. . . . .. r•�.}c . . , _.....��"°> �L�
<br /> • c _ _ . .t_,. ��'F. i;. :�.:nv�� ,.. . .fe`•:' ' - — - ..5.
<br /> � •�'. • ��� t.. � •t,' � `+y y�, S _ _ St s .1---:.�.-� �.uv..»�� _ —
<br /> C u.� � ' ������
<br /> _l, • 9�9 �,��� .,�=: -'
<br /> Any amounts dfsbursed by Lende�under Shis Paragraph shaA become an additfonal d?bt of 8orrower and he secured by ��r��'�:=:
<br />. � . ..,."_C..Y.....
<br /> • thta Sacunly Insirumenf. These amounta shafi bear inter�st from the date of disbursement at tfia Mote rate.and at the option at :
<br /> tcndcr. shail bo immad�tety due anA payablo. '-�.-�1,
<br /> _.•�..,
<br /> Bor►ower shtill prompUy discharQe any lien which hea �nor�ry over this Seariry �nstrument un!ess Borrower. (a) agrees in _ `:�y x'
<br /> �ynYng to lhe payment �f iho oCligs4ion secured by the lien in a manner aeceptable to Lend=r, (b) contests in good taith the Ilen ' -��'-��=--.
<br /> by or detcnds ag�n�t entareement o1 tha ticn fn. tenal p:aeeedings vthich in tfie Lender's opinfon operute to prcvent tf^e _ _
<br /> � entorccmenl 01 tho llan; ar (c) secures hom the halder o1 the lien un agreement satlstactory to L�rtdtr suherdinating the lien ta - , "��,f ,
<br /> th�s Secunry Instrument. II Lender determnes that any pert at the Property is subject to a Gen whicl� may atta[n pdoriry over tt:is � :_„�;,;_�
<br /> `' � 5ccudry IasWmeni.Lender may gJvo Bartovrer a notieo idenUtytng the tien. 8orro•rrer sheli sattsty the Gen or take one or rtore of + >
<br /> ►ho ections set torth eDove withln 10 dnys of the gl�ing of not!ra =-
<br /> - Q. F8Et9.Lender tnay call2ct(ees and charges authorized by the Seuetary. - r =�
<br /> r.+ _ti
<br /> 9. �rounds tor AaceleraYton o4 Debt �' '` �`�'
<br /> _ e_�::�,_:�-:
<br /> " (o) tlstauit. Lender may, exceQt as 6mited by regulations issued by trte Setxefary in the case of payment defaui�. ' '�s �L�_�_
<br /> � reqwro Immedla4e payment in fuil of a�l sums secured by this Security f�,sUument fi �t�'���-w
<br /> :..�._ .,... _
<br /> (i)Bortav�et detauRs by tai:ing to pay in fu11 any monthly psyment rCquired by tAis Sewri2y lnstrument Pdor to or ort — ,�;;�_.:-ss,_
<br />, � tho due daYe of the next monihry payment. or y c,.�.--�r-�-
<br /> �1--r�..�,
<br />� . (ip Bortnwer de`.aults by Iailing.4or a petiod of thirty days.to peRortn arry otAer obGgations contained in this 3e,csu+t� �:..
<br /> tnsttumetit. �l`,r�<.��
<br /> ' (b) $ato Without Credi! Apprav�l. iender shall. 'rf psrtnitted by eppGcab!e law (�nctuding se�an ?r41(d) of ti�.e - yI,�s<< ��•_
<br /> � t3gmS1 Demiaist bepository tnsGtutions Act o1 1982. 12 U.S.C. 1741j-3(d)) end vi�t3� tAe pr�or approval of the 5ecratar�, : t/��e;�.:
<br /> � requ!re immediatu poyment In fuU ot all the eums secured 6y this Securiry Ir.suu.r.cr,t it: r"'� 'f� `-
<br /> �""•,
<br /> - (i) All or parl uf the Propecry. or a benefrcial intercst in a �.:st oim.irtg ai m� ��^t at the Property. is sa[d: cr _ , y:
<br /> � otherv+lse transferted(othcr than by deuise or desceni).artd � . `-
<br /> (ii) TAo Property Is not accupled by thu purchaser or grantee as his or Aer prtndpal residence, ar iGte Fard"a.s�cr �,��_�s._,.
<br /> gsan2eb d004 so or�upy ihe Propsrty, but his or her cred'A has not bee� approved in accordance v� tlt� r�-�, _
<br /> ��.:__,-...r.a�
<br /> � requlrcmCnt�ot the Secrateryr. �— �"_.
