i:�, �.__�.._ "�,.��.. .�------- . : . _ _ . . . 9� �,�ffi;��'� - ioo4�6 �o�ai��99s �' � ° _. __ F.,�_
<br />- _ .� .� TRINH T•NflUYI3t� Nt3£iI3� T 2IG0 ` -
<br /> . , NH m rn�cdon♦vith a�Y E':�--:.:..._,.__....,_`".��=-_.
<br /> �� 9.Co�t��n�3tor�.'l�e p�eds of any awaYd or cL9im far dQmages.direce or consequen�l,' .. t .-' ;,: • —
<br /> d_m
<br /> 4 of the Property. or put theieof. or for comreyanse in lieu o€cendemnation, aze herei�Y .
<br /> : '� cota�2mn�itan�'r oth,.i tak��8 mortgage.deed of uust or other sec+uitY ag�e�with a • : =
<br /> n
<br /> ��a���Y�w��e�.subject to the cem�s of aay � �
<br /> � � liea which hz.�priarity over chis Beed af Tnsst. ��, Nmt a Welve�. Extension of ths dme for paymeat ot . ' `.
<br /> , 10. Boau+�r�a RI�t �'�zd. Foa�earance BP b Leu�er to aay suxessor in interest of . .
<br /> � �:
<br /> � madiflr$�ioa of a�:o�on of the sums securea by tlus Deed of Ttust g�anied Y . . . -
<br /> - ' Bozrower shpSt unt op2rate w relea�e,in an3'manu�r.th�IiFb�ir�+of the original Borro�ver and Barrowu's snccessfl�in `�•�
<br /> �t be�tluired to commence Pm�ngs aga���or or refnse w eAtead time for payme�t �
<br /> intenest, l�eadex sha11 made hy ti�o�i�nal , -
<br /> . or uthenxfEe mndifY am�ra�uon of the sams secared 1�+this Deed of Tn�st by reason of any d�r�dY���r. ' ' ' . .�y.�
<br /> BorroR.x anfl 8oaower's suscessors in inte�c. �►nY�bY Lender m exerc�smg any n8h t or rem�dY• • , . -
<br />- licabte law,shali not be a cvaiver of or preclude the exe�°�az►Ynants w�d aSreements herein .. •
<br /> -- or ath�rNi:e afEQrd�d bY� gound;Joiat and�eeerai Ida�ilit9:Co-siSne�s• `- � . � . •`-
<br /> --.- tle Sac���� ��r��m,the respecave�°IS a�d assi8�of Leader and Borrower. �^-;-- -;--.._ F '_-„
<br /> con3s:in�sh�1 bir�l,aad the rights manic of Boaower shall be j�int and severst. . . N..�. .._
<br /> subj�ct to the provisions of pazagraPh 16 hereof. All covenanss aad ugree , ,' '�,=
<br /> this Deed of Tiust.6nt do�s Bnt exetute ths Note.(a)is co-signing this Deed of Tra�st only to _
<br /> A�y So:rower wlto ca-s�gns �Tm..�e under che te�ms of this Deed of Trust. (b)is not -- -`.-.
<br /> i ...., .,�
<br /> _ I.,� g�aat and�m+eY t�at Boaower's interesc in the PmPe�Y �r��y oth,.:r Boaower heneur.der ` .; �fi..` . -'=
<br /> th
<br /> p�ffitiy lit�bie on d�Note or nnder this DeeEi of Trnst,and(c)a�s t� ��e�of this Deed of Trast or :�;``�-
<br /> ,';: ,foibear,or mak�any other atcomm4dations w[th� Deed of Tmst as w t�hat ., .�.�;��,�_ .:
<br /> �r>�;�;�4.� �y agree to eAter.�.madifY Borcower ar � . _ --
<br /> ':. Boaov+r�r's vonsent and arithaac�ic��nS :;. . _
<br />_ :.�<�i t!L Note.cvithont t�at .�.: �`.���`'�',";;=-,�:`:"_
<br /> '.;`,� Boimwer's inte�esi in the PraPertY• �md��Plicable law to be g'rven u►amth�r manae�. (a)a�Y n��ce to •-�;�;..; '�'.'", - •<.g';
<br /> _ !2.11T�. ��P!for D�d of T'n�st sball be gi+►en by delivecing it or by mailin8 such twris,c bY to I.ender as ,�;��:""_;���-�. -.-�,
<br /> . Hoaower pmvided far in this b nntice ,°--�--�"-�=..._ -._
<br /> add�essed tQ�amwer at the PraPeitY Addres�oY at suct►atfler add�s as Born►�ver may designate��rein or to s�a�ch ,� �- -:
<br /> suc
<br /> . : p r o v i d e�h e�n,.a n d(b)a a 3►m ri ce w Leuder sball be gn+en by c��1 w LendEr's address B e e�of . ' :~�.
