' . ' , � . , ,}- ' . . _ . . . �.�.-,i,'�J_'_�..__.. i , �''.c'.L.%_t_.�_-.._.--i-�C"tZ'�'t. • �y t.• �-L�.:Se �b=
<br /> ' ' _—.-_�_.a�......__v.�_____._--..-._..�. — Y : 't•:s'- .G , �.. ,.
<br /> ' � �.A� t'� �:4u t,� �. •''`� �._.�_'
<br /> . �'� -" � c�F�°'['s
<br /> , 47, Yransfer �f t$�e Pro�aeRy oe a �enefictai lntorest ire �orrnvue�. tt a�i or any Qart ot rne aropercy or "� ,�� `
<br /> � any irsterest in it ig sold or transferted tar it a beneIlcal mterest m Bo�ro�ver is sold or transterred and Bortower is not a naM'al =
<br /> persool wRhoul tender's pnor wntten cansent. Lendar may.at rts optwn.require immediate payment m fu;!of aJ sums seeured by � +� � :
<br /> th�s Secunry InsQumEnt. However. tflis opUan shatl nol be exerased by lender rf exereise is proh:brtad by�ed2a�;aa+ as o!the � '°� " -- — ., _.`
<br /> date nt this S2cunty Instrument. � ,'��-�''�T--
<br /> It Lender exercises ihis oQtton. Lender shall givo 8orcower rtoUCe ot acceleration. The notice sh<�!1 prov�qe a penad of not . . -
<br /> less than 30 d3ys hom the dato tho notice i� dai�vered o� �1e� within w►�ICh 8ortower must pay a9 sums secured by thr � . . � �•
<br /> ,- �.-_-:
<br /> Secu�ity �nstrument If Bonower iads to pay these sums pnor to the e�iratian ot this penod. Lender may u�voke aray rememes � , � ,�-_
<br /> permrtted by thls Seeuriiy instrument viithout turther no0ce or demand oo Bonower. :•
<br /> 18. �anowar's REght to ReER�4ats. If Borrowcr sr�eets certaih condRions, Bonower sha'1 huve the righ2 to have � __-
<br /> .r� entorcement ot this Sacurity InsUument discontinued at any Ume prior to the eariier ot (a) 5 days (or such othsr pedod as : ~ ., , ,
<br /> applica6�e law may specity tor relnstatementj betore sale ot the PropeRy pursuant to any Power ot szle cortas4d in th�s Security � � `
<br /> � InstrumenC ar(b) entry ol a judgmeni enTorcirtp thfs Securfly�nstrument.Those conditions are that Bortower. (a) ,pays Lender all . : •�
<br /> �''� sums which then wonid be due under this Security insVUment and the Note as it no acceteraUon had occs+r�ed: (b) aues�Y , �-,--
<br /> � default of any otRBr covenant or agreeme�ts: (c) pays aU e�enses incurted in enforcing this Seauity tRStntment, �duding, bul ,,�-.->�;',ti�
<br /> not Gmited to. reasonahle attomeys'fees: and(d)takes such actlon as Lender may reasonably rec�:re to assure thet the lien ot � ;;�•. � � � .;_�._. '• _
<br /> ::.a�;2:,',-.
<br /> this SeariL� Instrument. Lender's rigMs m thE Properry and Borrcwer's obliqation to pay !he sums secured hy this Sewrtty -+����_
<br /> i �+3°�7-ST._+ '
<br /> ..j��...
<br /> Instrument shaU continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Boaower. this Sewrity �nstrument and the obligadans secured '�'���=4:%��=:�---�:,,_
<br /> hereby shail remam tul(y eftective as it no acceieraUon had occurted. However.th�s right to remstate shaU not apply in the case ,,.. .;�� . . .. aT
<br /> of aceeteration under P�9�Ah 17. ' ,�..'�'- - . —
<br /> 19. S31e o4 i�lOtO; Changa ot Loan SBNiCeT. The Note or a a partial interest m the Note (tagether wdh tnis �_�b:,.�'�-_•
<br /> gQCUrity Instrument)may be sold ene or more times vrrthoul pnor notice to 8orrower. A sale may result�n a change m the entrry �,: '� � �l
<br /> -��"=a�-.—�`
<br /> (ycno�xn ag ths•�oar;Servicer)that coUects monthty payments due under the Note and th�s Sewnly lnsVumant. There atso may ��� _
<br /> be one or more changas o1 the Loan 3ervicer unreated to a sale oi t�e Note. It there is a change of the Loan Servicer. �� ���,--_�_
<br /> ,��->.r=-_
<br /> Borsmn�will be �en written notice of the chunge in accordas�ce with paraprepn 14 above and applicable Iaw. The no6ce vn71 _�,�i
<br /> ° stata tA¢name and address of the new Loan Servicer as►d the address to which payments sFuould be made. 'the notice v�i11 atso . ��..
