� � , ` Y ` .. • . y ` ' . ,`. ^��- ' , � __..
<br /> - . 4 L , t, 1' � . • . .. � . < .. ` - ` � . � � � . � y _��
<br /> ' � _. . - ... ` . �- � 4. , . .. ` ,. , `� ... , _J ,�<l`.,.1...._ ._.. .,..C.�'v......:� � �S .�7..' .
<br /> . i
<br /> • .. . _'. ` ', . . . ' • �
<br /> . . .'.. . _ . . _ . . c � iL_� ,- .. ..�"" _._ . . ... ... - .-_ .� --
<br /> � . •
<br /> . � �.. �
<br /> * :
<br /> �... . . ...�.r �_,_.�..�..�.�'_""_..�_�'_"..�_.�_��_«�_- - • ,{. �-
<br /> ,�, '"_'
<br /> . ���������� ' �_� . '
<br /> if mortgage insurunce coverage Cu�thu mnmmt r+nd fnr the g�d ;> ' .. - �
<br /> PaYsnents may ao langer be cequired.at the option oi l.ender, n � ,_ . ��:
<br /> ui e , -
<br /> tMt I.�udea requires)provided by an insu�er appYaved by I.euder aguin besomes avaiirbie und is obtainud.Busro�vae�tnll psy tice . :�_ = ,'.�__
<br /> p�emiums requirrd tfl maintsin mart8a8cs insurance in effect.or ta provide o Ioss resa++e.uncil the re�niremmt for mart�qe : � , �<.
<br /> insuraaoe eads in a000rdance wilh any a+ri�en agr'ecm�nt between Barmwer and I�er ar appllcable law. F =-
<br /> Lendcr Sfiall give ? ��
<br /> 9.Iaspeciina. Lendea a�irs agent may c�alce reasonalb2c mtrics upon ana!�an§of tha Pr��Y- 8� . .
<br /> � ' Bomower aotiaa at the time of ar pri4a eo an inspeetion spuifying reasonable cause far the iaspect�on. ; j
<br /> .. 10.Condemnation. 'Ihe proceeds of any awatd or ctaim for damagcs, dfir�t�r oonse$ue�atlnt. in cannecttQn wi��ny �--_`_ _
<br /> wndeuination or other taYing�f any part of the Propeicy.as for conveyauce in�cea of can�n n a.t iun.me h�r e by ass�i q n E t i� ---� -� , . , ;
<br /> shall 1se paid tfl l..ender. � f �
<br /> In the eveut of a t�al ta�tn8 of the Prop�rty.the praceeds shall 6e apptied en ihe sun�so,um�6p this Secur6ty Insu�nl, ' ' ,� . ..
<br /> ahetLer or not thm due,witb aay excess paid to Botmwer.In thc eveat o f a p a�a l t a l a ng o f i he F r r�t m 6 p i n w t d c h t h e f a i r�t e� � ._.;;.�__.
<br /> .. _. --:.,..:.-.:�--
<br /> vtslue of the Propeny imsaediatety before the ta�ting is equal tn ar gre3ter tl�the amount af the&�ums secured by tbis Security .; _
<br /> Inst�ument unm$diately be€are the tatong,un2ess B9anwer�d Leadrr utht�wise agree in writfnA�dta surna secmre�by th'ss � � ,, _
<br /> m yed by the follnaring ir�tim�:(a?the tmal ffinaont of � �-- �� ...;.�,.-.
<br /> � Seauity Insuumeat sbaII be redaced by the amaunt of the piooeeds WdP� ; '�'.�: .
