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<br /> n,•-�� UtJIFOFiM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender cavenanl and aprae a�followr. Yg����M=
<br /> � ' F.
<br /> 1. Paym�nl ot Pr1oaipal�nd IM�rut Borrower ehall promptly pay when due Ihe principel of end intereat on lhe � ..
<br /> � � �:r' Indebtsd�b�savidoncedbytheNote,prepaymonf�ndl�t�oharpes�sprovld�dlnthallot�,andtheprinaipalalandint�nslon "
<br /> , � .� ' . eny Future Advances tscured by the Deed of Trwt. y���=:�=�'�-'—'
<br /> �. Funds IaTaN�s�nd Imw��.SubIectto applicebte law or to e written waiver by Lender,Borrower ehell psy to Londsr « :-�-�•�+�+s�•��
<br /> �, p � . on thedey monlhly Inst�llmentsolpHnciped and intere�taropayable underfhe Note,undl tha Note la peld in lull,�eum(henin e-�-=�==_==='
<br /> � ° "Funds")equal to one•twelflh of the yearly faxee end eseesemenis whlch mey eltsin prioriq over thie Desd ol Trust,end "��:�`=�"`-""""'-`-�""'
<br /> � ground renta on the Property,if any,plua one-twsltlh ol Ysarly premium In�lallmeMsfor hezard in�urance,plue one-twelfth of ° '��"�•''""'"""�.�
<br /> ,.�`„,x�-w4.ze�.�,r .
<br /> � � " yearly p�emium imullmente for mort�spe Intu►pnce,ff any,ell es�eaeonebly ostlm�t�d initlolly�nd from tlm�to tlm�by � • •� ��° �
<br />� '`� Lender on the basl�of aesessmenb and bllls and reaeonable esQmates thereot.
<br /> " TheFund�ehellbeheldineninadtutlonthed�posltsoraccountsolwhlcpp�Inauredorguaranteed,byaFedereloratata • „�.w 7i�y;.o-;
<br /> � apency(Includinp Lender if Lender le suah an InstltuNon).Lender eheR a I ths tund�to pay sald taxss,esaessmenb, ��� '��"`'��'
<br /> insurancep�emlumeandgraundrenta.lendermeynotcharqeforaoholding andnpplyingtheFunde,analyzinpMidaccount . .-=.=�. �;�•-�t:::., ,
<br /> � orverifylnpandaompfllnpseldaaae�emenlsandbllla unleesLenderpaye BonowerinterestontheFundsandappllcablelaw '
<br /> permita Lenderto makeeuch a oharge.Borrower and tendermsy apreein writlnp etthe Nme olexecutlon of thls Osep of Truat
<br /> thet intere�t on the Funds ehall be pald to Borrower,and unlets auch agreement ia mede a eppIicalbe lew requlres such '�'� •
<br /> � intereaf to be peid,Lender shall not be�equired to pay Bonower eny Interest or eaminp4 on the fundt.Lend�►sl�all�Ive to fgr��r_�
<br /> � Bo►rower,without oher e,an annual accauntlnp of the Funda ehowlng credits and de6lts to thw Fu�ds ond the purpose for ••�r�.,;«_.,
<br /> ° - which each debft rothe�unds was mede.The Funds ere pledped as addltlonal security lor the eums rscurod by thit DNd of •�';.d�!�:•;"'~ �� .
<br /> . TruaL . . .a :� �
<br /> ' Il the amount ol lhe lunde held by Lender,topether with the tuture monthly instellmenta ot Funds payable prlor to the due � •- • �`�'�`�''`�
<br /> dates ot texo�,esaessmsnb,insurance prerniums and ground rents,ahall exceed the emount requlred to pey seid taxes, ,�' � � '.-s.£�,,,�,�.
<br /> ,, � � easessnienls,Insure�ce premiums andg�ound rents aa thoy fall due,�uch exceas ahell be.at Borrower's opdon,either - �a-:�-:.
<br /> prompNy repeld to Borrower or credited fo Borrower on monlhly Installments of Funds.If the amount of the Funda held by � .j ;�}a
<br /> Lender shell not beaufHclentto pey texes,essessmenh,insurance premfums and ground rentaae they lall due.Bonower ehell
<br /> ' pay to Lender eny amount neceaeary to make up the deficlency within 30 days irom tha dete notice Is mafled by Lendor to .---� , •j �'
<br /> •� Borrower requeating peyment thereol. � .....
<br /> Upon peyment In full of all sums aecured by this Deed ol Trust,Lendershell prompGy refund to Borrowerany Funda held by ��'
<br /> Lender.ll under pa�egraph 18 hereof the PropeAfr Is sold o►the PropeAV Is othervvfae acqulred by Lender,Lender ahell epply n'�•:rii�_'�*•��<�-:--
<br /> � no leter than immedletely prlor to the sale ot the Property or Its ac uisit(on by Lender,and Funds held by Lenderat the dme o� ��
<br /> , • application as a credit epeinst the eums aecured by thfs Oeed of� ` "
<br /> rusG ��_
<br /> ;, 3. Applictlbn o1 P�ym�nh.Unless applicebte law provides otherwlae,all payments received by Lender under the Note r.
