, . _ ;_.;.. . . ... , , . . . .. , ,
<br /> . L ;° . . • ----__.-.:-----
<br /> <.t..
<br /> � '` ` .: ��.��+�� ' .
<br /> T7, tt�LI.EC7'!ON CAST9. To the extant pertntttad by I�,Qrantor 6greea tg pay Lendsr'a rescaneb:s te�a and costs,inctuding,Dut not iimited to,
<br /> �' � teas end aosts ot attomeyr�nrtd other aIIaMS(tnaiudtn&wRheut itmitation para;�gaia ctarta nnd oan,ultant9y,wSsatAer or'r.ot such attom�y or sQCr�t ta
<br /> . � an empioy�e o!tsrtder,wAicA ere tneurra0 by Lendar in c�ita�tinga�ry acnaui�due or entnr�tnp any rtgh�t or n�nadv undar th[s Qeed oT Tru�l, _
<br /> whatf,er or not eu{2 Is braugPf�Inc�ud(nQ,but nat Iimt2a0 0�,oit tsaa aad cost4s in�rted an appsal,tn Ear�krupiey and for past�udgment oof;eet'.an _
<br /> , aatonx -
<br />- �`,,� �, pA€�Yt�IL REl.EASE t+�nder may re:tase it3;rter�st in s�rttan af tho Frop�rty E exasurin9 and�rding ona ar mora Pmtial De�ds of =
<br /> � A�eonwyase�uitho�t aE�ttng its trrteqst In the rematning part.on a!ths RropaAy NoUs�ng Atretn aAa�l��dsemW to ohu �L�ndor to nlsas� _
<br /> �y of it�Iru�rost In t�o�roQarfy(�pt as nquire9 ua�r�3raQrs�h°a!,nar sh�iftsnder bs o�tiatted to nt�ai�vry Pu!ef��Pro�AY if Qnntor
<br /> • ` Is�n daTauR urtdfr tAti i�d of Truri 7hs R�n utd e�wn tnt�nst ensted by th�DeM at Trust rem�En Irt�fisct wltn nsp�ct to that poNon o!U» _
<br /> ' pro�riy t9 Qafinad In tJsa Qe�d af Tnist,tRat is notth�eur�e�st of tfits or�ny Parii�1 LNsd of F�aim�yanri
<br /> . 2@ A�tODif�CAT16H AIitD{;9Att!'e�t. Tha�'iEauton or w�rar o!any al(irantar'o ObitpaUans ar lBndsPo rightt urtII�r tlffi Oad at Y�ust must G� _:
<br /> .. oor►tains0 in a wriUnp st�nad by lendcr. t�ndor msy�perfosm an;�ot BarroqwPa ar�tasrtorb GDit�1 ans.detay or ftil to�w�retss anyr af ite rEIIMs or
<br /> uapt p�tnb iram GTaniar or anyarra o�flerthan Cirantflr wiffiout r.�wlln�a waNOr of tt��ObT�atlans or r1IIhb. A walu�r en ont acrasien ahsll
<br /> � not ean �►vai+nr onarry at9�ir aaxston. L�antor'a QDtipaHona under s D�ed of Trus4 shalt no4 b�aH�sfid ff t�n4�r un�ndn,comprom[:aR
<br /> ���;,' �chsn�4s,faits ta axarcisa,Imp�tte ot rtteesesa�►y af the Qbi;aauons b�tanginq ta ury�rec�mr,Bonawar or tfitrd paRy or any of t�Aqhts e�a'.nst
<br /> anY Qr�LOr.Borrawcr ar third�arcy or eny at tho ProPorty. Lend�r'o h�i(ure to Ustai upon s7id p:darmancs o}any o?�he Qbitgations at�nll no!@e
<br /> = dsem�d a wiiv�t attd L�n4�t SAOI!Ilmro�t0 HaM gt iu►y ttmo ffCtC��t�tn�uRon�tr(ct parformen�.
