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<br /> H payments m�y no Eonger be required,at thc optian of Ixnder,if mortgage msurance a�v�ge(in the amoant and for the period _.
<br /> that Lender requires)provided by an instuet approved by Lender again b�eom�;a«iiable and is ubtain�d. Sorrawer shalt p�}r _
<br /> the premiums require�!to ittai[itain mortgage insurance in effect,or to provide a loss nesertie,until the requirement for crtortgage �
<br /> ' instarance ends in accordanpe with s�ny written agree�nent between Borrower and Lcrsd�r or aQplicabie law. �
<br /> 9. InSpectlon.Lender or iu agent may make reasonabte eniries upon and ins�SecEior.t.af the Froptety_ Lender shall give !!e°"
<br /> Barrower notice at the time of or prior to aa inspection sperifyin�reasonable puse for the ins{:e�tian. �==_
<br /> • • 10.Coadannatda�. The proceeds of any a�w,ind or claim for damages.d1CCCt OP CO�IfQQ1i4iSllltll, in rnnnectioa with any � .
<br />=� oottdemnation or other taking of any part of 1he Property.or for rnnveyance in lieu of utm�tass�ration, are hereby assigned artd ��_
<br /> shal!�paid to I.ender. �'=
<br /> � In the event of a tatal taking of the Property,the proceeds shal3 be applied to the s¢m�.secured by ihis Security[nstrtiment, �
<br /> whether or not then due, widi any eaoess paid to Borro�ver. In th:event of a pa..�ai r,�king of the Property in which t[�fair �r:_
<br /> market value of ths Property iinmed'eately before the taking is equal to or gre�tcr than the amount of the sums secured by this ¢-.
<br /> Sesurity lnstrument immediatety before the taking.unless Borrovrer and Lender otfierv+iaz agme in writing,tRe sums senued by
<br /> �� this Security Inswment shall be reduced by the amount of the prnceeds multiptie3 h�� the fp!lowing fraction: (a)the tatal �.�
<br /> � amount of the svms secured immediately before the taking.divided by (b) the fair martcei value of the Property i�►ediately ° `•
<br /> before the taking. Any balance shall be paid to Borrower. In th�eveat of a pa.�al euking of the Properry in wluch the fair �'`�
<br /> market value of the Property imutediately before the takino is less tbaa th�amount of the sums secured immediately befote�
<br />_ • taScing. unless Bomnvrer and l.ender othenvise agree in wtit�ng or unless applica..ble lat�othervvise�mvides, the proceeds sA.all
<br /> be applied to the sums secvred by this Security Ins�^��*e*±•�vhettier or not the sums a�titea due. !ES x=^�
<br /> �s, �If the P�pperty is abandnned by Eorrower.or if.after aotice by Lender to�orra�a�r that the oondemnor offe�rn make an -
<br /> award or settle a ctaim for damages. Bosrower fails to respond to 1Lender within 3t3 days after the date the aa�is gi�en, �
<br /> � I.�nder is authorized w collect and apply t�e proceads,at iu optioa,ei,Rier tn r�estoratian or repair of ihe Property or to the sam.s �''� `
<br /> .. secured by this Security Instn�ent,whether or not then due. �:
<br /> � . UNess Lender and Bonnwer othenvise agree in writiag, any agplicasion �f proceeds to principal si�ll not extend or �'.