<br /> (C� NO WaSvof. 8 cUcumstancos occur that wauld permit Lend2r to require imm°diate payment in tull, but !r•.crdar a��=��
<br /> does not require such paymente.Lersder does not waive t43 rlghts v1lth r�gect to s�L+se�uent evants. �
<br /> F -•
<br /> • ��i�.�_
<br /> ' (d) Rogulr�tlons of HUD S�eretary. in many circumutanees regulatons issued by the secaetary wiU Iimit =w!_ ���
<br /> ' � la�dtYo dghts. In the caso of pnymml detaults. to requUe immadote paymant in tuD end foredose if not peid. Th.ia ic-�'-���— �
<br /> . Secndty InaVument Qoes etot authortae acceleration or toreclosu�if not p2rtnAtsd by regulatians of the Secretary- �*_�;
<br /> � (�j Mortgago Not Insurfd. Butrowet agreas tha!B this Secudty tnstrv�:ertt end the Note are noi detemti.�e�L�
<br /> be eNpih(e tor inaurance unQer iho Natlonal Housing Act v�ithfn 90 �i�a Uom the date hereef, �n+5tc
<br /> . may,r�t(to oalfan�quiro immed!+3to payment in tull ot ell sumu securzc]Dy t�hc Seeuny Instrum;rrt. A Eb:iGan�7att�art '
<br /> of eny o��ihattYCd egent of the Secreta�y dated subsequant to 90 d�ty,�s from the da�.e hc-r¢cf, �a�tcrirtd
<br /> .. to lnsure this Secudry Instrument and the Note. shell bs deemad cenchsslue prooi oi sucfi ineligib�i. . Nohro�is,-"�•sssrlJsrq• �_
<br /> � ' the fotegofng, tCis opUon may not ho FacerGsed by Lendar whon tne unavailab;lily of Insurance is sately du_to La*.;u�'a °�.,���
<br /> • taEiuro to tcmit n moRgaQo insur.�nce premfum to the Secn.Kary.
<br /> � 00. Rolroat�toment.Bottawer ha�v rfght to be relnstated if Lendar has re�ul�d�ate psY'nant in tufl becau.�e ot ��
<br /> ' 9oROwer'v hlture to pay an emuunt Que under ihe No.o or lhia Secudty Instrument Th:s� efgM epp5es even after tore�.:sure
<br /> x�r��•
<br /> pra�eedng� aro institutcd. To retnstate lha Secudry Instrumen� Bcrrosver shall tEndar in a lur� su:r► aD amounts r�u.�1•to �,-
<br /> btN�p BnrtaweYs ecCOUnt eunent IncluCing, to tho extent thay ere abtigaUons ot BoroH�r uz�:r ttw Securiry ha..^?raor�trt. —
<br /> � tdec7osuro Fo9ts as�d renaonabla and cuctumary attomay's tQaa anG e:cpanses prepsdy essoda:e�J v�?th the fcr�-.sura �"
<br /> �s�'_�- ,
<br /> proceedfig. Upon relnst�temont by�ortawct.th:s Security InsUVmant ond t[��o�llgat[c�s tt�t ft secures sY�aii�:n u��t�ct ca -----_
<br /> � • U lendtr had not requked Immcdtato p�yment In tuil. Mawever. Lundar is noi requlned to pen�nit reins�:�ar�t it. (�Lce:us Ras ;.�
<br /> . 'e �. ,
<br /> • accepte4 reinshtem�m oftea Iho cnmmenccment of fasedosure procoedings w!thfn two y�zars (mrned"ateiY P��t� ��a �:_
<br />•°� commar►cemenl oi� cuRent inrectosure proceeding. (ii) retnatalemunt wHl pr¢cht6�tGraclasure an ditterent graunds in tlt�finLrS. �:`F"z
<br /> or(ii1)�eMStAtement w�1 edVercely atlect Iho pdariry o1 the(len createtd by trfu Soeudry InsL�tctsent —"= _ �
<br /> ' � �/. Bar�ow�r Ns►t H�I�a��d; ForFsaoranc� By Lsna9or N'M a Wahrar.6QCnsion of the tima ot payment or �:~
<br /> modilicatbn a1 anwritzalion ut Ihn sums cawred by tHis Security M3trumant gmntad by �eaG°r to any successor In irrterest of y,, �`
<br /> dortower�h�U nct aperoto to rotesse tho Oability o1 iho od nnl Elortower or 8orrau¢r's successor tn Interest.Lender sha0 nct be ��"� '
<br /> (�I atfh.Fs'r�
<br /> • •��•" reaukad t�a cnmtnmee�proceedinps e�inst ony eucce:,sar in interest or retu3e to ext�n0 Gmo tor paymmt or otherwise madity �
<br /> '� � smortization ot Ihe cuma eecured by thfs Hecudty In3trument by reastn ot ony damnr.d mnde by tAe odginal Borro�ver or ��;:�.
