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<br /> 15. tAXES AP1D ASSESSMENTS. tirantor shall pay a!I taxes antl ass9ssments rolating to Property whan due and immediateiy provide Lendor ` �``���' ,`4�..-
<br /> evidanee ot payment of eame. Upon the request ot Londer,Qrantor shell dapcsit�vith Lender eacl►momh one-tvratith(1/12)of the es8mated annafll � _
<br /> insuran�o promium,taxes and asses�menta pertaining to ths Proporty. So long as there is no aefauit,these amourns sha11 Ea appliad to the payment ,.. . .;, f
<br /> of taxes.assessments and insuranCe es required on the Proporty. ln tha evsnt ot deffiuit,Lender shall hava-�c '•gM,at its:.ote opUan,ta apply tha ':�`
<br /> ; furtds ao hatd to pay eny taxes or agalnst the ObUgffilons. Rny tunds app�ied may,at Lender's option,be�G�iad in raversa order ot tne due data ••r ,'..°r°
<br /> • ' thereat. . . �`-'-
<br /> � 16�. IHSPBCTION OF PROPER'�Y. BOaKS,RECOAOS Al1D REPOATS. (3tanLOr ehall allovr Lender or its ageMS to examine a�d im�ct�a • , .
<br /> - Property nnd examtne,inspeet and make cop[es of(irantor's boolrs and records pertnlning to the Property trom ume to 4ms. (;ran!or shall provide ` t •��—
<br /> any assistence required 6y landar tor fRese purposea R!I of tha elgna�ro3 and Information contained in Grantor's books and r000rds shail gs . . r. ?�•
<br /> � � genuine,true, axurate and complete in aii respacis. Cuantor shall noto the exlstence of Lsnder's beneftaal interest in ita DoOks and records ., ,. ,
<br />. partaining to the Froperty. Rdditionalty.Grantor strall rePort,in u tortn saUsfacmry ta lsndar.such IMormation as LsnQer may roquest reparding . . „_ ,_,�_._�
<br />- �rarrtor's firtansial condition or the Property. The intortnation ahail Ee for such periads,ahall reflea(iramnr's reeonds at such time,and shafl De , �,
<br /> rondered rrith such irequency as Lender may dosignato. Atl tMormatian tumist�ad by Gmntor w Lender shalt be Vua.axurate and comp!e2e In�II
<br />:>.�`. � resp�cb,and stgnad by Grentor if Lender mquests. , _ . ___
<br /> -i 17. ESYOPf+e'l CERTttfZCA7� Wilrlin ten(10)days aftar arry rsqu�i Gy t:cnd�.Gmntw shs!!daGver w lsrtder.ar arry irrtended trat�teroe W -. _-� _ -- • -
<br /> RT
<br /> LendePa rights vrith rospact to the Obiigationa a signed and admowle6ged statemeM specifying(a)the outstanding balance on the ObligaUons;and . • -
<br /> (b)whetAer Grenmr possesses any ciaims,dofenses,setcHs or counterclaims with respect to tho Obiigations and,if so,the natum ot such da;ms. • .
<br /> � defanses,set-0fia or courrtarata3ms. Qrantor will be canctusivsty bound by any represerKation that l.ender may maka to the intendod tranEfareo with � . : =-- _
<br /> � rospect to these matters in Na event that Grantor faits tn provide the rcquested statement in a timely mannec. --_---=_
<br /> 18. OEFAULT. Grantor shall Ce in dafauR under this Deed af T�ust and the Trostee's power sh�It becoma opsrstive in the event that Granmr. ,� • �;:m,i`:.;
<br /> Bortower or arty gLarantor of the Obligations: - , . � --
<br /> (a)faits to PaY anY Obligarion to Leridar�vhen due; �. � . . ,;�
<br /> � . (b) fails to psrfortn any Obligation or breacfias any rvarranty or coven�nt to Lender wmatned in thls De2d at Trust or eny othar present or tuturo •��,;
<br /> agreamenk ; . ' .. :'_ -�-----
<br /> ' (c) deatroys,loses or dama�es tha Proparty in any matecial respect or Subjecb the Froperty to seiwte,confiscation,or candertsnation: ��r. � ,�.
