • ..� �,,_
<br /> POWERS Atia OoLIGATIONS Of TRW^TEE. The fo�aur_,g�ravislons retrtt:.g to the pawers and odOpaUOr�s of T�•wit►C�t M ttJU Ooad o? ���.rr�' : '�..
<br /> ;r.r.i�r:-�i.?.. . -�
<br /> TnaL : , :, � . =
<br /> Rowaw of Trus4ee. i.<:�,a:I:�UCn to alt powera of Tn•r',:�s�:sinp as a meY.9r of law.Trustee shail have the power to��o ihe foflvxir,0 cCtio.^a {!.°.: , • ., •:._� �•
<br /> with rospect to th9 Pro�R�upon tt,o u�;"..�r+reQuest ot Landsr and Tn v��r: (a)loln In praparing and filirq e may or p�1 G°9TO iisol��D�Y. l.;.:��:?.,;,:+• ., —
<br /> Indudtng th9 QedlCC+tlCn of streeb or�h�T n�.`.ts l0 tRe pW!i� (b?IQin�n�;�;;;ag any 885em9nt Or CrBdUng 8rry reSMCtlGS�Orf 2hD iR¢(�.���s�l'f. �� 'i�..� ,�5�r.,. .--
<br /> and (e)jte'-in uny oWe�dinattan or eh:m � • r. ..-y'�,.
<br /> ty�BemeM affectlng lhis OscC et°Tr;ISt or tho irrterz�,St W Lend9r under tNs C9ed o.Tns;.. .�_,� � �;,�r
<br /> � ,��,.
<br /> �� TR�tp Trlwte9 6l,n0 c'e91 ttU qut,tllflCatlOns requhed fu Tru9!¢9 unF.�r E;7pikeb1918vr. In additlon to the�Iphb a�d rste�i�,�3 sat dtRth�¢Ua?'r�, � .,,.,..:-
<br /> U s
<br /> ' w!il�r�;oy�ct to aA a er•ry ya.�ot ti:a PropadY.the Tn:���aU haw tho rl�ht to(arectose by notice and sate,�nd Lender�rta.a�a V��c�st k+ �G',��
<br /> � t forOCt�e by Judtctel tcrs�tx;�uo.In oit4:or case tn aocarC�wa�wilb and to tho full o�dest�Ad3d bY ayDliqb'e faw. �
<br /> 1 ,.; C,
<br /> •i gueCes�Ot Tfu�. Lender.at Lendars optton�may f��,bme to ticrre;:PotM a s�cx�or Trustee to arry Truste6 apyoir�d here�mcttc D•I� . :�;.
<br />�"'�����' t' Ir�strtzra�!oxecuted and acknowiedgad f�y Lender and racorded ir.:'�:l,9ce o!tho rC�Cardar of HaU Ca�nty�Nebreska. Th0 Ir�4���mnm:�T.all .. ---
<br />:[;�,),.a . . ,_,',',..
<br />;;;s:,:`. : acn�::�,In eddidan to s9 ather rt�t�c�.ra:ulred by state law.ttie r�r�.�'iho ort�sel Lender.'ru�i�cq end Tn�tor.the boolc ar.d�ttQa(or
<br /> ' , �mputer systam roferenoe)whare this Oeed of Tnist is�or�3�,ar0�t!�t�"r!mt+and e��u o}4:!�Tu�assor trustee.and the Instrument sLO11 . _
<br /> po azacuted and ackrmv:adged by a0 the beneflciaries.uv:n.r tha Osed o!Tnist or t`ar�:��ssors in interest The suocessar trustae.withuut �
<br /> conveyanca of tha Pr,pcu'y,shF�tl suc�ed to all the dtkq t+awe►�and d:�ss conf�t�.rr;1w Trusiae in th(s Doad of Tnut nnd by appaceD!e ., � _
<br /> � • kw. Thb procedure tu s��bSUtutlon ot trustee shaU govem to the exc�.csi�n of ail other provisions for substitutlon. !��'�.�� . ��:
<br /> KOTI�£S TO TRU$TOR AND OTFER PAFiYIES. My noUce under thts Dan4�5f Tnist shaU ba In wriHng,mey ba be sent by tatefatsimfUe,and sEaN ! � � . _
<br /> . be btlective when actualty detivered�or when Oepostted with a nattonsfly r��nizsd ou�migM coiuier.u�If inelled.shaU be deamsd aftactiw vrP� � . . --
<br /> depas�8d in the UNted Siates maii fhst ciass,oertifled or ragistared malt,posta�prepsld,directed to the edQresses shown near tRo hepinNrrg W 1 ,. � •
<br />� tt�s Osed o}Tn�s1. Any pyty msY change ib address fw notices under thls Oesd of Trust by gluing tam�al vrtitten noUCe to ths other ptlrL'ee� • . --
<br /> � speeitytrg that the purpose of tM notice b b ehnnge the partys eddress. AN copies of not►ces of foracf�ure from the holder of any tien wNefi hr�s E .. �
<br /> prlorfiy over thb Dead of Trust shall be seM to Lander�address,as shown near the beginning of this Deed o1 Trust For noUcc�purposes,Trusta _ _
<br /> . ¢�oes to keep Lender and Trustes intormed at all tlmes of Trustors current aQdres9.
<br /> 1 iA�gCELLAtiE0U9 Pit0Vi3lOM1iS. The foltowing miSCeBaneous provistons are e paA ot this Oesd of Tnisk . � � � . . '
<br /> 1 �' ___.._.._._..._`..... . .. i--.
<br /> 7 ` __��
<br /> ' � . _ . . .. _ _"` _ . .
<br /> .�_ �}• `�i � . - ' .. . � ' . �� . • � . � . ' ' . ' . 4� �' .
<br /> . . . .� . . t '� . � _ .. . . .. . _ �..- . a l.. . � { ' .. • .. � � . ' . . . �:: .. .. . � . ' _ ... ... . � . ' � - . ... -
<br />