. , . . . .. . � .. . . ..
<br />, ,� . . ,_ s . .: ..��_'`----_..._..�. . .. ;.; " .��__...__�___.._�..���__..._:__. - . �_ _�.. , • . _-
<br /> _.. �,
<br /> .__� - }i . :�'
<br /> � - 9�- ����� ::. � . . .. '. :
<br /> 9. E�r�tmnt Qor�tn.LertQor ta hereDy assiynad alt compensatlon.awarQ9,dam8gea end other q�yment�or re ie1(hareirai�ar �,-�� < ,
<br />' "ProcEteds'7 in connettion wlth candemnatlon or Other taking o}tt�o PropoRy Or part lhm�ool.or tor convayurtce!n lieu of cOn4omitn- < _ _
<br /> 4ton.Lender ahal!be entiUeB at 1ta o�tion to commence,nQp�ae!n send Rre9ecuto tn trs avin name any ecUan or praeasdia80.end , •
<br /> � ` � shaU alao Qs enUtled fo m�ke any comproml6e Or 88rilemmnt In ConnecUOn�vitb auch takin�or damag8.In th0 event eny paRlatl ot . , _
<br /> 4t�d Property I9 eo taken or damapcd.Wndor E�!►all dpvs the opUan,tn Ite eole nna a6�oluto di3cratlon.4o ugpfy all such RrCCOt38�, �,. :;, . _-
<br /> eiter deduotinp theretrqm all co�te nnd e�poneo9lne�arred by it in io�uc�P��QQds af�Pe ch aeductloRa.to ne reatoraUon a41AO .
<br /> heteby an�in such order as lender maY detBneUne,or to app�y . , �
<br /> � Property upan auch condl@on�es lsnder muy detemina Any�pR�ica4lon ot Proceeds to la�ebisdn2ss c1ai1 not extend or poatpono
<br /> the due date of any payments un�er tha No4e,or cure any defautt fherpur.der or h¢rounder.Any unappited tunds ehull bo pa�d to
<br /> ,: Yruator. .. � , .
<br />�, g, p;��sa b�Lg��r.Upon the accurrence ot an Even4 01 Dsfnult horoundor,aT it any ect is taken or la$al prccaadtnp i�: - -__-f
<br /> � eomenenced wfitch materfalty atfacta Lenders interest fn tha Property.lAnder may in its ovm discretlon,bul witf+sut abit$rstlor�f.�t!o -�-
<br /> so,and withnut noUce to or demart+i npon Truator and without releastng Truator from any obli$atlon,do any act whiCh Yn:atof RUO ;� 4;• . ,
<br /> agreed but tails to do and may al&o do arry oti�er act it deems necesctury to Drotact tho securitl►hereflL Trustor ehafl,immedPittal�r
<br /> upon deraand theretcr by l.endor,pay to Lendsr all co3ts end expenses fncurred and sums expandad by Lender in connsctlfln raftl� .. ' . . J
<br /> � ttie exerciso by Lond�r af 4h�toregoing righLS.togethar�vith interestthoroort atthc3 detautt rate providad in tho tVots.whicA ahtlti•b� ; _ _. ,
<br /> h
<br /> , addeai te 4fte indebiedrtess s�curod hereDy. Lendcr sh211 no4 incur any Ilability because ot anything it may do or omit�o do `:-<-- �,-: ` ..
<br /> hetettttd�r. • "
<br /> 9.�tdo�ts M�rtai�.Trustor ahall keep the property in cam6tlance wiVe sll appitceb'o laws.ordinartces and�*qutmFiuna -:Y.:;;::�,�
<br /> • -t:->'.�,.
