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<br /> � y- '*�--:-
<br /> .. ' r f4i��tf;� %`�'1�•" ,
<br /> , .��..,'` -. t.
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<br /> ��!7°�-�'.wJ.'�"u.Y.!�a�• � _-- _
<br /> Y�lA4��TaT�,�F.1��: �� .
<br /> " ,;+'�'- ° '• F' ' O, Cpnd�mmtloe.The p►ocaeds ol eny award or clalm tor damepea,direct or consequentiel,in conneelion wfth any ,
<br /> , '�,`�''�;. � condemnatlon oroth�r teklnp of Iho Property,or pprt th�nol,ar lor convoyanceln Ilau of cond�mnatlon,are h�r�by auipn�d
<br /> and shell be paid ro Lender.
<br /> � '' • In the event ol o tatel takinp ot the Property,the proceeda ehall be appNed to the 4uma�ecurad by lhis Deed of Trwt,wlth
<br /> the excsss,If any,pald to Borrower.In the event of a partisl taking ot the Property,u�le�e Bor�ower and Lender otherwl�e
<br /> � ,, �, , aqreelnw�i�np,theroahaAbeappIledtotheaumaaecuredbythlaDeedolTrusteuchproportionoftheproceedsa�la�qwlto
<br /> ,�
<br /> � •�- thetpropordonwhlchtheemountoHheeumsaecuredbythl�DoedofTrustimmedfatelyprlortothedateoftekingbeantaths � ___ _,___ __
<br /> ��.:�S�;ti'.! folr m�rket value ol the prppeAy Immedlately prlor to the dete o}ta�cinp,with the belance of the proceeds peid W BoROwer. T
<br /> F �� II the Property Is abando�ned by Bo�rower,or if efler notice by Lender to Borrower thet the condemnor oBen to rn�ke�n
<br /> � " � awerd or setUe a claim for demege�,Borrower Iails to reapond to Lender within 30 deys afler the dete auch not�e fa malled, "�+`:�i;�_
<br /> — � � ^ •� Lender le authori:ed to collect and epply ths prxesdn,at Lsnder's oprion,either to resloredon or repeir of the Properly or to � v ^'"���-'���
<br /> - the sums aecured by this Oeed ot Trua� --° --
<br /> • U�leas Lenderand Borrower otherwlse agree in writing,any auch appllcetion of proceeds to p�incipal shell not extend or � �:.�:•�.-_.
<br /> - poatpone ths due date of the monthly Installments referred to in parag►aphs t end 2 hereof or chanpe the amount ot suah �= ��"°"'"''
<br /> . . ° . In�lallments. _- -
<br />�-�? 10. 8onoMrMNolR�las�d.Extenslonotthetimebrpeymentormodiflcetlo�iofemoAlrstionolthesum4securedbythls _
<br />- � ,�.�, � Deed of Trust granted by Lender to any succeaeor In Interest of F3orrower ahell not operate to releaae,in any manner,the --___ _
<br /> � " Uebllltyoflheoripinal8onowerend8orrower'sauccessorsfntereal.LendershellnotberequiredtocommenceproceedlnOs
<br /> � ayeinat such succeasor or reluse to extend Ume for peyment or otherwlee modly amortlzatioo of the suma secured by thls �._��1�^y='
<br /> D e o d o f True t by rea�on o l aoy de m e n d m e d e b y t h e or i ginel Borrower end Borrower's aucceasoro in intareat
<br /> •,s',.. � ,r*- ��. Fa�����br��Na��ry���,Any forbearance by Lender in exe�cising eny ripht or remedy hereunder,or
<br />_ � athervriae aBorded by appliceble law,ehall not be e waiver of or reclude the exercise oT any auoh rlpht or remedy.The ,_.
<br />- .. . •
<br /> � .
<br />_.. ..• • �..
<br /> .• �
<br /> prxurementoNneuranceoflhepaymentoftaxeaorolherliensorc rgesbyLendarshellnotbeowalveraflendar'�ri� tto xr�y__
<br /> - ' accelere4e the metud o1 me Indebtedness aecured by ihis Deed o1 Trus4 �� '�' �,�L�
<br /> , ' . 1 Z.R�m�dNs Cumul�tiv�All�emedlea provided in thls Deed of Trust are distinct and cumulative to eny other ripht or '-j':�a
<br /> ,, i " �� remedy under thl� Deed of Trust or alforded by lew or equlty, and mey he exercised concurrently, independmdy or ___
<br /> succeasively. �:�.��
<br /> ' ' 13.Succ�ssas u�d �os &wnd: Jo�nt �nd S�v�rd Wbllfq►; Capllons. The covenants and agreements hereln -----
<br /> contatned ahall bind,andthe r phta hereunder ahali inureto,the respective succeasors and eseiyns of Lender and 8orrower, jr��;�,��f
<br /> � subject to the provislons of peragreph 17 hereot.All covenants and agreementa oi Borrower aheli be oint and eeveral.The `
<br /> ceptionsandheadinpaotlheparayraphsoithisDeedotTruatareforconvenlenceonlyenderenotto�eucedtointerp�etor L --==-1 � '"'-�-
<br /> „ . deNne the provisiona hereof. -_�
<br /> ' 14. Notic�.Exceptbrau�y notice required under appliceble lew to begiven in enother manner,(a)any notfceto Borrower _ __
<br /> � . . providad tor in thla Deed olTruat shall begiven by ma111ng such notice by ceAihed meil eddreased to 8orrower aNhe Property -_---
<br /> Add�eis or at auch other eddreaa es Borrowe�mey deslynate by notice to Lender as provided hereln,and(b)any notice to
<br /> •-- lenderfhall be pivenby ceRNled mall,retum�ecefpt requeated,to Lender'saddreas steted herefn or to auah other add�ess es e�__ _
<br /> �• Lender may deslgnate by notice to Borrower es provided herel�.Any noticeprovided for in Ihia Deed of Trust shall be deemed --.