<br /> a n d p e r ag r a p h s 1 a n d 2 h e r e o f s h a l l b e a p p l i e d b y L e n d e r f i r s t I n p a y m e n t o f a m o u n t s pa yable to Le�der b y 8o►rower under •�-
<br /> . perepraph 2 hereol,then to intereat payable on the Note,then to the princlpel of the Note,and then to intereat end principal on .
<br /> � eny Future Advances. r�'k'"'��''"�
<br /> �. Ch�rpM;L1�n�.8o�rowersshalipay ellfaxes assesamentsandothercherges,ffnesandimposltionsatt�l6utebletothe y "'� ��'""�
<br /> •«,.•Sa:..
<br /> � � �• Property which mey atlefn a prlorfty over lhis Oeed of TruaL and leesehold peyments or ground rents,if eny,in the manne� :w>:F;;a��:..��;
<br /> � _,--:��—�- provided under peragreph?hereoi a,if not Qaid In auch manner,by Borrower maki�g peymenl,when due,directly to the :'_�____ ,�.:
<br /> � � payee thereof,9orrower ehall promptly furniah to Lender all notices of amounts dua under thls po�apreph,end in the evani N�'�r�Ryy 4
<br /> •• Borrower ahall meke payment directly, Borrower ahell p�omptly furnlah to Lender receipts evidencing euch payments. s
<br /> • � Borrower shell prompUy dlecharge any lien which hes priority over this Deed of Trusk provided,thet Borrower shall neuch
<br /> he mentof theobl adan secured by �'y.��. �'�•
<br /> requlred to dlecher�e any such Iien eo long as Borrowershell agree In writing to t pay I� :
<br /> " Ilen fn a menner ecceptable to Lender,or ahell in yood falth conteat auch Ilen by,or defend enfo�cement ot euch Ilen In,Ispal �r ,; .�
<br /> proceedinga which oparate to prevent the en(orcement of the Nen or fo�leiture of the Ptoperty or any pert thereof. �
<br /> 6. Hu�nl In�uraea.Borrower ehall keep the improvements now exlating or hereetter erected on the Prope�ty Insured �. . • V
<br /> agai�at loes by fire,hezerds included within the term'extended coverage",end euch oMer hazerdo as Lender mey requfre i ' �
<br /> end in such amounts and for such periods as Lender may requfre;provided,thet lender shell not requlre thet the emount of G :;Yu.,-�._
<br /> such coverage excaed lhet amount of coverage reqwred to pay the sums aecured by thl�Deed of Trust t �
<br /> ihisinsurancocarrisr rovldin theinsuranceshallbechosenby Borroweraub�ecttoapprovalby Lender,provided,that ` . ��
<br /> auch approval shall not bo unroauonably withheld.All premlums on insurence policiea ahall be pefd in the menner provided t ��%�2� _.
<br /> under pereyreph 2 hereof or,il not peid in such menne�,by Borrower mekiny paymenR when due,direCtly to ihe fnsurence � . �i -�
<br /> � ' ce�rier. , � ����
<br /> �',, All inaurance policles and renewels fhereof shall be in torm accepfable to Lender and shall fnclude e atendard mort epe �::
<br /> clauee in feva ot and in form eccepteble to�ender.Lender shell have the right to hold thepo Ilciesend renewels thereo�and ,, .
<br /> Borrower ahall promptly lurniah to Lenderall renewal notices and all recelpts ot paid premiums.ln theevent of Ioaa.Borrower ,,�`�-��
<br /> shell give prompt notice to the insurance carrler and lender.Lender mey meke proof of Inss If not medepromptly by Borrowe�. � ,,,,�„a..>
<br /> �� • UnlesaLenderand8orrowerotherwlseagreelnwritfng,insurance proceedsshallbeapplfedtoreatoretionorrepalrotthe � . . ,
<br /> � .�. ' Property demaged,provfded such reatoretfon or repelr is economically leaalble and the securfty of this Oeed of Truat Is not � ';'.,..?."
<br /> ,;.,, thereby ImpaIred.If such reatoration or repalr Is not economicel�r teaslble a If the security of fhis Deed of Truat would be .
<br /> �� ' impalred,the Insurance proceeds ahell be applled to the auma secured by thls Deed of Trus�wlth the exceaa,ff eny,pald to . :. .
<br /> ' Borrower.If the Property is abandoned by 6orrower,or II Borrower falls to reepond to Lender wlthin 30 daya hom the date � .
