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<br /> 9 ���5 ��` . . .
<br /> , . (i)All or part�;the Property,or a hene8cial interest in a tmst owning all or part of the Property,is sald , .. , � „ -�-;.
<br />��..: or othervrise tran.sfemed(other than by devise or descent),and
<br /> �--,_ �..-_.-;�� •'���.. . . ..--
<br /> • (ii)The Pt+nperty is not oocapied by the pnrchaser or giantee as his or her principal residence. or the — � ���,`. � _
<br /> � purchaser or grantec does so occupy the Property but his or her credit has not been appmved in � � •
<br /> � aocordaao�crriah the requirementa of the Secm,tary. • -
<br /> (c)No�aa�:i:ff circumstances occur that would permit I.ender to require imm�t;ArP payment in full,but _. � , '-�.;
<br /> P.�ender daes a�a2�quire s��aym�snts,LEndcr docs not waive its dghts with resp�x to subseq�cent events. . . - ,. :-,;,�L;.,:, .;
<br /> ' (� Regn��f�oY HUID�rretary.Iaa a�aay clrcumstanoes regulations iss¢ed by the Secs+etary will limit -;y: ;��1,4.;•.•, �
<br /> ±r� I.ender's in the c�se of �d�efaults w r uire imtucdiate t in full and foreclose if not ' '�}`;```'
<br />. `. ris,�,. PaYment , �1 PaY� ,.; .;. .;:�,tF:r�:-"r
<br />- �'�� paid.This Se�rity Instcument daes not a�hori7e aocclecadon or foreclosure if not permitted by ieg�iladons � - 4'°�;�r r'''
<br /> '% � of th Secretuy �{;:°-�''� ``���,�''.`:`.-.
<br /> �� e "
<br />�;aaa��a,t (e)Mortgage Noi Iasv�dl.Sonower agreea that if this Secnrity �m�*L and t2�e Note are not determined ••"�T,���'�'
<br />�.,��`'��tJ� to be eligible for ins�e under the National Hovsing Act within 60 days from the date hereof, I.e�c�i .''�•.. -,-_`
<br /> , ��y..,a__w_
<br /> :�� may, at i�s�an, nequite immediate payment in fnil of all snms secuied by this Seauity r++ �,•, � A ;,�,,. . .- �`
<br /> ��r- ax3nea s��t of any anthurized agent of the Secretary dazed subsequeat to 60 d�ys from the d�he�� ;` ��.: ` �.
<br /> . ,
<br />_ ' d�r,�ining r� �.sure this �curiry InsUUm+�t and the Note, shaU be de�med conclusive pro�ef � :.r��, ; .s...:., .,r,:;
<br /> ��"°•' i�lig�'bility. Notwitbsta�iag the foregoing, this �ption may nnt be exercised isy Lender w'een � �` � , ,:` _
<br /> � anavailabi]i of insuranoe is sole due to L.ender's fa�are w remit a mort p �f{`�` �'
<br /> �r 1}� ty �'d$C 1DS11I'dIICC' IBII1:ll111 C� 'L`� �1;,a ' -,
<br /> ./.r_ $eCIC12iS/. `:. ..�:�."� .. .::�c_.A
<br /> (��. , "..%::.
<br />° 10. RetasPaY�ne�rt. Borrower has a right to be reinstated if L.endar has requized immediate paynent in full
<br /> ��,:..�::...
<br /> : : because of Bormwer's faiture to pay an aznount due vnder the Note or[his 5ecuriry Insttumen� This r�ght appHes :;� T*�-' �. ���
<br /> • evea after fore�losure proceedings are instituted. To reinstate the Securiry Insuument, Bormwer shall tender in a ' r��iF ,o.'
<br /> �+;�)i t�mp sam a11 amounts required to bring Borrower's accaunt aurent including,to the extent they are obligaaons c` , � .,:�.. 's f. �i-:;
<br /> sm
<br /> 'Fi� , : '•. s°%,< ;=K
<br />;-,��.s Borrower under this Security Instrument,fore�losure costs and reasonable aad costomary attomeys fees��expenses ~ • ':'t.a.... .;.r, ��;
<br /> ,`s�;�:i Properly associated�..,h the foreclas�me proceeding. Upon rcinstatement by�rrower,this Secartty Ir.��*+*aad ,,:°� '. • � `#'• ; •:
<br /> :rr�'�� the obligai�ons tTt�s i�t secures sball remain in effect as if I.eader Lad not requued Immediate payc�r.� in futt. :;.:,, •.,. ��,��` _'_:
<br />;;��,f�,�,�� Howev„era. I,ender is not required to petmit reinstatement tf: (i) L,cvder has accepted reinstatement ai�er t�_ :��� :"3 � —
<br /> ' camm�r:,�eat of foiec2osnre praceedings withia taro years imnocdiazely preceding the commencement of a current ����'�_.• �`•
<br /> � foreciasure procee�,r,g, (ii) reinstatement wU preclude foreclosare on dlfferent grounds in the fusure, or (iii) � f" "' ` �. �:'` °
<br />