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<br /> candemnation or dher�aking of any part af thc Pro{x:ny,or fbr convcypncc in lieu of condemnutiun,arc hereby w►�i�ned ond
<br /> shall be puid to Lender.
<br /> In the event af u�otel tuking of the PropeAy, �hep�oceeds xhall he applied �o the xuma xecurcd by �hix Security
<br /> Instn�ment,whether or not then due,with ony cxcexs pofd to Bortower. !n thc evem of o partiul tuking of the Property in
<br /> i which the foir market voluc of�he Prapchy immediu�ely before the taking ir�equul to ar greatcr ihun the Amouni of�he sums
<br /> ssecured by this Securily Inxtrument immcdiutcly before the taking,unles� Burmwer und Lcndcr otherwi�c ngree in wriling,
<br /> :� the suma isecu►rd by this Security Instrument ghull be rcduced by the amount of the praceedx mul�iplied by �he follawing
<br /> - -- -- —__ '� fraction: (u)Ihc total wnount af thc zums serured immediately hefnm thc taking,divided by(b)the fair murket vulue of thc �
<br /> Prop�rty immediately bcfare the mking. Any bulonce Rhall be puid �o Barrower. In the event oF u puniul taking of thc
<br /> -- - --=i property in which�he ioir murket vulua oi thc Property immedintely beforc the tuking(s Ie�s thun the amount af Ihe sums
<br /> � aecured immedi+�tely before �he Ioking, unlegx Borrower nnd Lender otherwiise ugree in writing or unless applicuble IAw
<br /> °�' otherwise provides,�he proceeds shu11 be applied to�he xums secured by this Sewrity Insuumenl whether or nat the aums urc
<br /> --.�,���;�;,�v_`.�1 � tt�en due.
<br /> _�_�:��t , lf�he PropeAy is abt�ndoned by Borrower,or it;ufter notice by Lender to Borrower thut the candemnar offe�c to muke
<br /> nn awunl ur settle u claim for damoges,Barrower fails to retipond lo l•ender within 30 duys ufter Ihe dute the notice ia given,
<br /> --:�=�;A;'" ! Lender is uuthorized to collect nnd s�pply Ihe proceeds,ut itF oplion.eilher to restorntion or repair of the Propeny or�o the
<br /> -= r�R�;;, ' Rums secured by this Security lnslrument,whelher or not then due.
<br /> —�__.___—_—„��_. Unless Lender nnd Barrower otherwise agree in writing,nny upplicaiion of pnxeeds to principal xhall not extend or
<br /> ---���.� postponc the due date of the monthly payment4 refcrred ta in puragrnphs I ntid 2 or change the umount of such payments.
<br /> — 11. Borruwe� Not Rele�sed; �urbearance By Lender Not A V1�iver. Bx�ension �f the time for puyment or
<br /> "''� modificotion of amoRizotion af the sums xecured by thix Security Inslrument granted by Lender to any successor in interest
<br /> ---�•-R�.;.'_ of Borrower shall not operute to relew;e�he liability of the originul Borrower or Borrower's succexxor� in interest. Lender
<br /> � � ���-�`�`�-�- shnll not be required �o commence praceedings ugainst uny xuccessor in intercst or refuse to extend time for payment or _.
<br /> -�:-�^--� -
<br /> �i;;�,;,�+-�., ��~ othenvise madify omonfzalion oithc sumx secured by this Security In�tNmenc by reason of any demand mude by the original
<br /> ---"� Borrower ar Bomower�successors in interegt. Any forbeurs►nce by Lender in exercising uny right or remedy shAll not be a
<br /> -==��:�i.; ..
<br /> ��: � .�,6,,:�.._..� waive�of or preclude Ihe cxercise of any right or remedy.
<br /> ,a"��,�..:; 12. Successors and AsslQna Bound;Jolnt And Severol Llability;(:asigners. The covenants nnd ngreememx of this
<br /> -:zur.->::.-:r:;.-�' Securiry Instrument tilall bind and benefit the successnrs und ussigns of Lender und Borrower,subject to the provisions of
<br /> `,�r, ,' ��-�,�;# paragrnph 17. Borrower?�covennnts and agreements shull be joint und sever�l. Any Borrower who co-�igns this Security
<br /> � ,�' .;� Instrument but does not execute the Note: (A)is co-xigning this Security Instrument only to mortgage,grunt and convey thut
<br /> _ '_������F7r Boirowcr c interest in the Propeny under the tcrms af this Security Instrument: Ib)iz not penonully abliguted to pay�he sumr
<br /> �� tii�r,yr�A � recurcd by this Security Instrumenr and(c)ugrees�hut Lender and uny other Borrower muy ugree ta extend,modify,forbeur
<br /> �o.-�' �' or make nny uccommodatians with regard to the terms of this Security Ins�rument ar the Note wi�hout that Borrower�s
<br /> , � .�°:. ' ' consent.
