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� <br /> ��.� -- _- „ .,.� _ .. - ,, <br /> — ., . ._ � � ,�,,_ ;-Y-- <br /> . ',. �v:.,_ <br /> :�• . ..:�:.. <br /> _( �` r{ <br /> .��.-• 'vK , i <br /> -�'��'�-'='� �pplicablc law tnay cpecify i�x rcinata�emcnt)before ra�le af�hc Propetty pursuant tu ai�j�o e���ln this <br /> --�-�-=`-�=� Spcurlty Instrument;oe(b)entry of a Judgment enfixcing lhia Sccur�ty Instrument. Those conditionr are tiut Bonower: la) ' <br /> p�y�[,ender all sums which �hen would be due under �his Security In�trumem and the Note as if no Acceleration h�d � <br /> =� �a uccu�d:lb)cures any def�uit af any o�her coven,+nta or agrcemea�s:(c1 paYs�II eapensex irrcumed in enforcing tMis Sjxurity i <br /> .� �� . Instrument, including, bu�not limited to.reasonuble Ancxneys'fees:iuul(d)�nkes auch action as l.ender may reasa�ably <br /> ,� '�'���`'�` ','�` roquirc to assure thnt ihe lien ai thi+Sccuri�y Ins�rumcnl,Lcnder'c rights in�hc Propeny und Barawcr�obligatfon to pay the E <br /> � � —";=`-- eurns sccw+ed by this Sccudty Insttument shall continue unchanged. Upon rcinstatement by� Borrower. Ihiw Securiry <br /> ���''�� In�trument and ttx obligalfons secured hercby shall remain fully eifeclivc as if ra accelera�ion had occurral. However.lhis ; <br /> ���^�' � d�ht to Rinst�tc shafl nw opply in►t�ru.�uf iuccicratiun und�:r paragraph 17. <br /> ::. 19. Sak ot NMe: Chao�e ot I.00n Servicer. 'fl�c Nde or o partial interest in the Note(together wilh this Securily <br /> ' �.��:: :,•��, .;- �:� Insuument) may be wld one or mcxe times without prlor notice lo Borrower. A sale may result In a ch�►nge in the entiry <br /> ��•�t`,�c�v�:F: s (krx►wn as the"L.oan Servicer')Ihat collecix monthly pnyments due under the Note and this Security Insuumenl. There�Isa <br /> �s.:s�:.-�.�. . may be ane cx more changes of�he Laun Servicer unrcluted to s►aale of the Note. If theYe is A ch�nge of the Loan Servicer, <br /> �;;,:�;L�L�. Burtower wi11 be given wriuen natice of�he change in accordance wi�h paragraph 14 Above w�d applicnble law. The nolice _ <br /> , _ ,�-_� will swce�he name und address of ttx�new Loun Servicer und the Address ta which paymems should be made. 77x naice will ; <br /> =.�:..,�• _:` ,S?'�" �• elwrnntain any Mhcr intamution required by appiicuble I�w. , <br /> ���;;;;','.:'�` 20. Haz��dous Su6ctane�v. Be�mawer sh�ll not cuuse or permil the presence,use.disposal.siaroge.or release of�nY . <br /> �.;_. _.. ... <br /> s_: � Hwaudous Sulsstonces on or in the Propcny. Bortower shall not do.nor allow unyoac else to do.anything affecNng�he <br /> ,_y.,���'. : <br /> ���,,�:.r,= Pr+openy Ilwt is in violation of'nny Envimnmenwl Luw. The preceding�wo sentences shall na upply�o the presence,u�e,or <br /> :,�i�e;;;�•.;;.�... atomge on the Ropeny of�mull quanti�ics of H�rdous Substances that are generally recognized to be apProprlate to nom�al <br /> ,�,.:..::,,,;,= - •.,��r: � ' rcsidenaal usex and to mAfntenunce�f the Properly. <br /> •-"��-'} Borrowcr shall rorn tl ive L.eadcr written nwice of any invcstigutio�,cl�im,demand,lawsuit or other xtion by any <br /> :.:it��i��. ' p P Y 8 <br /> .. -__,-�---�- '� _. govemmemal�r rcgulatory agenc� or private party involving lhe Property and anY Hazar�d°us Substance or Envinonmenwl <br /> —��•L�"'�`` Law of which Borrower huti actuol knawledgc. If Bartower lesuns, or is notilied by any govemmental or regulalury <br /> - :._ au�horiry,thm uny removal or aher rcmediatian of any Hnzardous Substance aff'ecting the Pm�erry Is neceswuy,Ba�ower <br />,�:v��,. ...i�, :. 