<br /> ..:��:ss,'
<br /> relatinp to industria!hygEene or environment�t pratsctlon(catieetivaly reterred Uo hE�elo ss"Emriranmertta!L&w3"1.�or�1 . 'ra� -
<br /> keap the Proparty free tram ali substances deemed Lo Ee hazardous or tox(c undcr any�nvironrrsantat Laws(caitectsvePy retarr3d tD ��,'"
<br /> herein as"Hazardou9 Matsr[als'�.Trustor hareby wartant9 and represents to Lertder thst thmre are no Plezardou����n���n� _. '�
<br /> under tha PropeRy Trustar hereby agrees to indemnify and hotd harmt�se i.ertd�e,iis dirsctbs3,aiRcsra smplay�ss a -_ __
<br />;:��. any succsssora to Lender's InteresL hom and agalns4 any and ali ciatmo,damaycs,lossas artd liabiliUes arfsing in connoctls�n with �?`,
<br /> _ the presertce,�D R�R�����OfwS,AND TRUSTOR'S OBUQATtONS PU QRSUANT TO Tk��OREGOt G t DEMN1vl:aEll�l!- �'. .° �• , •
<br /> WARRANTIES !:' �`;' '� ! .:, � ,-:
<br />,.��•,t•,� 10.AssiDnrt►+�c8 eD t��.Trustor hereby assi�n��o Lender tho rents,issu:,..a and profits of tha Praperty:Rrovidad tftet�,crator !'�;:� �` •'.'.,��.i��
<br /> shail,unBl the occu���e�uf an Eveni of Defauit ha^ewr�ar,have tAo rtghzto co,��and retafn such reMS.issuz�+�rtd prmC�fasii fhsy �_ __�_.=
<br /> �_�;;," become due and pa��7a'iJpon the occurrence o`r���rani of�eta��L�end���y,eithflr in person or b�a�en��r�th nr'atlhout -- . _ _-__,
<br /> -' bringing any actlon ca�.�ceedin$.or by a receivar a��e's�s':.��y a caurt an�vr:�out regard to the adequacy af itu secudtii.an4er � 't=�:�;��.+!`�=••
<br />__:"..'`� "y �.� ..c�i�ir�=.:_,.
<br /> upon and take pos_�r:�ot the Property,or any part��:erec��:������mo or in th9 nasna ot tha Trastee,and do a act��rMch ft ,. ��.
<br /> �::,� deema necessaN ar dr�ir3ble to preserve the vatue,m�:-tea"�'-'�aT�T''���Y of t�e PropeRy.or any paA thereof ar intersmtihorein. ';_��; .� `•,� ``
<br /> -� r
<br />,'�':�:�'.� increase the incc,r.�tir�rafrom or protect the secu�ity t,2.`a�x asid.w��'s°r w:�:tuo:d taktng possesslon of tho Property.suo for o.s , ,• •
<br />`�:. . othervrisa coflecl.rt�:-e�:ts.issues and proflts th3raaf.in;,::rs-r�tftase�t�us.�n�unpaid,anA apDly the ssme.lessn co9ts and
<br /> ��eF,�z3�.�"i�'�and cotlectlon inctuding attomeys'��s.u�an a:sy in��ote��ass secured hereby.aU in auct�ordor os f.c3nder �'_� �� I .
<br />;!i���.•.15i � , •
<br />;r''S5;•.,
<br />,.._:x:. .. �;�y�,�;a:•rcn:2'^TMra a:�tering upon and taking poss�an af tria Prapa:ty,the:.attatUon of su�'•+*ents.Issaes ersd P�Uf s�rd the : :
<br /> =? :: �p�y.;,��,r,�,��ra�x�as atoresaid,shali not cure or wa:ve any d�'Fa�tt ar ttotc�a4 delault hcsaa'�flT or inva�idaffi anry�at cfr�rac3 a� ��;� ` _
<br /> response2os::c'�d�'h�u�torpursuanttosuchnoticea`d�°au�tar+C,n�tw:tt�s�x�in,�thacon�aua��ai�possessionotthePcv��� '`' �Y'� f-�.
