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<br /> _ _ � DEED O�'�fia�Y t11iTH FUY�JRE AD1�A4YCE3 -' .. . .. -• . --:
<br /> THtS OEED O�TRUS'i,�s meQo as ot ths a�� day o! October ,�896 by and amon � `-� r�.
<br /> Ramon Zubia and Emma I. Zubia� Husband ac�d Wife , C,7 ';,;i;�,�� �.:.
<br /> Ute Truator. . " �
<br /> 819 E 8�h, Grend Island, I3E 688��. r�;n��Tr�s_MCr"whether ona or more). \� �'s�l�!. �:, :. ,. . =
<br />' ' � whose maiting address ia 1 � � � �
<br /> •� :�.4'• .�-.,;�;a s� -
<br /> '�4" cna7rustee. Fiv2 Points Bank , �` '���' . � ��L
<br /> •: c
<br /> �.�s , .�_.j.�� j'�_`
<br /> �'��, ,�nosemai�ingaadressis�015 t 9�coa,'t.�ll, Grand Island, Y� 6•�=�1 �hereln"Tcccs'.r�'�.a� �'�,, ' ��°=ry
<br /> .�.�� '�,. .� ,,::
<br /> ¢ . .F�� :�_ . ,
<br /> .� .�rp: �`b�• .
<br /> �:;n��' the Benefic;ac�, Five Poin�s $antc — ' f•,
<br /> : ��. .
<br />•°%z�� • 2015 N. B�oadurell, Grand Ialand. NE 6880�! �he���°p��r,}, -�� _�;.��:.�iS`rt:- _-
<br /> :.�, whose maiiirtg s�i3re8s is •
<br /> �at:'.•�f�s{G.
<br /> `�`4 FOR VALUABLE CONSfDERATiON,including Lender's extension of credlt identified herein to Ramon Zubf a arta - ; �""�`,�,�__
<br /> r-, '
<br /> .:t =
<br /> . Emma I. Zubia �herein"Borrower',whether one or mora)and the uust herlam cre8ted. '�°�"-°���_ '
<br /> the receipt of which is heroby acicnowl3dg�d,Truotor hereby irrevacabty grants,tranafers,conveys and asslgns to Trustee.IN �•� _
<br /> ' TRUST,W1TH P01NER OF SAL@.tor tho O�nefit and aecurity of Lender,under end subject to the terms and conditlona hereinafter set "
<br />�'.?��f/`r forth,the reai property,daocribed as foltaw� r}"'"'
<br /> . `T
<br /> -1:" .
<br /> ' ,; Lot tWO (2? an block ten. (IO) in John Voitle's ac7dition to the � - ���:�;f �;:�,:,.
<br /> City of Gsa�d Island� ��11 County, Nebrasi��► `�,' ' --
<br /> .�`:.;;,--
<br /> . -}:�.... _-_-
<br /> Topether wnh ail buitdmgs,improvemont0.tiraures,streets,aileys.;��geways,easemente,rights,pHv(teges end appuRe-
<br /> ��,�`.:<,
<br /> rtances loCSted thereon or i.�anywise pe►tF►infnc�Utereto,and the rents,issaas and profiib,rever8lona and remairtdero thereal,end �
<br /> a
<br /> such persona!properiy ths'!is att¢cfiad ta!ha Jmprovements sq as to const(tute a tixture.Inciuding,bui not Itmited to,hesUn�end :>�� .
<br /> � caoling equfpman�and togother wfih the horv�ostead or marital interests,if any,which interests are here'by reteased and evalved;a0 +tE • .
<br /> of which,inctuding repleaemonts and additiort�3uereto,is hereby deciared to be a paR of tho real estate secured by the Ilen oithia , .•�`�.;
<br /> Dsed ot Tru�t and ali of tho torogoing boinp retdrr�ad to here�n es the"Proportyr'. � �-�-' '="'
<br /> ; This Deed ot Trust ohafl eecure(a)the pay�ment of the principai aum and interest evidencad by a promissory note or aredi! °�`_-=`_
<br /> �:eamont dpted n�t�b�Ar�i, lg� having a maturity date of October 15, 1998 , __�-:. --
<br /> , � in the odginol pdncipal emaun3 of� d.a7�._RO .and any and ali modificatlons,extenalona and renewats �r`�,.
<br /> ;F�i% thereof or thereto and any.a�d aA fuwrs advanaes and readvances 1�19oROwer or an o!them if more than one)herounQer 1�-^
<br /> � Y t..•.•�.=.-���� �
<br /> •,•j�f pureuant to one or mare promiasory natas or ar�tt agreements(hereir,�-�J!ed"Note'�:(b)the payment o?other sums advenced by �,;_.�!_.;m_,�-„�:F'
<br /> ::,��� f�ender to protact the secuNr/otthe Nots;(a)4ho portormance o!all covenanb and agreements of Trustor set torth hereln;and(�all -_
<br /> �r.asent and tuture indobtaCneas and obl5;�atlana ol8onovrer(or any o!th0m if more 4han one)4o Lendet whether dlrect,indirect __ _
<br /> r --
<br />,:�.,��;�r� �sotute or conUrtgont and whothor aris3aD by noYe.guaranty.overdraft or otherwise.The Note,this Deed of Trust and any and aU
<br /> '�'�'i,; other docuentathet Secure tho Note or othoruvi£sa 3xecut�d in connection therewitfi,including without IimiffiUon pu�rantee9,secudiy _
<br />--Ld.� . „-....w .�_:._.