6 shall promptly take all necessury mmedial uctions io uccordance with Environmental Luw. <br /> - As used n this p�rrgraph 20,"Huzurdous Substsmce+"are those subswnces defined ac toxic or hazardous substances by <br /> ---- '° µ"�"'`" • Environmentul and the following substnnces: gasoline,kerotiene,other flammuble or toaic petroleum pruducts,toxic <br /> _;� ' pes�icides and hefiicide�,valutile .olvent�, materials cantaining asbestos or fortnaldebyde.and radioactive msueriels. As <br /> _ �— ' �� '�•�; used in�his paragrAph 20."Environmental Law"meanx federal Ittws r�nd lawa of the jurisdiction where the Property is�acAted <br /> `��' "� • �hat rclale to health,tiufety ur environmenml pratection. <br /> ;"� � �. NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and l.ender funher covenanl nnd agree as follows: <br /> ` �„t,�,,_^ 21. Acceleratiun; Remedle!+. L.ender shall give notice to Borrower prior to accele�tioa Pdlowing Borrowa�'s <br /> �.�s' "�a°•� breach of any covenoM or A��eement in thls Security lactrument Ibul not prior to accekration uoder pAra�ap617 <br /> �'.���, �:�:���ri� nnkss applicable law provldes otherwisel. The notice shall specify: (al the dePAUlt;lb)the action required to carc the <br /> =-r:� - � ._- deiauii:k1 a dsi2.soi lrss!lsaa 34�days frasn!!st�late the n!►tkp ix given to w6kh the det�ult must be <br /> � cured:ond Idl that iailure W cure the default on or before lhe dale specitied in the notice may ixsult ia acceleratioa d <br />"` Ihe sums secured by Ih4g SecurHy Instrument and sale oi the Property. The notice shall il�rther iaform Borrower of <br /> ` ' . . . the right to reinstate after acceleration and the rlght to bring a court action to�ssert the non-eaistence ot a defAWt or <br /> , any other defense of Borrowe�lo accele�Alion nnd sale. IP Ihe default is nd cured on or betore the date specified in <br /> � � • ' lhe notice.Lender at its optiun may require immediate payment in ioll of all sums secured by lhtc Security Instrument <br /> � "'�t " without iurther demand and m�y iovoke the power uf sale and any other remedies permUted by applkable law. <br /> � ' Lender shall be enlitled to collect all expenses incurred in punuinR the remedies provlded i� thia para�raph 21, <br /> � � " Includiag.but not limited ta.reasonable attorne�•s'fees and costs oP title evidence. <br /> If the power of sale is im�oked.7Yustee shall record u notice of default in each countv in whkh any part of ttie <br /> 't. �' ' � � Properly Is located and sha11 mail copies of such notice in the manner prescribed by s�pplkable I�w to Barrower and to <br /> � - � t � �'_ the other persons prescribed by applicable law. After the time�equired by�pplicable law.7Yustee shall give publk <br /> • notice of sale to Ihe persons and in the munner prescribed by applicable law. 7lrustee.without demand on Borrower. <br /> � ' shall sell the Prope�ty �t public auction to the highest bidder af the time and place and under the terms d�sigaated io <br /> _�;;. ... ,, ' � the noticc oP sale in one or more parcels and in any order 7lrustee determines. 71�ustee mpy postpone�le of all or any <br /> --_ °'�`-""-.- parcei oP/he Property by pubiic aaiiuuncemcnt at itte ii�ne and place i!f an��prevtously srheduttd sale. Lesedrr or its <br />- '„ ' ' • designee may purchnse the Properlv at any sale. <br /> Upon receipt of payment of the price bid.Trustee shall deli�•er to the purchase�'l�uslee's deed conveying ttie <br />- •- " Property. The recSlals in Ihe Trustee's deed shall be primu fucie evidence ai the trulh of'the slalements made therein. <br /> �. ' 7Yustee ahvll apply the pruceeds of'the sale in the fulluw•ing urder: Iu1 tu ull costs und expenses of exerctsing the power <br /> tt` ,l , ' <br /> . . .L. <br /> , �� <br /> FormJ0211 4i90 �/w�4r t�yr�/h�p�•�l <br /> �---° -. .. ._... _ _ . . .. - . : .. . .. .:._ •.r •�--- _ __. ._ .. <br /> � ' , <br /> j ' <br /> + —�"- <br />. ��Y . _._. _ -- <br />