. . .. . . . . ... . - 1 . -' .- t'� .._ .
<br /> . . . ., . � , ° - � - ....._ . . s . - .._ .
<br /> , c� ;
<br /> ,. �... , .. . . . ,.� . . - - , . -,
<br /> .. ., , - . . .. -
<br />.. . _ ,- - , - �` _ f. _. , "'.- . � -_ , . .. . —� � - � .-_ - ---; - ._ . . .. .. . . , .. . . .. . ., - -
<br /> - .� ' � . � ' � . - � � � • , � . ' - . }:.. . _ .. . �.. - '-- t�. .'
<br /> • �. . �. ... � __.�_.r._....__.�.__. .�.�.____"`"•_,_'---_.Y_..__ ._..�., f� _ t ' � '•
<br />, ` � r._ .� ..��k`, �4t�t� _
<br /> � � / � . �. .. t'._.'�i:.. �
<br /> ' � tl� ����^/.i �_
<br /> ��1 � "' � �, ..
<br /> •�-:� G.ASSIGIVIJ�IT OF LEASE.§. Upan Lcn�'s rxquesi.Eonowez shall�tn E.,e�des all I�eas�s oi the � . , . __.
<br /> Ei
<br /> Properey and all sea�iry d�asis made i�conuecrion with�eases of td�e Pro�aty.Upon the asqi�t,LeadPr . : • `�..:x '
<br />_�, j shall have tha ri�hi w mgdify.exte�rl or rp�•�,;nA•P ths eaisang leases aad to e�cecu�nea+teases,in LeadeYs so2e - ' . __ __--`
<br /> _ �YKra�tion.As u..�is�this pr�gaph G,the ivaid"1�+..ss°sh�l m�an"suB3ease"if the Sec.�niiy?��*+�!ms.r!is oa a = -- .
<br /> 2rase�,o�ld.. •,:.'�;. ` z.,` .� �
<br /> H. AS§IG � r OF BEN'fS: AY'F01N6'R�P1T OF RECEIVE�t: LEPID� IN PO�SE�SIQN. . . �,,a_�:_ .. -
<br />. Bam�wa ab�alu�dy sn�uncomtitionaIIy as�gas aad tr�sfers ro Lead�all tP�e�a�d rerren�s("Rents'�of the :.,�,.`�''':�����,�.-�.
<br /> mio
<br /> pmp�ty.�eg�dless of tn whom the Reuts of the Pmgerty are payzbl�. Bormw�authorizrs Iend�a a Iender�s 4�,�� L �,�
<br /> agc�ts to wliect the Renis.and agtees that each traant of the Propeny smaii pay the Reats to L�end�r ar Leadta s �.�-._��.;;
<br /> - agwts.However.Ba:mwer shaII race.ive t�a gt�ts mit�(i}Le�d�r has give�n Bormwer nouce of d:San13 puzsvznt to •�r��:�s-,:'��
<br /> . pa�v aph 21 of the Secarity Iacmimee�it and(n�Lea�r has given aotice tn tLe t�aot(s)ti�ai the Reats are w be �:'�,=_---_----
<br /> F'_7=,+...-.�-..:
<br /> .. p�id to I.ead� or I.eader's ageat 'ILis assig�+�*+ af Rents cunsti�tES aa absolute a�ent and aot an .•;;;���'; ��_
<br /> cssigam,�t for addit�awl se�sity onlY- =,_.:-----�"°
<br /> If I.a�d�r gives natice of breac6 m Boaowa:(?r31 Reats aeceived by B�rower sLa11 be he�d by HaIIOCVCr as ..-�,'°...-�-_
<br /> ' °' �'T:a,"-�==�---
<br /> tx�stee far the benefit of I.eader only,m be�pp1i�w�sums s�ued by tJ�Sec.�ity►_*���'�fn�IRader sf�all ...�-: —
<br /> L`�eatiil�d an co]�ect sad rece�ve aII of the Reats ef afi�Prapesty;C�n� Boaower�grees tAai�ch t�ant of the ' _.��`. -- —
<br /> � Pmperty shaII pay ati Re�is dne aad aa�aid to Iender�r I�da's ageats t�I.eader's wiittr�dr�nand oo tlie .:�'"`��='===;_— °,
<br /> t�fi CN?��aPPlic�ble iaw provides otheaaise.ag3 Re�ts onIlecDed by I,eadr�ar I.eadcr'S eg�aL4 ShZII be ;°'. � . . ,�r��
<br /> �'�'� 4� amdca]Ie�tingtheRents.i�cindinS.btriunt �-�—"`��r;- ----_
<br /> � applied fnst oo the casts af mYing wntro�o�and maeaging tDe Pm�eY e —_
<br /> .� li�iied to,amozaeys•f�es,recedver's fees.P�minms on receiver's b�s,r�v and mamtEaaw�cost9,�sivauce -��-�,' —
<br /> �,r'`�'F�• � premiums,taxes.asssssmentc and oaher charges on t1�Ru�xrtSr.�t'�to the svms seruted by tfle Seca�iiy . , `- : -
<br /> ` 'c IInsmimeafi(v)l,e,nder,Iauder's age�ts or anY N�Y��°er shall be�ab2e w accoIInt for anYy thos,e - -
<br /> IKeats ac�aliY roxived;aad(vi�I.�der shall 6e�ir+�a�e a r+�eaver appo�s�d ta ta�re posscssion of�d ��..,
<br />' mat►age the Pcoperty and collect the Ravs�r.�l gro5�.dis�r�e3 fa��ym tf�FropaM1y►witho�t�y showing a4 W the • .