<br /> vi d e d h e r e i n.A n Y n o t i ce p r a v i d e d f o r i n d i i s � ,. , � �
<br /> other addcesss as I.eader may designate bY nodce to Boaower as pro .
<br /> c s °`�'�'";�'k�+..�+ :
<br /> Tzast sh�lt be dgemed to I�e been givea w Bormwer or Lcnder whsn 8�'��this Doed o �n b�e th�lavr�og tt� ., , . .. ,r,�d,•� .. .
<br /> ' 13.����+S e v e�a b D i t 9.The stzte and locallaws applicab no:limtt th� a'4n�Y o f F e d e r a llaw m t�us � `
<br /> ,`.;�':; is lucated. reg inS�mx shaD �� ---� �"
<br /> jurisdi�tion er��ich the PtoPenY The fo Q
<br /> . �;..�. --
<br /> ` =- iovision or clauss of tLis Deed of Tnu-t or th.No2e ccsa'�e�s wi�►�aPU��-�Q'• � •�+ y` � �_
<br /> . ,`,�_: �eed of Tm�. Ia�e��s Waz anY P en effece arcth�a:t dS= ; ,..,k- � :_ �—
<br /> �`' saeh oonflict sha�1 nat�ff.ct other provisions of tbis L►eed of Tnsst or the Note which can be gn+ ,r . :5-1.�
<br /> �a�this end tbe pmvisior��f�is Deed of Tmst and the Nate are declared w be se�eiabl�. As t�L,'• . ! � �:'
<br /> ,� �� �m,'•�ses• and 'attorueYs� f�s-iacl�d�all sams to the exteaat nat pra1u'bited bY applicable law or -. ,� .�,'�j ..{�-'
<br /> l;:s. •�' � �
<br /> �t�� e�a confo�ca?Y af the Notz sud of this Deed of T:ust at tt� �:��.�;.i,�,`.� -
<br /> ' •• 14.I��`��F�.Boaowet sh�ll be fumisb ' ' .. ::•.z� . • .
<br /> :`';�.� i.me of e$e�.�es a�c��rdation heteaf. unde[ stly h0� `�r.' : �� ��. .��.. :�'
<br /> ' lg, y�,�.ff=,s�t+�:r.�,a, Ti.r�anaA�e+eam�t- �nower sball fulfill ail of Bozmtiver's abfigadons � .. , �i . .
<br /> ' % msrot which Bormwes emeis in�o�vit�L�r.�cr. Lender.at Le�er s �-
<br /> or other loan agtee ��to I.on.�er B� , � s'�
<br /> ;.r;;�� re]�abili���ve�:-a,rePair ia a form an asQ nt of a�r .,. �. �,,..:�, -:_
<br /> opdon, msy� ��iYe Bo�wer to e�a:se and deliver w Lender,���ly lafsoY,matea�or senrices in coffieeaa� <�i rMrv, J�� �`
<br /> righis,c11i�e�z defenses qvhich Borca��may have againsc patti ` n�, r����� _.
<br /> with im�myemerys r�de�the Propeny of tt�PmpenY a�anY in�e�st �'r.'... �;�� .
<br /> r iD 844D0�Yt+T. If 21l OY SIIy� ''•� d�f�'_• .`i.
