;v .� � . ,t c -- �-"�� . s
<br /> �.. . _._._ - �— -
<br />._ 3 ..vea`� ,.t:-� .�...�:�
<br /> - _•-�•;:�.=�.:'.-..,_•—. ..
<br /> . � 8orro:•rer msy cure such e de}avtt and retnstate. as provided in paragraph 18, by causing Ne ac6on or proeee�ng to tra ' `�=::����=`�'�:�=-�-
<br /> dtsmfssed�vilh a Nling that,in tender's good faith determination, precFUdes torteiture of the Borrowers inter�st in the Proparry or � '=���';=`;:`;�; �
<br /> ather materi�l imparment of the lien created by this Securfty Instrume� or Lenders securRy in2erest Bortnwer shail afso be 9n ��� -
<br /> detault i1 Barravrer.durinp the loan appf:eation proeess. gave materalty false ar inaccurate infom�►ation or statem�nts to Lender(or � . . �=�
<br /> taiiad to provide Leader v�ith any matedal infosmation) o� connedion with the toan evidenced by the Note. indud�g, but rtol � " ',_;�t�,
<br /> tumted to. teyresentations conaem'ng Bbrtower's csCUpanay ot the PmpeRy as a principal tesidence. tl tnis Sewrrty . ��a�--"`
<br /> '�'�rti�;.J[
<br /> Inswment �s on a Ieaseho;d. 8orrawer shatl compty wRh eli the prov�sions of tne tease. If Bartower acquves tee liUe to the � �..,:�`;°.. .,, _ `
<br /> Property.the leasehc�p�d!hQ tee bUe shall noi merge unless Lender agees to tfie merger m wnting- � __ • � • -- �
<br /> 7. Pratf��tton of Lender'e RtgMs t� the PPOpesty.Ii Borrower faus to peRorm the covenants and ag:eements .���-�-��'`�`' �-
<br /> °� cantained in th�s Seeurtty Instrumeni. or there �s a legal proceading that may significantty attect Lender's nghts m the Rroperty � • �?� _
<br />�`�>r,',
<br /> ,•y�{ (such as A pmceed�ng�� banlvuptcy. proDate. for candemnation or forteiture cr to eatorce law� or regutaLons). tt�en LFnder may � �•`"
<br /> '�'sF do and pay lor wAatever is necessary to protect the +u:ue af the Roperiy and Lender s nghts in the Property. Lender's acuons O : �``-"��,�-.
<br /> may mciuda paymg any sums secured by a Gen which has pnonry over th�s Security Instruman4 appearing m court. payu�g r'�""�"�`�---'
<br />_•�;� reasonabte attameys� fees and entering on the Properry to make repaus Although Lender may take achon under this paragraph _ . ' . l":=_ . -
<br /> 7. tendEr d�� nat havs ta da sa. - -_ .
<br /> My amounts disbursed by Lender under paragraph 7 sha9 become additional debt of Borrower secured by this �ec,irrty = ___ __ - --
<br /> Inswment. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment these amounts shafl bear interest irom the date of ' ---
<br /> ,� �nraa'r��--.__.
<br /> disbursement at the Note rate and shall bs payabie. with interest. upnn notice from Lender to Bortower requesting payment ' � ---•A�=%��'>•'
<br /> � 8. IV10i�dgB (qSU1r'dpCe. n Lender required mortgage �nsurance as a condition of maldng the toan secured by this ��•• =•`s�=u�-n-===
<br /> Secunty InsUument. Borrower shall oay the prem;ums requ3red to mamtain the mortgage insurance in eftect if.tor any reason.the �"��`���`-'°""'
<br /> �;.-�g��=w
<br /> morlgage insurance coverage required by Lender tapses or ceases ro be in eftect Borrawer shall pay the premiums required to -�r-''��-'-'�--p----�-�
<br /> __�..�.�i.ee�aaz_�.:
<br /> obta�n covetage substantialiy equivalent to the mortgage msurance prev�ously m e(teat, at a eost substahtially equroalent to the v�`'� � �,="_
<br /> �.:u��
<br />' cost to Boirowet o! the mortgage insurance previousry in etfect from an altemate mortgage insurer approved by Lender It .,f�__ _�_-._==r_,
<br /> suhstar►Uatty eq�.+valent martgage insurance coverage is nat avarlable. Borrower shaU pay to Lrnder each month a sum equal to -.� �}� �;�-�-
<br /> onerivetfth of tha ye-arty mortgage insurance premium being pald by Qnr�nwer wAEn the insurance caveraQe lapsed or ceased to - ,��'',. ..
<br /> P Ym gage(osurartce. I:trss resetve . ,.,..t� '"'�•,. ,
<br /> he m efieci. LenQer w�eccept, uso and retain thase a ents as a loss reserve tn tieu of mort ' ;.._±�1/{_;'
<br /> �•'r paymerris mtty no tonger be requtred,at the option of Lender.it mortgage msurance coverage M the mnaunt and for the period ��:�>l�a�• i;'r.
