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�: r� ..�� k�a�i �Gt.,.� _ • v N�',-r x '� i <br /> .,�,-ks.�,u �� t� � .... .S : '" .. , ._,;�r,, ; .� <br /> ;E� p 4�� .t' r `=-s �aSn _ <br /> �t'� ~ . � , 2�_. r.,._ 5[�,. <br /> ,�ti .o, � .. <br /> "�"p�"-.T°'�'.�•��� ��`�°.r. _ " ILII�lww�..-.,_��_-., ..---•- - ' <br /> 1� i� <br /> �,:�,.�. • ,.< <br /> /�� _. <br /> _ . . _ <br /> , . <br /> �L.aR�^:�.w . :.. <br /> .b.�l.��IeI�'�� .. .- <br /> . . :.rt: . lY:..-. .� . 11. .. <br /> � - �, •-F:.�/��� �5���.�.. .. � l <br /> � ..:y'.7 �'_ <br /> ' .31fTtn,i�'._��:'�y�� � <br /> .�`��� ' <br /> _- -----=�' 92-- iose�z � <br /> — -=�_.� not ba cana�ll�d by aaid aarrior without tilt��n (15) days <br /> ,� � �+�.���� writtan notio� to SENEFiCi71RIE8. <br /> � ,. <br /> �`�`� TRUSTOR aov�n�nt.� and aqreos that a lailurs to �ak� any <br /> payn�nt, �ith�r principal or intereat, on thr� Note �ecurad he�eby _ <br /> wb�n du� attd payable, or a lailura to aoa�ply with r�ny o! th� <br /> - aovananta and aqraea�snts herain made ahnll aau�o tho wbole sum o! <br /> d <br /> aoll <br /> 4atibl� �tt <br /> e aa <br /> -� •.-��;,.-,. . . money heraby aoaurad to beaome immacll�ttely du <br /> .�. `•�=� t�..� the option of the BENEF�CIARiEB, and SENEFICiAR=ES ahall havs tho <br /> ���.,�;.•wKre,:� �: riqht �o cauae Notiaa of Default to ba given en8 the pramisaR t.o 1�e <br /> -��- �:.•b�n-•ys c�� aold ao providad heroin. <br /> -�y�ri�i�i�,�; <br /> =;_�""«�: .. <br /> zn;__,��..,1 ,. :;� Tha partiea mutually aqrsa aa followa s <br /> .:. �_. � <br /> `-°=����-��� A. At any time and from tims to time upon written requsst o! <br /> � +�„ HENEFICIARIEB, peYment of tees and presentation o! this Oasd <br /> •���. <br /> -,�;:.�.-.,;: a�;�; .� of Truat �u►d the Note for endoreement (in case o! lull <br /> _ .=-'`""���'� ,� reaonveyanas, for aancellation and retention), without -� �-- <br /> M��?�k:`•''°� � : �- afteating the liability of any pAr�on for the paymant o! tha <br /> _,r;�� � � . � .� indebtedness, TROSTEE may (a) aonsent to the making of any map _. <br /> -- , or plat of said property t (b) i oin in grantinq any easemont or �,.. <br /> s� arenting any restriation thareont (a) join in any - <br /> �-�� � , . . eubordination or other agresmen�c affeating this Deed of Trust =-_ <br /> �`-����� � �� or the lien or ahargs thereoPi (d) reaonvey this Deed oP Truat -- <br /> e.::.�_- <br /> _�:� � • •� or the lian or aharqe thsreol� (d) roaonvey, without warrar►ty, � <br /> � , all or ar►y part of aaid property. <br /> :_:���• • - h ' <br /> -� ..�, �;,. ,�;� H. The grantee in any Deed of Reaonveyanae may be desaribed a� <br /> _��- - ♦- �-. - �the pe reon o� peiaonc ent3tlad thQretQ", en$ the �raaitsis ,-___ <br /> �'�'" . � . therein of any mntters or faate shall be aonclusive prooP ot <br /> '..,-,� . � tha truthfulnesB tt►ereof. -- <br /> , , ` �� n C. Upon dofault by TRUSTOR in the payment of indebtedness seaured �'"'�``� <br /> � ' �� hereby or �n the performanas of any aqreement hereunder, <br /> BENEFICIARIES may dealare all swas secured hereby immediately <br /> � � dua and payable by delivery to TRUSTEE af written declaration <br /> . - of daPault. If BENEFICIARIES desire said property to bs sold, <br /> , � � , ' , � they shall deposit with TRUSTEE this Deed oP Truat and all -_- <br /> , � '' � promissory notes ard doauments ovidencing expsndituree �oaured �Y-- <br /> ^ hereby, and shail deliver to TRUSTEE a written Notiae of ' <br /> � � Dsfault and eleation to cause said property to be eold in the ��� <br /> � � form required by law, whiah shall bo duly Piled for record by i <br /> . ,. TRUSTEE. -- <br /> �• ��, � (1) After the lapse of such time as may be required by law <br /> ' (preaently being one (1) month lollowing the recordation ��- <br /> , of said Notice of Default), Notice of Default and Notia� <br /> -'. . � oF Sale having been given as required by law, TRDSTEE, � <br />� �� without demand on TRU3TOR, shall aell said property on � <br /> � ;�. - :�: the ciate and at the time and plaae designated in said ►--- _ <br /> �• ' Notice of Sale, at public auction to the highest bidder, f��'�' <br /> ' . the purchase price payable in �awful money of the United ;�}. <br /> States at the time of sale. The person conducting the k�•.� <br /> �3 � sale may, for any cause he dseme expedient, postpone the , � <br /> � sale from time to time until it shall be completod and in ; <br /> . every such case, notice of postponement shall be qivan by <br /> • public declaration thereof by such peraon at the timo and . <br /> + place last appointed for the sales providad, if the aale <br /> , `�� ia postponed for longer than one (1) day beyond the day <br /> designated in the Notice of Sale, notice thereof ahall be <br /> � � given in the same manner as the original Notice of Sale. <br /> . TRUSTEE shall execute and deliver to the purchaser his <br /> -� --:_.,. _s a ...,.....a•.. a., a.,t.a hnt rri thnut anv _ <br /> -_. --. - -�- ------ <br /> uaeau .:.,,.�vr+,.y s�.�.. �.a..r...�..l -- ----• <br /> . , � covena�nt or warranty, express or implied. The recitale <br /> �� � in the Deed of any matters or facts shall be conclusive <br /> proof of the truthfulnesa thereof. Any person, including <br /> BENEFICIARIES, may purchase at the sale. TRUSTOR horeby <br /> covenants to warrant and defend the title of the above <br /> � property to purchaser at sale. <br /> -2- <br /> , <br /> � 'I � <br /> . . . <br /> .,. . __�_ � <br />