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<br /> ��.�h<i;��>>: �`` �� ' • � 92— �ossoe —
<br /> . �;.. .�.:
<br /> � ��'�'`�` rials�hot l.endci rc uirex. Ti�c inxurunce curricr providing Iho inKUrunco shull hc chux;n by Sorr�wer KubJecl lo LeMkP N
<br /> �:.,a._;�e.�.b,,s'... ' I� 4
<br /> ,,,,-��-`• -- upprovol whfch xhall not 6c unreusanubly wflhhcld. If Barcuwer fails lo mainlain coverugc dexribe�l ubove,l.ender may,at
<br /> '�"��'��' Lender'�option,oMain covemge ta protect I.e►Kler R rights in the PrapeAy in uccordonce wilh purugraph 7.
<br /> '� `s ' All insurance policics s�nd renewnls shnll t,e ncceptable lo Lender und shull include a s�undurd mongage clause. Lender
<br /> '°�;, .� � ,�, xhull huve the�ight to hold ttic poUcies and renewola. If Lendcr�quim�.Barcawer shall prc►mptly give lo Lender all receipts
<br /> " • � '' oF paid premiums und renewal naices. In�he event oF loss. Borcower xhall givc prompt natke to�hc lnxuruncs canlcr and
<br /> ' '��f� �' �•�°� Lender. Lencler mny make proat'nF laxs if not made promptly by Borrower.
<br /> :�,.;,�,. N:�.=�,� -,: °�;: Uolc�s Lender anc! BoROwcr othcrwise Agree In writin�.insumncc pmcee�ls sholl he applied io restornlion or repair af �.___
<br /> °'., • the Propeny dumaged, if�he restorution or repuir is economically feasible And l.ender4; r�ecurfty i� not leasened. If Ihe
<br /> • � ^, � - restamtian ar �epair iF nM econamically feosiblc or Lendera security would be leasened, tho insurAnce proreeds shall be
<br /> .� � ,,�,;; . '� app8ed to �he sums sccured by �his Security Insiniment, whether or not then due,wi�h uny excess puid to Borrowet If _
<br /> ��'�:�,��::;,,.• ;•,'..; Barrower abundons the I'ropony,or does not answer within 30 days s�notice from L.ender thut Ihe incurnnce eorrier has
<br /> �:�_ I '';'' ��'t.°' '� " offered�o se1Ne u cluim.lhen Londer muy collect ihe insurunce proceeJs. Lender m++y uxc the proceeds lo repair or restore
<br /> `"�'�°' � ' the Propeny or t�puy sums secured by�hi�Securiry Inx�niment,whcthe�or not then due. The 30-duy perbd will begin when
<br /> :�,a�!•. , ' :,, d Ihe nmice is given. -�
<br /> hy.*.•<•-^ � , Unlexx I.eoder und Hormwer<ithenvise agnee in wrhing,uny:�pplicnlion af pmceeds �o principal xhall not extend or
<br /> pns��xmc thc duc dute ui'the muixhly puymcnln n:l'crcrd iu in purugriry�h�I u�ul 2 or chnngc U�c ciniuuo�ul'�hc puynkma. IP
<br /> • under parugruph 21 the Propert i ia ucyuired by l.ender,Borrawerw righi to any inaumnce paliciex und proceeds resulling
<br /> ` _ � Q " fram�liimuge to�he Propeny prlar to thc acquis�i�ion shull pux�lo Lender lo lix exlent uP ihe xums xecurrd by Ihis 3ocurity
<br /> Instrumen�immedintely Priariu die ucquihi�i�m.
