� . • �. �� .. - '��4 •-. , .��{�� _ , -_ . o�t` c • ��. . . - � .....(,;��:.:�r�, . � - � ��`,
<br /> .. . . .. J_. u. ._._J�.i'.:....._...4..`..:��wt..l:�.�_ J.� _�__�.,.� .i_ �..1:i._..�.�.:t�.• _�C'�a"�" � . _.
<br /> 1`� .
<br /> � � 9�� y,a�26� `�``:� _ _ `" --
<br /> conP.;cts with appiicahle tav+. such conflict shail nct affect other prov�sions ot this Security instrumer�t or the Note which Can pe _ � . `
<br /> • give� eftect wdhout the conflicting provisicn. To ttis en� the provisions of this Security I�strumert and the Note are declared to . , ;
<br /> be severabla. • .
<br /> 15. Borrower's Copy.Bonower shell b3 gnren cne conformed copy of the Note and of this Security InsVument. �", � �" -_
<br /> 'Ev. na�a u0i;s �s��"ldiiC88. t3or.awer stwii nat r,ause or pertnit the presence. use. disposal, storage, or release oi —
<br /> any Hazardous Substances on or in the f'roperty. Bcrrawer shall not do. nor aUow anyone else to do, any[hing affecting the ( ' ' .�'.
<br /> Property that is in violation of any Enviranmental Law. Fhe preceding twa sentences shall not apply to the presence, use, or ` -0-,4-:.;:r:_'_
<br /> starage on the Property of smal! quantities o!Hazardcus Substances that are generaUY recogn¢�zd to be agpropriate to normal t �, `s�. -
<br /> _ resEdertiai uses and to maintenance of the Propert�r. _ _ T�-'
<br /> Barrovrer shaU promptty grve Lendct written ncSice of any investigation, claim, demand. lawsuR or other action by any _ '' -'
<br /> govemmenta! or reguiatory agency or private party �nvaNV�g the Property and any Harardaus Substance or Environmental Law of • `
<br /> which Borrower has actual knowtedge. 1# Bartower leams. or is rtotified by any govemmental or regulaiory authorityr. that any ;, . _� _
<br /> removal nr other remediaUon ot any Hazardous 9��.stan�.es affecting the Property is necessary. Borrower shall promptty take all __:��:,,�• E.,.,:�t;_i.',�r-
<br /> .�r.
<br /> necessery rernedai actions in accordanoe with Emriranmental Lativ. � -.� ..,,.-���-—__ -
<br /> As u�ed in this pazagraph 16, 'H�rdous Sukstartc�s' are those substances defined as toxic or hazardec:s substances by ��"""�^ `-�__ �"_ti'=
<br /> • �...y..,f:-_.�.__._';,_.
<br /> Environmental Law and the fo"oiv_-�g substances: gaso:ine. kerosene. other ftammable or toxic petrofeum �roduds, toxic '��;���=
<br /> pesUddes and herbiddc�. �oYaWe sc1:u�, matetcais ca�laini�g asbestos or focm=f.�d+yd�, and radioactive msl�r�s. As used in �,����'
<br /> �,� .�.;,.,.,�r,..,<:,- .
<br /> the paragraph 16. 'Ervaon::��.,.� ta�v' r•.eans fedn�ul laws and taws of the juris�;.�ise �rhere the PropeRy i� ar�ted that rNate ,s,: �< • -
<br /> ,. � •:l.0`".,,
<br /> - to heaith.safery or ernironmertta�R-:.�`e^�on. '�' = �,=_
<br /> :t �. ..�:;fy...•• T�;%'='�,{3:�
<br /> '� � • ¢� - ��,i
<br /> '{ NOt�-t34+71FORM COYENANTS. Borto�r:s and Lendw tureher covenant artd agree as to�aws: F`-��r� r '���� �
<br /> _ _t�.,,�• „ .�ai � .
<br /> �x .rir�.
<br /> ''i 17.Assignment of Rents. Borrower urtcancfGonaIly assigns and transters to Lender all the reerts:�sd revenues of the '�-'"` •�:�iP �.