<br /> - - ia have bc�tn gtvt�!o Borror�er ar lsnder wl►en given in the manner dssipneted herein. ____ ��- _
<br /> • 18. UnHam DMd of T►u�h,Gov�minp(.�w;S�vK�biply The form of deed ot truat combinee uniform covenants lor -_ _�
<br /> � �� nalfonel use and nen-unibrm covenanta wlth Iimited varietlons by jurisdiclion to conetitute a unifam aecurity inatrument -:_
<br /> covering real propery.Thia Deed ot Truat ahall be qoverned by lhe lew ol the�urisdiction in which the Property Is loceted.In �'��� ���--
<br /> the event that any provisbn or clause ot thie Deed of Trust or the Note confUcts with appIlaeble lew,auch contlict ahell not ��� ' ",
<br /> e8ectotherp�ovlelonaofthis0eedofTrustortheNotewhlchcanbegiveneNectwithoutlheconflfctinpprovielone,endtothls � ,, �:
<br /> • � end the provialona d the Deed of Trusl and the Note are declared to be severeble. � •��
<br /> � 1 d. Bortow�r's Copy Borrower sl�all be furnlahed e conlormed copy ol the Note and ot thla Deed of Trust ot the time of „�,
<br /> : � executlon or aRer recordetlon hereof. "''��"''"�;''�-� ;—
<br /> � 17. Tran�f�►o1 th�Prop�A�►;Aaumpllon.II all or eny part of the property or an fnterest thereln la sold or uansterred by .
<br /> � " Borrower wNhautLender'sprior wrilten cunaent,excluding(a)the creation ot e Ilen or encumbrance subordmateto ih18 Deed �, ,k,,,:-_'�-�
<br /> �� ofTrust,(b)thecreatlenolapurchesemoneysecu.iryinterestforhouseholdappliances,(c)atransferbydevfaedescentorby � ,;:__ ._
<br /> operaUon ot lew upon lhedeath of a Jolnitenentor(d)the grani of any leasehold Intereatof Ihree years or less not containinp en '�. --
<br /> option to purchese,Lender rney,et Lender's optlon,declare all the sums secured by Ihis Deed of Trust to be immediaMly due 4 .�"' ' .--
<br /> and peyabte.Lender ehall have welved such optlon to accelerate if,prlor to the sale or tranafer.Lender end the persOn to , � �,;-,
<br />' whom the PropaAy Is to be aold or trenaferr e d reac h agreemen t in w r l t i n g t h e t t h e c r e d l t o f s u c h p e�a o n i s a a t i sl poto ry to � �Y•=
<br /> Lende►and thatthe Interest peyable on the suma secured by thia Dc�d of Trust ahall be at auch rete es Lender sh�ll requeat If � •
<br /> � Leitalar t►as walved Ihn option to accelerete proviJtld in ihfs peragrapli 17,and�1 Borrower's succeasor in Interest hea :.