<br /> r�.J_::
<br /> '`� confn:rs eny other information requtred bY aPAGcabie lavr. '��_�,��•_,� -
<br /> :,,;;3 ZQ. p�azardous Subs4ancos. 8ortower shall rtot cause or permit the presence. usa. dlspos-�I.stqraSe, or release uf ��
<br /> �'j' any Harardous Suhstances on or in the Property. Borro�ver shall not do, nar a(low anyane else tn do,anything effectIn4 the '�°'�:%-�
<br /> s n .�,�"���.. �v�
<br />;..��.'.' Property that is in vtol�ion of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not appiy to the presence, use, or �-�, :..��,,
<br /> storage on the Prapetty oi small quantities of Hatardous Substanaa uiat aa ya:=.^�»"t�"-==8^�°'�t., hp aYenronri&.e to normal .�-Y : ,
<br /> Y '
<br /> ?� � resid�ttq!uses and ta maintenance af the Property• " .�"'�'� �°"�
<br /> gr�rmwer sRa7 prompity qive Lender written notice ot any investigation, Gafm. demand, lansuit or other action by any � c • � ` � �,
<br /> '�1� gove�r,�m�tsl or regu(c.tay agency or private parry invalving the PropeAy and eny Ha�ardous Substan�or Env�enmental Law of - ,.,�
<br /> whfch Borrovrer has actual knowledge. if Borrower leams, or is notified by any govemmental or regutatary suthority.that any , -�. ` `
<br /> '�'4`.
<br /> removai or olher retr,ediation of any Hazardous Slibstance affecting Properly is necessary. Borta►ver shai! promAtty take a0 _ _ •� � . -� .
<br /> .. � ..'[ •i � °
<br />'��? necessary remedlal actions in accordance with Environmental Lav+.
<br />- As used tn this paragraph 20, °Hazardous Substances'are thase substances defined as tox�c or haiatdous substances by _�' ;� �
<br /> .�4�; EnvtronmRntal Law and the foUowing substances: gasoline. kemsene, other ilammable ar toxic petmlaum products. to�ac ., �,.�.
<br /> �� pestiddes and herbiddes,volatite soMents.materiais contain�g asbestos or fortnaldehyde,and radloacti�re matntials. As used'm "" :'.�=;
<br /> • paragtaph 20. 'Environmental !aw' means federal laws and laws of the judsdiction where the Property�s lor.atcyd that refate to ��
<br /> •-�'
<br /> ° heatth,satery or environmental protectfon. •
<br /> .i� i
<br /> . �. . . - �
<br /> '}�' NOA!-UNIFOAM GOVENANTS. Bortower and Lender furth�cnvenanl and ey:�e as fo�ows: �.:;q�.° _=_
<br /> • ��� 21. Acceteration; Remodles. Lerode� shafi gt�e notice to Hor�ovrer prio� ta accelevatfon ',;�
<br /> 0
<br /> ` foflowireg Borcower's breach mf any cnvenant or agreement in this Se�a�ri4y In�t�snont (but rtast �.�.r;;,'.�.`
<br /> y�� pri�r to acceles.3tion under parugraph 17 unloss applica�la !aw provid�es dc8uwnvta�)• Yhe notice .. ,i, .,;4:' �,�,a.:
<br />' '� � shall specify: (ttp:�e default; (b) tho a�tion required to cura t�'.e d�fau'� (a) a da2�, �ot less thmn . . � •�:. .• , �.: _
<br /> ` � 30 days from Mie date the notice is given to Borrawer. by wt�tch the d�aulQ mL� be cu�o�; and '"� `� �• •'• -,,,:,,�,,... _'_
<br /> � '��.k . . �'•�"°.,:'-
<br /> (d) thw� failuro to cure 1he defautt on or before the da4e specNied t�s the rco�i�cru may rBSUIt Io -`�'
<br /> . S° acceleratto� afi�e sums secured by this Securlty�Instr�ment and sal� of idta,i Prcr�flrty.Tha �otice _ .. ,;,,,s�;.�,:,;�-,.,;r__
<br /> � • ;. shall turth�e ir.4�scm Borrawer of the rtght to reinstate after acceferatlon ��d ttwi rt�to toring a _
<br /> ; `y couct actto� ta s`ssert the noa-e�stence of a defa�it or an� ot�ee dofia�v��+ af Borror�ar to �:�ss�_�,�
<br /> ' accateration ast�i sale. If the default is no3 cure� on or betore the �Qrd spo�.�3��J [n the notice, r° •r �°w; .�_--
<br /> .:� I.grtct�v at its Qptian may require imrieediate pa�7t in full ot all su��Wo�waad by thts Securi4y �'�'"'����-�-
<br /> IRStr�.aent �nri�out further domand and may irrrd'sa the potiver of sale an¢i an�� other retrsedies _
<br /> � permiited Isy a�apltcable law. Lender shali be en4itferl to colloct afl expease� tm�r4:ared in pursui��g - -" -���'� . �,
<br /> th�a remedtes �scrvided in thts paragraph 21, ir�cluding, 6ut not tirnitod ta, reartanabio attomeys' --- ���
<br /> .
