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<br /> 'i + �,�j���� ��"A._'
<br /> �E 1'f.Trnttcter of tGe Ftoperio ar a B�cdal InterPSi[n Borro�ser.If all or any part o�t�e Property or any inte�est in it
<br /> is sold or transferred lar if a 6eneficia1 interest in Borco�e�nis sold re;mm���pay�ent�in fWl of all sums secured by�this ��,"
<br /> � lxnder s prior �vriiten cotuent, [.ender may. at its apu . req ��='
<br />;.� Secvrity instrument.How,ever,this optian st�li not be exenised by Lender if eaercise is prahibi[ed by federal la�v as ot the date �t VT'
<br /> 3 of this Security Instrument.
<br /> � If Lender exenis�this option.L.ender sh�ll gi�e Barrower norice of arcelera3ion.The notice shall provide a p�riad of not ���
<br /> Iess than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mailed within whish �rrower must pay ap sums secumd bY @►is ,,.r:_-
<br /> � Sec�r;ry��iru�ent_1(gono�cer fails to pap these sarns�rior to the expiration of tdis period.Lender may invake any remedies ..�y.�.,.
<br /> �--_•_
<br />' °� �rmitted by this SECUrity[asttument withaut further no:ice or demand on Sorrower. �_�
<br />;,� 18. Ban+ov►c�'s �ght to Rei�+te. If Bomn�cer meets certain conditions. Borm�ver shnll have the right ta have �'^�_
<br /> , enfon�ement of this Security Instcument d'ucontinued at any riru�psiar to�hQ eazlier of: (u15o aY�sof sale con n n�n this �?';:��
<br /> � • applicable law may specify for c�i��ten►er►t) before sale of the Ptoperty pursuant to any p �,�,.__:,:_.
<br /> Securiry Itutrument;or(b)ea►try of a judgmcnt enfoming ttus Security tastmmens�Tt�ose oonditions ane that Borrnwer:te)p�s ���n
<br /> ' Lende3 all sums��hicb Wen��auld be due under this Security inswment and the Note as if no acoeleration had ooaured:(b) .�,�„�
<br />'�� s all ex nses incurred in enfor�cing this SecuritY Instrument. �'� ``�==:
<br />.' ; cures an}default af any other coven�►ts or asreements: (c)pay F� �re to assure __
<br /> inclading,bm nai Grnited to.reasonable attomeys' fePS;aad ld)takes such acuon as Lender may�+easorrab�Y �N --
<br /> tztat the lirn of this Ssauity Insttwnent. l.ender's righrs 'sn tiie Property and�ortower s obligation to pay the sums s��by �..
<br /> this Sec�rity Instnunent shall conrinue uns.�u►geci. Upoa reinstatement by �orrower, this Security Inswmet►t and the
<br /> ab�igatioas s�cuTed hereby shall iemain fully effective as if no aroeieration had ooc�uz+�d.Kow'e'ver.this right to reinstate sh�11 �:...,.��
<br /> SL'J Q``_:+��::
<br /> nat appEy in the c�se of acceleration under pasagra¢h 17. ;t:—;_
<br /> • • 19. Sale o!hote; Ct�nge a?IIa� Servicer• 'Che Note or a partial intemst in the Noce(together with this Secnt�i.s� , ,f.
<br /> �i r-i'i
<br /> Inst�uiuent)may be so1d oae or more Eimes without prior notice to Borrower.A sale avly result in a change in the entity(knov+rtx �:�•+,t,•j.;
<br /> as the'Loan Servioer")diai rnllects tnonthly payments dac under thc lYote and this Security Instrument.Ther�also may be us� �;:;r�:;;:
<br /> : 1...V�rt(_.
<br /> �� or mom ehanges uf the Loan�ervicer�uuetated eo a sale of the Note. if thece is a c3�auge of the Laan Sen+icer.Borrower will bz 4 i.,,}�..
<br /> "�t� given aritte�notice oi the cieange in�rdance�vith Pa��Ph lA above and ap�iirable law.Ttie notice will state the nams a� k�C
<br /> � ` addc�:s of tI�aeiv Loan Setvicer an��11e address to whid�paymenu should be made•'Che notice�Kill also contain any ar�r �
<br /> :, in€ormation tequire�by appGrable iaw. �'..,.
