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<br /> 17.Trfu�fer�ef the Property or a�eneficiui inter�3[n Borrotiv�.If all or any part of the Property or any interest in it •.�_ �-:;
<br /> is sfa',�or traniferrcd(ar if a benefinal irtterest in Borrower i�sold ar tr.u�sferred and Borro�ver is not a natural personl withottt _
<br /> ,�.,�,� I.er.w:t s prior written consent, L.ender m�y, at its option, require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this � ���`^
<br /> $CC�;Fjty I[tiE;d;�X�ri. i..i"wL"v2i.this option snall reut be exertised by Lender if exercise is prahibited by federsl!aw as of the date �_��'_.�
<br /> ��t of Ct�is Security Instn�ment. --_—,
<br /> '�;� If Lend°r exercises this option,Lender shatl give Borrawer notice of acceteration.The r.otice shall provide a period of not :
<br /> - (es:� ttian 34 days from the date the notice is delivered ar mai(aJ within which Borrower mus¢ pay ali sur►u secured by this _
<br /> � Ser;arity Instrument. lf Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period.Lender may invoke any remadies
<br /> -�1 pese:itted by this Securiry Instniment without further notice ot demand on Borrower. _;
<br /> � 1$, 8aotroKer's Right fa Reinstate. If Borrower mcets certain rnnditions, Borrower shali have the right to have
<br /> �� en?,rcement of this Security Instrument discontinued at any time prior to the earlier of: la) 5 days (or such otfier period as
<br /> ,',�� ap�th�bte laH• may specify for reinstatemenq before sale of the Property pursuant to any power af sale contained in this `��.
<br />;'';; .: Security Instrument;or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Secnrity Instrument.Those conditions are that Borrower:(a)pays ��':`;_�`_
<br /> ��`•�• Le�rod,:r ail sums which Ehen would be due under this Security Instrument and the Note as if no acceleration had occurted;(b) ��-"�__
<br /> �i;� .
<br /> >;;,:��� cures any default of siny other covenants or agreements: (c) pays aIl expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Instrament, �`�_;..�:�
<br /> _-:, �� irrtuding, but not limited to,reasanable attomeys' fees:and(d)takes such action as Lender may reasonably requue to assure r;,a.m""
<br /> th�:t1�liea of this Security Instrument. Lender's rights ia the Property and Borrower's obligation to pay the snms secured by �-.--•:�--.•
<br />. this Secusity Insuument shall conrinue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Security Insuument and the ----
<br /> obtigations s�hereby shall remain fully effective as if no acceleration had occurred. However,this right to reinstate shall �h.,,r _
<br /> rv�t ap�ly i�e the case of acceleration under paragraph 17. �r�-r�w�
<br /> 19. S$le of Note; C[tan�;e of Loan Servtcer. Tl�e T�iote or a partial interest in the Note (together with tfus Securiry �y:�•�•
<br /> Irairument)m.ay be sold one ar more rimes without prior mJttx to Borrower.A sale may result in a change in the entity(know� �T�_=-
<br /> as t'ta,"Loan Sgrvicer")that ccileets monthly payments�;.Q iuider the Note and this Security Insuvment.The.•e also may be one
<br /> ou more char.ges of the Luau 5ervicer unrelated to a sale of t3ie Note. If there is a change of the I�an Servicer.Horrower will be _
<br /> geren written notice of the dtacrge in accordance with pas",.�aph 14 above and applicabte law.The notice will state the name and �_ _
<br /> w3ress of tlte new Loan Sc�i,�:r and the address to whi�payments should be made. The notice wiU also contain arty other �F��;
<br /> • infozmation reyui�d by app!i�'�te law. ���` ;
<br /> - 2p. Ha�nrdous Substances.Borrower shall not cause or pemvt the presence, use, disposal, storage, or release of any
<br />,,�'�,��,•.:: }8�rasdous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do. nor allow anyone else to do, anything affecting the -=_
<br /> - Pta�trty that is in violation of any Environmental Law.The preceding two sentences shall nnt apply to the presence, e�se,or __ -
<br /> � st��ag�on tt:e Praperty of smal! quantities of Hazardous Substances that are generally �ecognized to be appropriate to norma!