<br /> tees and costs ct t'stie evidence. - ' ` �=
<br />, � If the power o9 sa[c� I� invoked. Trustee stra[a record a notice o? doffsa�dC ir, each county in :. '�;
<br /> i ��;.
<br /> . whiah atry p�rt of the Rr�?artl! is located a�� �nalt mail copias of s��ch n�`�c�a in the manc�r �,;'��,u . �} .,�
<br /> ' :.� preacrl6�ed Gy �plica6le taw to Borrawer an�4o the other persons prescv6b��1 b�P a�plicabPe Iaw. - � x'"", . ,;_.—_
<br /> ARer the tt�e rex�,uirad by applicabtm fa�s�, Trustea shai! give pubqa not7ca o?s a t�t�t f te persons ' �::�;;{� :
<br /> � and tn.the matrcrrsr prescr.'�od by appGcabEe law.YrusBee,wi4hou4 deeetaad oo�Eia��ar. shall sell .. :. _ . . ..•,.. +,•,
<br /> the f?rapertX at �aFi�Ic 3u�tf+�n to thQ higH�ost Pr���r a4 the time and �tace am:! er:�+�or th9 t�C[�s " � � �Y''4�� � � ��,�.
<br /> des!�ctated frr fit� natic� �� sate in ono or rr� �parcets and in an� fsv�ev Trustea de4erc�stnar3. :• ,:��'F�'�. .'.� ' .� -
<br /> ..r>,��.5,...,: . �..,«.
<br /> Trustee may �sr�oae sale of all or any parc�G c r f the Prope r t y b y pubfli¢ �tc�nours�om�nt �t9t�a :..;.»,� ��,
<br /> .. 4ime and Ftasa rYi any previously scne�lu9e� �_!�. Lendn� �sr 1� dabigua�o 4nay, purchase 95:� �
<br /> _ �%':q+d�: , -,���t:�.
<br /> Property at ars� �ale. � ` `,�_.A�-
<br /> ,.aw..w...
<br /> w.. 'r°�°�'�.�r�..:�:.=-
<br /> , • Upon reaeipt af payrtsont of the pricc� bid, 1'rus4e� shail deliver 8o thr� purchaser Tru�u-�s ,_—,,:�,��.;,,_�:
<br /> deed conveying the Pro�rty. The recitals in the Trusteo's deed sh�al! Q�o p.rirt;a facie evidence of :;:,-_�� �
<br /> the truth o4 tfie statements made tf�r�rein. Trs�steo shall appty the 9;mrrceads of tho sate tn the •.:�.�;.. _-_
<br /> . fo!lawing ordor. (a) to alr costs mt,i axponsos of exercising the powreo� cY6 sate, and the sata. . � ." �: :
<br /> �. �� inciuding ths payment of the Trustee's fees actualty incurred, not to exoemd threa . :_xy�;�:- "-
<br /> 9'o aF 4he pr3�r:ipal amount of the
<br /> � note at the time of tfie declaration of default. and reasonable attomay's fe�� as permii4ed by lavr. . - _ _
<br /> (b) to all sums secured by this Securlry Instrumon4: and (c) any excess to !t� person oT peisons •:,- •� _ - h,,�;.-'. -�
<br /> tegalty entitied to it. �,`.: �:'.,"��.. `
<br /> �--.
<br /> • - ' �b'�A�.
<br /> , . �'
<br /> ' r—.
<br /> ��.tt�r 3 'i�� -
<br /> p.otf,_�N.G 3/9b1 ' � . .
<br /> � :-'�-�-_��- —
<br /> . I�'.� .. ��'� .��:'� • .�L..
<br /> .�
<br /> �112 I �. . �,,
<br /> . � •. . ..�' .... _
<br /> � . . . . �o .. . � . 'r;i .�'. .s ' . , _ . • . .
<br /> � ; � ; � � ` ... � � ' � . : ��� � � i'. . • .�. . , �.
<br /> � y�� ��. .. ..�. . � �
<br /> • . .. . . � . . ._ . . . . • . . . . ... . . . , . . . . . ,.. . . ..
<br />