<br /> •.� 20. Ha7aadous Substances. Sorrower shall not cause�or peemit the preseace. �.se. disposal. storpge, or rei� a the ''""
<br />,..,{`. f��+dous Sabstances on or in the Pmperty Borro�V� edal� pot do, nor alEa�u as.r.yune else to do. angt�ug S
<br /> ';t L�opereyr that is i�viotation uf any Environmc�tui La:�. The prereding[wo senteUCe•shall not appty to th��...°vznce,use. or = -
<br />' ?� s[orage on the Propercy of small quantities of Hazardaus Substancts that are Senera4ly reoagnized to be a�:��to normal ��
<br /> .`'.�; residentia!ases and to maintenance o f t he P rope r t y. �,'�
<br /> Borrower shall promptly give I.ender written nati.cP of any investigation. ciaim. demand.lawsuit or ot4+iu aetion by any •
<br />. gove�'nmental or regulatory agerccy or privnte party in�c�ri�ing the Property and aay Hazarduns Subsuutea or�viranmenta!Law �_'-,
<br /> of which Borrower tuls actual lcnnNEedge.If Borrowtic t�ms.or is norified by a�►y govemmenral or regu[aas,'�sud►ority.that �:�_
<br /> � any removal or�iher iemediation of any Hazardous Su�stance af'fecting tP►e Prope�ey is necessary,Borrower si�§9 promPdy cake ----
<br /> all nece,ssary ranedial adions in acoordanoe wiW Environmental law. �
<br /> ��"' As used in thia paragraph 20. "Haxardous Substano�.s" are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous substances b�y �-
<br /> ��� Emironmenta! law and the folloa+ing substances: gasaline. kemsene• other flummable or toxic petroleum producu.toxic �.�..,_.
<br /> - gesticides and herbicides.volatile solvents.muterials conteitiing asbestos or formaldehyde.and rndionctive materiels.As use��-in �._--
<br /> ., ,�_^ t�is p�agraph Zp. ^Environmental Law' means fedeml laws and Iaws of the jurisdicrion where the Properiy+is lacated ttt�t --_ .
<br /> ;:; �elate to health.safety or environmer�tal protection. .. --
<br /> ;,:.� NON-IJNIFOItM COVENANTS.Bomnwer and lender further covenant and agre�as foltows: _ _
<br /> grt ��.
<br /> �.�:;; 21.Acaete�Bon:Remedies.Lender shaq gi�e noilce to Borrower priar ta acceleratton Poflotivin��,�rmwcr's.3►�rettd� :�.__
<br /> - ot au}r co�°;�� =m t 6 i s S e c u ri t y i n s i s u m e n t (b n t n o t p r i o r t o a c o e l e r a t�o q ander �ar� rn p6 19•nalr�ss �
<br /> .' qppIIcable!aw provides athernise).The natice sh�ll s ta�ixu�th��ul'3;
<br /> Peeifys (a)t6e defaWt;@)the actioa reqaire� �
<br /> (�)a date,aot less than 31)d�ys irom tfle d�te t 6e n n t k e is g ivea to B o r r ov�e r,b y.whfcb the defaWt m.�usR lbe cared:and �...:
<br /> ' . 3
<br /> ..i� td3 that faitare to cure the det3ult on or before thY date sp�T6e noNce sbalt��rtber infam Borrow�Ot�the right ot
<br /> s�by t6is Seau�tg'1�t�vmen=end sate oi the Pr+npertY. � .
<br /> .s� reias�te�fter aoceleriiNon and t6e right W[sring a oourt ac�on to assert t1���eoee of a def�nit or�ny ataer
<br /> �". detease of Rorrower to aoceteration an�sa2e. It tt++e defaWt ts not c�ed on or betore the date speclfied ifl t1ce netic� �:
<br /> .� '��� I.eader,at tts option.m�Y re9�Immedlate payment tn falfl mf all sums secwred by t6is Security Instr�ent v�ithout
<br /> .. �j� itirther de�nd end anay invoke Qbe powes oY snte and any a6&.�rtmedfes permitted by a e I�w.Lendes slu�ll De ��,,
<br /> ..;` entitGed to aolie�all expenses incur�ed in pureviu��u'he remadles provided in thls parag,r�aPb 1�uding,6nt not Qi�it¢d �,o..,
<br /> ..: I��� to,re�sona6te aitorneys'fees aad costs of title 4ry�3Y�.nee. -
<br />-i:��; V the por�er of sale is involce�..'II�s�stce s�tta�l �+ecorA a rm'tlee of deSault in cath ca�mty fn which any�t at�Cfle �
<br /> Property is tocated and sh�l ma�eL�pb'e�o!such�ntice i�the tmanaer prreszribed by applicaDte�aw to Borrower aur�to
<br />:.�:���' tbe ot6er peisoas prescribed isy applicahle la�.,'�+fler t6e ti�e rcqaIred by appticabte Iaw,Twrtee s5all Bive ps�lic not�ae �—"
<br /> � o!sale to t6e persons and in the maaner prescr�bed by appllca6le law.Trastee.WIWo�demnnd an Borro�ces,s3�aU seU - -
<br /> �� the propetty a0 public sucNon to the hlghest bidder at We tir�e and plaee and�mder the terms�esii�i�in the notice of �
<br /> �: .��: s�Ie in one or mose pvrceis aad to swy order TnLStee detennfnes.Trastce maY P�Po�s�ie o!ail or aoy parcd oi tbe � .
<br />- Ptop2rtY bY Pab1k announcemec►t at t6e tLne and piace o!ony �reviously st6edWed sale. Len�er or tts desl�ee�y
<br /> =°,:. ; parcbase the proper4y at any sale.
<br /> �.�.
<br /> � % �'S%�,i1t'�
<br /> ,. .� Farm 3028 9f9D
<br />