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<br />_ --__ - �y.�, M�. � 92_iose92
<br /> .,� ' �ipw �LL p=�tH01T8 BY TSEBD PR�Bla1T8 t
<br /> ;.,. .
<br /> Th� Rasolution Trust Corporation ("RTC") , a corporation
<br />_ organizod ar�d �xistinq undar th� lawa o! tho United Stat�s o! r
<br /> 11n�rica� witih its prinaipal o!lias located in Washington, D. C. ha�
<br /> - d�t�rmined it io neaessaxy to appoiat a repzesontativa to aGt on -
<br /> its b�hsi! to praaerva, maintain or liquidate a�suts o! a�rtain
<br /> —��� insursd snvinqs associationa.
<br /> Tharolora, tor tha purpoas o! prQServinq, maintaining or
<br /> � liquidatinq assatg tha RTC does hereby authorize and uapowar -
<br /> arecrorv J. Theigsen, De�artment Head, Other Assets, Minneapolis
<br /> - - - Conaolidated Oftfce, (RTC) , Minneapolis, Minnesota ae its At�orney
<br /> In Fact !or all failed Savings and Loan institutions in Iowa, -
<br /> — Wieaonsin, Nebraska, Minnesota, 1�laska, Wash�ngton, Oregon, Idaho,
<br /> Wyominq, North Dakota and South L�akota, in its aorporata,
<br /> -�- - aonservatorship or raceiv4rahfp capaaity, to:
<br /> —�._:���.�rc� - -
<br /> -�,y;,�:_^. 1. Siqn, seal and deliver as� the act and deed o! the RTC any
<br /> ���� �. �r�, instrument in writ3ng, and to do every other thinq riecessary and
<br /> �`--'��--'�'r� proper !or the aollection and reaovery o! any and all monies and
<br /> ,_��-� properties o! every kind and nature whatsoever tor and on behal! ot _
<br /> _��-�;;,:�-y,:, s tha RTC and to give proper receipts and acqui.ttanaea thorefore in
<br /> „,,.:,�;,�_ the nama and on behalf of ths RTC=
<br /> �x- _u:
<br /> _ - 2. Release, discharqe or assign any and all judgements,
<br /> - . �.� mortgages on real estats or pereonal property [includinq the
<br /> '� - relea�e and discharcie og the same o! record in the otfiae o! any
<br />_��`t� w� ' Prothonotary or Register of Dseds whe�ever located where payments
<br /> ��=������• on account of the same in redemption or otherwise may have been
<br />��'� ' �'� �.� aade by the debtor(s)] , and to endorse receipt o! such payment upon
<br /> _ ' ., �,��-; �
<br /> r�� ��� the recorda in any appropriate publfc officet �
<br /> _-� f:.�;�
<br />� v':. = '� 3. Receipt, collect and give all proper acquittances for any �`
<br /> .���": , other sums of money owing to tha RTC Por any asset ahich tha above- � •
<br />' �• ,;��„ ,. named may sell or dispose ofi
<br /> - "`���`� � ��'"��� 4. Bxecute any and all transfers and assignments as may be
<br />- .,�'� :,.r: �.�;, ;::..
<br /> w � nacQSSary to aasign any securities or other choses in aationt
<br /> o`
<br /> .. ;��� :. .'� _
<br /> °��° � r 5. siqn, seal, acknowledqe and deliver any and all agreements _
<br /> '� � ��+�� �:� �� as shall be deemed necessary or proper by the Attornwy In Fact in _
<br /> " �'�' � �� the care and management of any assets; �.:--
<br /> .,,�.
<br /> ,��� , �- .
<br /> .,,,. -.,;, � 6. Sign, seal, acknowledge and deliver indemnity agraamants
<br /> G. '°�:'��� ���•�? �nd aurety bonds in the name of and on behalf of the RTC; --
<br />-- '} 'r"°a„',•' �.,�;-.
<br /> � 7. Siqn receipts for the payment of all rents and profits due
<br /> ,� ��;,;�,, or to become due on any assets= �"'
<br /> ,�''_�"=y..r .�
<br /> � _. �.
<br /> ���� � RTC MC YOA FM. 1 � .
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