<br /> �' PrapeRy. Borrov�e►authortzes Lender or Lender's agen�to coltect ihe rents and revenues and hereby dir�crs�ch tenant of the ����-y• "'°
<br /> ,.� Praperty to pay the rerrts to Lender or Lender s a5en�. However, prior to Lender s notice to 8crrower of aorrower s breach of • , yY "� ,
<br /> any covenant or a mertt tn the Se Instn;men4 8orrower sha0 collect and receNe af� res[a and revenues of the Property ��`-�:� '"`"' s"�-
<br />.:"� � �� � /}'re r e�+..^...5 . ;, -_.
<br /> ".:} es trustee for the benefit oi Len� �=d Borro�e�er. This assignment of rents consKitutes an ��lute assignment and not an t t°^s'�^�;�.`_.
<br /> � ; asstgn�n�t tar addi"�,:,:�a��::r:r.,;ny. i; �'���-=----
<br /> ' If Lender gives noUce ot breach ia BortoNer. {a} all rents received by 8_ma«�a shaEt �2 held by Borrower as tnistee tor ':1. � �
<br /> `�= beneffi of Lender onry,to be applied to the sumss secured by the Secu' Instrument: @) Ler.a�shall be entitled to collecl and , r , r.�'':'
<br /> � •4?��� y ���r,
<br /> ..,j j.;f�,.._..�1 ,'
<br /> receive a0 of th� rerts of the Property: and (c) each tenant oi the Property shall pay eGf ra�� due end unpaid to Lender ar .:-��;:
<br /> Lertder's agerrt on LendeYs written demand to thQ .eaant ` "`''r
<br /> ,,�;r�f, .; . ..
<br /> � Borrower has noi exeeuted any pdor asstgnmsni of the rents and has not and wi0 not pec5�rtn arry act that would prevent ��,(.%�. ' �.;',,,��
<br /> Lender hom exercJsing its rights under thls Para�r�F+ 17. `�F` `• /�%�``;
<br /> ���,.`�?'=':��?:
<br /> � Lender shatl not ma cequired to enter upan.Tal�e•sorttrol of or malntain the P►operty before or after g[vtn�na�ice of breach to t�.� � !r�` '
<br /> , Borrov�er. However. L�-r�zs ar a judicialty appaintecD recelver may do so at any Ume there is a breach.My appllcaUon oi rents �'� � �
<br /> shail not cure or wai�:e ar.g�•a'L or invalidate any other nght or remedy of Lender. This assignment o1 rents of the Prop�ty • '•' '•�; 1 �
<br /> ,7�•• , .:; ..
<br /> ,, shall tertninate when;!ia a�:s�..scad by the Sscudty Instrument is patd in tull. 'S��t •'�°;i I
<br /> , ; ..... . . ::..::.:�_;4
<br /> • f :.,.�7�.,' tr *�
<br /> J �� ..
<br /> `'= 18. Forectas�:�a Procetiave. ff Lendor�requires immediate �ayment fn full urtder Paragrapb 9 ''�; .
<br /> . . ,::: � .. u. .
<br /> Lendor may tnvotse 4Poo pova�er �f s-a��+ and any o4her r�madies Permi�ited by apptiaable law. �"�:�,. ' '�' `:, .
<br /> �.7�.�Er�„�_.;" '
<br /> `; Lensler shali be entitled t� colleCi a�1 axpenses incurred in pursuing iHY� rotnedi�s provided in , �f�.� �..,R�=
<br /> . f thP� Paragraph 18. inctuding, but no1 limited to, reasonable attomsy�' fiees and costs of tiUe ��,;�•�5j�_ ;r.��_
<br /> �� evidonce. ��-�`�_ _
<br /> �� � If tho powar of sate is irevpf�od, Yrustee shall �ecord a noUce ot deisutt in a�ch county i� ��
<br /> `'`� whlch any par4 af the Proparty i� Inos2ad and sha11 mail copias of su�h nottce in the mann�r �-�='""
<br /> pres�rtbed by appti�abte law to Barrawar and to the other persons pressrlbed by app{Icabla law. �"-"""""- �_
<br />',:: � �� ARer 4ha timo roquirod by a�plfe�Fs� I.nrv, Trustoe shall give public na�r�a of sale to tho persona =—=-_-` --
<br /> � and In tho mannor prescri@ed by appllu�a6te law. Trustee. without demaz�d on Borfowar, shall sefl � _,
