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�ll ii������ �� �: . . :. _ � <br /> _ ._�,,,:s-�,�=: <br /> _ �_� <br /> ���,;����>F�, --.. : ..-.,. - <br /> ...� �..Tti. <br /> � . . .�r��''� . .,Y• _- <br /> �.� .� <br /> YI��� <br /> � . . ��^ �� r« �• ... , a . . � -- <br /> ' g �as~14� <br /> ' ` 2 <br /> �.�..� �..,�.� . � . <br /> ����.`� � , Upon d�falt by Trosta in th�po�rm�nt oi or pafamann oi tM t�rm�and cad(tions of <br /> �:�rwu�+rr�:;,.s�.:•_.__ 11.AM�M�MIM Y/M OdwM!RMN�MI f�N. <br /> --- —���'�! th�Not�,or ary��wals,modiikatbm a�d�nstan thKwf,a tiM po�rn»M of ar�r otMr i�d�bt�ss�cund h�r�b�r ar in ttN p�rfonnonn <br /> - -------- - -=-- of anr of tM canwnont�a aR�nt:hK�ued�r. l�r�fkiary nw�r dulo►o all wms saund h�nb�r imn�dfotd�du�ond po�rabb and th�sa� <br /> �����' �holl ti�►wpai baan�dw and popabb without pnsmtn�nt,dmwnd,p►ot�st a notk�of m�kfnd.ThK�ofter,BNnfkiory may d�liv�►to <br /> �J�.ti; <br /> � � .���.,, TnntN a writt�n dKlorotio�of d�fauit ond d�niond fa saw.TrustN sholl hav�th�powK of sol�of th�Prap�rty and if 8�fkfary d�cidn <br /> —���" :; ° , ° PropKty is to b�sold N sboll d�posit with TrostN thK ONd o�Trust ond th�Not�or not�s and anr othK datanirns wid�nckq�xp�ndituns <br /> f, r saund ha�by,ond shaU ddfvK to TrustN a writt�n no1k�of d�fauM and d�etion to caa th�Prap�rty to b�sold,ad TrustM,in tum,iholl <br /> "�� � "�' ' pr�pao o dmflar notka in tlw form requhed by Imv wMeh shall be duly filed ia raord by TrustN. �-:- .- <br /> , ��„ .� (0)AftK tM taps�of wch finN as mo�r b�r�qulr�d by low folbwinp th�r�cordotion of Not(c�of D�falt,and Notic�of O�falt and Notk�of <br /> ���-�� Saw hovinp Mm qfv�n as nquind b�low,TrustM,without dmiond an Trostor,sholl sell tlN Propety in one or mors porc�ls ond in such ad�r <br /> `a1':H�.: ,.. <br /> —' ,•: ��,� . • ` os TNif Or Ill�y d�tKmiM oo flit doh aed of tiM f 1rtN oDd ploC�d�sip�qhd i�l spld NOtia of Sak,at publk auction to tiw hiph�st bi t pur- <br /> 1`x ;v�t�,..` `r <br /> ^.,;,.�,;F.��.;.:u�.� - : chas�prk�parabb in cash in bwful mon�y of the UnNod Statas at tFw tim�of sak.The p�rson conductinp the saN mo�,far ony causo h�or sh� ___ <br /> 4�:'�: �� ���; dNms exp�di�nt,postporN tM sal�hom tims to tim�until it shall be completed and,in avory such caso,notice of postporwmmt sholl bt 9iv�n __ <br /> '`�'""�- J intad for itw salar provided,if the sate is fa thon <br /> - � . rK�..:...e by publie d�ckrotion ttanof b�:uch person at the tGne ad place lasf appo P��P� � � - <br /> .a.�<':». -''�� one(l)d o y b r�o n d t h e d a�r d e s i p n a t e d i n i h s N o t i c e o f S a b,n o t f c e t h�r a o f s h a l l b e qiven in the same manner os the ari qiral Notia of Sala. — <br /> � ��=��:`::.':��,'; , "�;`: Trustre sholl�xscuta and d�liver to the puchaser f ts ONd conveyiny the Property so sold,but without any convmont or warranty,�xpnss,a <br /> -:='r;r:�;°.z;`;:a:::=k� '.��.�,'�,,�,�,';'.., <br /> _ ���t.�;��r,,r implid.The rKitals ir.the Dwd of an�moftQrs or facts shoN b�conclusiv�proof of th�truthfulrwss therwf.My peraon, includkq wfthout <br /> _ ,.��;� limitation Trustw,ma�purchass at th�saN. <br /> �� :`• �t (b►.1Mkn TrustN s�ll:purwont to th�pow�►s Fwr�in,TrustN shall apply th�pra�ds of tiw mN to pa�meM of tM costs and��p�ns�s of —._ <br /> �.�:;�..� �:::.� . . <br /> - Tg ,.;_ .