<br /> -: „ • � _ b. (kcups�ncy, Preservation, Malatenance And Pratectlua of the Propertyi fforrawer'r I.oan ApplMalbn�
<br /> I.epscholda. N�+rrnwcr xhull�cupy.cs�uhli�h,und use the Pir��pchy us Barrowerk principnl rewfdencc wNhin xixty duys�fter
<br /> � ^ ' Ihc cxeculian�►f ihis Sc�uri�y InKtrumem und shull continuc �o occupy �hc Pru�xrty ua aurruwrr K principul rcyidcncc for at -
<br /> , Ieust une year ufler ihe du�e af c�ecupuney, uidens l.ender o�henvine ugrees in writing, whieh cansenl rhal) not be
<br /> ,. ° '. �s,�� unreusannhly wi�hhekl,ar unlr+s extenuu�ing circumwiuncea rxix� which arc beyond sorn�werk can�ml. Bc►m►wer shull nw
<br /> ° dextroy,dumugc ��r i�upulr Uk 1'rn�xr�y.�dlow�hc Pru�xxny���dctcriurutc,ur romn�i� wi�h�c on Uie Pro�xrty. liurrower shull
<br /> � Ix:in del'auU if any fnrl'ui�ure uc�iun ur praceeding,whether civfl or crirninul.is begun�hat in Leade�k good toilh judgment
<br /> � could rexult in forfciiure ��f ihe Propeny or oihenvise m+��eriully impuir the lien creuted by thfs Security Instniment or
<br /> . - Lender'�x�curiiy inlcre,t. RnR��wer may cun:s�kh u dcPuult und rein+�me,ux pmvided in purugrupfl I 8,hy cuusing Ihe uction
<br /> ° • nr priKCediog lo Ix dixmixscJ whh u ruling�hu�,in L�nih:r's g�KKI fuiih dclerminution,prccludca tiKP�iwre of�he Bormwer�
<br /> �• fn�cmxt in iho Pro�xrty or ahor muteri�d impuimmm of thc lien creu�eJ by ihis Sccurily Inxirument ar Lenderk eecurity
<br /> • � intcrcst. Horrowcr +I�ull ulsa Ix in defuul� iP HoROwer, during �I�e Nwn u�ry►licu�ion p�acesY.guve mate�ially fAlsc or
<br /> inuccurote inti►miu�i�n or x�utem�nta�o l.emlcr(or foiled to providc Lcndcr wi�h nny mutcri�d inli�rmu�ionl in conneclion wi�h
<br /> 1he loun evidenced by Ihe Note, including, but nut limilcd lo. ti�xesemutions cnnceming Burmwurk accupuncy oF�he
<br /> ___ _ - Propeny ux u nrincipul resiJence. If U�is Securily Imlrument is an u Ieutiehulil,Burrower shadl c�nnply wlUi all the provisions
<br /> cif Ihe lease. If Borcowrr acqul�cs 1'ee tille lo the Prapeny,�he leuuhc�ld und the fee titte xh�U not rnerge unfecs i..ender aQrcea
<br /> � � to thc mcrger in wriling.
<br /> 7. Prnteclion of I.ender's Rights in Ihe Property. If' Ilormwcr fuilx ta per�onn the covenuncs und ogreement�s
<br /> a►nluincd in �his Security Instrumen�, or Ihcrc is u kgul pnxeeding thu� rnuy signi�cuntly ufi'cct Lender�s rights in d�e
<br /> . Pro�x;ny lsuch nx n pnxec�linF in bauil�niptcy,protiauc.lix cimdcmnu�inn�K fori'ci�urc or�o enforcc I��wx ar regulminnx),Ihen
<br /> �� . � Lemk:r muy do und puy I'��r whaicv�r i.iwcc+xury w prol«l Ih4 vuluc of�hc Pru�xrly und Lcndcr's righ�s in Iho 1'roperty.
<br /> LenderL i�c�iam muy include pc�ying tmy.ums scrurcd hy u lirn whi��h hns�ri�xity ovcr�his Security Inxtrument.oppeuring
<br /> , �� " � in caurl,puying r�mon►iblc u�turncyz'1'ees and emcrin�;on �he I'nq�cny�a�nuke repuirs. AUhou�h Lender muy�okc uclion
<br /> _ under�his parsigrnph 7.Lender clix.r•ni�l havc lu do tin.
