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<br /> TAIS TRUST DEED mado this /S day ot , 199Z,
<br /> " — _a,. -:��;: botwosn Dg80R71H L. B�tINER, l� 8 ngla Poroo , o! Grand Ialsrid,
<br /> � . <�'` N�braska, as TRUBTOR, and WILLI)1)I l►. FR711�1CI8, 11 li��r o! th�
<br /> _ - ,� � Nebra�ka ststa Her A�sociation, a� TRDSTEB, arfd DAVID It. GVZINSRI
<br /> __3 � and 8tJ811N J. f3oZIN8Ri, Hu�bnnd and Wilo, harainslt�r rot�rr�d to eis
<br /> ��=��k- HSNBPICI]1R3BB.
<br /> ��'���:;� . WITNE88ETHs �_
<br /> :�..sto-.,:s��.`isa...
<br /> y
<br /> �r j J-.i'"''�� .,
<br /> T=:..;.:,�r�,:;;it•�• 1'hat TRUSTOR hqreby granta, bargains, aolis, oonvey� and
<br /> - _ r_,,.,.cv�T.rc• �l
<br /> ,:��'��9 warrant.� to TRIIS�'EB, iN TRIIBT, her auaaossora �nd aa�ignr, with
<br /> ,;�,�;_.. � pcwer of salo, the followinq-describod real propertys
<br /> .::�; '�,.�' `' .,.
<br /> `���'�*_�'"�: Lo� Twelve (12), in Hlock Nina (9), in the Original Town
<br />- ���� -.� ,�-r�*=� � ot Cairo, Hall County, Nabraska, �-
<br /> ��..,,.="
<br /> _;.,►��{.;..:;.��
<br /> _ ,:_�' � �. �ogether with all buildings, improve�aanta and appurtonanaes
<br /> — �,,. .._...° ,; t.haraon.
<br /> =-�,,,.v: ;..,:.E..�_ .st:
<br /> —.-.���'�,��+� The TRUBTOR horeby acvenants and agreae with tha TRIIS'1'EE that
<br /> ---- poborah L. Shriner is lawtully 8eiaed and tha owner o! ths abovs-
<br /> - — � ° � daacribed propertyi thnt TRUSTOR will w�rrant and defend the tltla �:.;,;,
<br /> v,�,�=� •.� . �� to aaid pr�aiaes lor4ver �►gain�t tha clainia ot all per�ona
<br /> ��� ° ,. � who�osver.
<br /> --,—.—. .
<br /> =i a4�t�:e'.:.��A_.t�-
<br /> ------�- _ �or the purpose o= aaau�inq partarmanas af asch agrsement o#
<br /> .�� , � TRUSTOR herein aontained and the pnymant of TWENTY-FIVE THOUBAND
<br />-"��'=� � �. pOLLAItB ($25,000.00) , iche TRUSTOR has exeauted a Promi�aory Note
<br /> ; ��.. .� �... ..
<br />-��"`+ �.��.-: . _ . . be�ring evan data, at the rate of intereat �nd on the terma and
<br />��.�.:t� . ' ° aonditions aR set forth in auah Note until paid. The prinaipal sum
<br /> ___ , � ,, . . and interest shall be payable in accordance with and upon the terms
<br /> �;,;:� and aonditiona of eaid Note of evan date, and in any evant the
<br /> �:.'.,r'� � " entire principal balanc@ due hereun r any aaorurd intorest
<br />- � ahall be paid on the � day of , �_• �l i�:
<br />:•��'- ' � ' i n a t a l l n�e n t p a y m e n t s h e reunder shall ba a p plied lirsf to tho �•
<br /> '�'• ' . � � • paymant of intereet aomputed annually on the unpaid bnlanas,
<br />-_-:�;`� ;,r ; purauant to tha terma of the note, a aopy o! whioh ha� besn
<br />--., provided to eaah of the parties hareto, and romainder o! aaab -
<br /> °� payment of each installment to be applied to principal. ]1].1 �
<br /> '•�� �~ paymeats due hereunder shall be paid at the residence ot the --
<br /> ��;.�; '� ..�,.�,�;�,: ; � BENEFICIARiEB ox aa tho holder of said seaurity shall daaignate in
<br /> -- .;, writinq. —_
<br /> ".�� •� '�"''"� � � It is agreed by and between the parties hereto that while
<br /> �� �
<br /> �- �� �� " titie is veated in the TRUSTEE and until filing of Notias o!
<br /> � � � Default, tha TRUSTOR shall:
<br /> ��
<br /> - �� :.
<br /> � � � A. Retain posseasion of the property at all timeB, exaept as may
<br /> be otherwise aqreed by the parties in writing. �,�'
<br /> �� � �� � B. Maintain the building and its improvements and all peraonal �
<br /> � � . property sold under the parties� Contraat for Sale of Real .,
<br /> ., E�tate, in good condition and repair. �'r�
<br /> � �
<br /> � C. Pay all general and special taxes and all apecial assesgments
<br /> ; . � or every kind levied or assessed against or due upon said
<br /> � property before delinquency, and tu deliver to BENEFICIARIES
<br /> „ � . . � aopies of receipts showing payment of such taxeB. � �
<br /> _ _' r � �_�_t.� � !�3�� O 7 7-`.;..°..L 3 w���rMr��e �� a��1� �..
<br />.-.'—_ ' • V• ryQ(�iur.� Ql�� �11i1J.��VQ1�� �V11�riVO V� Mii ""
<br /> improvements, in sums and underwritten by companies acceptable
<br /> � to the BENEFICIARiES, in an anaount of at least Twenty-Five
<br /> �, � Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00) , which policieg shall name the �
<br /> �' " � HENEFICIARIES as additional insurede, with the loss procegds
<br /> payable to the partiea as their interests may appsar
<br /> � hereunder, TRUSTOR agrees to provide BENEFICIARIES with
<br /> � •� copies of such policies or certificates of ineurarece durinq
<br /> the term of this indebtedness, which poliaies of insuranae may .
<br /> . ,�I"
<br /> \ �
<br />. �
<br /> I
<br /> . �1 --.. .. __..__.�
<br />