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. ���._�_�� a._ ..,�_ _..- --,.�-�-r- . .. , . � .;,'� T�u-.__. <br /> r�-�"�+�t;'.,,�r`;�' • .. "� - <br /> , _. <br /> _ . , ...,; ., � . <br /> ti�:;:., = <br /> •.�{' a'��. . ' . <br /> - <br /> � .. <br /> ' ' � __" �°"'—"__" <br /> .. ..+�+ <br /> ,:���:�..:.�- ::_�_� 92— io5soe <br /> .-W�.:,:;H.� �- <br /> ,.=. <br /> •�' •,='°-'-'�''-d•�- �: conckmnutia�or a�hcr takin�oi any pnn of thc Property.w for conveyance in Ueu oicondrmnatiun.aro I�reby nraiened w�d <br /> '"��='�":���h. �hull ba pnid�o Lendcr. <br /> _ �.v__. <br /> ---- ���--"- In Uie event of u tut�l taking af the Propeny, Ihe prc�ceede ehall be upplie� to �he�umA secured by Ihix Securlly <br /> �.��. °.� Instnimenl,whether or not Ihen due. with any excess puid to 8ortower. In the event of u parlial tuking of the Pn�perty in <br /> �'�.'�"' �� which Ihe fair murket value af Uie Prupeny immeJiutely hefarc thc udcing is eyual lo or gmuicr�hoa�he umount of Ihc sums <br /> ���°- `'�` `'~' .� xecured by Ihie Securfry Inslrumcnt immediutely befi�re thc taking,unlesx Borruwer and l.en�+er�Nhcrwixc ogree in wri�ing, <br /> �t �:1,���;%,<:,•• Ihe sunu� seccur�cd by Ihls SMUrUy lna�rument Khull be rcduceJ by Ihc umuum uf U�e pruceals muUiplle� by Ihe following <br /> T?�".'� ;�...:,;,,�, . fracti��n: (o)the tuial anMUnt of thc au�ns xecurcd immecfiulely befare �he�uking,divided by(b) �hc fui�murkr.t voluc oP tlu <br /> � �, „';�z: 1'�apeAy immedia►ely before the�aking. Any bulu�Ke Riwll be pukl �u[3uROwcr. to �hc cvent uf u purtiu! �oking of thc � - <br /> ' - - <br /> �`�'?'�°1"`'•.�� � Property in which Ihc falr murket vulue ol'Ihe Propcny immcdi�tcly before Il�e tuking ia lexs Ihun Ihc umuunt oP Ihe sums <br /> �;•l•:�1.;.;-:.:, ';T' <br /> ,....�.•... � �. xccercd immcdiutely before Il�e IakinR, unlca4 Barmwa�and LenJer dhenvisc ►�gtec in wrflfng�r unles.r upplicabk luw <br /> +u�a:»�c�a� • � <br /> �w:r. •^.r,�.t.� + �Nhcnvi+c pn►vhkx.Ihc pnK��ds xhull lx uppUcd lu Ilce xumx rccurcJ hy Ihi�S�:curily inKtrunktiu wlkllwr irr ni�t Il�c xu�ox aro <br /> :�,.-.;::ut..: .L'�. Il�cn duc. ' <br /> .. . If Iltc i'ro�x:i ly iK uluuidoncd hy l3orruwcr.�K il',ul'�cr iiuike Iry LciKlcr 1�►liurruwcr�hu��hu c�Ni�knmor ufl'crx lu mukc <br /> �,,,.„"'�s'"„�. '.� �m uward or sc111c a ct►iim for elumn�rA.Ho�ruwrr fuile lu re��N�il ln Lendcr wllhin 311 duyx aper Ihe dute�he nudce ix given, <br /> - �`_ -:'.;, T'� I_enikr ix uulhurized Iu collecl inid npply�hc p�+wrcdx,ut liR optian,ei�hcr�a n�x��rruU�ni ur iepub�uf 11�Pnqxny�►r lu Iho <br /> t• ; :� e � Kumx r�c�nr�l I+y dd.r Srcr.�ily h�.�nunrn�.wlk�hrr�K�e���licu du�. <br /> <�. '. �+`°r�..