<br /> notfce fa mefled by Lende�to Qorrower that the Insurance carrier oNers to settle a claim lor ineurance benetita,Lender is �.r.��-,'
<br /> � •. authorfzed to collect end a�pply the fnsurance proceeda at lender's uptlon elther to resturatlon or repelr of the Property or to E, %;�: '°i=�:
<br /> the auma secured by Ihis Deed of Trust. � •
<br /> Unleaa Lender and Borrower otherwise egree In writing,any such applicatlon ot proceeds to principal ehell not extend or � •
<br /> poatpone the due dete of the monthly inatellments relerred to ln paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or chanpe the amount of such
<br /> inafallments.If under peragraph 1 B hereof the Property ia acqulred by Lender,all right,tltle end interesi of Borrower in end to
<br /> anylnsurancepollcieaendinandtotheproceedsthereofresultingfromdamagetolheProperryprlortotheaeleoracquialtlon .
<br /> . shall pass to Lender to the extent o1 the sums secured by this Deed of Trust fmmedietely prlo�to such sale or ecqufsidon. ��
<br /> 8. Pns�vation and Maint�n�nc�of Prop�rfy;Lea��hold�;Condominlums;Plannad UnN Dwdopm�nb.��oend ahell
<br /> . keep the Property In good repeir end shall not commit waste or permit Impairment of deterloration of the Pro
<br /> comply with the provisbns ot any lease if this Deed ol Truatis on e leasehold.It this Deed ol Trust Ison a unit In a condominium .
<br /> or e pfanned unit developmwnt,Borrower shell pe�form all at 8orrower's obtigations under the declaration or covenents
<br /> creating orgo verning Ihe condominium or planned un�t development,the by-laws and regulations of the condominium or
<br /> plenned unit devebpment and constituent documents.If a condominlum or plan�ed unit devebp ment rider Is excuted by �
<br /> Borrower and recorded together with thle Deed of Trust,the covenants and agreements of such rider shall be fncorporeted � . '
<br /> l Into and shall amend and supplement the covenents and agreements of this 6eed o1 Trust as if the rider were a part hereof.
<br /> 1 7. Prot�cUon of L�nd�r's S�curity.If Borrower lafls to perform the covenents and agreementa contelned In this Deed of
<br /> TrusR or il any actlon or p�oceeding Is commenced with meterially altects Lender's interest in the Property.Includinp but not
<br /> ' Ilmited to,emfnenldomein,Insolvency,code enlorcement,or arrangements or proceedfnys Involving a bankrupt or decedent,
<br /> then Lender at Lender's option,upon nofice to Borrower,may make such appearances,dfsburse such sums and teke such
<br /> � actfonaafanecessarytoprotect6ender'sinterest,lncludfng,butnotlfmitedto,disbu�sementof�easonableattorney'sfeeeand
<br /> entry upon the Property to make repairs.II Lender requiredmortgege inaurance as e conditlon olmaking the loan secured by
<br /> the Deed of Trust.Borrower shall pay the premiums required to meintain such Insurance fn ettect until such time as the
<br /> requlrementforsuchinsuranceterminatesinaccordancewithBorrower'sandlender'sw�ittena reementorapP licalbelew.
<br /> °�_�...�'�r���..�..u.��.........�..�..��.....a......��...........�..a....l.�r..e�n fha mnnnor nrnvitlNfl��fl�wr oaraarnoh L f181@O�.
<br />, . w��vwv�w.ou �..�v o...v......r.u•�...v..a..yv................p�.....�...�......_....... ._. � _ ..
<br /> � Any amoun�s disbursed by Lender pursuant to this peragraph �, with interest thoreon, sliall 6eeome edditlonal
<br /> ! indebtedneas ot porrower secured by thia Deed ol Trust.Unless Borrower and Lender egreeto otherterms o1 payme�t,such
<br /> amounta shell be payable upon nollce lrom Lender to Borrawer requesting payment hereot.and shall b�er�nterest from the
<br /> � dete o1 dlabursemenlet the rate peyeble Irom tlme to tlme on outstand�ng princfpal under the Note uNess payment ot interest
<br /> ! at such rete would be contrary to applicable law,In whfch evenl auch amounts shall bear Interest et the hlghest rate
<br /> � permfasfbleundereppllcable lew.Nothinp contelned ln this pa�ayraph 7 shall requlre lenderto fncurany expenae ortakeany
<br /> � aCtlon hereunder.
<br /> ' e. Intp�eUon.Lender may make or cause to be made reasonable entnes upon And inspectians of the Property,provided
<br /> 1 thet Lender ehall glve 13orrower nolice pnor to any such�nspection specdymg reasonable cause Iherefore related fo Lender's
<br /> , Interest In the PropeNy.
<br /> I Y r �
<br /> ! . .
<br /> ,
<br />