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<br /> 96- ���2�� - � � .�� .'�--
<br /> � .i 5.i�rd or Praper4y Insoramce. �ormwer staall&cep t4�e impmvzments now existing or herc�fter e�reci�d an the Fropartyr � . -.
<br /> ; insiued against toss by fue.ha-rards inciuded within the uam "extended cuvea�age"and any ather hazaids, inctudin� floads or , .
<br /> Qflodin8,far which Ix�der tequires ins�oe.Ttus ins�uance sFsall be c�aint�ined in the amount�and for the�eaiods a1�t Lender • �'`, -; .'T�'�'
<br />, requues.Th�insurance carrier prnviding the iasurance stoall be cftase�by Bomor�ar sub;ect to LenQer's agprOvel which Shall not '
<br /> be umeasoaabty withheld. If Bgmawer fails to maintain ooverage descn�ed tilsove. Lender may, at L��'s opti9n,abtau� � .
<br /> � ooverage w protect Leader's rIghis in tse Pro�rty in�rdance aiif�p�ragraph 7. � �"-
<br /> All ims�asrtoe paliaes and re,nev�aLs shall be saeptable to Leader and shall include a s�tandard m , . �t„ ,•��•
<br /> mt�sge claiue.L.endes shall
<br />. .� have the right Do hold the policies�and reuswals. If L�mder requ'ves,Bomawer shal!PromPUY Sn+a ro L.eader all receipt�of paid . , .
<br />� pieminms and r�aewal no�ce.s.In the eveat of ioss.Barrow�shall giv�paump3 nQ3ise to the insvrance cairier and Lendei.Lendu - --
<br />� may muke groof of Iass if not snade proa�tly by Horrower. < . . •
<br /> ` Un2ess Lender and Bairower otkerwise agree in amriug,insurance proceeds shall be applied to restaratio�or rep�ir of the � �. •' � _
<br /> �P�Y�Be�,if the resuscalioa or m�aa is ecoa�micaliy feass'b1e and Lender's serauity is not l�sened.If the�n or .. . _ �.. �
<br />. ce,pnir is not economic�Uy feasible ar Laidea's security wantd be l�ss�ed,the ins�uance pmceeds shaD 6e applied ta th�e sa:ns _ �^����,��r.�^�,
<br /> seaued by this Seau�y �as�ame,nt,whethea ar nat then dus.with any e�cess paid to Boiravrer. If B4Id09lel 8L^aIId4fl3 i�1C
<br />. Rop�ty,or daes no3 aaswer witl�30 doys a norice fmm Leader tbat the insiaaaoe c�sier E�as offere�d tn sett3e a cYaim.tPser► '. ,�_ .�"Y.`�.�``.�"
<br /> ,.,_�:ri.
<br /> Lender mny colIeix the ins�ance graceed�.Lendea may ase the gtnoeeds tn tegair or r�sta�t�e Pmpeity at to pay s�ens se�red � � ���.-�•
<br /> by dds Secwdty Instnimeat,whether�nas dten dae.The 30-day periud an'D begin wheu tke r.�'i�is givea. .;.:�---�°�=_
<br />• Untess Leader and Boimwer otherarise agree in writing,any agplicatian of paooeeds to�shall no2 extend ar post�ne . .. ,�"-"_,--_:.
<br /> the due date of the mondily paym�ts cefeaed m in paTag�apbs 1 and 2 ar chaage Yhe amotmt es���ay�s.If�dea garage2ph ..- ..'--`���
<br /> 21 the Fmgerty is aoquued by I,eeder.Bormwer's right tn any ms�u��poficies sud proo�s ies�c��from dai�ge W the • �'�'�;>.-�;�
<br /> PmPe�r�rinr tn the aoqai�ion shat6�ass to I.euder to the es�aa of the saans seciued by o0�S�ity Insnrmnent�ly " •' ��'`'ai.-:�
<br /> •�--4.�yr
<br /> �f itl�'C 8CQII1SlItQO. ,f:7r wi�;�� ---—_
<br /> 6•Oocapaac9.Pe�rvatioa,ll.�:.ztea�aax and Aot�ion�tbe Prn�p; Borro�re�r's I.oan A�t�l�cation,E.�.s�eo�ls. � �"�.—=��.-�.
<br /> Baaower shall axugx,�blis4 aad nse the Praperty as Boaowez's pri�cs�G r�deace wish�n sixty d,.^�s�We execation of ��r-�`. -
<br /> pri �;� _..
<br /> � tivs Se�uity Inst�um��s�d shalt candnue to oocupy the pmparty as Baaow.�'s�ci�al r�+�ce ffos a2 i�s one ye�,s after Ste � :, '�'��'-•�.
<br /> � �.� �_
<br /> darc of oocupancy. uafess Leasdes �'.t�wise a�,�ees um writ�g,wLich cans�.:i shaU na&�r�reasonably aiuhh�� utr un1ess }
<br /> extenoating drwmsraaces exist w'�.fd�:�e 6eyand Bonawer's wnuaL Boaower shaII nat d�troy,damaSe ar impafr t`.�]�tegerty, 't�t` �� " � .
<br /> ;K�,_�.. �� .