�,.. �xKCisirp th�pow�r of sal�ad of the ml�,includinp,without Iimitatfon,tM poyment of TrustN':FNS incurrad,which TrustN's FNS sholl not <br /> — � i ' � :"�a�o in tM apprpot� ��cNd th�followinp amounts bos�d uyon the omaunt wcurad lwroby and r�mofninp unpaid: S perceMum on th�bala�a <br /> • ' ' � th�no¢=ond th�n to tht it�ms s�t iorth in subporopraph(c)hK�of fn th�ord�r th�rdn srot�d. �. ._ <br /> � � ' - (c)AftK pa�irp th�ihms ip�cift�d in iubporapraph(bl,if th�wb is b�Trusta,or tM prop�r court and oth�r costs of for�elown ad ial� <br /> ����� If tl»sab Is pursuont to�udkial fa�cbwr�,tho pracNdc of tol�shall b�appli�d in tM ord�r stot�d b�bw to th�poynNnt of� __ <br /> -;.���_ r..,;rx�,.:•�,a��. — <br /> �t <br /> �^';���I,;_,., , . (1! Cast ot ary�ridarc�oi titl�praw�d in ca�Nbn with wch wl�and oi an�rwenw nquind to b�poidi � <br /> .. � (Z) Attan��sfNS, ___ <br /> ... . (3) All wms thm acur�d h�nby, � <br /> ���' �• " 1�1) Junior t►ust dMds,mortqop�s,ar otiMr Ii�nholdKSj and <br /> — (S) Th�nmaGidK,if on�,to tFw�p�rsan ar p�rsans Ipally�ntitbd tMnto. _- <br /> �.' �'. <br /> .,� s ..�A �: — <br /> ��� , . `,,:�•� idi if thu 8�ficimy oi ihls D�d af Trust is a bardc as dcfinod by lkbraska law,anr stnlement tontain�d in eny othar saction of this d�ed =__, <br /> . • notwithstad(np, th�B�nefklary shall not be antitled to rKaive or toke and debta shall not bo oblipated to poy or piva j any confession of iudg- <br /> , mont,pow�r of ottan�y to confess judpment,power of attornay to appeor for a barower in a judicid p►xeedinp or apreement to poy the costs <br /> of collection of ihe ottonwys'feas,unNss such ats of collection would not otherwise be prohibited 6y Nebraska law.Provided,however,that Y, <br /> � . this s�ctfon does not apply to the Trustw foe roferad to in paroproph b(b�.Providad fwtlwr,thot this paraqraph shall not apply to this Daed of <br /> • , Trust,if the B�nefkiary is not o bank. <br /> '" 1 q, AYMMMI�Iqt�h.Trustw,ot its expense,wfll exewte ond deliver to the 8enefieiary,promptly upon demand,sueh seeuri- — <br /> i:_ <br /> ty instruments as moy be required by Beneficiary, in form and substance mtisfactory to BQneficiary,coverinp any of the Property conve�ed by =-�— <br /> , this Dead of Trust,which security instroments sholl bo additionol secaiTy for Trustor's fdthful performance of aN of the terms,covenants and <br /> (tions of this D�ed of Trust,the omissor rates secured hereby,and onY otiwr socurity instrumoms e�xutad in connaction wHh this tron- ��_'-.i <br /> cord Pr Y <br /> � sation.Sueh Instromenta sholl be reeorded or flled at Trustor's expense. `' <br /> 13. A�M�t ef Sueaiter TrwfN. Ben�f iciary may, from time to t(me, by a written instrument exetut�d and acknowledyed by <br /> 8eneficiary,mailed to Trusta ond recwded in the eaunty or countfes in which the Property is located and by otherwisn comp�yinp with the provi- �''_ <br /> . • ° • , sions of the applicable laws of tho State of Nebraska,substitute o successor or successon to th��Trustee nonwd he�ein or actirq hereunder. "-"` <br /> E:°'� <br /> , 11, liup�efb�t.Benoficiary,or its ayents,representatives or wakmen,arb authal:ed to enter ot any reasonable time upon or in any part _ <br />� of tho Property for the purpose of inspectiny the sairw and fa thQ purposQ of pe►formirp any of the acts it is authroizad to perform under tiw <br /> • � t�rms of the D�ed of Trust. <br /> " 1 S. Optb�to kneb�.Upon the acurrence of any