<br /> �..-
<br /> 8arrower's cucce�eA» u� 1nie�est. My farbeiranco by Lender in exerdshtg nny rk3ht or rcmetiy shall not be a vreiver af or ��;�,.
<br /> � " pretfude ths�xerelsr ot�ny rlgM or rcynerfyr. �
<br /> 12. 6uccascen a�nd Asziqns Bound; JafM end Seve�al LlpMitiy; Casinnora The covenanto and ��
<br /> � eptBemEnt�ot Ih13 f.e�vrtty Inctiument aheH bind end 6enefit tho successors anQ esalryi3 ot Leader and Borrawer,subJect to the
<br /> ._ pro•risluno nt NuR�r.+yh U(0) UoROwei a co�cnant�und aQtecmants sha0 be jalnt and 6ev¢rel. Any Borrovr�r who casigna this `�����
<br /> �
<br /> �•• • Sctur,ly inetrutnent ha1 doea not eaecutp lho M1tuto: (a)Is co-alflnmp Ihis Securlly in3trt:mant only to mortgsge,gtant end eanvey __.
<br /> � thot �orraN.n o aitcrC51 �n lAo F'wperty undcr Iho tarmn ol thl� Secudty Instrumant• (`�r 13 not personatty obligatad to pay the
<br /> . �'>�t_`
<br /> � euni� cevuted by 11��� Eictunry InstrumcM. miA (y nq�eee Ihat LendM end any o:har 6ttro•�ier may agee to e#md. mad(ty. �z�:�+?.�,
<br /> , turbcn► ui n�ho any acr.omttrott�tion� �•nin �eqard ro lho tcrm o1 thla SCCUAry Instrman:w �n4 Hoto wtcno�e cnae eorra+ver•s �w!�!!!�??��?",
<br /> � consent — —=-r
<br /> ir .�� _. _..
<br /> .�• 13. Naie�9. rtny n��Ucu to [luuowcr pro•rldcA fot In Ihla Souidty Instrument shall ba Qiv¢n by de!ivertng it or by mailing it �_'�s��-�___
<br /> ' �y f�ci rla^a maa un:e:a n��V::cnL'.�law�equircn u:o 01 a�wihe+method. Tho notico sRail b�drrc:ed to tAe Property Addresn or ;�-- _
<br /> , . nny uit�er n�d{Jras3 ff��uo,yc� dr,.t���:ilca tiy not;r.n to tctt@.r Qny naUca ro Lcndcr sAall b�given Dy first otass mail to Lendars ��
<br /> � nd�trc,� ctatcil tic�c~r� rn eiry n�trtro�� 1 ende� Ac�Iqnatc� Ly notico to Dorru+vn My notle3 prvdded for In this Security �1.�.:: —
<br /> • ' li�,fumu nl an:�'.l ho�tc:mr.+1 tu h:un ui;r�� �;n:�� In Nou����cr or lanAcr v,hcn c�i�en n�provid�d In thio p1rCIIt�ph. "�'�"�'''':u'
<br /> ���ait+_zz�_
<br /> . - - 14. �ave���ieifl t.�w; tipverablHQy. n���� :,�r.u�,ry m�.trumen� shatf 6o qevemed Dy Fedsr► 4sv� nnd tho law o1 ihe ° -:—•�. .-
<br /> � � ��l�f3lt:clliifl �b �ih411 thn Ntr.p[It� i; I:il.:llCd fu 1�� �:�cnf Ih�t �ny pro�IS:an Or GI�U10 OS lGi6 SCCUity In3tru�r.En1 or the Note ,,;!�i:�;
<br /> � --'-
<br /> � ,:•�i..4 i - . . , , � .. .. . .
<br /> ����7:titl•;
<br /> . . .�,
<br /> • va , +
<br /> . � , - ,�i:• • .. ._. - :. . . . -" . . � ' . -' .
<br /> • .� 4 t. • ' � ... `,, �� , ; 'r�k� ; , " .
<br /> . _ . � . . _ . • .. _ . ... . .. . _. .. .� •- _ `:a�•...�- .. • . •• , ..
<br />