<br />.�._ sllow the Pmp�2y o�det�asat�.ar oommit waste on tl�e Prnp�ty. Bo�-rr� si�aIl be in defaUlt if aay faifeitme ac�an ar •�:�•,�:�
<br /> , � ��.. �
<br /> ' P�B,a h e t h e r c i v i l a r a�i n a l,i s begim t h a t i n I.e a d e r s good f a i��,y��t c o n t d r e s u I t i n f o��L�:e o f t h e F t+op�rty o z •' :�.� , � :=�
<br /> : •� a���Y�P�ti�e lie�cneated by this Security Insuuueent or L�r's sec�ity u�temst B�a�+er may caae suc6 a �^: �,`� _
<br /> � d�f'anit��temstate.as pmv►ided 'm paiagra�l� 18,by cans'sng.L.'•action oi piuceeding Do be disrtusse�w�th a rut�thai.in -.�-w.:
<br /> Ireader's fairD ud�s foifeffiae the u-er' ^ m s� i�� -
<br /> ;� C,.�ad de�mwauon,Precl of �- s� the Pmp�ty or other sa4�a]���...��--�+t of ,;. . -=--
<br /> :�;•
<br /> thn�m¢+�.a�d�?�3is Se�cur�sy InstcumeuY ar E.eudea's sse�si��est�er shail aLso De in defauLt�f�:�oas�er,�g the ��' <f:,.,:_�
<br /> � inaa�...i�en�,gave matcrialIy falsa or'�r.scarate[nfor�uauon Qc g�t�tn Leader or fe�:ib • �. ; ��`�:
<br /> ` ( �za�'..a.'w�:r�wilb ;�;,�.
<br />- �y�Ial infor�n) ia connecdon vvith tho ban evideuced by the l�te, mcIud'mg,bu2 not li�t�'a0.�a'�t+aa�v '' -''I'::
<br /> . ., arn�g Baaawrr's ooc�cy of the Pmgcrty ag a pimc�pal restdence.If this Secaaily InslrumeAl is�i��>T��wes , `:i4j::'_
<br /> Ts' .4 ' .�.::
<br /> _ ,.,.�,� � • _.
<br />'_ _ sTe�]I o�Iy with aU the�rovis�ions of the Iease.If Bmmwea�fee Sit2e to the ptaper�r�Isas�C►i��cl t�fsE:tu:�shatl -`,:;�;�.�,:
<br />,. � ctot meage unless Letsdez st�¢�ees tu 1Le merger in wriGUg. ^� '�^���
<br /> �'! 7.Protectioe ot Lmde�'s Rigl�ta in t6e Pri+perty. If Bairowa f�7s to pe�fa�the coveaamts acz��ts a�atamed in -���,=v
<br /> _ ^� this Sectffity Instrt�eat,�thc�e is a kgal P�8��Y��Y affixt Leudcr's rig6ts ia .feF tr"�ape�ty (suc6 as a �:'.'"�;
<br /> =.�.:_..:
<br /> � P�8��!►,Pmbate�far aoad�tion ar f�rfatrr�or to eaforae laws oc re8ula�an9).thea i.e��ler may d�eRd pay -- -
<br /> `+ for wbatever is neoes�r m psorect tha vaWe oF We Pmpeat�a�I.ender's rig�►ts in tl�e Pmperty.T.eader's Bctions s���cIsWe .-:�j'=�,=...��.��._—
<br /> DaY�B any sm■ms at�ed by a lien wNcA has prloriry over� Sec�iiy Instrament,a�pearing In ooiut. F�W�B ��� �> .���.'_.. . -r
<br /> atro�neys'fees and c��g oa the�iopeity oo tuake repairs.Aitbough Leaaer may taice acti�under t�i.s px:agrapb 7.Lea�e�r �'�+��^�.-� �=
<br /> �Oes aot have w do so. - ::;
<br /> , Aay announts disb�asad by I.�der undri this ya�agraph 7 shaU 6eoome additional deM of Bormwee�by t�Saarriry ` �f.�
<br /> Insbumeat UNes4 B�awer and Lcnder agree w otLe:teirns of F1Yma►6 these amaauts sf�l bea�mt�est from�date of �'�'�'�`'���
<br /> disborsemeat at tLe Notfl rate aaA shaD be payable.wim inp�est,apon no�ice ftom Y.eades w Borrower reci�8 PaY�t1� "�},:• �-:
<br /> . 8.Mortsa=e�sae. If L,eadar reqaimd mattgage msiu�ce as a aonditio�oi malong t�e 1oa��Dy thi5 Sepmity .-,z::�:=:=�:�-
<br /> Instrumeat,Bomuwer sbaIl DaY the Pe�nium� r� to ma�nrain the maitgage in�ee in eff'e� ff. fior aay m�ason.the ���:` ::�.
<br /> . moitgage msmance covastge r�qviced by Ieader l�..es Qr oeases ro be in¢ffect,E�rawes sha11 pay tDe premir�s r�COd W _ -' �
<br /> obt�ia�ovaqge snbstaa6ially equivWc�t w the mottgage inSOZanoe pceviousiy Yn efl'ect,�:s�ost substantiall . -.. . : � `c..-::.
<br /> � oast to Baruwer of the e alsm�ae �n eff fmm aA ait�narx 9�lu'rr.[��to the
<br /> ��8 P�Y �► mm'.�;qge msura approvtd Dy �.�ade�r. U -��-..�=-1.�` .
<br /> wbstaadaUy equiva1eat moitgage�nsuiance covesage is not ava�ble.Bom�war shall pay m Lender each month a sum '. � � , � ." �-.
<br /> m� cquat to ; .
<br /> ane�iaelRh of the ycarIy mazt�age ia�uance premium Demg paid by Boirowet ahea the insutaace cov�lapsed a�ctased to ' •. i`.=,`.:'' . •� �L`�:�•
<br />. be in eEfect.Lendc�r will aooepl, ase and tetain dkse paymeats av a loss reserve in tia� of mortgage m.�u�ce.Loss reserva ,� , -_---
<br /> �-�-+�:�-�
<br /> _;,�"-
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