<br /> 30. SOJ83TiM�TROSTEE tn easa of tha d�r�Us,Ina�:;sty,ratusat m a�t os absance of tNo Trusise fmm the�whare Us r�d pro¢erty ts iocat�d
<br /> . or tn cas�tAs ho:der at 4M 061iqationa stwlf daaira tcr om/m� ason w rertrovs tts Trust��or any substiivta ttusLS�a�ttusta�h�reundgr and ro appofnt
<br /> a new tr�sstea in his gtaca end stead,the Rotdor ot t�e QbiJgationa is h�rchy arariUd tutlpower to�ppairrt in writlnq a wbstttut�trust�e for�a1C
<br /> y � h m(M tlte putposis�artd�objie�of Ufi�s�0�d atTruat adfh dl pewe�r,�ss a�rtd obfi�ffiom h�in couine�e8 an�e T�eh�116�oomo wstcd in -
<br /> 9f. SU�CFSS�AS B!!�D AQSSt'afiS. Thie�8d o!Tntst sAt111 Ea bindtn��t�cn and tnuse to the btnef�L af t3ranmr u►d Lender artd tRair respective
<br /> � sucacsa�,usiqne,trusaea,recetvers,administrs�ra,personal rep7aser�L�raa la�taa�and dnv[saes. _
<br /> 8Z Np'f[Cf.4 6cceps as otRerwESe�equtrW by Eaw,ar►v r�aitce or other eommunTcMion to bs provtd�d undar tl�ta Deed ot Trun shali 6�in wri8ng
<br /> tn4 sorrt to th�parti�a tt ffis aQd[u�s dss�atbad(n thfa Ossd of Tasi cr such othsr address as t��pa�i�a may doatgnata in writlnp fram Hrru w
<br /> ' � Ums. Jtt�y cuch notice aoqIwn and wrn by fks�t dsa mail,paap�p�patd,sha0 ha d�emed piven ths�artier ot throe�3)dayo efte�cu�h nat�cs i�
<br /> -- saM ar wl�an teeeived by ffie peraon to whom euett noli�ls Gelnp pfirqn. '
<br /> 33.SEVERA�IL'iY. Y1lssrtevet pos�ibia.eacfl�sian of tnis Ostd af Tn,al sflali h�trM�rpntsd w as w E��ffrciivs and valld undar applicab;�
<br /> � . �ts awE H arry provisian of thIs Oi d o!T�ust vld.ataa th�irw or i�unerrtorceable,tho rest of the R+eed ot 7NSt shall oominua to be valId and -
<br /> eniaro�abts.
<br /> , 3�. AAPL[CIt9iE LAW. Trti�Qeed oi Trust ehall�qrrlemW by ffis favs af th�etate wh�n th�na!property is(oetbd. Un(eraapptieabte t�w _
<br /> � provtdes atn�cwtas.Qrantor consarRS M th�JurtadtoNan rrrnE vanua of a►ry couR sefected by LecedK,in tis sota disaotton�[oetiisd In that st¢te.
<br /> �� 9i. Y'L4CEL!.".`QUS, Granm►and L�ndfr egn�tkaYtftr�a ia cf 4t�ese�na. Gran�r waives pces�Mm�r�damand tor paym�nL notia af dishcnor :
<br /> ` �nd proLest axecp4 as r�qutrcd DY law.AD�af�rertees to Cr�ter in this D�W af Tmst ahall incJude a9 parsons algntnfl bstaw. tf Mera(�moro Utan an� -
<br /> ,.,'���� Grantor.their Oblig�tions ahall be joira and sweral. 7P�is Oaod a4 Trust �apnrarib tha compim�IrnsQratW ur�diistandirtp Dsrirsctrc&ranros an0 _
<br />. . l�r p�rtatnirtg to tAa terms ar+d candtNona Mrsot. p�p�
<br /> 98. KO'RIiRD PAIiTt!.T�'iflMiB. IVo pereon Ta or sha0 Ce a thi pattl►DetlefiCtary ot any pimtfsion W ffifs Oefd of Tru��ihffi Lendet¢riil no�w�rl�re
<br /> Trtu!in tavor of L�n�iu aea intanded soisiy for tAe benefit of Lender,an8 no tAird shaD b�er�Utled to assume ar =
<br /> - areona�rtttothamac0�stlonofarryprovi� � 9tI _
<br /> an ot t�is[�wd of Tcust,in Lan�r's 6ots Ia�eUon.