<br /> the cppecUon,rec�:�t.�ad application of rents,is�es 3"D�9flts,and TrustE�a�ri'r.ander shall be entltlad tp exsrdse eve{9�ght , :�
<br /> pruvidedtorinany ott7te Loan OoCUmentsor by law vp�c►occurrencoafanyE��+'tzt�efautt,inctudingw14hcutkirr�icatia�.�D rl9htto ,
<br /> ' exe�cise the power ot sale.Funhsr,Lender's rights a�5 remediES undor this parngraph shatl be cumuta4ive�h.8rtd in�rt�D way a J ';v::I� -s±� :
<br /> Iimitationon,LendersrightsandremedlesunderanyassignmontofteauesandrontsrecordedaSains4UiePro�oY.yr.Londor�Yrustea , . ,� _
<br /> x,,, :. �rr :
<br /> and the receiver Shail be lisbfe to account onry those rents actualty�eceivad• ?Y,. .
<br />�- 1t. Ewnts of p�favit-The faftowing shall constltute an Hvent of Detauit unde�thls Deed of Trust
<br /> ' (a) Failure to pay any instsllment of principal or interest of sny oiher sum secured he�eby when due; •'�• ,
<br /> (b) A6reachofordefaultuntleranyprovfsioncontainedinthoNote.thisDcedotTrust,anyottheLOanDQCwn�af0.orany _ r;�•;;
<br /> . ather Ilen or encumbrance upon the Propertv: ,�.`.>�., �.:�-�
<br /> (c) A v�tit of execution or attachment or any simiiar procoso shall be entered against Trustor whiaA ohati bocamo a lien o�o �.-=
<br /> t�e Property or any poRion thereol or interest therein;
<br /> (d)There shali be tiled Dy or against?rustor or Borrower an acUon under any present or futuro tedor¢I,ttt8f�or other ��',-- _..�--,�.T-:
<br /> statute,law or regala4ion relaUng to ba�kruptcy,insotvency or othor relief for de�b�e ents,e suea or prot'�tu 9h¢oi.oiT� ��--�-�-
<br /> recefver or liqutdatar ot Trustor or 8orrower or of all or any part of tha Property. a
<br />' � or Borrower shail make any generai assignmert;7or the boaent ot creditors: ei= _---
<br /> (e)The�sale,transfer,lease,asstgnment Coxxeyance or fuRhor enceimbtence of eil or any par�ot ur:�.ro��[n�arest in th� -
<br /> , permit d to execute a ease�of the Properirty tha does oot ca�in n p�an to purcfies end the tsrr�otv htan�dao3 na!ex'ceed =- -�-_
<br /> �_�.,=��'_.
<br /> � one year,' °`°�
<br /> (�Abendortment of tha Property:or �:='��-`" ---
<br /> = (g) If Trus.t�u i,�not an individual,the isouEr+ca.�z:°.^�-�s�r,assign�a�i,conveyance or encumb�nao o!maroth;rs atataf r. T
<br /> 09„_—F�rcent of pf a corporetion)its issued and oui.randing atoc�c or(H a partnor'.vhlpp a totat nt ryar�'t of ���';
<br /> p�ership interests d�ldng the period this Oeed o1 Trust remains a Iien o»the Propertp. �'��_ -
<br /> • 12. Ramsdin:�xN�raUon Upon DofaulL In the event of eny Event of Oet�alt l.ender may,vdthout natiae excopt as req�.c:red by .LL�
<br /> ' law,deciare atl ittQ:ialeslness secured horeby to be due and payabis artd t�:�same shall theraupon h�3cAme due and payablo �:'•'_____��_.___._._.--
<br /> w(thout eny presenL:.����.domand protest or na�r,,rr ot any kind.Thereafter t.�nrisr may. ___ --__�
<br /> -� �ay Qer.;�rr;d'a12t Trustee exerCise the I��,F^,ER OF SALE g►anied�so'���i.and Truatee sheU�.hercafter cause Trostor's �__