<br /> ��:
<br /> ,__ �i. I.�un Charges. If�he loan xecured by this Security Instrument is xubject to a luw which xets maximum loon
<br /> -_- ".;�;;�3,�;�+C•_�?'y� chnrges,und thut luw is�nally interpreted so�hat the interest or ather lonn chnrges coilected or io bc cuiic�t�1 iu connect�on
<br /> ';t; . with the loun exceed the permitted limits,then: (u)uny such loun cha�e shall be reduceJ by the amount neces.rury to reduce
<br /> -- n •• . . the churRe to the permitted limit:and(b)any tiums ulreudy collected from Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will be
<br /> _,L';,'� � ���°, ' :' • refunded to Bo�rower. Lcnder muy chaose to make this rePund by reducing the principal awed under the Note or by muking a
<br /> .•_ ,y�;,,u;;;r:�•.•t direct paymem to Bortower. If u refund reduces principul.the reduction will be trcuted us u p+utial prepaymen� without any
<br /> . �'� �� ' prepuyment churge undcr the Note.
<br /> -='�� � . � 14. Notkes. Any notice to Borrower provided i'or in this Security Msuumenl shall be given by delivering it or by
<br /> ' '� � mailing it by firxt cluss muil unless applicable luw reyuires use of another method.'1'he notice shull br directed to the Property
<br />� , �.!' :'" `� ' Addmss ur uny other uddress Borrower dezignutes by no�ice to Lender. Any notice lo Lender shall be given by fint cluss
<br /> •• •�•"�"'"'+a''��.° mnil to Lender;uddress,wted herein or uny o�her uJdrexs Lender dcsiFnutex by notice to Boimwer. Any notice prnvided for
<br /> . •. :--.r.'.,-�...l� —
<br /> ...,:._-:..a:.'�:r.
<br /> in this Security Instrumen� shall fx decmeJ to huve Neen given to Bortnwer or Lender when given us provided in thi,
<br /> , .. . paragraph.
<br /> • 1S. Governin�q I.aw: 5everability. Thix Sccurily Inztrument ,hull be govcmed by federol luw and thc luw of the
<br /> ` .;��'�':. jurisdictian in which�he Property is loca�ed. In the event Ihut uny provision or cluuse of�hi�Securiry Instnrment or the Note
<br /> , .. c r; :.:.,. conflicts with upplicoblc luw,xuel►wnlli�t+hall not affect olher pro�i�i��nr ot'this Securiry Intitrument or the Note which cun —
<br /> �� "'„ be Fiven efPect withoul the conflirting provision. To this end the pr�wisions of thix Security In�trument nnd the Note ure
<br /> ' �� decltued ro lx severable.
<br /> • ` : � : ..o '• - 16. Borrower's Copy. BoROwer shull Ix�given one coni'ormcd copy ot'Ihe No�c und of this Security Ins�rument.
<br />'�.� ° `.� 17. 7�ansPer oithe Prope�ty or a Beneficial lnterest in 1lorrower. If ull iir any pun of the Property or uny incerest in =
<br /> �"�""'�' '' - it ix snld or aunsferred (or if u Ix�ncfiriul interest in Bormwrr i.solJ ar�run�fcrrcd vnd Borrower is not:+nuturol person)
<br /> . without Lender's prior wriucn con.cnt, Lendcr muy.ut i��c�p�ion.reyuirc immcJiutc puyment in full of all sums securcd by �
<br /> „ �hi,Securily Instrument. Howevrr,ihi�oplion xhall nd be excrci.eJ by Lender if excrci.r is p�hibited by federal luw us of
<br /> .,f�,�. � the dule of�his Securiiy Instrument.
<br /> �� n � If Lender excrcise`�his nption,Lendcr�hull give Bom�wcr nutice uf accelrrution. 'I'he no�icr�hull provide a periai of
<br /> ' � ;��' .,•�` - •. ^ not less than;0 duys fmm the datc�he nutire is dclivrmd��r maikd wi�hin which B�irn�wcr mu.t pay all,um�.�curcd by thi. _.
<br /> •� " "� Security Inxtrument. If B��m�wcr fail, to pay the+r .um� priur to Ihr czpiratiun of thir perind, l.ender mny invake uny
<br /> . remedics permittcd by this Sccurity In�trumcnt withuw forthrr noticr or�.icmunJ un Burra�vcr.
<br /> � • � ' I8. Borrnwer's RIRht to Relnstale. H' Burrawrr mect+cenuin rondiliuns, Borruwrr.hull havc thr right �o have _
<br /> �- enf'orcement of�his 5ecuriry Inslrumrn�Ji�rontinurd a� any �imc prior to ihr carlirr of: lal S Jay+(ur.uch other�xriod as
<br /> , � .. SinpleFamdy •-FonnkMue�Fmddle�fucl�tilFt1R\11\ti'1'ltG�fE\'1'..Und��nnt'o�cnann 9�Y0 �p�r.�r�.qnp,��ru �
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