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<br /> � appUcablo lew may specify for t�elnstatement)before sAle of�hc Propeny pursuant to any power of aale con►Nnod in 1hi�
<br /> Socurity Inswment;or(b)enby oP s judgment enfo�ing Ihir Securlty inxuumcnt. Thoce conditiuns a+e Iluu Borrower: (A)
<br /> , p�ya Lender nll aums which thcn would 6e due under this Socudry Instrume�tt wki �he Note ua if no nccelcradon hod
<br /> occurrod;(b)cures any default of a�y dher cavenants or ugreements;(c)pays ull e�cpense�incu�red in enforcing thie Secudty
<br /> �--------- - lnspument,including, but not limited to.resisanable attorneys'kes; and(d)wkes Kuch nc�lon ua Lender may rc�soiubly
<br /> roquim to essure that the lien of this Securiry Inswmenb l.endcrY�rfghts in the Prapeny nnd Barrowerh obligeNon to pay the
<br /> sums securcd by this Secudty Instrument slwll condnuo unchanged. Upon reinstntement by Barrower, �hia Secudty
<br /> - - `----- _�' lnstrument wa1 Q�e oblig�tiwu�+�ccurcd hcreby shnll rcmuin fully effective tiq if no�cceleration hed occurred. However,Ibir
<br /> ri�ht to reinsteto sholl na upply in the cuse of acceler�tian under p�vagr�h 17. r
<br /> 19. 3sk ot Note;Ch�oQe of I.oan Servlce� The Note or a partial interesl ln the Note(logether with Ihia Security
<br /> — Instrument)may bc sold ano or morc times without prior not�ce to Borrower. A rale may rexult la a change in 1he entity
<br /> "�'�=" (known as the'Loen Servicer")that collecls monthly payments due under the Note and this 5ecurily Insirument. There�Iso _
<br /> =•_`=� may be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to u sele of the Note. If there is A chunge of tix�Loan Servicer.
<br /> �-°°`� Barrower will be given wrillen notice of Ihe change in accardunce with paragroph 14 above und uppUcuble luw. 71�e naice
<br /> ---—�°r;::�j wi��Rwte q�e�ame and addms oP the new Laan Servicer nnd the addresa ta which payments should be made. The notice will
<br /> :,i:� also contain nny other information reyuired by applicable law.
<br /> --- ?A. HAZardaus Sabstancea. Borrower shall not cause or pertnit the presence,use,disposal,stor�+ge,or releuse of ony
<br /> ____z;;.� Hezardous Substances on or in Ihe Properry. Borrower shall not do.nor nllow anyone else to do,nnything uffecting qte
<br /> --- propeKy that is in violadon of any Environmental Law. The preceding two scntencas sholl nat upply to the presence,use,or
<br /> - - starage on the Property of small yuantitiea of Hauudous Substances that ure generaHy recognized to ba uppropriate to normal
<br /> "- residential uses and t�maintenance of thc Properry.
<br /> -°= Borcower shall promptly give L.ender written notice of any Investigation,claim,demand,lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> _���.=;:�� govemmemal or regulawry agency or privatc pnrty involving the Properry and any Ha�rcicws Substunce ar Envlronmentol -
<br /> ___--___�_� Luw of which Botrower has uctual knowledge. !f Barrower leams, or is notified by any govemmental or regulatory
<br /> ��1�.�_ authoriry.that any removal or other remediation of any Huztudous Substance affecting U�e Property is necessary,Borrower
<br /> ___r��—.._�'�:;� shell promptly takeall necessury remedinl uctions in accordnnce with Environmental l.aw.
<br /> �,:.�� Aa used in this paragr�ph 20,"Hazardous Subswnces"are those Substances detined as taxic or hazardous substances by
<br /> ..�t•= <,�.: - �nvironmental Lsw and the following substances: gasaline, kerasene,other flnmmuble or�oxic petroleum products.toxic
<br /> pesticides and herbicides. volatile solvents, materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde,und radioactive materiels. As
<br /> r�".:;��:;:; used in this paragrnph 20,"Fnvironmental Law"meuns federni laws and laws of the Jurixdiction where the Prapeny Is lacated
<br /> ,�� + „ '�• Uwt relute to health,safety or environmental protectiun.
