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<br /> . ._. '_ T_' , _ _ __•"'�. . ._._ . ' '_ � •�' ' "_".' "_#`—G . _ . � ` Vk . , -
<br /> _._ _ '_ ' � r _ •4 _�_ �_ f�ti.....i�:. L 'lf` - _
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<br /> '. payments may no longer 6e required,at the optiun of I.etider,if mortgnge insurance coverage lin the atnaunt and For tEte period �=�=
<br /> . that Lender requires)provided tsy sm insumr appsaved by Lender again becames ava'slable and is obtainerl.Borrower shall pay
<br /> the premiums required ta�intain mortga�e insuranP�in effeci,or to pravide a loss mserve,untif the requirement for mortgage ��
<br /> �. _
<br /> insurance ends in acco�dunse with any�vritten ag�xnt hsnveen Botrower ar.d Lender or uppiicabte law. �,;._
<br /> ' 9.Inspe�Eon. Lender or its ageni may ma�:e neasonabfe enfies upon and inspectiocs of the Property. LeRder shatl�ive �'"-;
<br /> Borrower notice at the time of or prior to an incpetunn specifying reasonnbte cause for the inspection. ==
<br /> 10. Condemnutton. The proceeds of any� a��7.rd or claim for damages, direct or consequential. in connection with any �_=_
<br /> % -..
<br />. condemnation or other talcing of any part of th� PrAperty. ar for rnnveyance in lieu of condemnatian, are hereby assigned and ,
<br /> �:':
<br /> ' shall be paid t�L,en�er. �" "
<br /> In the evt�►t of a totat taking of the Propeny,th�proc�eds shail be applied to the sums secured by this Secwity Instrument, �'�_�
<br /> whether or not then due, �vith any excess paid tc►BnrroK'�r. In the event of a partial taldng of the Property in which th�fair �:�'�•
<br /> -= market value of the Praperty i�mediately before tho talcing is equal to or greater than the amount of the sums secured by this
<br /> -' t i
<br /> �'�� Securir�Inspvment immediately before th�e taking,unless Borrov++er and Lender othenvise agree in writing.the sums secured by �'__,
<br /> •. this �.vrity Inrnument shall be reduced by thr.amnunt of the proceeds mu1apGed by the following fraction: (a) �he total �
<br /> - � amQUnt af the sums secured immediately b�forc tha iaking,divided by(b)tlte fair market value of the Property iminediately
<br /> i';� before the[a�ng. Any balance shall be paid ta Bosro�ver. In the event of a partial taldng of the Property in which the fair �""�`
<br /> 5>_•<
<br />, market value of the Property immediately before the taking is less than the amount af the sums secured immediately before the ���'*
<br /> r . talripg,unless Burrower and[xnder othenvise t�ree in writing or unless applicable law otherwise provides,the pmoeecls shall �; �
<br /> be a}�plied w ti�e sums secu�by this Security Inspwutnt whether or not the sums are chen due. ��-
<br /> pm
<br /> ' Zf the Praperty is a6andaned by Borroner.ar if.after notice by Lender to Botcower that the coademnor offers to make an �4�:'
<br /> awa�or setde a cisim for damages, Borroti��er fails to raporr�w I.ender within 30 days after the date the notice is given, �;•��`
<br />: '�.;;, Lender is authorized to collect and apply ths prooeads.at iis optian,eithar to restorarion or nepair of the Propert}+or to the sums i°_
<br /> securcd by this Sec�:i:��F.�.�taument,wheth�r or noi tt�a due. �'�=-
<br /> - L'nless Lendar�i F.;orrower otherwise agree id�ti-riting, zny application of proczeds to principal sha11 not extend or � _�
<br /> - postpone th�due date of tke manthly�slmer.0 referred to in�r er�hs 1 and 2 or change ihe amount of such payments. ��'::
<br /> Il.�a�rower Not Released;Forbearance Bp I.e n aer 1�TS�.s�V a i ver.Eztension o f t he t i me for paymen t o r m o d i fr r�t i o n � •
<br />- of amortir3l��un af tlte swns secured by this Security Instrument�-�:�d hy Lender to any sucxessor ia intecest of Borrower shall s*::=•
<br /> aut a�terate ta retease the iiabiliry of the original i3nrmz�Er or Bnrrawer's successors in interest. Lender s�rrt be required to �-'
<br /> � ctimmence praeeedings a���.�st any successor in intea�est or refuse co extend time for payment or otherwise�fy amoitir,ation ��
<br /> of th¢ sums s�red b�= t?tis Security Instrum:,e�t by reason of an� demand made by the original Bor�er or Boaower's —
<br /> succssars in ins�rest.4_-w forbearance by l.ax3er in exercising�� ri�hht or remedy shall aat be a waiver of or preclude the �.
