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.�!� y.a - _ . �.+..t.`�_'il�r+Y�w�—�rme�t,: , t_ �_ <br /> . . . ' 1 _ � r= _ - _ <br /> �� 1 _._______._____ �...\�.��.�~.. ._ <br /> � <br /> �.� � • _• � . .. <br /> _��T•�' ��*�i�aiii►SiG�1 <br /> - _-=-- -- �2- 10�1� <br /> - _-�__�--= � condemnati��n nr cui►cr tuking M'any purt uf du Nn�ny.w for convcyance in N�u of c�odemnsUion,ue heoeby�aci�ned and <br /> _�:_,� Rhall he paid to LenJer. <br /> In 1iw cvcm of u to1a1 tuking of' the Pmpcny, 1hc �t�cc�ds ahall be applied to the suma sccu�i by �his Socudty <br /> --- _=� In�tNment,whcihcr ur ni►t Ihen duc.with uny rxcess paid to Burn�wer. In Ihc avent of a pnrlial tuking af tho F4operty jn <br /> whfch the fuir murket vuluc of thc Pmperty immediulely beG►re�hc talcing iK equal io or grealer than thc artwunt of Ihe sum� <br /> ,��• � :; � ; �:rcurcd by�hi+Sccurity Imtrument immcdiutcly beforr thc tuking,unletis Barn►wer and Lender cxhcrwise agrcc in writing, <br /> = � " � �he sums�+ecutrd by �his 5erurity Inslrument+hall he reduced hy the omount of lhe pmceeds mulNplied by�he folluwlnQ <br /> .����° fruclion: lul�he taal wnount of�he�umx secur��l immediutely 6e1'ore the talcing,divided by(b►the fafr mnrlcet v�lue of the � <br /> ----- - •�• P�upeny imnkdiu�dy ixl'ur� thc tukinF. Any balauce shall t�c pald tn Borruwer. In the evrnt �f'a partial laking of Ihe <br /> _��. � �• Propcny in which the fuir nwrkel value�►f Ihe PropeAy immediutely befa�the taking ix less 1hsu�tt�e umowit oPthe curtu <br /> �=�z�� necured immediutely heforc thc tuking, unles+ Borrnwer und Leoder othcrwi�e �gree in writing or unlecc applicQbk I�w — <br /> •°—���.�:ti�u-._ o�herwi4c pmvidcx,lhn pmceeds shall bc upplied�o�he+umg r.ecur�ed by this Security InAwrt�ent wtrctt�er cx not�he swns are <br /> ,• •r=sa.� �` then due. ' <br /> �'�`� �- -�'`"'''' If the Proparty i++abvndoned by Barrower,cx if,ofter notice by l.cnder�o Borrawer thut the rondemnor offen to rtuke <br /> �,�.,�..�,.�.�.•, <br /> "~���'-.p.".=:�•� un uward or�cttte a claim for damuger,Borrowcr fuils�o nezpond�o Lcnder within 3Q days aRer the dale the no�ice is giWrn, <br /> � � -�-'� �A`�� Lender iK uu�horiieJ w rullrct unJ uppl�the procecds,nt itx option,either to rc��oratian or repair of the Pm�em�x to the <br /> ��t�...,ri�.;�••�: <br /> �•n•�--�-�:• • ' : xuma secured by Ihi�Sccuriry Instrumcn�,whetheror not then dur. <br /> ��� <br /> �,�����,��r�,' Unless Lcnder und Borrowcr ahenvitie agree in writing,any applicntian of proceeds to principal shall not ex ar <br /> ��� �. � po.r•�pone the duc datc of thc momhly paymcros referred�o in pumgmphs 1 und 2 or changc the amount of such payntenn. <br /> '�°�' w�=�"-�� 11. Borrower Not Released: Forbearnnce By I.ender Not a Wpiver. Exlension of the �ime for payment q <br /> ���� �`�`•'�•-°� r�., madificution of amonixation of�*cur+ed by ihis Security Inctrument gronled by Lender�o ony successor m inlercst <br /> =���='��:�" of Borrower shall not operute to rrleace�he Ifubility of the originul Borrower or Borrower�s successots in intercst. Lender <br /> __�—•�Y;.:_..:.��z=;_�'' aholl oot be rcyuircd lo commence proceedings nguinst a�y xurceswr in interezt or rcfuse to extend time for paytnent ar <br /> � . • otherwi�madify amoniza�ion of the wms�ecured by this 5ecurity In�tniment by reuson of any demm►d m�ulr by!he uri�i�wl <br /> :� •r•��~ Borrower or Borrowerz auccesxon in inte�si. Any forbearunce by Lender in exercising any right or remedy ahall rrot ba o <br /> �,.�> > . , � wuiver of ar preclude�he exercitie of uny right ar remcdy. <br /> ��:� - � 12. Successors And Assigas Bound;Joint and Seve�l l.iability;Co-slgoers. The covenants and ugreements of this <br /> ---` �;�r,.:. � •.:.�. Security Instrument shall bind und tknefit�he�ucc�swrn und as+igns of Ixnder and Barrower,subject to the pravisians of <br /> ��� paragr.�ph 17.Rorrower's cnvenants nnd ugreements��hall be joint and severnl. Any Borrower who co-signs thiR Socurity <br /> _��,. ;� Instrument but does nut execute Ihe Note: lAI i,ca-signing Ihi�:Security Instrument only lo mortguge.grant And convey �hat <br /> ___�� ;�,..