<br /> (d) seeks to revoke.term:nsts or othervvise Iimit its IiabTiry under eny guarantyto Lender; SC } ', -:• � �-
<br /> (e) dies,�_.ac.mas tega.y���npatent,is dtsseNed or termin�ad,beoomes insotvant,maices an a�tignment for ths benefit of aroditers,tails!o --
<br />., pay debls ss tixiy becama d�e,frtes a petition under tho tederal Eankruptcy taws,has an involuntary potition in bankruptcy filed in whieA Grantot, ,� . n`-��;__ `�-'�-
<br />- Barrawer ar a�y guaranmr is named,or has property taken under any writ or process o!wurG `:��'":��;�:�
<br /> . (� altoxrs gaads to be used,transported ar stored on the Pmperty,the possesston,transportation,or use of wh:ch,is(Ilegal: ,�;._
<br /> �. (g)allo�vs arty party other 8isn Grarttor or Borrowor to assume or und»rtake arty Obligatlon without the writian oonsent oi Lender,er �s. �
<br />� � (h) causes Lender w tleem rtself insecure duo to a significant dadine in tha value of the Property:or rt Lender.In gaod faith,for any reason. � . -.-p
<br /> , belisves tha!the prospect of payment or performance is impaired. �� ��-��
<br /> � 19, plGfffS OF LEHDER ON DEPAULT. H there is a datauR under ffits Deed of Trust,I�andar shall be entitted to axerase one or more of the _ __ ���7t'-
<br /> - tatlawing remad:as without no6ce or damand(ex,.-e�t as required by Iaw): - �'��
<br /> �� (a)to dndae tl�e Obtigations immedir��dae and payabte in tutl; ��,�� � _
<br /> . (b)to calt�t Me outstanding Obligationswv�h or without resorting to Judieiai ptocass: n;, � � ;::_
<br /> . (c) to require Qrantar to ds'_ver and make avaitable tn lai3er any persena proparty or Chattels constitutlng the Property at a plsce reasonably ,.� �
<br /> wmenisrtt to QraMor sn�i Lc�,der, . . --
<br /> •. (d)to ertter upon and t�passession of the Property wiC��-.�t applyin�far or obta(nIng the appointrfleirt of a receivar and,at Lender's option,to . :��. �;��
<br /> � appolnt a rox�ver withoat bond.rritbout firat bringing suit on the Ob'�izs and wHhout oth9iwise mesttng any statutory condi�ans regar�ng ••r`::: . •��,..
<br /> reeehn3rs,i1:bJra irttended t�at Lender shall have thts contraclual right tfl�;oUt a receiver, . �`,<<�c�LY '' . ; —
<br /> .._ r�h � ��``•..`S,i ,
<br /> . (e) to em���a managing agertt of the Proporty and Iet the same,e'�:in Trustee's own name,in the name of Lender or(n the r.scros�cf r ,,.:?f,d���� ; �
<br /> • Grantor,arz�:aoaive ths rerns,incames,issues and profits of t�e Proparty and apply t h e same,afDer payment of a0 neees3ery c�+a�s� ,., . ,. .�.;,:. .• � .
<br /> expenses.onacaoucriaf�z�b!Igattons: • ,�'°.``�' T. , �
<br /> �-• (� to pay any sums ln�.�,t�rtn or manner desmed racp�ii�st by Lender to protect th9 security of thls�eed of Trus!o:tr�cca sny tlefauftother �..`�< .
<br /> than paymem of interest or princtpal on the Obii�atlons; � —
<br />•• '. (g) to forec'.ase this�ed ot Trust judidally or nonjud�M�::y and to direct the sale of the property ifirough exerase c9•�e power o4 sate as �`e��. . ?•.
<br />;k.i�.�.,.:� retetonCe3 irr FareBraph 20 hereof in�opoo-`...ptfa9 with appfieabte Iavr, •.;��f''�� ' Y�'
<br />:,;�F}�,. (h)to set�C�antor's Obtig3tions agaiast�-7�emouMS mved Grantor Cle Lender inc!uding,but not limi.nr cu,aontes,insirumeMS,srra�CPgosit ri��=• • � ::� :
<br /> ,,,. accoun ts r.�r�ina d tvith Londer or a r ry as.er.'!y existin g or tuture affilia"3 af Lender,and •
<br /> "- ()to exe�o al other rights availabte to lar.tar under any other wr(tten�qreemaM or appticabte law. � ` �� s"
<br /> Lender's riflhb a�cumulaUw and may be exercised together,separatery,and in any order. In the eveM that Lender Instit�s an acHon seeklr�y ths �' ��
<br /> cecovery ot any cf the Pmparty by way of a preji:dgment remedy in an action ag�lnst GtFtntor,Orantor wat��es the posting ot any bond wAtch might ,
<br /> m
<br /> othsnalse pg re.�,;red. Lender or LendePS Ge��,nos may purchase the Properiy at any 9ate. Pcoceeds a`•anY Ttustee'e sale hereundar shall be ���_
<br /> � ap plied fi�st.ts t3:a costs end expensee of exerd�ing ffie power of sale and ot the sala,lnctuding the paym�r.2 af tfia Trustee's fees astualty i.RCUtred
<br /> , and nat to Cr,00z�the amount which may b$��deq tor In thls Oead of Trust,second,to payment o f t he�bi i ge tlons uw r e d here by,t h t r�.b t he ��
<br /> . Paymarn af f.�1:r trust daeds,moRgages.ar cUtaY lianhotdsrs,and the 6atane9.H any,to the pefson or per�r+s t9gafly erttiHed thereto. The�r:�srty .
<br />