, � . .,. _ _ . t .. . . .��` • _ ' _
<br />�. . ��_-�.��.��F ,, _ �,�-__l_____ '._•�. .�.t_. r ._�.�_��._�.J..— �—�a�..�.�_._�._. _���._.J�._��w. _.� ___ _ . . .. .F � ,
<br />� 9�92-19�9 DEED d�F 4��l�T 9�_ ���3g� ����a - � ------ _ �
<br /> `• Loa�n No (�nue� ,� -
<br /> vthatevsr aViar¢�tion is roquestgd by Lartder to pst6act end conbnue tenders i:�n on the Ree!Properry. Trusta sAa�i reimDtuso Lendar}ar a!1 " ' , ' ' -
<br /> ' � ta�ces,ts d�saiLQd betaw.tcqett�vrtth all e�Rn.sas incurted in recard�sQ.PeRe�firtg ar ConlinWrtQ fAfs Deed of 7ntst,In�udirp witttout ' `' ` -
<br /> Omitttton ell�9.tee9.dOCtuasntaryt s�.rr,ps.ar�ather ct�rQas fa recordinp cr roystedng tt�Ocod ot Tw�t. ' , f.., '�
<br />� > , T�. T!� '�.'�y s.�'.o!' ColiSUdt��e3 t0}th�t th�S s�.Nlen�p1:25: (a)a�eci@c fat�uDOn thls type ot Osed ot Trust ar upan a9 ot any �.,r-=_-r—==_.---:_
<br /> put o!ths Indebtadness aecure0 bY�Qeed o1 Tnn� fb)n speaflc tax on Trustar wt�ch Trustor ts autha�md w roR�to daduet from • ' � . . '
<br /> paymenb on ttie tndebtednass sacured Dy Ws type ot Oeed a}Trusk (c)a tax on Ws lype of Deed ot Trust charyeab9a aa3lnst tAe lender a . ,. .: ' • -
<br /> • the hctder o!ttE9 tYo�e:and (dy a s�SCiP�c tnx on aJ a any pottian of fAa tndabffidross or an paymor�ls a?pdnapal and lntssest mada by , , _
<br /> Ttustor. , . .
<br /> €�isqusn'�Ta7c�. If 8ny Lmc to wh{ch thts��tan appf:�is enatle�SuDSequant ta thg date oi Utis Deed of Tnist�tNS evant 6hati hava the � : ..
<br /> 1� samB eftect as an E�snt ot Qotault(as deflned b2towl,cnd Lendar may ftx6rcl�e arry or a0 of i�avaiLabte rerssfld2s tos an Evant o!Det3ult 8s . .
<br /> � provlded bdaw uniass Tnutor eiiher (a)Pays th9 tax betcra�beCOm�dainqusnt or(b)co�esb tha tax as provided ebove in the T�xs3 8nd -- -: - -•--.t `='--._
<br /> , , Liens sec�on end deAosits wiYh Len�er cash or a suffuteM corporate surety 6ortd ar other secunty satisfactnry to Lender.
<br /> � SFt:tiilTY AGREEA1ENTp FIliA�tL'►P3G�TATE�OfS. The Pollowing provislons relating to ihts Oead of Trust as a securtty aq�eement are a part af .' .
<br />'� � this OeBd ot Ttust.
<br /> n � ,.-r . . . .
<br /> Sequity AgeRm!'�ft Tttts in5trurttent shall co�tfl a szcuril}t egresment to tha e�dent arry ot tha PraReAy canstitutes fndures ar athar r ,".
<br /> perspnal property,and Lender shall hsve afl ot tha dgtits of e s2CUred paAy under!hs UnHOrm Comme�isl Coda a5 amanded ftom tlme to ` ' ��
<br /> time.
<br /> ��w.,,.:,s;}±ra�s'�±
<br /> aEatttM Int�sasl. tlpon request by Lender,Trustot shall ezecute 5nancie0 sta9a:nsnl5 and take�vhataver othes action is raQuestad bY Lendet . _ ----_�_.