� ,: . Bomower's imerc�t in�he Propcny under the tem�s of ihiz Scruriry Inrtrument: (b)is na personully obligated to pny the sums <br /> -,�;�� secured by this Security Inslrument:and Icl agrees thal Leodcr u►�d uny rnher Borrowe�may agme to extend,modify,farbeu <br /> =������ . or muke any accommalutions with regard to the terms of thiti Security lnstrument or the Note without that Bornower�s <br /> _'::�;.}. � conxent. <br /> �:� �zi�s�a�.f;; ` 13. Loan Chorgex. If the loan secured by this Securily Insaumenl iti xubjecl to u IAw which sets muximum losu� <br /> ' - •=�' �'�� - chsrgrs,and ih�t luw i��nally imrr�,rereyl.o thu�ihe imerest ar other loan charges collected or la be collected in connectian <br /> � � wiih the lonn exceed the pertnined limits,�hcn: (ul Any�uch lo•rn charge.r•hall be reduced by the nmount necessury to�educe <br /> _ ' " , the charge to�he permhled limit;and Ihl any.ums ulreudy collected from Bortower which exceeded permitted limits will be <br /> - .. refunded to Borrower. Lender mny chooxe to muke thiti rcfund by mducing the principnl owcd under the Note or by ma�:ing a <br /> ' " '� direct payment to Borrower. If a ml'und rcduces principal,lhe reduction will be trented as a psutial prepayment without any <br /> � , prepaymem churge under the Note. <br /> � l4. Notices. Any no[ire lo Sarruwrr prrnided for in ihi� Seruriq� Instn�ment xhall bc given by delivering i�or by __ <br /> . �, .� mailing it by Prct cluss muil unless applirable law rryuire.utir of ano�hrr me�hod.The naice sball be Jirected to Ihe Prc�erty <br /> Addr+ess or any other�ddress Botrower de�igna�es By noticr lo Lrnder. Any notice to Lender xhall be given by�nt class <br /> - � ` muil lo Lender:s uddress,wteJ hrrcin ur any other aJJrcti.Lender de�ignatr�by nolice to Bi�rcower. Any notice pn►vided for __ <br />' � • in this Security Inytrument tihull Ix dremcd to huvr heen Fivrn lo Bnrrower ur Lender whcn given v� provided in this <br /> , pu�ugr�ph. — <br /> . ,�.,;,. ; IS. (:overnlnR Lua•; Severability. Thi. Sccurily Intitrument .hall be �ovcrned hy feJeral I�w and the law of the _ <br /> `�°:' ' jurisdiction in which the Pm�rty i�IixuteJ. In the event that any pmvi.ion ur cluu.e ot'ihi�Securiry Inti�rument or the Note <br /> ��,_;�A,,,, , ;�i coniliclx wilh applicuble law.,uch contlict�hull no�afl'ect��ther provi.i�ms�if thi.Srcuriry In.aument or the Note which cun �:�..;. <br /> :=���� - -„ , - � {x�iv�n �ticct uithout the rontlirting pmvi.i�n Tn�hiz end thc provi+inm��f thi.Security Ins[rumrm and the Note are _ <br /> ` , � declared to be ticverublc. ^ <br /> '. ' !6. Borrower's Cupv. B��rruwer�hall t+r given�mr confom�eJ ropy��(thc Note and of thi�Scrurity Instn�ment. T:•-• <br /> „ ' 17. 7lransier of Ihe Property or a�eneficiul lnterest in Borrowcr. II'aU ur an�•pun uf ihr Piro�xny or uny interc+t in �` <br /> it is sold ur Ituntiferrcd (�x if u bcneticial imerr+t in Borr��a�r i..nld or tran,l'crrrd and Borrowrr is not a naturrl pcnonl <br /> wilhout Lender i prior wrinen r�►mrnl. Lender m:n•.ai i�.�ip�ion.require imm�diatc paymen[in full oi'all.umx u:cured by �_� <br /> „ thi+Sccurity Instrument. Nowrvrr,Ihis optian �hull nut Ix e!errci.eJ Ny L�ndcr if exrrci�e i. prohihiteJ My fedcrul�aw as af <br /> , the date uf this Securily In+lrumcnt. ! <br /> If Lender exercises thi.option.L.cndrr,hull givr Bortowrr nuli�e uf acrrleratiun. The nnticr.hall provide a�ri�xl of � <br /> .. not le��thun 30 dayz from Ihc datr 1hr rn,lirr i.dclivcmJ ur maikd��ilhin��hich H��rru��cr mu.t pay by ihi. <br /> � Securit Im�rumem. If Borrower 1'ail�1�� av �hc�e �um� priur ��� Ihc rtpirati�m of thiti�xricxl. Lendc� �iiay invoke uny �- <br /> y r . ri <br /> remedie.prrmiucJ by thi�Srruril�•In�trument�ilhuut fuhher nutirc ur demand un H��rra��.r. <br /> . 18. Burrnwer'x Ri�ht to Reinslate. II' Burn�arr mrct. rcnain cundi�ii,nti. B��R��xur�h:�ll havc thc right �o havc <br />• . i <br /> enforccmcm ot'thix Scruriry In+lrumcnl di.continurd at am linu priur d�Ilir r:irlicr ul': la1 5 da�•�lur +urh��thcr�xriixl a. <br /> ..�j�is'':: .' tim�el.lrmd���Funnie�lac�Fr��ldic\larf\IFIIR�11Vti'I'Nl\1F\f lmtnnnl'o�rn.m�. 4;'MI ,p��c�•�.�Jr�/h�er•� <br /> . i .. ' <br /> i <br /> � - - - .� � -. � ...._ <br /> . F . <br /> ! <br /> i <br /> . .; �1 <br />