<br /> postpone the due date of the m�ssthly�;eneatc referred to in paragcaphs 1 and 2 or chas�ge the amount of such paym�nts. q:�'>
<br /> ' 11.Borirower Not R�eas2d;Farbt�re�e By Lertder Not a Wedve�Exten,d,oa of the time far payment or modification =-°•
<br /> � of amortization of tihe sums secured by this Security Instr�unent granaed 6y L.eader eo any sacoessor arr Fnterest of Borrower shall
<br /> °'�• not operate w re��sse the liability of the originai Borrower ar Borrower's suo�ess,ats in interest. Lc�ufer shall nnt be reyuired to =-
<br /> ", S commence prooeedings against any successor in interest or refiue to extend amx�ar paymeat or otherwise a�odif3p amoriizarion --
<br /> of the sn.'ns sewred by thes Security Instrument by reason of any dem�nd mtrle by the origina! Eorrowet c;c Borrawer's - `�
<br /> �` sucoessots in inserest. Any fo�bearance by Lender in exercising any right�r t�mady shall not be a waiver of ar pseClude the
<br /> ���'��,'�� exercise of any r��}tt or tYmedy. —
<br /> ,;°;�
<br /> ���3:y 12.Smaa�res a�b� Bou��,Ec�aad�Severa! Lic�bfUt*f; Cn�aeis. The cover,�uts and agreements of ti�i�
<br /> ; Security Ins[rument shall biIId�nd bertefiz�e successars and assigns of i.enctur a�d Borrower, s::�ject to the provisions of
<br /> pazagrapf� 17. Borrower's cek�ants sisd agreements shall be joint and secErruD. A..*-y Borrower who co-signs ttis Security : �;�
<br /> ' • �nstrument but does aot exacate the Note: (a) is ca-signing this Securi.ry IInstatsment only to mortgage.grant artd eon�ey that
<br /> Borrower's interest in the Pragerty under the terms of this Se�rity insrvmeu►t;(b)is not personally obligated to pay the sr.�s
<br /> ` secured by this Securiry Insttument;and(c)agrees that Lender and any othaT�orrawer may agree to extend.modify,for��r;rr
<br /> make arry a000ttimadations with regurd to the terms of this Securiry Instn�mam or the Note without that Borrower's o�.�....t.::�..
<br /> � �� ` I3.a.oan Cha��s.If the loan secured by this Security Instnimaat iS:�tbject to a law ahich sets maximu¢r f�aci�.
<br /> anci that!aw is finally interpreted so that the intecest or other loan c6torIIcrt oolle�ed or to be collected in connecaon with;�.
<br /> �' �� Ia�,.a eaceed the pemritted limit�,then:(a)any such loan charge sh.i41 bs:r�dua�d 6y the amount neaessary to reduoe the chnrc�:�
<br /> •::i�':' to the. mritcd limit:and(b)any sums alread collected from Barcr�nt:z which excceded rmiued limiu wip 6e�funded��
<br />.,;}�r z � v v� . �-..-
<br /> ,�t� � Borrower. t�tsrl�r rnpy cheose to make this refund by reducing tha p;inapaJ owed under tine Note ar by maling a direcs
<br /> ' ' ps�nt to C�ccrnwer. If a refund reduces principal. the reduction•,will be treated as a partial pmpayment withont any
<br /> �sc�.����:.ent c;�arge undet the Note.
<br /> ' E4.Nc�.s.Any notice to Barrov�er provided for in this Securin�Tnstrument shall be given Ey delivering it or by mailiag �'`-
<br /> • � � it by first cL�Q rail untess applicable law requires use of anothea rn�6od.The notice shall be din�to tAe Property Address —
<br /> or any other ���ress Borrower designates by notice to LendEa. A�p notice to Lender shall be�::en by firsi class mail to � •�
<br /> � Lender's address stated herein or any other address LeR�r designait�s by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for in this �
<br /> : Sc�auaty Instrument ehall be deemed to have been given tu B.orroRSQ or Lender when given as provided in this paragaph.
<br /> 15.Governing Law; SeverabWty. 19►is Security Tnstrum:+:►t shsill be govemed by federal !aw and the (aw of tha
<br /> �'.i• � jurisdiction in ivhich the Property is located':In the event that any pmvision or ctause of tlris Security Insinunent or the Note �'
<br />;'r�?�''�.
<br /> . wnflicts with applicable law,such conflict str�Sl not affect other pmvisions of this Security Instrument or the Note which can be �-
<br /> gfvec�effect without the conflicting provision. To th9s er.�'the provisions of this Security instrumeni and the Note are deelared ��`-
<br /> '� tp�B�sevetable. —.
<br /> � i6.Bo�er's CoFy.LT+-�:rower shat{be Siven or.e confam�ocl oopy of the Note and of this Security Instrument.
<br /> � iorm 3018 Sl�
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