.y. :r; ..t . _..:� . . _� fy�e1::C_d,7�__�"W((_d�1Y.=�=__...
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<br /> ... *tr��'�[':- . . ' ,d" ;.il_.._ .
<br /> t:i.'
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<br /> n��:
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<br /> ' {� • '.__._r.... _� . _.
<br /> . i" ---_ .
<br /> � ��� ► 92-- i05'74'7 � .
<br /> �.�n+ ,
<br /> �''i' Trusta slall all tax�s,oss�ssnwnt:and oM�chorp�s,includinp,without Iimitation,ffms and im-
<br /> ,'���� ° � S.Ta��Aa�h.�1 wwN�• Po1�
<br /> ��N _'�"""�,�"�'•• positbns omibutobi�to th�Prop�rt�,ad bas�hold PcYnwmts a Round nnts,if ary,b�tan th�sanN bocanM d�tinqu�n.Trustar sholl promp.
<br /> .:.,..:__f.�
<br /> -..�..��----��=;4. th r�,as��o e«�.�c�an►aii�+o+k.s or�o�n+s d�.u�eK�s po►aor�n,and b tM�wnf Tn�tto►shol)mak�poym�nt!i►atl��T�uita�wll
<br /> � prpept�r fanish to BMw�flciory nuipts�rid�cfnp wch po1►�s.T►ustor iholl poy all bx�s ad ass�ssmmis wl�kh mol►b�Mvl�d upon
<br /> "�''���`�'�' 8�ficiory�s imK�:t hK�in or upon this Dwd of Trust without rpard to arn►law tMt mo�r b��nocbd imposinp Pol�m�t of th�whol�or a►y
<br /> pvt th�nof upon ttw B�tkiory.
<br /> �"�1�`r.�-• 6. AIMIMMI IMr w/�IM d M�Ilei�'�f�ewMD.Trostar sholl mak�all po�rnMMs of intK�st ad prMrcipa)ond paym�nt:of an�
<br /> ta�rx�;�: �;.;. �
<br /> o�Mr chwyos.t�s ad axponsax conttacted to be pa(d to any existinp Ilenhotd�or p►ior b�flciai�:und�r m�pria dNd of t►ust a mo►- �_ .
<br /> J ,�""`'�,��.":'•�`' � -� tpap�b�fa�th�dot�th�y a�d�Iinq�Nnt and p�omPf��Pop ad dischorq�ary and all Mhrr Iims,cbims or charqn whkh mo�r iwPordi:�th�
<br /> ���::...., s''".. sawit�r qront�d h�nin. If Trosta foil:to motu omr w�h pnlrrt�nt or fails to p�rform any of th�covMants and aprNnNnts contain�d in this
<br /> ' '�• �� DNd of Trost,a in any prior mo►►qap�or dMd of trust,of if ary actbn or pra«dfnp i:cann�nc�d whkh mot�rielly aff�ct:B�e�Ciay's in-
<br /> —_���..�.'.'...� .
<br /> ��^�� �s,�:.. . tK�st in tlr Prap�rty,inc�udirq,but not�imit�d to,�min�nt domain p►a�dinps,or praNdinps invol+rinp a daandmt,a if Tnntor fails to po�r
<br /> .�t�c�ica�fc�
<br /> ,°""'�;` ..- Trusta':d�bts p�rMrally as ttisy becom�due,than B�n�fkiary,m Bamfkiary's option and without notiu to a d�mond upon Trostor
<br />-- � " �"�� � without ralwsinp Trustor from an�ohtipotion har�und�r,moY make such opp�orana:,dl�burs�such sums,ad take such oction as is n�cssary _ �
<br /> :�...��_-.�..�. . �,
<br /> - �-�.�.,," to prot�ct Bm�ficiory'i int�nst includinp,but eot Iimit�d to,disburs�narn of nawnable attorney's f�es,pnym�nt,purchas�,cait�st or com-
<br /> ' . � promis�of any�ncumb►ance, charqe or A�n,and entry upon the P►oparty to make r�palrs. In ths event ihot Trustor shall fail to praae in- �_
<br /> --�`�=�`�j�:S��,� suronc�or to pa�tax�s,assassrtNnis,or any other charpes or to make any payments to existing pria lien holden or beneficiaria,8enefkiory � ___,
<br /> �,: . . �w`
<br /> - mo�r procure such insaonce and moke such paymeot.Any omouots disbursed by 8�neftciory pursuant to this Paragraph 6 shdl b�come additiaal �_�
<br /> _ ��.:�., . 1,;,:,., ��r- �_.
<br /> • '�����t;s�', �'°' '�,��'�; ,� 3 indebtedness of Tru:tor secured by this Deod of Trust.Such amounts sholl b�pnyoble upon notice from Beneficirn�to Trusta nquestl
<br /> " +,�l�r;,;�i�;��,=�.�;.�.� ment the�aof, and sholl bear interest f►om the date of disbursement at tht rot�poyable from tGne to time on outstanding principal ur�the _
<br /> '��:+1;�"�"'"'"'�'�'�'�'��� Note unless payme�t of interest at such rote would be cor►trary to applicablo law,in which event such amaunts sholl bem intanst ot th�hiph�st _
<br /> .,��..,,.�.,, . -...-, —
<br /> _— �• rott permissibt�und�r applicablQ bw.Nothinp contain�d in thi:Paraproph 6 shoN r�quira Barwfkiary to incur any expense or tako any ation
<br />,;:.�t �� . hueund�r.