<br /> ;, thad Lender requtres) provided by an insurer appmved lsy Lender again beeomes ava7abie and is obTalrtcd. BorraEVer sha0 pay �" �}'��
<br /> :i�t ihe premiumc requlred to maintaIn mortgage insurance in ettect. ar to provide a toss reserve. unU1 the re�irstrtc-nt far mortgage _ _ � �l�-
<br /> I`•J insurance ends in accordance with any wrftten agreement[�etween Bortower and Lender or appQceble ta�v. �-. '
<br /> 9. In�eetfon.Lender or its agem may make reasonable enMes upon and ins{secUons ai the Froperry. Lende�shail�ve .;�.,s•��
<br /> - Bortowet noikk�at the time of or pdor to an inspection specity�ing reasoneble cause for the insaecdan. • '.,�•:
<br /> 10. Condemnatton.The proceeds oi any award or daim for damages. direct or consequeMfal, in connecGon with an � X•����>
<br /> Y �1..�= _.
<br /> condemnaiiaa or other�king of any part ot the Property. or tor cortvcqrance in Iteu of condemnafiart, ere hereby esstgned end �=-=_�==:F��:_•=�,-�.-
<br /> � shaJ be pald to Lender. �"'r`
<br /> �`�'• In the evert! of a total taking of the Property. the proceeds shalt be appGQd- m the sums secured by rilis Seanity },, .
<br /> -��i�;�I InsUUmenl, whether or not then due.with any excess paid to Borrower. In the evc�nt-nt a parBal t�fa�,of the Properry in which , �
<br /> �'�? the lair madcet value oi the Property immediatery hefore the takirtg is er�ual to or greater than the mn�nl ot the sums secured • f � �;j��v�;"��
<br /> by this Securiry Instrument immedatety beforo the taking, untess Bottawer and Ler►der othe�wisa.rr�'ee in writlng, the sums ,, ��:? .•
<br /> , secured by this 3ecudry Instrument shall be reduced by tha amount af the proceeds multiptied by 11rM to4awing fr�ction_ (a)the �•:'•�
<br /> total amourrt of the sums secured immedateiy betore ihe taldng, dhdded by(b) the fair markc�i value o1 the Property Immedrately R���Z,-`.;;;. � .
<br /> �"" betore the tuking.Any baiance sha0 be pald to 8ortower. In the event o1 a partial fuYdrtg of the Property in wfiich tlt�fa;r market " � ;.t�'; --
<br /> v�lue of ihe PropeRy immediately before the taidng is less than ihe amount of the taiu�s secured Immediateiy(aeinte the fatdng. .� �'1' '_
<br /> untess BoROtver end lender o4henvise agree in writing or untes� a�Gr.,ible faw cihervrise prov[des. the praceeds shall be �� '�'`f�:�.� �r��l ,-
<br /> 6ed ta ihe sums secured by this Secu' Inshument whether or naf:tirrs•sums are then due. '�{;' !"` '��
<br /> " aPA td5► 1��;>..
<br /> It the Properiy is abandoned by Bortower,or it,after notice by Llsisi+�r to Bortower that the coidemnor oHe�s 4o make an �p"i'` ��
<br /> awazd or selUe a daim for dartsages, Borro�ver tai� ta respond ta lender within 3t! days after tAe date the notice is given. �,�! ',',
<br /> �:` Lender is authoraed to coDed and a�ply the proceeds. �its opUon, either to restn[utton or repaU of the Praperty or to the � �'"''�•_
<br /> ��.; sums secured by this Securfly Instrumenl,whether or not then due. ` '� " � �
<br /> :�i.,.
<br /> ���� � Untess Lender and Bortower othenvfse agree in wrtting, any apy5cation o1 proceeds ta priacipal shan nat extend ar ��1,�;���;_>�'��.
<br /> postpone the due date of ths monthty payments reterred to(n paragraphs 1 end 2 a change the atrtu+ant o1 such payments. '��x:i{`
<br /> 17. �onawer I�tot Reteasod; Fo►bea►ance By Lsndor Not a Waiver.F�aenstnn ot the ume tor payment or "`s���"�'
<br /> ��� rt:od'R�eation of amoNmtlon d the sums secured by thts Security Inswment granted by Lendcr to any succe�sor in Interest of -_ -� T_
<br /> f Bonower sfiall not operate W re{ease the Gabifity of the orlg�al Borrower or Borrower's suecessors tn interest Lender shall not _-__
<br /> :.,.�: 6a requlred to commence pruceerLngs against any suceessor in Urterest or retuse to e�Qend 1'sne tor payment a otherwfse �__ ___�_,.__
<br /> ' `j mo6ily nmortl�atlon of the sums secured by thls Securfry instrument by reasan of any deman0 made by the origina!Borrowr.r ot
<br />. �-�' BDROIAtCT's successors in Utiterest. My for�earance by Lender in ex�clsing any�ig1�1 or remedy shaU not be e waiver o! or -- - __
<br /> "', ,.:j; predudfl the exerdse ot any dght or remedy. ---
<br /> `5;•�.'�' 12. Saccesfsors tta�d Assigna BauRd; Joint and Seva►al Ua6tlity; Co-slgnors.ihe covenants and
<br /> :, 9, agreemer�s ot thls SecwiP�lnstrument shall bind and benefit the successors and asstgns of Lender and 8ortuvrer.subject to tAe ---._
<br /> � pro•rialons of paragraph ST. BorrowePs covenants and agreements shall be jo(nt and severa). My Barrower who casigns this
<br />%. •� Sacurriy Inswment 6ut does not execvte the Note: (a)is co-sl�tng thls Securiry Instrument anry to mortgage, grant end convey ' �;-�;
<br /> ' thaf Bo►rowers interesl In tAe PropeRy under lAe tertns ot thls Seariry InsUUment: (D) is not persortalty obligated to pay the • .--,�, pa�.
