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<br /> '6'e�stFe st�li epp�y thc pmccedQ ot the sa�e tn t�e�ilawia�g ord�r:(e)to a31 casts u�d eapenscs�!cxerdsin�the po�scr of
<br /> sate.anA the s�te.Ett�ladL�g t�e Qayment of tRe Trustee'$ires sste�a[Iy tncv�n�ed.aot to exceed 5.0 �
<br /> o!the priartpai amaunt oi th8 aate at t�e time oY the dectars�3fan�f dJarilt,and cq�nnahle nYtQ�3'fees es permitted
<br /> by[ac�:tb)to nL3�ums sQC�t1 Dy thf�Sesueity InstQU�eent:ac►d tc)any�cess to thz peeson or�,:�..�ns legal3y enti¢ted to _
<br /> '=�--�. It.
<br /> ?2. tic�anveyance. ilpon µ�ycn�nt o�a�l snms s�ured by tAis Security insuu�i, tcndcc sliall req,sest Tnut�co
<br /> reoonvey the Praperty �d sital0 surrauder this Se�ur'sty insuua�nt u�td ali aotes evidenzing debt secured by ti�is Seruriry
<br /> Insuum�nt to TtusteP.'frust�slyall n:convey the Fraperty withavt warraaty and without charge co the person or persons legal[y -
<br /> ' entid�!to it.Suc3n getsoA or pee�ons shalt pay nny reoorQation rnsts.
<br /> 2;l.S�stiia2e Ttttstee.Lend�r.at its option. �ay from time to time remove Tnutee and appoirtt a suc�ssor austee to ,
<br /> ' any Ttustze appointed hereunder�y un;��•r,,•,,Pn:cecorded in the county in which this Serurity Instnement is reeorded.Witiiout
<br /> sonveyance of the Property.die sucoessor s�ustec shall suoceed to all t&e titk.power and duties coaferred upon'['rustee herein
<br /> : ` and by applisable taw.
<br /> ''� ?A.R�q�t iot Notie�.Bosrawer reque�ts that copies of tl�e notices of defaula a�;�sats be sent tfl Barrower's addmss
<br /> which is tt:e Pmperty Address.
<br /> 2S.Ridas to t�3s Sewri4y Iri�ea4.If one or Qmre rideis aie executed by 6or�onrer and rec�rded together wii�this
<br /> S�uriLy ins���„�•±r,the caveuanu�d ag�ments of each susb rider shall be ineoxposated into and shall amend and suQplemem
<br /> .'' � t2te covenants and a�eemsnts of this S�urity Insuument as if the ride�(s)were a part of ttis Securitlr Insmimeflt.
<br /> . [G�k ap�ficabte tsox{es)1
<br /> . ' [�Adjtu�2e Rate Rider Q Co�omiriium Rider l�l Family Rider -
<br /> i
<br /> . �Graduate�d Fayment liider P1�Unit Deretopment Rider �B'sweekiy Paymeat F.�Qer -
<br /> 0 galIoan R��r �Rate Iatprovement Rid�r �Second Home[tider
<br /> . �V.A.Rtr2er 0 olheris)[��Y1
<br /> BY SICiNIN(i SELUW.Rorrower acoepts and agn�ss to tSne terms and oovemnu oo�.aine�in th9s S�urity 3mwtneat s�aad
<br /> in ui}t cider(s)ac�rutECi by Sorcewer and reconded with it.
<br /> WiVr�es: ' '
<br /> ,;;:� • ���
<br /> ,:�:'` DE ��YS t� TJAD -sn�rowec
<br /> .,.:� ,
<br /> ._�..:;:;;:
<br /> .. �; .�,� . (�)
<br /> � . JUDY L 01DEN •eo�oR•er . ..
<br /> . ,� . .
<br /> � � � �..,,_�___._,_,_, (Se:il) � ' � (�) �
<br />: . �.,�� . . . -Borrawcr -Bormwtr
<br /> y . . •
<br /> :1' ,. . . . . . • �
<br /> :. . ;i:'._... .
<br /> , �. -,;,.. ST�I'IEOFNEgi�iASKA, ,. :CountYss: HAtL
<br /> . .:r.:. :�'�e furegoing instrument wsLS ac�wlcdg�liefore m�1ltis 1�`�'H day of QCTOHER �986 ,
<br /> `. .k�.•':..��j�NNIS R 7JADEN AND JUDY ! TJAD�W •
<br /> �' ';r '. ' �VVitness my hand and notarial seal ataRAND ISLANO, KfE�E��ttA tY,the aforesaid.
<br /> - N ,
<br /> . ...�,rflr.. My Commission F.xpires: ,
<br /> ,. ,R.....'• _ _ ' N�P�� . ,
<br /> ,.� . , CENEp�tIiOY�iiT•StateelKeOra�
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