<br /> � � �:%�r�t 6n the?roperty to bo sold and the pn:r.,eeds to be��Q�ributed,a:l::�:t�e manner provWed imthe Nebraske Trust Deeds � ��=:,.__
<br /> A:t ' -
<br /> � .:: n. ;��c.�f::.:;,:;:;`:_:
<br /> �. (D) Exe��anYandaflrtghtsprovidedtorinar.yo4,t��Cr<nDoCUm:r,s,*3orbylawuponoccumanceofanyEvenTCl't78tau1t; ,�����r���_fs`
<br /> and . ,......:.:�:.-
<br /> (c) Comrr�r��en action to toreclose this Deed of Trust as a moRgz��.•:r.•Aoint a r�ceiver,or cpaufc�'ty eniorce any of tha ��.�T _ _ __ � :
<br /> , covenants hereJ. �`��'{��
<br /> IVo remedy herein conterred upon or reserved to Trustee or Londer is intendac l�be exclusive of a�y a:5-er remedy herein,in th� ,,.:.YA:'
<br /> � Loan Documents or by Iaw providod or permitted,but each shali bo cumutative,shall be in nddititl�to every other remEdy glven , . ��.��_,_
<br /> hereunder,in the Loan Documents or now or hereaftor existing at law or in equity or by statute,ttnd may be exercised concurront6y, � .�_ �
<br /> ' independentty or successivety. ' • _ _
<br /> 13. TNStM.The Trustee may resign at eny time wlthout cause.and Lon�er mpy�t any dtt�e and�+�.hout cguse appoint e ,__,,;,,�.,,�,,.i. •. _
<br /> ' successor or substitute Trustee.Trustee sha�l not be liable to any parry.including nrtthout limitauon LenCer,I�r.rrower,Trustor or any _�_
<br /> purchasar o!tite Property,tor any Ioss or damage unfess duo to rectctess or wilttul misconduat�nd shaU�nt�e required to takeany . .� t
<br /> e�tion in connectlon with the entorcement o1 thls Deed ot Trust unless indemnified,in writing,tor all costs,compensaUon or �
<br /> ' exponses which may be associated therewith.In addition,Trustee may bocom�a purchaser at uny sale aT the Propert�(�i.;dicial or � •
<br /> � under tfio powat of sele grantod herein):postpono tho sate ot alI or any portion oi the Prcperty.as provided by lavr,c�sell tho • . � •
<br /> PropeRy as a whWe,or in separate partets or lo4s at Trustee's discretion. . . _
<br /> 14. F�s�nd Esp�ns�s.ln the event Trustee selts tho Property by exercise of power ot sale.Trustee shatl be entiUed to appty .
<br /> " any sate proceeds first to payment of atI eosb and oxpenses of exereising power of sale.inctuding all Trustae's feea and lenders �
<br /> � and Trustee's attorney's lees,actualty incur►ed to extont pormitted Dy applicable law.ln the event Borrower or Trustor exereises any . . _
<br /> � � right provided by law to cure an Event o1 Detaul;Lendor shatl bo entitled to recovar irom Trustor all costs and expenses actually .
<br /> � incurred as a resutt ot Trustor's default, �nciuding v�ithout limitetion all Trustee's and attorney's tees,to the extont permitted by
<br /> , . ;:_.� 8.hf111C9b19law " .
<br /> • . . �.
<br /> r
<br /> _ . ..�_';.'_ �--•,--...,,,�... _`;, _�,�_ _ ..... .', --�r^ .�- . .- ''_ . . t • " _.
<br /> - i �ri•.-.--�.� . ' t `- . ' �t. . ' .. . _. : , .. . � .
<br /> .. .. � . '.. ? ) .. . . . . � . ��^ ' ' • • ' � �7:, �� ' . . • .. �4 , '
<br />