<br /> cxe�ise of��right c:rr�,�ty.
<br /> � 12, S�ec�sors m� �Signs Boand;Jofnt �Severai �'�ty; Cn.�t�s.�. 7'he a�•.enanu and agreements of this � ,•
<br /> Secvrity.Inctrument sh�:T 1-�:°.d and beasfit the suc.+�ss� and �*��s of Y.e��a�and Boaa��a: subject to the provisions of ,. � 3��`-�•
<br /> parngnph 27. Borrower's wvenants �:3.agreesr'��.��.~-.[d tse j.airjt and seve�T. Any Borrc:r�rr who co-sigms this Security . -...
<br /> Insnttment but daes not execute the A��r�: (a1 is co-signing 4'ii5 sr�::rity Instrument only to+r�rtgage. gtant and con�e�t�at =___
<br /> ' Borrmvar's interest in the Property urnier thc tem�s of this Sec�fty Instnunent;(b)is not petsonaUy obligated to pay ths sums
<br /> s�um.��by chis se�u�;ry rnsm,�n�:aad(c)agreea tt►st I.ender and any other Borrower may agree to extend,modify.fmrbear or ��__
<br /> . maf:e any accommadations with regand to the terms of this Sccarity Inswment or the Nate without that Borcower's wnsent.
<br /> 13:Lnsm Charges. If the loan secured by.this S�rity Insm�ment is subject to a la�v which seis maximum loan charges. �'
<br /> � �and ttim Imv is Rnally interpmte�so that the interest or other ln:n charges coU�or to be collected in conrnection with the __ _
<br /> toan mca�.��t C�e permitted limits.then: (a)any such loan charge s�.r1l be oeduced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge �`,'
<br /> � to thu permi:ted limit:and(b)anY sums already oollaxed from Borrower which exceeded pemuued limits will Ge nefunded to
<br /> Bnrro�var. Lender mx�1 damose to make this re�►�nJ by redncing the principal ovred under the Nate or�F inaldng a ditect '`�r,•,.
<br /> ptayylnEnt�to Borrower: �s a refund reduces nn..^i the reduction will be veate� as a artial prq�t3nnr:�nt without an �=-�'
<br /> p ' pal. P Y .'r�rw��.
<br />� pres��ym�ns c`uirge und:s r;.ki:Note. �--
<br /> t�i.�,��t�ecs.Any notice to Bomswr.�prov��ed for in this SECUrity Instrument shall be g��:en by del_v�g it or by maiting �°y -
<br /> .. it by[it�i ci�v mail unlass epplipble law req��ites as�of anothar method.The notice shall b$dire�ted��iflr.Praperty Address •
<br /> �, or anp other address Borro�ver designates by asot£�� to Lend$r. My notice to Lender shall be give�.lb��lirst class mail to R`.�'�'�°
<br /> Lend�r's n;t�2:r.ss s4tned herein or any other zd�ress Lendfr designates by notice to Borrower. Any norice�vided for in this �'`
<br /> ' Security la�x*lment shall bE deemed to have baen given to Bnmovr�ar I.en�der when given us pcovided in this paragraph.
<br />� ;' �� iS,w�ru�triilttg Lativ; Seversbitity. This 5awrity Insttuns�.tn shall be gavemed by federal law and the laiw nGr�e
<br /> j jqri�dtciicrn i;�which the �roperty is located.In 43�e eveni that�.ny provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the t�iote �.-•�
<br /> •� conflicts wlih opplicable iaw.such wnflict shal3 rnt affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note which can be
<br /> . ,� givon�exfact wIthout the conilic2ing provision.'Fo ttds end th�provisions of this Security Instrument and the Note are declared �
<br /> • s to be s�.er�fa.
<br /> j l�i.&aa�o�ver's Copy.Borrower shnll be g3vi;n one oonfombed oopy of the Note and of tfii�Security Inshument. ��
<br /> ' Form 3028 9190
<br /> � �' Cego 6 cI8 � - ._�-�--�-.
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