��� -_ ..�_as-. 'r . _�.... .�......._.._..._.._...r.. ' ...; .' �:• }� . _.__�..�• •` - r..._ _�.�:—:r�. .. , � �._uaai.an. -
<br /> ..< „ �..� � - � . . . r .,�..
<br /> ` TRZE�ffi 'I�ht�'JYSN Ptt#HIA T L:�ifl . 86'� ����i.�I 1004�l6 10/21I199� Y�,�fw ,,��`....r��
<br /> �,, .�,..,�....:........,_,: __- _
<br /> � 18. Boreawer's k�igtc3 Ho L�eic�saie. No2wi� 1�-"��s accelesadon of the st�s sec�ued bY t�iis 1D�ed of • , .•:.-..Yt., --
<br /> 'Tc�st.due to Baaoevcr's breac�. Boirower sh�l]hnve the dgb.t to have az►Y Dmor.diugs begun�SY�r to enfota:th�s ' . r.;�:.�:':�r``�.?�,
<br /> ... a ���r.x�,.
<br /> IDeod of Tcas3 disconti�ud ut anY d�e Pnor w th;euliGr to asau of(€) the fi�h day befoxe ttce sate of the Pcupeiay �
<br /> o tbis Deed of'fm..�t iF fa) "'`' ` �'
<br /> gu�uani to tLe goaea of sale sanfaiaed in this Q�ed of Teast or rn7 enary of a judg�t esf xcinII . -� _�Y.,,���,_T_L__ .
<br /> : . <,.��
<br /> Bamace�r pays Lem�er ell saais whlcFa wuuld be t�:n du:u�dcr this Deed of T� BQa�nvv�er Naca �i�thLs�a ' `• '.^•�__'~=1��:'.-� -z-.
<br /> oc�d: (te) ��muc,rax c�ates all breaches of uuy other covennnts ar s�ements er , �� . ,°;:-":
<br /> Trust: (c) Borrower pays all rtaso�bl: eaptav� inruried bp I.er�er � TYUStea ia enfAS�ins t�e cav�ts aw1 - ' - .�:-;�;�:
<br /> � agr�of Borrower oo�in�d�n ehia Deed of Tm�t�nd in enfonin8 Leud�r�s aud Tn�'s remedies as o��� ,:.��,' . .;�. �.
<br /> Paxagzaph 17 her�of. inclu�8, buc �t liffited w. re9sonxble atton�eys' fces: and(d) Borrawer ta�es�r.sdon as � '" . � _s�
<br /> e -
<br /> Lesder may masonably ra�ire to assu�e th�t th: lien of this Dec� of Tnist. Lender`s inttnst in che Pcope�► and � '. .<� r:. .
<br /> Soaower's obligzdoa w pay ths sams santod by this Deed of Tznst sh�ll condnue unim�od• UPon such gaym:nt and _. .'..- .-- .- - _
<br />-- nst
<br /> `'< c�by Baxrn��. s9�is Des9 of T�st a�r1 ch�o�s l i g�s ions secur�d henzby shall r�main in fall force and effect as if no -- ... _ .
<br /> r L $OCt1Cp23L0II�0�i1ffCQ. 5,?t4F lyi; °
<br /> ;`
<br /> 19. A�e� of Rt�s; APP�t�+�t of Rtse[vsr; I�d�r in Plossesstan. As edditional s�cutity heieu�er. ,�' �
<br /> Barrower 1�Y essit;ns to Irtnder the reuis of rh-Pmperty, Qm v l d e�t h�t B n s o w e r s h a ll.prior to�cceleiauon under ��.�_.:;' -�
<br /> P3rag�aph 17 hereof or aba�donment of the Pmpeny.t�ve the right w collect and rer�in sach re�as they beco�e due aud j�,�;'�i��'"�"'�
<br /> pa��• ,�, ,_.... �.:���
<br /> Qpon scceierarian nnder paragraph 17 6ereflf or a��nt of the Progeiey.I.ender. in Pe�on.i�Y 88ent or by :;�-:�`v_,-"- � ,.�....
<br /> .. ju,disia�ly appoiue�d receivez s�all be entitiod w enter a�n,ta3se poss�ion of apd manag€the Pcaperty and oo sallect the �^. ;_-
<br /> � tenG of the Pmg�tc.Y mciudin8 �os� P�da:. All re�s colte�ted by Ixndez or tBe receiver sl�all be applied Sast w ---;.�- �. � _-;. -_
<br /> �. ��- � �— —' -
<br /> payment of the e¢�of managemeat of t�:�opexty ar�xd:ection cf reats.i�lgdi�g.ln!t r�ot limite�ta,teoeiv�'s fees. �-=_,__-- ". _.-
<br /> • p�s on ieo��-ec's bands and reasambl.��:�gs'f�s.aad then w t�,e sunss s�ced by this Deed of T:a�. Lender •��,E::=�--=�_,;;_—
<br /> ��:.:�,�..-:�,u_
<br /> ana!tbe teceiver seall bz tiable to�cauui o�S�fimr��reuts r.�taallY received. - '.�"�°'�"�`'...