<br /> . te�ar,iocefi artd cortl•nttB Lendar's secunty interesi in Ute Rents and Peisonal Property. tn eddiHOn to recormng Ws Deed oF Trus!(n ths reol .,�..__:--
<br /> Prc�'�rcards.Lender may.at anl►Ume and without further auttia�ton trom Tnutor.�ie er.c�c�dad count�Parls.coAlas or�eDmducllor�a of . �,.y�;,%n•��=�..-
<br /> aut
<br /> `'�tj �ds O�ed oi Tn�t as a financing statert� Trus�st�Sl r�Drnso L..�t�an s�enss�ts+cww�d In�Sefiecttnp a conUn���s�scurfiy .�.,�=�` -__
<br /> :�:,�::__��_—
<br /> ir�erasi Upon ds€3�Of,Tnstor shaD assemb:e the Fersona!P�ertY tn a mann��r,i a't a Rlaq c�sanebty camranteat to Trttstcr rnd Lender
<br /> ` i and make it avaCsb:e to Lender w1tNn ttuee(3)days after BcefPt of wrft4en�rtr2.�utut tt�:n lendsr. . `'Y�:-'�'•�`-
<br /> " '•'� A�, The maAiny fld�ssss of Trtstor(debtar)and Lend2r(seCUred pe�'1).from vR�c4r intartna5on canoeming U�e se�nily interes➢ �•.�a,;�•,--._
<br />_. ` Qrardsd by this Qeed ot Trust maN Ee obttined(each as required C-i�e ttnifarm Commemdaf Co�e7.ara as stated on the fhst ps�a cf this Qsad ,� '�.:i,,ri_.��_'R
<br /> W Tnut. ;-•:•�,;�.._ .;�--
<br /> :,�,e��� _..
<br /> ,:� R�1T1FA ASSIiRAPiCES;ATTORi11EY�i�I-FACT. Ths taVOwing pravislons re�.atin9 t�turther ass�uances end eftaneY-���e-c;�part at this `_P* -
<br /> Oesd of TrusL °'� ' ,
<br /> :� R�rtAer Aas�tranc�e�. At nny time,and iro�se lL�a'ts timg,upan cequest of Lerrchar Trustor witi make,m�eevte�-�5�'sver,ar�:�ttse to Ce .�.,,, �,.
<br /> �'�s.exeCUted er def"+vered,tn Lender or t�hrarr�•ars d�ignee.and when�rt�as'•ed by Lender.��w c�r�a��.�a or �..�>., aF`_
<br /> ,,�:.. •:,��.".-,
<br /> �avcorded.as the cese may be.at sucA tlmes a..^�r;is�such offices and places as I.ender may deem ePDroDriate.any and eU s.�'.t mor�ases. ::,,��
<br /> � financing statemerrts,conUnuadan siatemen�i insWments at turtrier ess�:ren�.certlRcat83. �;. �;,rr-.._
<br /> ����'r,'`r< ar d��t d�pc�,�es rttay.tn the�soie8�m��c1 Lender.be neoassery ar desbebfo in er�U^r eHeetua�.compfete.P�t,contlnua,or ��";'�;f"�` �
<br /> �;�,.; - - -
<br />��";�� Oraserve (a)the�Ogatlons of Tntstar under ts�m�+t��,this�eed of Trust,and it�o l�tted Dc�.:-�nts,and (t�Z Cro tiens and S�urity it�tacests
<br /> �f•,rf�( aeated by this f2�af Tn�t on Uie ProDertyr.w�'�7.:ar naw owned a hereaftar m�:-`ce:f by Tr.�r. Unlss prd'�P��d by taw or apceed to the ..`.
<br /> .�:_,j cantrgry py LE:�ac i�wrriing,Tnistat shall�`.mbwss Lendet tar afl Cests and��s IneuROd in constactitn�sh the matte�s reterted to in
<br /> ' �.< fiMSpiUA9f8Dh• • ' �.:�f. �.
<br /> y, �rL,�.: .., ~s :`
<br /> �-in-Fael. lt YnAtar�to do arry of MB things rete�+a�la in tha pta�ding peraB�h�Lendar may do so for sam sn 1t�a n8me C'r �:1�2, ;'',���;;� .;;`�'
<br /> Tirs'�r and at Tngtor's e�a�Far suct�purPasss.Trustor!�sreby irta�rocaDty aAPoirds Lender as Tn�stor's eftomey-tn-t��:f�:!tha D+nP�+ �,�s���;�t;;�r ,:v;
<br /> o t�a(l tdng,��C i�'9.CeQver z,�,4n p�teeording.and doin8 aA dmer ihin�as maY be neoa�sery or Qesire3�1�,�c^tsa�selfl'eginio�,t� ::;c�(��{y�.,';:.::.;:��;.;•:.
<br /> ' apccmnrrsh tY.�rr.rFitta7s refeTretl ta in the pretad::�9iDarapmPh. :,�.�.,.�:,1%x � .,�;`:-
<br /> FlB�Pr�F►�RNRW�- Y Tnrstor pays atl tho InGebta9r+�s whan duo,end otherwise perfortns aU the cb6Qa�ons intpx��7psra 1fnr,�r und�this �..:�'�'"�'
<br /> DeoGi ot Tnni.Lendae sha�execc3s and da�vGr to Trustsa a requ�rst far fu8 reconveY�and sheil�meuta en9�itr.�7m tv�Lar sWtaEle .+��':;1t
<br /> Sm��,f�o�►.t�trt¢lian of anY�stctomant on fi1e evldendnp Lender's ssciariy interesi in tha Renb nnd U�e Pa�s��+rap�ty. Mlr `
<br /> cecom+e�Rlr.3 feB reQutred by law srsmi Ya�paid by Trustot.H pe+mttied bY BPAP,cab:o Iaw. `'
<br /> a,
<br /> OF�A9A.T. 6s.M af tha fottawing,at�:a apUon at Lender,shail constitute an everd of detault('Event at DetuWf�under this�eed of TntsC :� .