<br /> ,'��,,+�;�� egreemonta ahd asstg�menta ot tonses and ronto.shaU be reterred t¢i�r�-ein as the"Loan Oocucrcqn4s". �-_ .
<br /> •-�:'. Truator covenanta and agr�oes wl4h Lenderaa tollows:
<br /> � 1. Paymes�t ol(ndebtedneoa.Ail indent�rdn[us secured h9reby sL•,:A.��a paid when due. �``����"'
<br /> � 2.�iRa.Truntor Is the ovmer of the PropQety,has tlsc r�ht and suihority to cenvey the ProperSy,and wartrttrl�that Me tlen j,�.
<br /> created hereby is a flrst e�8 prtor lien on Oie Property.�sapt for liers and encum0rances set fortA by Tc��iac icr•wriUn�and
<br /> ,:�i,,:;: detivered M I.�r.�der bofore execution o14h1�Qc�ed oi Trust and the exec:.�on and delivery of this Qeed of Truatdaar,trnxtvioiata eny ��-� �� �—
<br />�`�:+:�.,� conUact or a:'va�obllgaUon to whtch Trustor iy subject ---
<br />>t'~-x' 3.Ta:so,�uztum�nb.7o pay bo�toro deiSnquoncy atl texes,speciel assassmenta and all atRar charges agai�st the Properly �.�„...,a.• .
<br /> �`•'�%ti�'+� rrsW 0�hefA09:Or�ieYlOd. i �•
<br /> �t � 4. Inwr�nct.Tok�s.�-�?ropertyinsuredagalnstdamagebyflre,hazardslnduct�withlnthetsrm"extend�rr�W��erase".and
<br /> �?•:�',�` au�h other�az2�"8 88 P.rc:r+`.►s'�r'�ay requlte,in amounts and with companles aecepinLlr ta Lender,namin�Lendec mK�ra�adtllUonal _ "_ __ `_J.
<br /> `���r�;, P�mad InSy�.�%::�Icss��,�a:ie to tho Lendor.In case of loss under such pczlicl�a'!ro Lender ia authoriaed to 8�1.�",colla:t end ' '� ' ��°°
<br /> �. r�!;ti eompromia�,�.1 zl-�ims�J:arss�Cor and��zJt�av�the opUon o!appiyirg ml cr�trs�t c':flo insu�ance�r�.rzeds(q to erty indebtedctees �� ��'`r.�.•
<br />.; (,i�,�.
<br /> ,;,.,�.;f secured hE�is,r�ead in such crder as LendS�may determine,pq to the Trt:�rr_�:c�e�sed tor the re�ir�r�rpstoraUOn otthe Propecl� •�`��U
<br /> i,:,
<br />� � or pii)for uny ozner purposs a:object sa::�ta,ct�rv to Lender without at'uqfr�the Ilen ut ir•�s Deed of*n��tar thetuil amoun2 sec�rnr,C ._ :.���;.
<br /> ��greby bofore auch paymer•c�over took ptpce.kny appllcaUOn of procseda to inde6ir�rlr.ess shall not extend or postpone the due � ,
<br /> +,�.rt,
<br /> ri�te ot any pttyments unCffr tne Noto.or cure any detautt thereunder or hereunder. 1y;t;r;: . ,
<br /> � 5. Eserow.Upon wriT;en domand by Lendor,Trustor shall pay to Lender,In such manner ae Lender may deafgnate,sufficient • . . �, � .
<br /> ;'.�,�;:, sums W enabto Lender to pay ae they boaome due one or more of the'��.�ning:p)eil taxes,esaesEmGV�and oiher charges asainat ' ; ���` '
<br /> '��:;i the PropeAy.(li)the premlum0 on tho proporg�insurence required hant�:ndar,end(iii)the premiumx�n any moftgege inaurance
<br /> � requttttd by Londer. .
<br /> • 6. MatNenunco,Rapatro and CornpFSunao w1tF�Luwa Trustar shatl keep tAe Property 1n good condltlon and repair,shall
<br /> promptiy repnir,or replace eny improu�m�nt which may be dameged or destroyed:shail not commit or pe�m(t any waeLa or
<br /> detedoreUon of tha Property:�hall not remov�,demolisfl or substanUalty altar any of tAo improvementn on the Property;shall not _
<br /> cammit,aufter or permitany aatto be dono tn or upon the Property in viotaUon o1 any Iaw,ordinance,o►regutaUon;end st�afl pay and . —
<br /> ' prompUy dischargo at Truatota cos!and exponae all llens,encumbrances and charges lovled,imposed or assessed agai�st the ,- �
<br /> , Property or any part thereot
<br /> �
<br /> '_.__-_
<br /> a �'��9 � �-----._ _ ,
<br />. ��. : � �
<br /> •' L�'�!`R4�.�4iMi1�AM{/I.��1'�2 ' t � , . ,�._ , T . �-..-,. ' ...,I._- _ .l
<br /> ,ti;. . i :;yi '(�:, 1� '''i� � �� , ,.` � .�.
<br /> i.� _ .. . . .�5:. .��•,.�.7 . . . . ' .... .. • • . -� , �. .. _ . _ . , _ , .. . . , - - _ . . ' . . . . . �
<br />