<br /> ;��;� `i;.`�`' NON-UNIFORM COVENANT5. Borrower und Lendcr further covenunt and ugree as follows:
<br /> ` m+��° 21. Accelerat(on;Remedies. Lender shall give notice to Borrower prior to acceleraHon Pollowing Borrower's
<br /> ��P�'��'�f�,�+�'�� • breach oP an covenant o�agreement in this Security Instrument lbut not prior to AccelerAtion under paregrep6 17
<br /> ��d:w� r
<br /> -�'4����� _. yR������yr�Qq�g��pt�Wlse). The notice shall xpectfy: (A1 the deiAUlt;Ib)the action required to cure Ihe
<br /> _ .. .ti,,, • detAUll;(c)a date,not less thun 30 days from the date the notice is glven to Aorrower.by whicb the dePoult must be
<br /> � ��, � i•-., cured;and(d)that fuilnre to cure the default on ar 6efore the date apecified in the natice may result In acceleration of
<br /> �� ' �'�`� the sums secured by thfs Securily Inslrument and sale oi'the Property. The notice shall further inform Borrowe�..F
<br /> .�;f•.'` IT��i^� ,'. the right to reinstate afler acccleration and the r tght to bring A court actbn to�.sserl the noo�existence oP a defau��or
<br /> +.
<br /> �a � any other defense of I�orrower b acceleration and sale. IP the default is not curet!on or before the date specifted in
<br /> °���,.:... •
<br /> ,_,.s.,.r,p, ; the noUce.l.ender at ils optton may requ�,e immediate payment in iull of all sums secured by ihis Security nstrument _
<br /> `.���-� witbout further demapd and may invoicc Ihe power oP sale und any other remedies permitted by applicqble law �
<br /> ""��'�`•'�'�� Lender shall be entitled to collect all expen�es incurred in pursufng the remedies provided in this par�graph 21,
<br /> •'�''�'',�'���'�• including,but not Ifmiled to.reasonable atlorneys'fees and coslx oP tille evidence.
<br /> -. �""''"�"' If the power of s�le is invoked.'Irustee shall record a notice of defuult ia each counry In wbkh any part of the -
<br /> ';+�. ` Property is IocAted and shall meil capies of such notice in the manner prescrlbed by upplicAble law to Borrower and to
<br /> '"' w� the otber persons prescribed by applicable lew After the time required by applicable law,'I�ustee shAll give public
<br /> A� /Jai.ri•'4�•'
<br /> ,�„�,,,„.,�. notice of sale to the penso�s and in the mwnner prescribed by applkable law 7Yuslee.without deman on rrower,
<br /> ahall sell the Property at public�uction to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the terms designuted in
<br /> -- �-��?�`='`�•� the nolice oP sale in one or more parcels nnd in Any arder'[l�ustce determines. 'll�estee mny postpone satc of�II or an}� �
<br /> �;j;;;.;�_�, parcel of fhe Property by pubUc announcement�t the time ynd place oP pny previously scheduled sale. Lender or its
<br /> �_ •� , designee may purchase the Property at�ny sale. _
<br /> ,;���•� Upon receipt of payment oP the price bid,7lrustee shall deliver lo t6e purchaser 7Yustee's deed conveyinq the r__
<br /> ;�r�.����-'. property. The recitals in Ibe 7lrustee's deed shall be prima facie evidence of the truth oP the slatements made the�ein.
<br /> �����r�� � 71�ustee shWl apply the praceeds of Ihe sule in the folbwing order: �a►to all costs and expemses of eaercising the power �
<br /> �'''�;�;i_.. .J1.. --
<br /> g� • '
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<br /> :�ti��.�
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