° " I lldex.r (.cndrr�u�d I��Wwwrr�Nlnrwir.e u�S�« in wrillnµ,uny ut�plic�tliun�d'pi�xre�lx w���hicip�d�hcdl �NH ex�cud�K <br /> ,�,:::_, .' ,,.. .;`;• �x�stpH�e d�r duc dntc ol'Ihr oumlbly puymcnlx rcl'erccd lo in puruy{rnpi�x I unJ 2 ur chunge�he wnwinl ol'xurb p�ymenle. <br /> -- •;t;.,,y;,._,��„�1�,., 11. Dorrnwe� Nul Rele�.vedt Purbcarpnre Ny I.en�er hot a Wuivcr. Gxtcngi�x� of tbc Ibnc G�r puynunt ur <br /> ,: .,�:.. _ ., m�xl{ficu�ion uf amurtiiadi�w of�hc zumx scrurcd hy�liiK Sccurl�y hix�nnnen� gran�ed hy l.cndcr i��ouy xurcr.r�ur in ip�cm�t <br /> ' ,, uP Hurmwcr xhnll iKH c�:�mc ���rcici�u��hc IiuhNiry of Uw��ri�inal I�urrowcr or B��rruwcrk�ucresu►r�in int�reg�. l.ender <br />__- - . �' ' : shull ixN be mquircd �o��eiu:c pnxceJb�Fs ognhist uny succewsur in finercx� �x rel'u�e�n extend �ime lix puymwu ur __ <br /> _ ,��'+' """" '� " alhcnvise malify amohi�u�iun of�hc xum�Fccurcd Uy�his Srcuri�y lnklrument by reuxcx�uf uny demunJ muJe by�hc originul <br /> -- • � A Borrower or Born�werk succesxurK in in�ercs�. Auy forbcurunce by Le�x1e�in ezercixing nny righl�u rcmedy ahull nW be u <br />`'�;. . wuiver uf nr prccludc�lic cxcri:isr ol'uny riglit ur rcnudy. _-- <br /> •� n . • 12. Succe�sors And A�vi�na 1luund;Juinl and 5everul LiAbllity;Casigners. Tlx:cuvenuntw u►xl ogreenxnls of this <br /> __— , . • �� '' Secu�ily InxtrumeM sh�dl biml and benefil 1he 4uccexsa�u�id uxxigng af Lencler und Bor�uwer, Qubject w�I�e provfsioos of <br /> =� v ' '• �, puragrnph 17. Burrowcrk covenun�s and ugreemen�x shull hc jc�im und srvcr�d. Any f3urrower whu ca-xigns �hig SccurBy <br />_-_ ° ' �� Inst�umem but doc4 not execu�e the Note: (u)is co-signing Ihia Securi�y Inalrumen�only to munguge,grunl und cunvey Ihut <br />-_�h: ' ��� � • 9orrower§imerest in thc Propcny undcr Ihe�ennq oP Ihis Security Ingtrument; (b)is nut�xrFOnully obligutcd lo pay the sums <br /> ' �� �curcd by lhis SecurUy Inxmimcm;und(c)ugrcrs Ihu� Lender u�xl any niher BoROwcr muy ogree lo extend,malffy,fbrbear <br /> --- ' " or mnkc any accommcMluliuns wi�h reguni �a U�c lem�s uf �hi� Securlry Insirument a� tl�e Nwe wi�houl thut Dormwer's <br /> �.~,�; .;,;;,; :. � conscnt. <br /> ==� ;� ' 13. Loan ChArRca. If�he loan xccureJ by thi� Sccuri�y Instrument ls subjecl w r.luw which selx muximum loun <br /> ,,., �,:�:t..�,,.. . <br />:• ;�::- �= charge�.and i8at law 3�fi::ally intcr�retcc!su tl�ut tl�e i:�ler�st or wlxr !a►n rh��rgea c�.1lec�eJ or to bc collected in connecliun <br />;:v.f = wilh�he loan exceed ti�e pemiiued bmits,then: (u)uny such loan cha�ge shull be reJuceJ by�he umoum necessary lo�educe <br /> � . � �he chorge ta the penniucd limi�;unJ(b)any sumx AlreuJy collec:lcd frum Bormwer which cxccededpcmiltted limiis will bc <br /> � � refundcd to Barrawer. l.endcr may rhiwxe lo muke this refund by redudng Ihc principid owed under Ihc Note or by making a <br /> e <br />- . � direc�puymem�u Borrowcr, If a refunJ recluces principul,the reJuctian will Ne IrealeJ u!�.