<br /> �� sums seeured by thts Securiry Inswment; and (c�agrees that Lend2r and any other Bo►rower may agree to extend,mod3fy. �::
<br /> forbear or make any accommodatlons wilh regard to li�e terms ot this Secudty Inshumant or the IVote without that Bortovrers --_
<br /> :. .. �°
<br />•.,��,; cansent ` ---- -
<br /> - ----- - -----
<br /> ` 13. LOit1 Chsige9. fl the loan secured bp ri�is Securiry Instrument is cubject to a faw wh'.ch sets maximum loan _ ��
<br /> charges, rrid that taw is finalty interyreted so that the interest or other loan chazges cotlected or to be coflected(n connecUon ,��
<br /> � wrth the Irnn exceed the pertnttted fimits.then: (a)any sucn toan r,f�nrne shall be reduced by the amount neeessary to reduce :�.:
<br /> � the charge to the pertnitted limi� and(b) any sumu alrnady ea'lerarxt from 8ortowPr whlch exceeded permitted fimits vriU be '-`'"'°�'�"""'"""
<br /> , ' re;unded to Bortower. Lender may choose to make lhls nfi�nd by reducing the pdnM��l owed under the Nota or by making a fi''�#; ��
<br /> ' dired pa�meni to Bortowec Ii a retund reduces pr:nc-,al, the reducUon wi8 he Otr�;_d as e paRial prepayment without any ��t;;;_,�,�•-�'-"�"�-°:..
<br /> � : �; prepayma;S charge under the Note. =_-- --
<br /> 1�1•. 1`14t�C88.My notice to Barrcwr.r provided tor in tAis Security Instrument shafl he qiven by delivering it or Dy mailing It
<br /> ` ' by fir� cf�i:s mail unless applicabte l�,vr��.uires use o1 another me9rod. The natice shall be directed to the Property Address — - � --�
<br /> �:`i or any other address Bonovrer desiyn�ar_s by notice e� Lendec My notice to Lender sha!1 be given by first class mail to -" •�
<br /> � j Lender's address steted herein or any olher address i��r��er designates by notice to Bortovier. My not)ce provided tor in this •��.���-�_�
<br /> Securiry Instrument sha0 be deemed to have been g-,+:r. n:Bonov�e�or Lender wher. given as provided in this paragraph. :��
<br /> 15. �overMng Law: Severabitity. Ths ;:-�curity Instrur.:en1 shall be govemed by lederal law and the law of the ��.�--,���.�,�
<br /> -. j jurisdiction m whlch the PropeRy is I�1G:d. In the event that ar.y� �s�•�vislon or clause of this Secudly InsVument or the Note �
<br /> � ���
<br /> �i confticts with appGcaDle law. such cornBx shall not a'tect other pr�ns��ns of this Securiry InsVUment or the Note v�hich can be ,..a,q�'�tl, � _ � 1�;:
<br /> } qiven eftect without the conflicting provlsfon. To this r-.nd the provisions of this Security Instrument artd the Note are declared to ' . - -
<br /> } 6e severabte. -�y;��;.,. ..�:...
<br /> , ., I�,�(��r e,M.R'.},.:
<br /> 16. 90��0'WOf'S COpy. Bonower shall be���s� one contortned capy ot tha Note and o}this Security InsVUment. - • � -
<br /> �-::.;.�
<br />, . �.�..-.>�3*'�raii;•jt.:-.
<br /> •`�a-.
<br />�_ -+?t;1A3 �i�5oi a�q,� � :e i . -
<br /> ��-��
<br /> i �,�
<br />�..�.1 _ __... ..- _�.__ _..__1.".
<br /> __..-1 __- - .. �"e^s'.F�,��a.=.
<br /> �j 361.'Y � ' - "__
<br /> 1�
<br />., l._�..�._�....� .. . .. � _ � -.
<br /> , .. - `�1_ + " - '`_ . ' . ` �.i •4 •.. � . . �. ' � /. • . • '` . ,' . . ' ����,
<br /> � { . . . - . ' .. . . - . .. . .. . . ,'! . . � . . . ..
<br /> ..� . . .. , ..
<br /> ��.; . vo . . � . .. . . .. . _ ' _. � �� .. - . _ . . _ •• . . . .. � . . _ . � . -.. . .. .. _ ..� . .. . .� . _.
<br />