<br /> e • ' � ' �"�- .
<br /> 2.�. Seoo�ve7ana• UP�PaY� of alI snms se�ed hY this Deed of Tinst. I.ende= si�ail �eqa�t'Tcastea to F;-•;�;.��,�--.,,,
<br /> ,�v,�y the pmperty aad sl�Il sunencer this DePd of Tc�2�.�d all notes evide�cin8�t�dness secaied 1rY d�i.s De�of .S���;`;'" .r �., � ::
<br /> f g c:.�i t o T m s t s e.Tcastee shall tecomr�y th:Pmperty wit���aaa�ty�cridiont ci�ge w the gerson or peisons Iegally •.�?!�.L:�:.
<br /> -. � er�fle�eh�eto.Stu3i person or pe�song sha]i pay all c�sta of rec�rda�am.rS�ny. _ _,;,�—
<br /> ..,, ,�,,.;. ,_.
<br /> �l. Su6�te Te�tee.I.enaer.ai I8�'s flptian.may fmm aa�tn time remave Trustee��point a saccess�r " .,.��,� '-i
<br /> ' � to any Ttastee appoiated hereuoder bY an ins�ment reconied in the c�anntY in whi��s B� nf Ttnst is : r , .. ._
<br /> . n�sorded. Wit�at camreYance of ths Pmpeity. the siuce�or aus� sball ancce�d to all the dt1e, pavr�amd duties `� ...
<br /> ��f'.��H Yif�' �iP�'
<br /> canfeaced upon the Tiustee hereia and by apglicable law. ��.-•�k � '.:"�_. : .
<br /> � � � �E. Reqad�t faar Nadoes. Bozro�vac req�ests tha2 caPies of the nndse of defwlt aad msir,�of sale be sent to ;:}� �` ,.,-�
<br /> Bo�+n�vtr's�wLich is th�PmpeYty Addtc�s. . . •�,�-�``• . ` ,
<br /> 23.Ha�u�Su�s.Bm�mu�ea shxll not c�ar pepaut t�e pres..�nce,use.dispac�l•�s�ge.or releaa�of ury , "� '.`;'•. ;
<br /> &...:`r.,e`�.. �,n . -
<br /> F£�rdoos SuDstances on os�n th:Property. Bnao��il.mt do.mr aliow supQAe etse to do,anpthinS a�Cting d� ,� ,:; . :;�-•,• ;�
<br />,.. pcoperty that is in vtolltinn of anp Eavltonmeffia!Iaw. T:�t�P�tedin8 two sentences s�aII not apg18 to the Pnesence.ase, ::..,: :.• :�,.
<br /> � ar storige an the PsopertY of smaU quantides of Aarrrdous Sab�tirnt are geneza]Iy reco��i be apptopriate w `..;::� � _.:
<br /> �.
<br />. �� apmnl r�ai,i��nSsdt.�:sa ard tu���s!r�m=of the Ptoperty. 3��,;; .�.
<br /> • � l9aamtver�aII pm�.'���'e Y.e�der written natIce of any imes��ation.cL3im,dem�.la�suit or othx aaron isy _
<br /> a�.g' �g,memme�fal or re�-�rur�y► age�cY or psivat� �y imratvi�g tbe pmpe�4y aad anY Ha�ardaus �aa�re or Y,_.,-.: __
<br /> Euv�pamental L�w of Rfiich Bomotvea�actaal knowledge. If Borro�ves teams,or is mtiSed bY�Y 8�+'��r .:�i�.'.:-� -
<br /> �c_
<br /> LG$�Yti19 a11tb(1I�tS1. t�11t IID}1 LCJIiOY:lI Qd m'�1:I TCIDO�lOII Of 3II}T H8ffi�U11S $S3bSf�CC �ECh�" tb+°. L�C�t�► 1� �;",7,p�, !�' '-.
<br /> �.B03IOL�f:T SI1aI1�)IO�jI Q8T[L°3:��ICID0�9�8Cl�ODS III BCCOi�3IlCC W1111 BDVIIOIIP�:�I1iV. . .� '�_��e�n'.�
<br /> /,S II�iGd�II t�S p111$49Q�S�. `�B�L�iL4.�3f83'.CCS�iIIC t�1DSC SI1bSS�IICCS dCfl�aS[OZIC UT��ficmnCe4 � -•.•
<br /> � � b u�mim�eatal Law ass�th°follu►i3�{g sabstances:�liue, kerosene, a�her flam�ble as to�dc paroi��. ' . �J �`
<br /> � g asbestoa oz fo�dehy3e.aad radio�ive.�aul�als. ��f'^! "`'
<br /> t�pesi�cides aad beibicldes.volaa"1�solvcnts.mate�co�ining ' �;= ,
<br /> � � As nse�l in tLiis ga�23,'Buv3mn��Law'�.ans federal lawa aa�laeus of the jamsditxlon wLae tis�t�y is _ k, �_��"?s.+��%=�^� .-',
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<br /> tac�.°�!thst ceTate to lualth.safetY Pm �f�,`
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