<br /> � 37. PAESERYATiO�OF LIABtU1Y AA1D PRTO�I7Y. Nfithout affectlng ths lisi�tlity af Bosnowv,Grantcr,or arry guuantor of tne Otrlt�tions,or iury
<br /> ottfar person(mcapt a persan express.'y re[eased In wrlUrtg tor tAe p��arn and pedormance of N�Obiigntona,and without eM tr phts of
<br /> trnder w3tA�t to arry Proporty not ixpressiy�a�tn wBtirt�rend wftlsout Impatftng Inarryway tho priarity af thta Q�ad�.rs!ouer tn�
<br /> , , f�a!of arryptraon aequind or fiiat s�td�ncad by racoNing subsa��nt t4 ths recordin�of thts Owd ot Trust Lorrtarmay,et�n�n or�r
<br /> ths maLUity a!Uro Obli�atton�,and wlthau!ncUCe er wnse�rateasa erry person Itabfs tor payment ar p�rformanca ot aSt ar be:y pnrt of tlu
<br /> °-%��fi � Obtigation�matn arryag�mant alcedng the term�a!paym�rt or perfarmanc�04 a11 or arry put af ths Obtigs�,�ari�ucssot�cr�nhain trom
<br />, �t,;:.,�, oxec�ising or watvs any rTgfu ar remedy�1fat Lendea r�y have under fhs Dwd ot Tcusk acc�pt eQd(tional se�,c!orry kind.Tor ot Qhe
<br /> „y 1j8� ObSi�I o»s;or wlsass or o7fierwiss d*al wFth arry re�l�rrpxrsona!proprrty a�eurtn�ths O�liBattons. My person a�r..�q ar rsca�g evt�ertce o!
<br /> • ��� urll�nLersst o7arry nature in ths Prupact��a11 t�d�rrrrS.Dl►��9 auct►tnterest or cecotding ary aAden�thereoF.m have�[naantvd to att Qr
<br /> `�,' � anysuchacucn9bylender.
<br /> , 8/. OE�F�SANCE Upon the sYn .a��e�c.r.sr.�h�iw9 a�s:t mcsi�e Obttgattana,Lender vrt!1 m�rto and deiiver to t3rantart�docum��s
<br />, , ., that may bs rpuirsd to rotwlsepthia��09 7n�staf�srd. Grac:^r�trait'Cs rsspona�2le to pay arryc�s o?reaordation.
<br /> �.�w 39 COt�iSTEfUCi102�i.Otl�l �Th1a Dsed o!Tns�t;�a oons2.^:�tta:mortg¢go ur.�r the t7ntiorm Commerdnl Cade,to seau�an atligation
<br /> . ., (ncurtsd tor tt�oonsfi�ie�u�n ot an mgrev�maMm I�r,�,Jneiudlny 9ra a�qutsiHon e��eE lu�d.fiis Os�d ot Tnut coa�s a consfi(ctiao toan,n[td t!
<br /> ' wi0 bt subj�ct to the�rec�at s constcucHon losn a�.m�ni hetwees.a G nter and lnrnier.My materius.�4u[pment� pRas used or(rrLaadoc!itr
<br /> • ':,.�.. uss in tlfs oonstructiorr.cYa»IoP+��t oc operation o}TAO Rroparty,�r�'.sar storad on or af!tne Property.shail atsa ba��ec[tu tho Cr�z;ot thin�6
<br /> otTv�t.
<br /> . �0 WAtYEEI OF NWIIESiEAD AMD OTHER E1�YPTIOHS. Qrarr"�m hu�6y wuvas ail hom�sbad and othar�mpttons in tC�o ETtt�tarS'y to wStich
<br /> G[urtar woufd otMrats�W omiti�d und�r nny�pplicabts taw.
<br /> uvo�,Txts a�v o�Tausr.
<br /> . �Z AOD1'd10P1ALTERiIS:
<br /> :,, '� _
<br /> : ,ll�t�� � .
<br /> >�1
<br /> 6ranttsc acfmmMedQes trtat Oranior hr�read,un�arsmnQ�,and ap.�tca to the tottn�and condi�ons of thi�Deed of Trust,and ecknow}adpec rsoeipt of -
<br />• �. an cvr�ci aopy o1 cama. . =
<br /> , �: �
<br /> O�bd�ts �i�t �y�! c��obos. 1996 ,
<br /> ,•JI'
<br /> `i't)1�.'
<br /> ::t.. �
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<br /> , �}�'�.;: ctr�xraa aDhl.0 J A J Gw�rrroa Diaaae Aguilar
<br /> •::r;•� / _
<br /> . �, � (
<br /> ' v •
<br /> - ' t
<br /> ' ' GFWtiOFt GFiAHTOFt -
<br /> ' . GRANiOR Gii1lNTOR:
<br />- IRVFJ7ID�FomUWan Tahnao,ye3�ne(8/at,�fb7(�0)877�783 P�v 4 afb �
<br />- _. .- .._.. -- -- .._. . .__.. - - --- ---- ._... - - -_-- - •--�--- -_�---- — -
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