<br /> the sums secand�tmediately before tlte tatdng,divided by (b)the fait marYet value of t�e Fmpp2g imm�ly�Pfare t� ,._��"
<br /> ,,�,;��:''._
<br />' taking.Any batance s4a11 be paid tn Boaow�1n the evtai of a paitial talang of the Ptoperty in wfricb dta fair marIcet valtie of t� ---, --
<br /> ° pmpaty immediatety beface the taldng is less tt�n d�e auwunt of tbe sums s�ued imme�i�u¢ly 6efar� the talsing, �mZ�ss .� .�=__= _
<br /> Brnrower and Leader otheawise agree in writmg ar unle�s agplicable law aWeawise pravid�s,the ptm�e�ds sl�ll be applied to Uss '� .• �;
<br /> swns sec�ued by this Saauity Inso�ument arhether or not the s�s ate th,sn dae. : '';�`R �.`�°�•�
<br /> If the Propetey is abandoned by Borrower,or it;sffis.ttotice by I.ender w Boimwer thEt th�cund�tnnar offeas Oo tna�e�n f �..: ���:`'
<br /> . . .�u.,
<br /> award or set�e a claim for damages.Barmwu fa�.s to�spond ro Lendez ariihm 3U days eftea!fln d�te tho natice is give.n.Lea�dzx r �`_
<br /> is auth�ized to ootlect and sppty the proceeds.at it�opdoa,entcer�o restn:ation ar repaur of thu�Rog�By Qr tn the sams see�ued ,.._ ��:�,�;;-;R..=
<br /> by this Sec�iry Inshumeat,whether or nai th�dne. ---�- J�' _
<br /> ,_.�. :.
<br /> ' Unles4 Lender and Bomower otherwise egree in aritmB.anY aFPlicarion of gtoo�ds to pmtt�pai shnll nat entsud ar�o�tpane � �Pry
<br /> .� :' th�e due dsie of the monthlY PaYments zefemd tn In paragtaphs 1 and 2 or chaage die amount a f s u t�gaymmt t s.
<br /> ;�:��,'.;' �=�:�•-
<br /> 11.itare�wer 1Vot�eJes��i Forkeara¢oe Sy[.ender Not a Waiver. Exte�sion of tha wnt far gayuteni ar m�difr�n :.._ �
<br />� �'amart'va6nn of the s�ums s�ed by ttils Secauity�nsor�meat gianztad by I��r w avy sucroe�ar iu ini�rast of Barr�wea� '` ; .� _
<br /> B$
<br /> c�t ope�ase tfl rele�ase dze liab�7ity of the arigiaal Basowa ar Horrower's s¢��+in intes�.Lendue shall nai ite requdred tn -." A``; ik �
<br /> pe ase .
<br /> � c�mm�ace proceedings a�st any sncc�sor�interest or refuse to extend taan far pa�ymant ar otbanvJ�ma��ify am�gn of � .
<br /> eac °1 - -.
<br /> ��- � ;:��
<br /> � the sams seanred by this��rity Instrument by reasan of any dem�aiadz by ahe arigarut�8mtmver ar Emmwda su� ', '���;: _3+: �
<br /> in i n t e r e s t A ny f o a b e a r a n c a b y L e n d c r in eaerci�g an y ri g ht or ce��l��+ot be a cvaiwa of�piaclude the e�ccerci��off 2�y , - r',�: _,f�; ,'-
<br /> rightOriCdIIedy. :_-�.:'$'.�l' --
<br /> . ,::�����?
<br /> � 12.Snoassois aad A�Bonnd.Jo3nt riad�e�al E.tah�i2y, Co-s�s��,Ths cavantmte aud agaoe�nents of this :, ;,i; .;�,-, ,
<br /> �eciui3y Insuumcat s6a��ia�and benefit the sQOC��d ass�,sus of Lerr'r;r�rc and Bamnv�er�snbjsxt e�drie pmvLsinns oi �'� -;"��.
<br /> ui y � u Ler '
<br />_ gardgraph 17. Baamwer's ooveeants azd agreeme��s�":1 be j�m'�and sev�f. t�y Hatrmvr�w�ta ccr� ttiis S�ty }` . .
<br /> :,� �S _.
<br /> InsCcument but does not execute�he Nz�(a) is oo-�8���"-�Y jnstrumt�t onip ta Ynart�*c►.�t aRd a�+�itres , .:�
<br /> 1
<br /> Horrower's iateresi ln the Pmpaty undea the te�rns ef L"�s Sea���nstrume��(b)is nat pe�nalty ehll�ted to pay Eie sums �;. "�
<br /> e ;• ,�...
