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<br /> •�,; 17.Trnctsfe�of the Pro�wa4y ar u Benefictal Inieres4 in Borroa�er.If alt or any part of the Property or any intcrest in it ,,��;,.
<br /> _ ;� is sold or transfemad(or if a benefic�al interest in Borrower is wld or transferred artd Borrot�er is not a natvral personl without q��,:
<br /> � �' Lender's prio: written cansent. Lender may. at iu optivn, require immediate payment in full of ail sums secured by this �.
<br /> ;:; Security Instrument.Huwcver,this option shalt not be excrrised by Lender if exercise is pmhibited by federal la�v as of the date �
<br /> oi this Seeurity Insuvtn�nt.
<br /> . Y If Lraider exercises this option, Lender shall give Borrower natice of acceleration.The nuti�Y shall provide a period of not ��: -,
<br /> ' less thaie 3U dsys from the date the notice is delivered or mailed ivithin �vhich Borrower must puy all suw secure�: by this �,,y,,-�
<br /> ``�^ :'.:f"f
<br /> Security Instrument.If Borrower Eaiis to pay these sums prior to the eapiration of this period.Lcnder may invake any remedies
<br /> "� pertnitted by this Security In.�tlwnent without further notice or demand on Borrower. —=_
<br /> —�; l8. Bor�o�ser's ltlg�t to ReinSYafe. If Borrower meets certaim m�ditioas. Borro�ver shali have the righ[ to have �° `-
<br />�� �" enfor.eincnt of this Securiiy Ir+sinunent dissontinne� at any cime prior to the earlier of: (a)5 d•rys lor such other period as t-�;:�,
<br />- t applicable law may specify for reinstatemenq before sale of the Properry pursuant to any power of sale confaiaed in this ' �,�y
<br /> Security insuument:or(b)envy of a jud�ment enforcing this Security Instrument.'fhose rnnditions are tiiat Borrower:(a)pays � ,__.�"_-
<br /> � Lender all sums which then would be due under this SecuRty Instrument and the P1ate as if no scceleraiion had occurred: lb) ,�;
<br /> ��� cures any default af any other cavenanu or agrc�emenu: (c) pays all eapenses incurred in enforcing ttua Security Inrtrument.
<br /> ��'�-"=�--
<br /> � ' including,but not limited ta.reasonable attomeys fces;and(d)takes such action as Lee�der may reasonabiy requ�rP to assore �--.•_<
<br /> j that the lien of this Security Instrument. Lender's rights in the Propeny and Borrower's obligation to pay the sums securai by _ __
<br /> , i this Security Instrument shall rnntinue unc6anged_ Upan reinstatement by Bormwer, this Security Inswment and the s_ ,:
<br />� �� obligations secured hereby shali remain fully ett'ecace as if no aoceteration had occurred.However, tfiis right to reinstate shall ��."'"�
<br /> not apply in the case of acceleration under paragaph !7. �•�� _-
<br /> r,•:._�.
<br /> 19. Sale of IVot� Chut�e of Loan Serv[cer. The Note or a partial interest in the Note (together with this Security ____
<br /> Instrument)may be soId one or more times without prior norice to Borrower.A sale may resu[t in a c(iange in the entity tknowc► —' -
<br /> � ; as the"Loan Servicer")that rnilects montlily payments dae under the Note and this Security Insuument. There also may be one �'=='�°
<br /> �_.
<br /> or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelazed to a sale of the Note.If there is a change of the Loan Servicer. Ba�rower will be �
<br /> -}:,�E. given written notice of the change in accordance with paragraph 14 above and applicable law.The notice will state the aame and �-,_
<br /> ���F address of the new Loan Servicer and tlte address to which payments should be made. The notice will also wntairz any other -
<br />' �s}'.
<br /> • ,4• information required bY apPlicable law.
<br /> Z0. Hazardous Substanees. Borrower s-t�i not c�use or permit the presence, use, disposal, storage,ar relc�se of any �'�
<br />' Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anythin� aff.e�xing the �
<br /> : Propeny tiiat is in violatiun uf any Environmeniaf Law. Thc preccding Ca:a sentenr.es shall not agply to the presecre�. use, or ��_�
<br /> - storage on the Property of small quantities of Hazardous Substancas that are generally recognized to be appropriate to normal �-�:=_—
<br />° � �esedenrial uses and to maintenance of the Property. �=='�""`
<br /> ���� Borrower shall p=ompdy geve Lertder written nntice of any investigation, claim, demand.lawsuit ec other action by any �.y,
<br /> govemmental or n�latvry agency or private party involving the Property and any Hazatdoas Substanc�or E.�virnnmental Law �,�.;,_.:
<br /> �� of which Borrower has a�trai Irnn��:iedge.If Borrower learas.or is not�fied by any govemmental or regulatory�►uhnr.ty,that
<br /> . •. any removal or other remediati�x�,,t;any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary. gorcower shall pre�� �y t3ke �-:.�--
<br /> all necessary remedial actions ia:n�xrdar►ce w{tb Envirar.mental Law.