defoult hereunder,Beneficiory sholl have tlw option to foreclose this De�d of Trust in _ <br /> "' _� th�monnor provided by law for the foreclosure of mortgages on real propeny. �'��- <br /> � 16. fw��n b�M�fkiwr Not�W�be. Any faebearance by Beneficiary in exercising any riqht or remedy hereunder,or otherwise <br /> afforded by applicable law,shall not be a waiver of a preclude the exercise of ony such right or remQdy.Likewise,the wai�e•by Beneficiaryr of ��-� <br /> � . � • any dQfault of Trustor under this Deed of Trust shall not bQ deemed to be a waiver of any other or similar defaults subsequently occurrir�y. � <br /> � . 17. Tnnter Nof R�Mu�d. Extension of the tirne for payment w modification or omorti:ation of thQ sums secured by this Deed of Trust � .' <br /> ' graMed by BQneflciory to any successor in fnterest of Trustor sholl not operate to release,in ony manner,the liability of the oriyinal Trustor and -- <br /> ' Trustor's successor in interest. Beneficiory shall not be required to commence p�oceedings agoinst such successor or rQfuse to extend time for '•'' <br /> � payment or otherwise modify amortization of thQ sums secured by ihis Deed of Trust by reoson of any demond made by the oriyinol Trustor and <br /> Trustor's successa in interest. � <br /> - 18. Mndkhry't row�n.Without offocting the liobility of the Trustor or ony other person liable for the poyment of any obligotion herein ' <br /> � • mention�d, and without offecting the lien or charge of this Oeed of Trust upon ony portion of the Praperty not then or theretofore released os i <br /> setaity for the full amount of oll unpaid obligatians.Bene(iciay moy,trom time to time and without notice,(il release any person so liable. (ii) ! <br /> • s extend ihe moturity or aNer any of ihe terms of any such obligotions, (iii!grant other indulgentes, (iv)releose or reconvey, or cause to be � <br /> rel�osed or recanveyed ot any fime ot 8eneficiary's optians any parcel,portion or all of the Property.Iv)take or releose any other or additional � <br /> saurity for any obligation herein mentioned,or Ivi�make compositions or other orrongements with debtors in relotion thereto. <br /> � 19. Wt�n A��ant.Upon request ot Trustor,Trustee at irustee's option, prior to reconveyance of the Property to Trustot, may make <br /> . �.,•��...�,,,,.v.� fn Tnufnr CI�fM I111111A fIfIV(1flfOC with interest thereon. shall be secured bv rhis Trust Deed when evidenced by promissory <br /> notes stotinq thot soid notes are secured hereby; provided thot at no time sholl the setured principal,future advances,not including sums ad- <br /> � vanc�d to protect the security,exceed an aqqreqote principal amount of S . <br /> 20. Il�eon��y�na b�TrudN.Upon written request of Beneficiary stating thot all sums secured hereby have been paid,ond upon surrender <br /> of this Deed of Trust and the Note to Trustee for cancellation and retention ond upon payment by Trustor ot lrustee's fees, Trustee shall <br /> , reconvey to Trustor,or the person or persons lepally entitled thereto,without warronty,any portion of the Property then held hereunder.The <br /> � recitols in such reconveyante of any matters or iacts sholl be tonclusive proof of the truthfulness thereof. The grantee in any reconveyance may <br /> , be doscribed as "the person or persons leyally entitled thereto". <br /> . I <br /> _ •�►r I <br /> � - <br />