<br /> ��
<br /> 0!!�(d rr�c�IrsQ2D?�Gae�s. Fa(lure of 7n�ta tz x�a�:s anY PaYmeM when due an ths tnQebtednass. ��
<br /> ' O�dLi�,+,t�pq�paYments. Fa(ture of Trwtar��In the�me req�red bY this Dood of Trust to make arry OaYme►A for texes or inStQan�e,a :�'r�
<br />; ,,�.� errlaf��ir psym9rtt neoessar�►to Preveat fiting of or Eo eNect dscharUo of anY t!on. =���-�--- __._.-. .
<br /> Co+��;Gittr,ro Osf�OL Fa�ure of Trustor to campty with anY�;:�IIr tarm�obCgall�on.covenent or condiUon canTalned in th(s Oaad at Trust.the F,::.��_
<br /> Nat4 or tA�cury af the Ret�ted Documer►b. ___---
<br />: Fat,tC�ttD�.�t�.My tvar►anty,representaEarn a:statertwnt made or tumis"+a0 ta Wndar by a on bahali at Trlstar under UYS Oa W G1 TntsL, - ._
<br /> � tt�D NCtd at ttq R�'fetl Documents b fatso a r.tidis�tSing In any materiai rospe�.�dhcr naw a at ihe tlme made�r'hunished. �'�'
<br /> ._Y_rE::_--
<br /> pt�fgs�tp CpWp�r�ix�tbn. lT�b Deed of Trust ar any of the Relatod Oxumenb ceases to be in tuA torce and e7fed pnCtudtrp h9ure at ury - _` _=�°°::
<br /> tl�f -�
<br /> calWur�!19acumer�b to ae�te e valid and pertected securilY inferest ar lien)et erry Ume and tcr rar,K reason. µ� , Ya
<br />. Ou�Tv tn�ply�nry. The death of Tnistor.the insoNency of Tnrstar,the eppntntmerd at a•rewlvFx for any per!of TrustoPs propYrly.ury '" -,�''.�:�i ;�};•�
<br /> �. � " •,'•_,.
<br /> �pi�,�rrtrqs�fa the tronefit of credtors,any type af cred'itor wurkout,w the commencemznt ot ar►y►Frca3�Cfip under ar►y baNvuptBy ar • ��.` „��__t„�,,.
<br /> Inaahm.RrsY,tawa bY a eqainst Tnnta. �'�S.'4���+►I.1�1whGS:i:
<br /> FacaetC4�s,Farlrft�,e�. Cammenoement ot toreclosure w tatelture proceodings,wheth�r�;r 7ur��a�mg.seif-tieip.rePOSSesslon _-- —��'�,�'„_,.'
<br /> pr�taf stl'�►mEthoB,�y atry aeddar of Trt�stor or by 8rry Qaver^mentai a�ency 8y31rtist any o4 4�a�Praperty. hiowetr�r,this S�lon ShiA not '� " ; �.
<br /> �ten r'�event of a pood faith dlsPut�bY Trustor as to tt�uaZtlilY a�ea5ontbleness oi L�1a�talm wfi�ch Is tAe bas�cf t1r�fixacfosura ot �,..-: . -
<br /> fGrrcllethltn prac�lfnQ.0 avlded that Trustor gives Lender v►-iqer noxce ot s�ch cia)m and turNsh�reserve�s or e sureiy L�attd��ar the clalm �:""� ►.
<br /> . fG � a�...r�.��,.,�iL�'.�'�'.-
<br /> 5abataGtCty fo LCnder. :...
<br /> �t,�ry�at8�A�I�nt My brsaet�Dy Tntstor und�ih0 terms ot arry�'wr aQreement bsriraen Tnutor and Landar ftKt ts not rortwd.� �•� � � ---
<br /> ry
<br /> witMa�r�!qraco pertod provfded thero!n,Mctudin8 without Gr.ti�an a�sy agreament conceming any Udobtednoss a ott�er oDtfgaaon of Tnutor �l�A4�+`'�`'-
<br /> . to�xnictr.whothar existlnD now or lator. . . _ ��ya+�pn::
<br /> -s� -�.��-.=_
<br /> EyCr:EL t67t�s�n�Gtw�s1►tar. !'�ry of tho procoding evenb oaaaB wit�n respect to any(iuEUaMar of any of the Indebtodnoss ar any Duaranta !�r=`T'=�x"�'�`�'�-r°
<br />. n_� FY4�7AW�fi�A4z:-
<br /> �as or bGCOm�s incampo�nt.r.r revoke3 a dtsputes!ne vs;aN�r.t,or IiebYlty undm�arry QuaraMy ot tho IndoDtednosn. Le�er.�t ks optbn. ,:;,��-.s.,-�•�:--
<br /> may,�fi afwl!rtr,tt 6e requYaO to.pormtf tho Guaranta's es�i to essurtw unccnddtonr3y tho obC�Ctt�r►s artalnD undor tho guemnty in a �-=..;-.:�.. ,:.. ._.