<br /> . �'i`;. As used in this paragraph 20. "Nazarr+rxi.�,3ctbstances" are those substances defined as toxic or.lt�sdous substances by
<br /> "� Environmental faw and the following suhk:�rrx�' gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or taxic p+�n.l��::n products, tamc __
<br /> pesticides and hetbicides,volatile sulvents,re:.*:�als containing asbestos or form�ldehyde.and radiaaar:.�.!�a2erials. As us9d in
<br /> this paragraph 20. 'Environmental Law" means federal la«s and la�vs of the jurisdiction where the��;.erty i� )r�e.:o:� that ��:-.
<br /> reia�:tn heatth,safety or environmental prntecrion. ��'
<br /> .�ON-UMFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and L.ender furthcr covenant and agree as follows: ___--.--.
<br /> 21.Acce3er.�lir.�;Remedies.L,QCider sfiaU give notice to Borrower prtor tm acroeleraflon 8o�[ac5�.-�Borrower's 6rest0 �
<br /> of any covenan.e�ar. .agreement In this Security Instn:ment (but not prior to acccleradon ander pa�agrepb 17 anle�s
<br /> • , �' a�eglicable law��r:des ot�ecs�ise).The notice shall speeiFy: (a)the default;(6)the sctIon requir�to cum the defaWt; —
<br /> ���:' (c�rn�late,nat[ess than 30 d3.,s Grnm the date ttte notdce is givea to Borrower,by ahich the default must 6e cnred;aad
<br /> (t�j t��failure to wr+e the�'.�z�:on or bePore the date speciSed in t8e noHce may result in acceterat�on of the sums - --
<br /> secured by thls Sec�3ty Iastr�c=nt aad�fce of the Property. 7'he notice shall further inform Borrower of the right to
<br /> minstate aftzr ac�ieration and the a^�r��[rcfin�a court uctton to assert the uon-existeace ot a defanIt or uay oWer �•:•;
<br /> ..;',:.4 � defense of Bacmn,sras to acoeleration aad�rd�. j�the deTpult is not cared om or before the date�ifted in t6e notice, _
<br /> �. ;", I,ender,at its a�"r[c�,may require imta�i�tl�e{�ayment in fnll of all snms secvred by t6is Secu�:g lastrument withoat �
<br /> furtP�er demand�i may invalce the poR�t a��i:.ad any other remedfcs permt4ted by applfcuDte taw.Lrns�r.r shall be `�
<br /> ` entitled to collecs�expenses tur.�:.-�red in��,�ttt��aredles pmvld�d in t6is psragraph 21,tttcfuding,bur.�limited �-
<br /> ` ,: to,e�asonabPe uctr,,,'neys'.fees 2sd costs of ti�i:u�ufi�uu� _ �
<br /> If the poc�w r�f sale is invoked,Tru::�ne:�f.t�lZ cnsfl.crJ a notice of default In each county in whlcb any part ot the ���.
<br /> � •`��;. P�operiy ts lncaiful.!aad shnll mail copies�vff:�u�antGu:r�n the manaer prescribed by appltpble law to Borrower and 4�
<br /> '; � � the other peiso:s�rescribed bY apPl�cah�e f:mu`.l�L;ac itrie eime require�Dy app1tcnble law,T�ostee shall giive pu6lIc noHce
<br /> �� �:�. of sale to the persotts and io t6e mnnner�nr�►�43�.s��tic�ble lativ.Truste�,wEt��ut demand on Bor�ower,s�all sell __`"`'
<br /> • !, the Froperty at public auc�on to the h�ghest�i��es a t�r time and place and�cder L��terrns deslgnated ia tl��eotice of �,_.
<br /> sale in one os caore parcels and In any oedr�Tsustee deter�r�ines.Tn�stee may postpone sale of all or any pr�.n�of the ��
<br /> � .i : Yroperty by �atnlic annouacement at the(JJU��and pface of any previously scheduled sale. Lender or its���y�u may ���` :
<br /> ' •r. p�rc�se the c��a4y at any sale.
<br /> �3_
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