<br /> -- 16.T,r�m'�er cf t���ty or a Beneficla�L�ra-� `��,-:'' ��,;_.-.,
<br /> in it is sold aT eiangf�(or if a beneficial iniere�in Boirower is sold o�us�fe�ed und Bo���fail�of� ��`' '�:;
<br /> :�
<br /> pe�son)R�li�Lender's pr�or written consRnt.Lender may,at its a�don,requi���c if eaet+�ise�p hibited by fe�eva! ���•�:-
<br /> 1 �
<br />-. ._..-_.. �ured 6r�Deed of Tmst.However,ttais aPdoa shall mt tre a�cised bY �. ,1.�.�
<br /> taw as of tft�.°,r�ate of this Deed of Ttust. mvlde a peri�l �`�C-_-�� -�.�
<br /> If Lender eaetci�:s tfzas aPtion.1.ender shari give Boaower aadce of�eraeio�.Tiie�tioe sLaU p ��qr,..�rt.,,,�,_ ,-_
<br /> of not less c3saa 30 da3�i�m die dace the not€ce is delivered ar mailed wit3�a wh+�ch Boamrer masc pay all sams secuse�l --_--�._._ �.W.
<br /> riar to tt� iaau9a of this period,Lemd�r map im+afie a.�,,� �-�
<br /> °`�f'�::.� b this�cf Tr►�sc.Fy�oirower 6ils w pay tLese svms P �P ..��� .-_
<br /> ,�.i��„.. 4
<br /> ...•;;afi(,.:;;, y ,• .. :i��?�'r?�Sf:;�_=.-
<br /> `'�'�;r., remzdies��aiaed�y '��eed of Tn�without fiuther norice cW��-�and oa Borrower.
<br /> `' � NON-UNiFORM CA�AN7S. B�:zrower ausl Lender fa��xvenwt a�d agPee as E�3�r�s:
<br /> � , r,�t3�� -�: _,
<br /> • 17. At�laradoa L'�cs. Except �s Qc�v1r� in �raPb ��0a�4, uycm�rrrawe�a broac6 04 aL,i : ,;..- . -_
<br /> cov�a�a�o!Bormw�tn tbls Dta��'Tnzst,tmclu�in,4�'�'s fs�S3Qre W p�ya DY thx end oi 10 '
<br /> s
<br /> �,'.,,,.:,._�_q�,---;
<br /> ca1e�cL�y9 af�er they are dae,an9 sua�s sec�by�Dced ot Trust,L�dec pslo�to aoce[�o�o sha6�Ci�►x �s _���:
<br /> 6 12 haeof e�,�L�'�nS� (1) thx breach; (2)t�x astion requSre�to a� �.;.:.:-�- �-.'
<br /> � aptlt�tt�i�tsrrawv as provlded In p�D � ""�""S��"�"�,i:.;'
<br /> � surb 6Ya�(3)a d�+�1�t6an TA days fi�n tLe dat�r1n��ottoe is m�sd 4o Borrow�,by afils6 such�udtE
<br /> ' � mnst be�;ac�d l��fillmrE W wre sucb breach on vr�ore 4�x d�Ee spe�tie�ia thz aotice a�y�t� . ,,��.�.. �
<br /> s�'le�vn ot t�sm�as s¢cared by t6Ls Deed ot Tnst and sale of t�1fro�rty.The r�otlse sliali tluttrtr'l�o7�rr ��y'i
<br /> �-_=
<br /> Boteo��ct t�e d�t to rdnstate after ac�eteattan aad t6e e�t to brin�i o m��rt adlon to asaeit thx�a� - - _ �,
<br /> et
<br /> - y .•S���"'—_.:
<br /> ,' a d�IIl�a€anl othe*deimse of BorraW�to accda�atioo sa�Fate.If t�e bseacD Ls aat a�re�l mn or befe�a t+ht d�te �1 �
<br /> •.•� r Leadar.at Ltader's optfan.mal dedare�il oP t�2 s�sec�1��ti�D�ed oP'fr�est to b� .