<br /> � • Any mnomux di�buned by Lendcr undcr ihis puri�grnpl�7 sh:dl txcoinc udelilionul dcM o!'f�orrowcr secureJ hy�hix �
<br /> Sccuri�y Inslrumenl. Unless 8urtuwcr+uid l.rnder i�grrc�o ulhcr Icrrns of pnynxnt,lhe�c nmuunls xludl Iwur iolcrc�t I'rom Ihc "
<br /> � dut�uf di,bunemcnt in �Ix: Nole rutc und shull Ix:pnyiihlc, wiih intcres�,u�xm notice IYom l.enckr to Borrower reyuesling �_�—
<br /> • ,, puymenL �--=-
<br /> • 8. 117ort�uge Inxurunce. II'Lcndrr reqaired m��rigi�gc imur�mcc�is i�cunditi�►n ol'mnking Ilxe loim�ecurcd by Ihix
<br /> • Sccurity In+trumcnt. liarrowcr �hnll pny Ilx premiionti r�i�uircd In maiulnin Ihc murlg+�gc in�u�•�x�cc in cll'ecl. II'. for uny �."''
<br /> � �.'} ' � reuson, Ihe ntorlgugc InsunulCC cuvrr;�bc rcyui�rd I�y I.cndel' lupsex �K ceases lu lk in cllCCt. Hormwer rhull puy Ihe --
<br /> � premiumx rcyui�td lo uhtuin covcr+�gc tiuh.�im�i:dly ri�uivsdcm �u Uic nH►rlgngc insuriinrc prcvN�utily in effcrt, ut u rosl �'j-
<br /> .' xabsWnliully cquividcnl Iu Uu cu�l tu Burruwcr i�l ihr morlguEc innur:mrc �irevii►u,l�� in cflcr�, 1'nmi+m ul�crnnlc mur�gngc
<br /> inxurer nppnwed hy I.c�xlcr. If+ubx�umiidly ri�oiv�drnt mur�Engc in,ur.uicc l'OVl'1'il�;l'IS IIUI IIVIIIIahlc,Hnrruwcr shall piry tu �=:ti
<br /> L.enikr cuch nwmh u�om r�pul lo unr•Iwcllih i,f dir yrurly murlgage inxur+�nce��rcmium Ixxing �iaid by l3urruwcr whcn Ihc .
<br /> . insuruncc roveri��e lapsed��rceascd tu Ix in rll'crt. I.rndcr will ucrc�H. usc:�nd reti�in Uic.c puymentti us u loss r�xervc in licu �
<br /> of mongage in+unmce. Lu�.s rcservc puymrnts nx�y no lunrer Ik r��yuircd. nl Ihr upliun ol I.rndcr, il'nu►riEuge insurunce �
<br /> . ., c�werc�ge lin Um umoun�and li�r Ihe�xri�xl that Lrndcr requir�+l pniviilcJ hy:m insurcr upprovecl by Lender u�tuin becomes � .
<br /> uvailublc und is oMuincd.Bmn��rrr�h�dl puy Ihc premium�r�quirrJ la niuin�ain nwn�age in.ur��ncc in cff'c:cl.or ti�pruvid�u
<br /> lozz roscrvc,wnil�hc rryuircmcw li►r munE:igc imur�mcc rnJ.ii�n�•curd�u�rc will�+my�vri�irn���rcrmenl Ixlwccn Idorrowcr
<br /> �� �md L�ndcr or upplicuhlc luw.
<br /> ' 9. laspecllnn. Luidcr��r ils agrnl may nuikc rr�is�muhlc rntricx u�xm�uul im�ncliom ul' Ihr Pirqicrly. Lcodrr�h►dl
<br /> give 13orr�•wcr nolire�u Ihr tim�ui�►r priur lu;m imp�•riiun��xril)•i��E rr�nunahk ruu+r lor ihc in��x•c�iun.
<br /> IU. Cnndcmn�ti�Ni. 'Ihc �n�orced�ul any aw�irJ��r rl:iim I�ur alaiiiaEc�.dirrri ur run,ri�ucnU:d.in runnrrliun with miy
<br /> Si�l�I:umly••Pu��nliDIuWFYcddle�tucU�II�OIt111!�ti'1'!tU\tl•:N'I'• 1'nU�muc'u�awN. 4i411 �p,�tir.tu�n�x�p��,i
<br /> I,���.d I,drnllnwhxatlmN�.11lC �
<br /> . 1'u Iw�Fr/'./I I�IN�I;�IUUJD:1 I 1 FAII IIII14M411:11
<br /> 1
<br /> I '
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