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<br /> 13.No!lc�s.AnY aotice to Boaower pmvided for in this Sea�rity Instrument sball be given by deliveting it ar • � . . � _
<br /> by mailing it by first cla9s mail unless applicable law requires use of another method.'fhe notice shall be directed to _ , � ` . :.'�,:
<br /> the Fqoperty Address ar any oiher addre.ss Borrower designates by notice to Ixnder. Any norice to L,ender shall be - _- ,------ - _
<br /> a
<br /> " given by fust class mail to Lender's address state�ll�ereiEa�T anY address Lender designates bp norice to 8orrower-
<br /> . Anry+notice prnvided fos in t�is SecuritY r"M^""e°t shail i�deemed to have been given to Bormwer or Lender when
<br /> given as pmvided'm this paragraPh• -- �����.:� . .' � --
<br /> 14.Gooerning Y.s�w+ Severa6�t9•����"`���be govemed by Fedeial!aw and the law of `� ., -.;.:,•:
<br /> :.z�., �,,_
<br /> the jurisdiaron in which the Property is lacai�d.Fn the ev�t that any grovision or clause of this Serurity Ynst�ument ,-��y
<br /> or the Note conflicts with applicable law.suc�conflict s�u s�t affect otF�er provisie�,s of this Seaerity Instiument or _ ,.:- :�,�,""}:°:
<br /> the Note which can be givea effert withot:t the confli�^:ovisien. 'Ec�t�is e�^��ro�ons of this S�ry -..=�'.. � .._-- -`.:�---�-�,.
<br /> .��:;,u,rn�.��.��.-=:
<br /> ' Tas�ent and the Note aze declared to he seti-erable. �• •`..:i.�x ,�.:,;.,..�.. :"
<br /> 15. Barr�tc�r's Copy. Borrower �ati be given ane confas�d �PY c� � �e� � �f Wis Securiry , � . ,
<br /> Insai,iment. ._�����
<br /> 16. H�zas'�as Substances. Bonower shall not cause or peimit r�.�resence,a�.��..,s��:.�ge,ar release � '�;,;
<br /> � Bore+ar,er shall not do,nor a:i�u,�rc�°�tv do,anythiII.� ,`� �`. • ' _
<br /> of auy Harardous Substances on or in the Progersy. � ., :•-=iss:?�... _ , ''•.
<br /> affecting the FLtr�rtY that is in violatioa of aay Eaviron�l Law. 7lie precedim�c�c senten�s�1 not apgfi�;swa `"�,..,:.rM J. � .. -��;
<br /> � p�ce, �, dr storage on the Pra�erty of small quantides of Ha7azdous Subsrances rJ� are genera�.y , ,: _. .
<br /> lISC3 2IId W III3iIILP.�3IIa' �[t111�II}�• r?:�i�' .JWe�.,�. '"si..�k�
<br />-- c�o�gnize�m fi��ropriate to normal 'res�Fr�sial of the � - - -
<br /> OZ
<br /> , garroWer sha11 promptly give Lender�itten notice of any invesagation,claim,demand,laws�it or other astion �, .��`�"�"``� ' E' �
<br /> by any govemmenial or regulatory agency or private partY involving the Property and any Hazardous Substance ar •� -:-a-F•, :--.�
<br /> gavimnmental Law of which Borrower h�s��allmowledge. if Bormwer leams,or is noufied bY arty govemmental ;•, �. �;
<br /> ' or ry�thority,that anY removal ma�ther remediation of any Harat+dous S�bstances affecting the Property is � �ra
<br /> � nec�,Borrower shall prompdy take all necessary remedial acaons in accotdance with Environmental Laa. :ri ,,�. �; '. �;
<br /> As used in this para�.oh 16. 'Ha�ardous Snbstances" a�+e those substancea defined as touc or hazardons �� ;
<br /> �n�stances bY Environment�L fcaw and ihe following substances: gasoline, ker+a�, other flammable or toxic � _
<br /> �vleum products,toxIc�rides and herbicides,volatile solvents,
<br /> materials ecr.r�ning asbestos or formaldehyde, ;�-• .,''�; :�;-�..
<br /> • ta4v^�eans federal laws and lawa of tha
<br /> ( sad radioacdve materials. ?.�ased in this pardgraph 16, Environn�sct�,l ,�...: .-..._.
<br /> _ ,I is tocat�that nlate to health saf os�c►uu�nmental mtection. .:�<.'� • ' ..._
<br /> jurisdictlon where the Pro�e:sy , �Y P ,.� ��•_�-
<br /> € • , .
<br /> •'�� . �,:
<br /> t�ON-UN�ORM COVEN�-�.Bomo�ver aad Leafler further covenant and a�ree as follows: Y.' .�r : .:
<br /> -- i?.Asstgnmeaet af R�ts.Borrowet uncondidonally assigns and uansfers to LRUder all the rents and revem�es •,:�..�;�;��,�;. ,• `�
<br /> . of the Property.Borrower awhorizes Lender or I.ender's agents to collect the rents and revenuas and henby direc�s . � � :s is_,;-��.°___
<br />. �,� each tenant of the Propetcy to pay the rmu to Lender ar l.euder's agents. Hawever, prior to I,eade:'s notice to ^.
<br /> Borrower of Borrower's breac�of any oavenant or agreement in the Security Insuument,Borrower sHall coAect and . ,-:-._--_
<br /> � �e i v e a ll i e nts and revenues of the PropertY as uustee for the 6caefit of Leader aad Borrower.Tbis asstgament of ;�,: •
<br /> ua t .
<br /> : t for a d ditio n a l s e c u t i t y o n 1Y• `"'�:`':
<br /> .zn3s consdnrtes an absolute�.gament aad aot an aut� �..-ss-�-=..•._--
<br /> If Lender gives notice c�it�xach to Bosower:(a)��ts received by Borrower shaU be held by Borrower as �;:�i�L -
<br /> .:, � tr�stee for benefit oY I.ender c-.:y,to he s�l�ed to the sums secured ib�y�e Security ,m�t;(b)Lender shall be ,�.,,=---
<br /> � s�tided to ooilec.t and nceive all of tha c�ts of the Propeny;�d(c:��h tenant of the Praperty st�all pay all reats �'"�-_`-.�`�
<br /> 0 „�a..�"::
<br /> ci�:,and nnpaid to Lender o*FJtnder's agent on Lender's written dema�to the ten�a� ` =_-
<br /> � Boaower has not exec�:ed�y prior assignment of the ieats and has not and will not perform amy act tLat would � — f,�-
<br /> �revent Leader from exercising its rights under this paragraph 17. �••F'�""�' - --
<br /> .�. Lender s:all not be required to entez�Qan.take conuol of or maaast:�:in the Propert}►before or after giving nadce ' r_.s__ '-:
<br /> � of breach to&�trower.However, Lender or a judicially appointed�+a$:��z maY do so at aay time there is a breach. �-�-�-_ -•-
<br /> # .�ny applieation of renta s's�l not��w���w��e.�bt sea::.�by the Sevutry tlnsuvm�yis Parid in full. - ��.
<br /> ' ..� ;¢,signffient of reata of th�I�:r:perty ; ':""�'�°�"'�`-�`�"
<br /> �-.. ,�
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