<br /> mnrnos sef(�im:faZy to Lendgr,and,in ddrb so,cure tho Evant ot Oe�wL •==�.'ia°="a?u-Ri"``i�•
<br /> ���'� ffiaccra7'�. Lendar tn gaod ffilth de¢rt�s ttsc�1�xure. -�.�y�py��w!•.s•.
<br /> � . ,v il -r•�.:'�;�t;e.,ps:-�_'..�,
<br /> ':!� .i.:.�A.,C.�..:: ��.
<br /> pd�t2b�tnQ�bt�dn�ss. A detaNt sha0 aocur undea ariyr Extsttrp indob�dn�s a under any Irotrumem on the Properly aeeurtny orry E�np .-:;S:* .�,`��, •
<br /> fn�t'�ialnCS.ot Cammoncement of any sult or other actlon to ims^Jose any exfsllrp Ilen on the Praperly. ��'� �;"�
<br />�_. � , r .. .
<br /> Rg�(t3 t�pim. If such a failuce ts curabte and It Tnrstot hes not been g►ven e notl�oe of a breach o}the same provislon of thb Oeod of Tr�s1 . � . �
<br /> wUhirt!?�a p�ding twelve(12)months,it msy bo curad(and no Event of�etaNt w10 heve occ�matl)H Tnuta.efter Lendar sends writtan
<br /> naUari�imandhg cure at such tsiture: (a)a;r�s iha taiture w�th�n ten(t0)days;ar (b)it me cure requUes moro than ten(t0)days,Immedi�to�"� '
<br /> t
<br /> I:ttllWtls�stdps suf9Gant to cure tBe fatlura end thereafter contlnu�and compieW e!1 reesana6Se end n000ssary steps sutF.eient to produCO • "..,, .
<br /> camptl�nco as saon as reasonubty precdcai. ' .
<br /> � R1�1tQ0 A9SD REifEDiES OH�ALLT. Upon the axurren�of arry Event oi Defaull and at any ttmD thmeattsr.Tntstee a�Lend�.at ib ayt1on. ., . ' .
<br /> • rtwy+�QCCise[ury one or mare o1 fttio foitowing rights and remedies,tn edd'+flon to arry other Aghts or remedi�provlded by Iew: ' ..
<br />� Ar.caLSnUon�DettWk Additian�R..�t�. it anY civent ot Qetautt oecurs as per fhe terrns of t1ro NoEe seeured hecabY.Lendor mty • .
<br />' Eo�tgro a0 tnd�'edness secured by thts Oeed of Trust to be du3 end pnyaDlB end the samo shall thereupon becoms due and payabte w(thout , �
<br /> er,y p:c�centment,domand.pratest or nottco ot any kind. Thereafter,:.ender may. .
<br /> (p) Either in parson a by aganf,wiLh or wlthoul bdnging eny ticUon ar prooe2ding,cr by e rec�ve►aDAomted by a couA end w�ihout . , . •
<br /> regord to ihe aQequaay ot its security,ontar upon and take possesston of the Property,or any part thereol.in ib own nnme a in the name .
<br />'•� ' a?Trustes,and do any acts wnch it Geoms nscessary or uesvatite to Rreserve the vaiva,R3rkeffia3iy ar rei�i#iim�i y"���i Trc�.'tir,�r pa�t
<br /> • •
<br /> - _ -
<br /> ot tho PrapeAy o�inie�est tn the PropertY.incre�se t�e income trom the Property or protect the seeurity of fria Ftopeify�nd,with or wllhoul • �
<br /> � � . r .
<br /> -- - ----------�----- - --------- - .
<br /> ,,._ � __.... :�._.,_..._.__......»__._._........-- ---- _ _ .-_....._-, -- t. , . .
<br /> ,—____._�_..,�,--.. ----�--.-�,•.
<br /> �� '!'l. }j-�'» '' - , r l't, -{_ ` .� J . .{ - - �� ~r'�.'� r�at4',ia �t��S • . �., .
<br /> . .. . . . , ,. .. . . . . y�-:.,):. .. . ... . _..�t w1��... . � _. - . . ..... l .if.�-�ii. ., .. _, ...... . � • . - _ -
<br />