<br /> �t secnred by tLis Sec+uitY Instramea�and(c)agrees d1�:L�adea and any other B�nwer may afgca w exumd,mcdify.forbeat� :�.--
<br />" � :�� make any sccammndations with zegard m the t�.s cG rd�us 5�cauity Instn�mena or th��Tat��vidtaut thut B�ua�r,res?s�onsw�. ��. �`
<br /> 13.Laan Charges. If the toan�by this Seca�rity Insuument is svb�ect m a l�v w}�ich sats ma��aan d�Ses, � . -�,��� .:-�
<br /> ,s,��� and that taw is fmaliY intc�preted so t�t a�:irrteresc or othea laaai c1�ar8es wllected or[o�e coll�cted in��✓�th th�taaa ' - _ --
<br /> r rr rS exceed the permiued limits.th�:(a)aay sucb Ioan c�arge sl�aU be�educed hy the amount noc�y m redn��'{�ch�ge m the ��` --.
<br /> ond �r�ums alr�dy oo]tec3ed f�a Baimwea ahicb exceeda�gertn{ttcd ltmite w3U be s�rrr�w Baaowrt. ���
<br /> ..:.�: perm�ted t� (m) tt
<br /> �fy �. LenQu may cAoo,e m r� this ref�d by refi-�the ptincipai owed under d►e Notti or 6y ma�3ag���,t paymer�t w . � .'-
<br /> � Brnmwer.If a refumd re�uas principal.the radnc�n w�716�t�ated as a paidai DrePal'raout�withnut�y�;rment chaTgs . � -- --
<br /> ;Nt-,�. �an. *.- _:_�.- .:
<br /> imder the Note. �
<br /> �� 14.Nottoes. Any aedce ta Borro�3 pmvided for in this�urty Inswm�t sbelt be givnn by dc37ivecinB it ar Gy m.arlirc�is __
<br /> �, ��=_—
<br /> ' ; by fust cls�ss ma�imt�3�rplicable taw req�ires�aa�another�eQiod.'ihe nggutce s�all i�e diincu�d w tda�rr.�t}+Ad��r m�--- -
<br /> �:j any mh�r address Boa�u.a�er designates by noifce t��.�^y aosioe w Lend�r sttaU be gtv$n by�rat ckiss ma�to I.eu�r's �+,��-
<br /> � address siared herein es�ay ottma ad�:ss Le�nder:e�1�,�;�rttice m Bosr�war;My s►�tice provIded far in t8is S�:ritY •�^
<br /> : �_ Inst�umrnt shall be de�ned w have b�m given w Bo�.�er ar��cr wdien glve�as prov�dctl in�his pmagmph. __— -°-.
<br /> '. � 15.G�verntng Ls�w.Slverabi�ty. 7his Securiry Iaatrum�rt st�a11 be govemed my �fE�rn1 Ynw and dte 1aw e1" tits �' .
<br /> '� j�uisdiaion in wriiich tma Properiy is Iocated. In th:e�ffit that any provision or clause of tbi��ta6ty Hteuutnent or the�Note � _�---'� -
<br /> �� conflicts with applicable law,sucb conflict shall eaa a4i'�t other gmvisions of ttd�Seauity Insuament�or the Nulc whish can be �' ' ' -
<br /> ` ; givea effect without the oonfltaing p�aq�'sion.To this aid the provisions of this Seturity Insmimnent and U�e Nuie ate dQClane4 w .xi .. .. _ �. —
<br /> be sevaaLJ�:. 'f�`��'�
<br /> � � ti�y: ,���;1`�;.:,,`'.�� ;
<br /> �orm 8C�� �« �, ,.
<br /> . `+���!��r.
<br /> ' !R� aaor Inulafa:T� :Yh�T'` -
<br /> �(�YS•ER(t2�ltss,x�.o� :,; e � �,�:�L.
<br /> , �i .��;�,;�:�r,�•�
<br /> ! � • . � ',..:7�t�-�;�, ...
<br /> 1�. .... _ .. . .. , . � . . . . . . • . .. , ,��-:•'"�;+ �1' 1 --•'�„--_'Y_•-. s:..r
<br />� - . . . . ' . . . . - . . - ' . , ' ' � .'��� '�,p��,j�Y�i . F'_��y.'�5.:'r' ' �
<br /> , � ' . ' ' '. � ' •, . .. ,;Y�',}I �q.51�1..
<br /> • , . . . ' . , ' . . , .. ., , ,j'(,'�;.".
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<br /> .�r` . .,.
<br /> ..�. � _��i._.__'_ ' r---�.t'J_..-..1��-T---a•.._.�.-. . . . � � .,.� .
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<br /> ' ` •�l. . . , l� - . , • ' _ . �1i' ! ll.' q. f' • . .
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<br />