<br /> .. r�entia!use5 and to maintenas►ce of the Property. --
<br /> Bonou�et shall prompdy give Lender wntten natice of any investigaaon,c�v.�r,.demand, lawsuit or other acaon by any _� -
<br /> gavtmmental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Properry and arcf�JYTr.ardous Substance or Environmental Law �.-��"`
<br /> oF���hich �orrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower►r�u�s, or is notifred by a�J govemmental or regulatory autl�ority,that =—
<br /> %',<.' aa�•removal ar other remediarion of any Hazardous Su�+s:Face affecting the I'roperry is necessury.Borrower shall promptly take _
<br /> r'� a�!necessary temedial actiohs in accordance with Enviiv:.�xntal Law. --
<br /> ,; As used in this paragr�rh 20, "Hazardous Substazra:.w" are those substanas�$fined as toxic or harardaus substances by
<br /> Bnv�ronn�ntal Law and th� Eallowing substances: g�:lir�:, kerosene, other fF�Trr�able or toxic petroleum�;coducts, toxic �''���,
<br /> pessicid�s arxl herbicides.voiatile solvenu,materials co:�au�ang asbestos or formairlr�'svde,and radioactive mzi�,r.is.As used in
<br /> 1�-., ..
<br /> tt,i;paragraph 20, "Environmental Law" means federal iaws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is lacated tbat
<br />• relate to h�°alth,satety or environmental protection. _:__`-'-
<br /> NON-UbiIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and l.endar further cN�enant and agree as fotlaws:
<br /> � 21. A�etemtion;RemedIes.Lender shali give notEce to Borro�ver prlor to acceleration following B�tt.r.r3wer's breath �---
<br /> • � c,Y aoy vn�rnant or agree�ent in this Security In�tm�rscent (but aot prior to gcce2eraHon under pa�ph 17 onless �`_-.-
<br /> a�ca�le Oaw provYdes othestvise).'I7ie notice sha[I�ify: (a)the default:(6)the action requirnd to cvre the default;
<br /> ,�� (e)a dat"uot le�s t��n 3fl days from the date the notice is @vea to Borro�+rer,by w6Icb the default must be cured;and _
<br /> :�j. (�that daUm�to cure the default on or before the date specified in the aottce may resiilt in acceleratIon of th�suins �--��.
<br /> �:-_:>>.
<br /> :;���� s�euter��y t6is Serurity Instrument and sale ot the�roperty.T6e nottce shall furtHer ir�form Barrowe�of t6e rig6t to _
<br /> ;t;�;'f,g: r�i.a�3ate aflter acceieratlot��d the right to brIng:��:onrt actfo�a to assert the aoir�exisience of a defaalt or uny other y �,�+
<br /> -;�'•-s ' drr�e�o!Borrower ta asro�'t�ution and sala If liL�J�:Yault is not cured on or 6efore the date s�eciffr.ci��n the aotice, '�M,I .
<br />;��;:;,-,
<br />,,yj;,g„•�¢� i.ea.3er, at Its option,m��•vzqutre immedlate Fay�ttsmt in fuil of all sums secured by t6Ls Sec+uity Instcnrsnent �vithout �+�*-�--
<br /> r;;•�f�y� further 8em3ad$ud may uivoke the po�sn�t'of sate ttnfl any other remedies permltted by ap�licahle taw.I.ender s6�lf Taee
<br /> ;}�%�c>•i:,� ee�litt��tca ccll��c s�expeases incurre�itr,�z+isuing the reme�les provided in this pars�g�aph Zl,iaciuding,but aot li�rrii� _�_._,
<br />�?}�-s..;�. to,neasa�abte�s'.�;rmeys'fe�s and costs of t3tte evideace.
<br /> '�``'�'' It the wer of sale ts invok+ed, Trustee shall r�roord a notice ot default in eacb rnunty in which any part of the
<br /> '��;,i:�,;
<br />�: �,,,;,:, ptrop��4y is �cated and s6a11 mail copies of sach arrlir.�e in the manner prescribed by appitcable law to Borrower and to
<br /> ;�;;:� , ? trrr oih�penson9 prescrihed by applicab:e law.1#tir�-�iia time reqaired by applicabte law,Trastee shall give publlc aotice
<br />-�.�. oS saie to the�r�sons aad in the manir�s�rscsilr�c�ti�by appiiestble lav�.Trustee,wiihout demand on Borrower,shall sell
<br /> . tY7r PrupertY u�publIc aactiom to the[�n�wR�idder at the time and place and under the terms des�aated in the notice of r �"-
<br /> sa�t in�ne or mose paccels and in any�;�rder TrU.st_e determInes. Tnistee may postpone sate of all or any paroel of the l..��__.
<br /> �' . Nro�pec4y by public anQO�rn:x:mr;nt at the time aurt�1'ace of any prevtousty schedWed snle. Lender or ti��destgnee may -
<br /> A.�:. pc.rc►�se t6e Pra�erty at mn;�;�s:Ete. -
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