�pu��tial prepuyment wilhaut any <br />' prepaymcnl chnrgc un�kr I lx Notc. <br /> l4. NoUcea. Any no�ice to Borruwer provided fi�r in lhiti Serurily IntiUUOmnt xhull be Rivcn by dclivering it�r by <br /> �"� � mailing it by first class muil unlec4 npplicable Ic�w rcyuires use ot'unothcr melh�xl.Thc notice shall bc dfrec�cd to�he Property <br /> ' Address o�any o�her��Idresx B��rrower dexignutes by �x�tice�o Lencler. Any notice w Le�xter shall be given by first class <br /> � mail lo Lender�uJJress gtsned herein or any other aiklresx Leixler Jesignutes hy no�ice�o Eiurmwcr. Any no�ice provided for <br /> ' ' in this Security Instrument shull Ue dccmed to hnve Ixen given�o Bnrrnw�er or Lrnder when given ua proviJed in Ihis <br /> ,, puragraph. <br /> , lS. Governing Luw;SeverubNity. This Security In�trununt shull bc bovcmed liy feJerul luw und �he luw of Ihe <br /> � jurisdiction in whkh Ihe Pr�ry►erty i.r•lornted. In Ihe evenl Ihin nny pravisi<►n��r clnusc ol'Ihix Securily Inslrumcnl or 1he Note <br /> .. i�onllic�s wGh npplicahlc law,�uch cunlli�l�hnll nol ufl'cct ullMr pmvi�iunx��f Ihis Sccin•ity hixlrumrnt ur Ihc NWc wl�ich can <br /> ' - -� - - be given effec� withuu��he cunllic�ing provision. lo this e�xl the prnvisions ol thi4 5ecu:ity Inx�rumen� und Ihc Nute w� _- <br /> � t , . ° deelared to be 5everublc, <br /> ti •� 16. Norruwer's Copy. Borro�ver shall be given onc canforoxrl copy of Ihe Notc nnd of Ihis Sccurily Ins�rument. <br />�� . • <br /> 17. 7lransPcr of'tNe Property or n Iteneflclul Inlcrest in Hurrnwcr. If iiU�+r uny pmti of the Pm�xny or uny interest in 6•w= <br />" it is sold or�rnnsferred(or if u heneficiul intcrext in F3ormwer is solcl or ln�nsl'crrcd unJ Rorniwcr ix not u nuturul perxai) <br /> . wilhout Lenderc prior wrilleu conunl,Lrnder nu�y.�u ilx uption,rcyuirc immcJimc puynxnt in I'ull ol'ull wms serured by <br /> • �his Securiry Ins�rumeni. However,thi4 option shull nut bc cxerciseJ by Lendcr if excr�ixe ix pruhibi�ed hy fedcml law as uf ��'_` <br /> ' tltc date of this Security InslromenL �- <br /> • ' o If Lender exercixes this up�ion.LenJer shall give Borruwer nntice uf accclei�suion. '1'Ik notice shnll pruvide ci�x:ri�xl af <br /> nnt lexs thun 30 dn ys from Il�c diUC Ihc nolicc is JclivcrcJ or nmi IcJ wilhin wliich 13orru«•cr mu.1 p�ry+dl�umx�ccurc�by this �-:- <br /> �,�:: <br /> Security Instrumcnt. If l3orcowcr Riily lo pny I hcsc zumx �xiur w t hc rxpirmiun u l't his��cric H l, Lcn�k:r may invu k c u n y °-�''� <br />: remedles pennitleJ by Ihis Serurily In.�rumenl wilhuut 1'urlh�r nulicc ur drnwnd�,n 13un•uwcr. <br /> 18. Borrv►�ver'.g RfE;hl lu Rcinxlulc. If Bun�uwcr nmc�c ccrluin c��ndilion�, H�►rrowrr �hull havc Ihc ri�eht �u huvc <br /> ' enl'u�ement�if Ihix S�curily Imlrument diuuntinucJ iu imy tintr prii►r lu Ihc cnrlicr ul': l�il S il�iyti lur�uch ulhcr��criixl ii� �.' <br /> i <br /> Sinµlr I'vmfly..Funnlc 111ue/MYeJUk 111ac UN IFOK111 INti'fR11111M:N'I'..UnH�um t'u�.nnni� Y/YU l��.�Kr a u/n p.igrxl � <br /> � . � <br /> � � <br /> � • I <br /> e <br /> � u <br /> ( <br /> 1 <br /> � <br /> 1 <br /> 1 <br /> J ' <br /> .. <br /> . i'� <br />