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<br /> 1-4 FAI�VtII.� �II�EI� ,�. �, ` _ :"�
<br /> Assfigameae ot Reat� . �Y- � ' °
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<br /> �5� Tb�iTS 1-4 FAMII.Y RIDER is mPd.s tkss 18TH �y pf OCTO�ER , 1996 ,a�ld i3 ' ' � : �
<br /> - is�np:�ara�iaw and�all fra aa�ned to ameQd and evppls�nffit the R9u�ge.Dzed of Trnst or�ec�ity B�ed(dta = - - ..—�``.�- ..
<br /> °S�+3n�um�t�of t�e�me das�given 6y t6e und�rsign�f(the°Basro�vex°)w�ecurc Barm�r�'s Nas�to �...:". ,°.•
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<br /> (dte°LQmdea") , � . � - .-'�-4r' .
<br /> of tdi:r,�,r]2te amd coveamg the Froparcy descn7tad in the Saca�iiy Instrument Aud lo�ate�ar , � �� . -� � .� --- _
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<br /> ' � �d1 PANIILY CO�NAI�. In additiau tt�tits cov�r,naaLa and ag�eements made in the Seauity tnsronimea� , ,.f . ,_� �
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<br /> - Pttiq�rt�d�ed'm dt8 Set�ity rn�;r.��r�-�LLn:.�owing iteans aie�ded w the Ptopeaty descaption,and sLalI --. ~�: �
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<br />_. ' n�itus ci'�2�saever now or heceaftcr locatEd i�.C�,�'used,OI�ded t0 be nsed in COnneCtiOa with ttle Pmpcsty. : c- ..;'��', '`- �,�.,.
<br /> 4;',�, ,-
<br /> � iadufin,g.b�not liarited w,those fm�the p�af supplying ar dism'buUng beat�g,caolmg,eteco�icisy,gav. `x��: •� '�
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<br />'s:;'�. bath mbs.watei heatets,wa3et cln�.�ks.�actges,stoves,refriSeiatms+dis��rashe�s,di�Fasals.washers.diYe�a. _'-°?�'��:� �� .l
<br /> ':r aw�gs.s�m wmdows,s�daar�,s�eEas.bllnds,shades.cv�ins and c�utam rods.�nnirrois.cab�ets. -�.�^�.�':- j�� �
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<br /> -. . replacements and add�s t&�rem,sbatl be d�tt�be and renosi�a part of tf�e�ivperty coveru!b�r��c�ity ,''�� •''._
<br /> ,; Inst�nmeat All of the�egoing oogether witb tf�A�ty d�saibed in the Securil}r Iasnument(or tlt�ll�dwld
<br /> •,�., .
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<br /> = chaitge in tJie ase ef rL's�Praperty ar its zoniag cL��ficatian.antess Les�dEr Oas agreed in ari6ng w tisse chwg�e.. .� -
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<br /> .'� D RENT LOSS INSURANCE. Bmlow��aJ maiatain innuaace against reut Iass in addIBon to tha otDcr — ,
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