<br /> , executed a writlen As�umption egreement accepted In writing by lender Lender shall release Borrower hom all obllpeNons � . �. '•:
<br /> under lhia Deed of Trust end the Note. � , �
<br /> ' If Lender exerciaes such option to accelerate,Lender shall mail Borrower notice af acceleratlon In accordance with
<br /> parayteph 14 hereof.Such notics ehall provlde a perlod of not I�sa than 30 daystrom the dete the notice fa melled withln whlch ' •
<br /> Borrower mey pay the sums declared due.If Borrower falls to pey such sums prfor to the explratlon ot auch perlod,Lendar { , .,�„_,,;
<br /> moy,wlthout iurthar notice or demend on Borrowtlr,invoke any re�nadies permltted by qaragraph 18 haroof. ; � .•;�_��
<br /> - NON-UNIFORM COVkNANT8.BorrowK and L�nd�r fuHMr cov���nl and a�rN a�lollow�: ; '' ��'`°'
<br /> ,i�.s.._- -
<br /> 18. AccN�rallon;R�m�dlh.Except ea provided In paregreph 17 horeof,upon Borrowe�'s breach ot any covenent or � ' • ���i4_—J
<br /> � agreementof Borrower in this Deed of Trus4 fncluding the cuvenants to pey when due d�y suma secured by thls Oeedof Trua� � , '��
<br /> �,�;�
<br /> ' Lender prfor to acceleratlon shall mafl nafice to Borrower as provfded fn paragreph 14 hereof specifying;(1)the breACh;(2)the ,
<br /> • , � action requlrod to cure such breach;(3►a date,not less than 90 days trom the date the notice Is mafied to Borrower,by whlCh
<br /> •. � � auCh breaCh muat be cured;and(4)thatlallure to cure such broach on or betore the dateepeciffed in the notice mayresult In
<br /> accelerAtlan of the sums eecured by thia Deed ol Trustand sele of the Propeny.The notfce shall lurther inlo�m Borrower of the
<br /> - rlpht to reinatete a/ter�cceltlratfon and the right to bring a coun action to assert tha non-existence ol e delault or any other
<br /> delenee of Borrower to acceleratfon and sale.II the breach is not cured on or belore the date specl(led In the notice.Lender at
<br /> Lender s optlon may declare all of Me sums secured by this Deed of 7n�s1 to be�mmediately due a�d payable wlthout turther
<br /> , demand end may invoke Ihe power of sale and any other remedies perm�tted by appllcable lew.Lender ehell be enNtled to
<br /> . � collectall reasonable costs and expenses incurred in purswng tha remedies provfdod in the paragraph 18,Includfny,but not
<br /> Ilmlted to,reasonabte atlar�ay's lees.
<br /> If the power o1 sele is invoked,Trustea shnll record a notice of default m eacii c0unty m which the Property or some pert
<br /> ' Ihereol ls locatedand shell rnail copies of such notice�n the mennerr presc��bedby appl�eable iaw to Borrower nnd to the other
<br /> ; persons Nrescrlbed by applicable law.ANer the lapae ol such t�mv as may be requ�red by�ppllcc�blo law,Truatee shell glve
<br /> public notice ot sale to the persona and in thc manner prescribed by eppl�ceble law.Trustee.without demend on 8orrower,
<br /> ahal l eell the PropeNy at publfa auctlon to the highest bldder at the lime nnd place and under the terma deaigneted in the notice
<br /> � ol saW In one or more parcels and fn such order as Trustee may determfne.Truatee may postpone�IA of ell or eny parcel of
<br /> the Property by publlc announcement at the tlme and plece of any prevlously scheduled sale.Londer or Lender's desiynee
<br /> -- 1 �YPurehesetheProperyat3f1yS8Ie. '_����.T�..��..�.,�„e,�i,��..o�fnnlhaDrnnnAuenlr/
<br /> ----- 1 uponrece�ptotpaymento��nepncebio���U��CC���C1��VQ�IrO��V1110'/V�V��POO� ............................-,•••
<br /> � The recitala In the Trustee's deed ahel l be prima facle evidence of the truth of the statements made thereln.�frusfee shall apply
<br /> � ihe proCends ol the sale Inthe following order:(a)to all reasoneble costa and expensea ntthe sale,including,but not Ilmited to,
<br /> + Trustee's tees ol not n:orethan 46 of the gross sale price,reasoneble ariorney's fees and costs Of tftle evldence:
<br /> (by ta all sums secured by thls Deed ol Truat:and(c)the excess,il any,lo the person or persona leyally entitled thereto.
<br /> • � 19. 8onow�r's Rl�hl lo iiNmlN�.Notwithatanding Lender's acceierAtfon of the sums secured by thla Oeed ot Truat,
<br /> Borrowerahallhevetherlghttohaveany proceedfngsbegunbyLendertoenforcelheDeedolTrustdlscontfnuedatenyt►me
<br /> prlo�to the earNer to oCCUr ot(f)the tlfth day belore the sale ol the Property purauant to the power of aale contained in the Deed
<br /> ol Trust(�f)entry of a�udgment enforcing this Deed ot Trust U:(a)Borrower pays Lender all sums wh�ch would be then due
<br /> under thia Oeed of Trust,the Note end notes securing futuro AJvances.ff any,had no ecceleration occured:�b)8orrower
<br /> curea ell breaches of any other covenants or agreements of Borrower contelned in thls Deed of Trust (c)Borrower paya all
<br /> reasoneble expenses incurred by Lender and Trustee enforcfng the covenants and agreements ol Borrower conta�ned in this
<br /> Deed o1 Trust and in entacing Lender's and Trustee's remedfea as provfded in paragraph 18 hereof,mcludmg,but nol IlmNed
<br /> to,reaaonab!Q:+tlorney'a leea;and(d)8orrower takea z�uCh acfion as Lender mey reasonably requfre to essure that the Ifen of
<br /> thls Deed of Truat,Lender'a interest in the Property and Borrower's obligatfon lo pey the sums secured by this Deed of Trust
<br /> shall Co�linue umrnpaired.Upon such payment and cure by Borrower,thls Deed of Trustnnd tha obliqetiuns secured hereby
<br /> � shall remnin�n full lo�ce end eNer,t as�f no accelerat�on had occurred. i
<br /> I �
<br />