<br /> tho Property at pu611c euatlon to thv hb�h�s't bidder at 4he timo and place and under the terms -�
<br /> � � Qes4gnated in tho notico of sal� in ono or more parcels and In any order Trus4�o d�4orminos. F. � °--°=-j: 4 H��.- _
<br /> : ; Truuioe may posipono sate of a91 or a�y parcel o! tho P�ope►ty by publtc announcement at the ��=_ --
<br /> •,.-:i, tiane and piace of any pr�viou�y so�oduted salo. Lendor or its dosg�noe may purci�aso tiw �-��. ---
<br /> Property a4 any sate. �� �•
<br /> ����; Upon recoipt ot paymo� �0 tho priao bld. Trus4eo shall deliver to the purclt�aser Tntstee's n�,-
<br /> . '� deed convoying the Proper4y. Tho ro�i4�ts in tha Trustee's deed shall be prima facie evtdenee of -��,�.:;;
<br /> the truth af t{te atatemer� ma�le tharein. Tnrstee shali appty the pr�eeds of the salo (n the � �;;•,•��.��_�� = -
<br /> . - taltowving order. (a) to ��7 cos4�c and expenses of exerclsing tho pas.��ar at safe. end the sa1e. `�" A'�`°��d�,,,�
<br /> �.i�._�==--=°�;-.::
<br /> including tite pay►ment af 4lzo Tru�;oo'�f�o� actualty incurre�9. not to exceed tTnree % -�•• �_��__�••
<br /> • �l- of the rinoi a1 �,r:aunt of tho nate a4 tho time of the de�laration of detauit, and reasonalate � -fi ---�---•
<br /> V P I��- -:,. �=fi=,.-.�f=__-,..-,,T
<br /> f� attorneys' teofl �9 {�.csrmftted by lamr. �b) to all �ums secured by thls Security Instrumenr and �c) ��;•����-� .
<br /> �� i.� any excess to the p�er,ott cv poraonn Idg�Uy entit'er!to (t. '. ' ,•'� �:`"�;'
<br /> ��,. . '
<br /> I'f C h e L e n d e r's i t rt¢r a� In t h i:, S ocw t 4 y t n s t�u�ont ls hotd b y 4he Sa�aota ry and th0 Sear a L�ry �����.�� �.~�•��
<br /> ':�'� the SecPeta +n: invoke tho non udl�i ' �� "'i'�„'' :�•.
<br /> raqutres immedt�a �Se�t�,�+��r in fup E�ndor Paragr'.;ph 9, ry ny j ��al � `�,�a•�;: .�
<br /> ��;'P.Lst!.r.:s.�.•
<br /> power orf sa�o gcavfrPad [n tho Sinpis► Family Mortgage Forecfosure Act of 1994 (°A�cE") (12 U.S.C. �
<br /> 3751 e4 seg.) by requestlt�g a foiecl�vre commissloner destgnated under th� Ac3 to commence ��*�•°- � '
<br /> ��r�::�
<br /> � foieclosure and to sell tF►e Proporty aa: providad In the Ac4. Nothtng in the precedlr�g sentance �,=,-,�.a,���;..-.
<br /> � shall depriv�tho Sooretary of a�rSP ric�Ma othern�ise avaitablo to a Lender under thl�Paragraph 18 � �`�� • = .
<br /> �T �,�.,�.
<br /> or appU�ablo law. � - -�+��.•�c�i.�:.:.
<br /> 19. Reconveyance. Upon payment of all sums seaured by this Secur(ty tnstrument. Lender shall request Trusteo to „ � .� ' '� .
<br /> ' reconvey the Property and shail surrender thla Sscurity Instrument and ali noted evidencing debt secured by this Security
<br />� instrument to Trustee.Trustee sha0 reconvey the Ptoperry without wamanry and withoul charge to the person or persons legally � �
<br /> . R:. ...a-LL t•lvl��•:.
<br /> entdled lo it. Such person or persons shall pey any recardation costs . `
<br /> c5yi��1np,9fi61 �.�o-a :•; I• _ .
<br /> E .___ .__. ._..___.
<br /> � �� I• -._..----.-.------ -
<br /> . 95t6a ` f-:
<br /> . 1
<br /> . ,. , �;
<br /> ' '" - • . .`.: , ,� � • • . . . _�- . . . , .. . . .. . •, .. .
<br /> ,' . .. . . .. c; .� .. . . .` t� .. .'�t , ..� i• , �. . - . . . . .��. -_ - .. . . �' .• r' ,, .. . s..��.� .. _ , .. , - • .
<br /> . . . _. _ . . r• . . _
<br />