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<br /> �� � ' 8. Exoauta, aaknowl�dq� and d�liv�r desd� ot r�al property in
<br /> - ths naaa o! th� RTCi
<br /> 9. Extend, postpone, roleese and �mtisty or taka auch othor
<br /> ,- aa�ion rsqardinq any mortgaqs li�n hsld in tho aama o! th� RTCt
<br /> 30. Ex�aut�, aaknowledg� snd dsliv�r in tho nam� o! th� RTC
<br /> �� _ , a pow�r o! attornsy wh�r�v�r n�a�s�ary or raquir�d by isw to any
<br /> - lo ad by th� RTC=
<br />-- attorn�y a�p Y `
<br /> — 11. For4cloaa any mortgaqe or oth�s if�n an sith�r r�al or
<br /> — p�raonal prop�rty, wh�rovor loaatsdt
<br /> ������ lZ. po and pertorm evary act n�asasary !or tho ura,
<br /> liquidation or coileation o! any asaets held in thQ nam� o! th� _
<br /> RTCt and
<br /> 13. Bign, seal, mcknowledge rsnd deliver any nnd all documants
<br /> as may ba nocossnry to sQtt1Q any aatfon(a) or alaim(s) aoserted
<br /> a ainst thQ RTC Qither aa Conssrvator, ReaoivQr or in its Corporat�
<br /> -- _— -_-- aapaaity. -
<br /> �,�'
<br /> —r+�•4:� - This Powar o! Attornay shall bo ettQative June 7. 1991 and
<br /> ���`�� shall remain in lull lores and e!lect therealter until ths earlier
<br /> �t.:
<br /> ,�r.-��a, ot tw_o �ears� or such time as this Power of Attorney has been
<br /> _.�4�� terminated by tha Soard ot Directora of the RTC or by any otlicer
<br /> o! tha RTC authorizad to do so by the Board o! Directors o! thQ
<br /> �: , -• ,,
<br /> .,� RTC.
<br /> ��'��'. I�i wITliD88 IIHEit80?, the RTC by its duly autharized o!liaers
<br /> �` empowered in that behal.f by appropriata Re�olution o! ite Board o!
<br /> Directors has caused theae presents to be sxeautad and subscribed
<br /> = -- - in its name and its aorporis�i� aeal attixsd th3s � day of rIL�IIS, .
<br /> -' ;�'�'fp�"'� �� RE30I�JTION TRUST CORPORATION
<br />--- r•�r
<br /> ` `
<br /> _' BY i �i'3w�i-a-'�' + �:k.,�w�uw�` �
<br /> T.� �i�... j . �
<br />-;:� �- �� � Michael J artinelli
<br /> ���ti:. �� G 58� -
<br /> -— . •�;.�_. . . Reqional rector -
<br /> j;� �,;;;����•-, . l�" %�. North Central Regional Oitice -
<br /> ���_�,��
<br /> .,� � �'''?���w���•y�' BIGNED, 3EALED AND DELIVERED
<br /> ' " IIJ TiiS PRE3ENCE OF: �
<br /> — ; , /
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<br /> .��' ° ti�: Ja et 1�l. IKrAul f fe�
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<br />�1<',�:� ;��- �arbara J. ��dun ers
<br /> ,�,� �'°' •��:��:,�. . i
<br /> _ ^ ' � ATTEST• --�
<br /> �—,,� � " . Gl n Curtis
<br /> �. - . Regi nal Counsel �
<br /> -=- � � ��� ,, North Central Regional Office �"
<br /> ,r� c_ � '. , �TC MC PW FM. 1 (
<br /> - . /MWCET �6/6/91)
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