<br />. ° : m�u�Y of the Pmnem►aa s�rity. `g"
<br /> ;. .�:i;:..,:::
<br /> I f t h e R e a v s o f t h e P ro p�t y�e n at��.t ttx c�ser the o�s of taku►g o�trol of sud ma�a�gmg the •�,� . �" ..<< ;
<br /> � L�cpaty and of colt�ung the Rents�y£�e�ge�G�-i�ender far snch p�pase��Jl bacome indebtedn�s�f ����;... :;'�. . �
<br /> ' ?3a�row�fn I.�dr�sr�edby rhe secusity�::trnm.a:�2nt w Unifarm coveaa�rcT... '�t.' 's
<br /> of tL�e Reuts and l�as ���`
<br />--` BaaeuPe�e r�seats as�w�rants�C B�mwear hag noi executed aaY P�� . '�:`::-
<br />_ �:,
<br />��:< rot�td wU tw�i petfarm aay act tLat waul�.�xeniLeadet from exetcising its rights tmdei t�is g�b. -+,.?a��'•°:;��1;:..
<br /> �-.
<br /> � Leadex,6r Leadar's agRnts or a'N�?car�:y agpoia►t9d ieceiver,s�a11 not 6e ceqaired w enter q�a,teYe conmN y;:�`�:.;yt':,.
<br /> +df ar maintaia the Pmpecty 6efore or atter givmg Qa�isr of defaalt to Bor�owec Iiowever.Leade�r.�I.ende�'s ��;rrr�^, `:_��.
<br /> ��ats or a judkially sppoumtetf receivec.may do so m.as�g tiaQe whm a defa�lt oc,cats..Elny ap��n of Rdnb , .. •{sy�;�`.:
<br /> ' . s�aU not c�e or waive any defaiili as invalidate Pny o�eight ar remefij of Lentd�es ZUis assi�i of Re�ts of r '�': " �.-
<br /> . the Property shall termu�ate whet►atl t�e s�s secared by the Security r�^'�,�,t e�yaid'm fu1L ��----
<br /> .:�f .--
<br /> . l.CBOSS�DEBAULT PRUVISIOtV. Barcowds defauIt ar �reacb imdsr a�,► no:a aII�ca�aneat in .._�'�-'_.
<br /> � ah�I.eader bas an interest sbaII be a breach undea t8e Secmrity Ins�ument and Ien�r may iavolce any of tLe ,,,
<br /> � • crmedies pamitted by ihe Sec�ity lnsuramea�t r�',__•__
<br /> ��_'::.�_.,_�.:
<br /> BY SIGNIISO BIIAVl,Botrawer a�epts aad agces w the tams aud gmvisGa¢a o�ained'm this 1�4 F�y , ��,�.��,
<br /> r,.
<br /> �. - `
<br />. .. . - ` �c v-1�61'•'. ...
<br /> O
<br /> 7 IS E ATORMAN JR -Bm�c�vcr RA YN A K RMAN -Botrarar - _ --_
<br /> � (Seal) (Sea1) �,.,y"`��.���� ��`'-
<br /> -$ORO!!E! • `•"•"�`e�6�.
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