<br /> .�, s�i"ied.in ttr�e notice. ��ut tmthei�aa�caa�i�aic,t rms gaw�o?�l+e and aa,1 ot#u eeme�3es ��:=
<br /> " �� 8.en,.,8•nt..tv duE�d piyllWe `..,,,,, :,.�-
<br /> ��i. � �..........�—i
<br /> �D
<br /> • p� �7 sPP�e �. I.ender eba0 t�e m�'� to a+l�ect a7� c�6ie costs aa� �spa�es , ,,, ,
<br /> `.i.`. : pm�ufa�t�a+�zed:es provtded in this par�gra�i�L�',�'S�b�rt aat➢�4u1 to�e+�so�632 a�J�°lees. -�!��� �Y `
<br /> ' Ff titc��Cawe�r ot sate ig iav o k e d,T r u�tee a h a ll r e a a t�a u a i l r x o�d s f awit in Qac6 cot�Qy tn wnicii the Pr�3ert'z ca ._,:.a�,. .,.
<br /> �•''" a�tioe in the mtnner pre�'Ibe�1 b7�pp11�D�e FitY�t� ....��,��' .
<br /> '�' � same prc�'8 the�ot t�tocated and sliaU ma11 e�ptes ot sndn _
<br /> BormHer and to ti�oih�r pe�sons pregcribed bY a9PUc�bie l�w.Ai4ea�tbe lapse of s�th rtlme�b7��� - ..;;;�`ra,.: _--
<br /> aPplicabie law.T�astee shaU give Pub1iC notice of sale to the persocn an�In We msc�*P
<br /> � l�qv.'IYu�ec.ve�lhoat de�nd on Borrvwer.shaII srll the Pro�erty fls P�c au�tiop Qo� ���order as Tu�ae ;�
<br /> �au!Pt�ce and�the tems dc:l�ted in the natice a8 sa2t tm ome or m�ve�c affiwu�en�at 84ix tt�,e �� _
<br /> �. ' m�y d�e�fa�.Tr�,4ce uoey postpune sale of at1 or aay p�rue!of t�e ProPe�ty bl� �E�P�Y�a�l�e• - . -
<br /> an�alaoe ot an7 W'eviou�l���sale.Lsuds�or Ltadm►'s d�ga�e maY P��� • •
<br /> . . Upon reaeipt ot WJm�t of the pslce bfld.T�ru�tocs oS�at�d�ltvar¢0 4he p�arcl�nc�'Trustse's deed oonveyin�the �.
<br /> � Aro�soQd.'Y't�x res[�s im th�Tn�ee's de�st�ll b�prim�f�ste evidxnce o?tiu tnNi of tir�ste3emtats mzde �
<br /> tM.,nSn.Trasl��a0 aDD�Y�e proead9 mf the a�le in tha B�crr�►1 offder:(a)4o nll�msflnab4e ca�ts an�e�eas�of °, �`
<br /> t
<br /> • � the sule.incl�din�,bat nQt ltmitefl to.Tru�ee's fee9 adaal�l I�c�'�oS aat mmre th�n S 96 0!tbe��P�ce+ • . s� ��
<br /> � re�ons�:a aitomeys' fec�snd co�s of t�tl�evtd� R►)to�di su�sctiule�by tiils Deed of Te�i;an� (e) thz . . r---`
<br /> . asa�s,df anY.to�De pelson or pason9 leplly enttLled thr�o. � �
<br /> .� . �
<br />�--- •----_-_ =- ---.._ --.
<br /> -- . ..�. -
<br /> Pate 3 af 5 �
<br /> Nebta�n 2687&2 5l95 Origiaai(Racords3) Copy(Branahl CoPY lCu�toaos) � . ;. --
<br /> . _ .
<br /> i� :
<br /> - �_�,..--..__.......-._----.f---r-- _ .,_' ' "_ •.
<br />._ _--.._ . . ;--�—'_�- _ _ �i .. : . _ . . .. - - � • -.
<br />' ' i` � ' , , ' �-.�.{�`�41� 1}�i .. '� , , ` � . . .. '
<br /> - 'i ;;� . . ._ .• , .� .. ��, �� - •� . . . � .. .
<br /> . � �.. . . . . - . . .. . . .. •• - � i, . - • � . . .���:{s;,.ai 7..�.�. . . . . . . . . . ' ... _ . . . _ . . [ •
<br />