<br /> . 7. Aid��t of RMh.Beneficiary shall hove the riyht, powor and authority durinp the continuonca of this D�ed af Trust to collect th� �Ye
<br /> -- ' � rants,issws and profits of the P�operty and of ony psrsonal propaty locat�d th�non with or without takinp poss�ssion of tM prop�rt�r aff�ct�d ��-^.'..
<br /> '_ . hK�by,ond Trus�a horaby absoluf•I�and uncondirlonoMy assiyns all such r•nrs,issw:and profits to 8�rwficiary.Bm�ficlary,howw�r,h�►�by = -
<br /> ;;y� �, tans�nts to th�Trusta's collaction and r�tentian of such r�nis, issws and profits as th��acrw and baam�poYo6w so lorp os Trosta is not, ��-.
<br /> at such fim�,in d�fault with nsput to poYm��t of any ind�bt�dn�ss s�cur�d h�nb�,or in tiw p�rfamana of any opr�nt he�widtr.Upon
<br /> on�such d�fault,B�n�ficiary ma�ot an�tim�, �ith�r in p�rson,b�ay�nt,or b�nc�iver to ba appofnNd by a court,wilhout ratia and wlthout
<br /> �`r��, • . � r d to tl�adpuoc�of any sacu►ity fa th�ind�bt�dn�ss h�reby s�cur�d, (o)Mt�r upon ond tak�possossfon of tIN PropKtq a ony pa►t �• "''.'
<br /> -_:. � �
<br /> '�`"'� thuwf,ad in its own nom�sw for or oth�rwis�collut such nnts,issws ond profits,includinq thos�post dw and unpald,and aPp��th�some.
<br /> ' - • ind�bt�dmss saund MnbY,and in such
<br /> — " '- ias cos�f ad�xp��nvs of opsraiiwi ond coAsctian, includfnp rawar�oble oltornsYs fee�.u�on�nr
<br /> ' ord�r as Bm�fkiary moy det�rmirw, (b)p�rform such acts of npoir a protoction as ma�b�nu�ssory a prop�r to tanswv�tiw volw of tFM w __
<br /> " ,�... Prop�rryj(c)Itos�the sane or ony port tlureof for such rental,term,and upon such conditions as its�udpm�nt mo�dktat�a t�minate or ad• __.�
<br /> ` iust th�ttrms and conditions of an�axistinp Iwse or leases.Unless Trustor and B�ficionr apr�e otherwis�in writlrp,an�application of rtnts. �
<br /> '`� ' " � issws or profits to an�indebtedness secured h�reby sholl not vxtand or postpon�th�due dotQ of the installmmt poyrnmts os provid�d in said -�
<br /> ����.�:r
<br /> ,� . p►omissay note or chonye the amount of such instalhnents.The enterinp upon and takirp poss�ssion of the Property,the tollection of such _
<br /> � r. � ronts,issues ond profits,and the application thereof as oforesaid, sFall not waiw or cure ony defoult or notice of dofault h�reund�r,or in-
<br /> � � validate an�act done pursuant to such notke.Trustor also ossigns to Beneflciary.as further security fa the performa�ce of the obliqotions ��r��"�-
<br /> i • ..
<br /> . socurad hereby,oll prepaid rents ond all monies which may have been or moy hereafter be deposited with soid Trustor b�any lessee of the Pro- �o�+°
<br /> . peny,to secure the poyment of any rent or damages,and upon default in the performance of any of the p►ovisians hereof,Trusta agrees to
<br /> . � liv of written notice of 8eneficiory's exerciso of the rqhts qraM�d haain,to any tona�t a- ��°- �
<br /> . : deliver such�ants and deposits to Bonefic�ary. De ery ____
<br /> ' cupyinp said premisQS shall be sufficient to require soid tenont to poy said rent to the 8eneficiary until further notice. �:,;:-_
<br /> " ' g.Conl�wMtien.If title to any part of the P►operty shall be taken ln condemnatian proceedinps,b�ri�ht of eminm*domain or similar action, ,,:.�
<br />�';,... • or shall bo sold under threot of condemnotion, oll awards,damayes ond proceeds aa hereb�ossiyned and sholl tw poid to B�neficiory who sholl
<br /> . ,,,: apply such owads,damages and proceeds to the sum secwed b�this Deed of Trust,with the excess,if any,paid,to Trustor.lf Trustor receives � � • �
<br /> �=.°; �., on� notice or other information reyarding such actions or praeedings, Trustor sholl yive prompt written notice the�eof to benefkiary.
<br />-�• " � � Beneficiary shall be entitled,at its option,to commence,appear in and prosecute in its own nome any such xtion a praaadirps and shall be en- __
<br /> � �� '� titled to make any compramise or settlement inconnedion with any such action or proceedings. ���_
<br /> .. �� q, ���di��Not 4oW�iw, geneficiary shall be entitled to enforce poyment and performance of any indebtedness or obliqotions secured -
<br /> ' " • Fwreby and to eKQrtise all rights and powers under this Deed of Trust or under any other ayreement executed in connaction he►ewith w an�lows �.�SW_�_
<br /> " � ; , now or hereaNer in force,notwithstanding sorne or all of the such indebtedness and obligations secured hereby may now or h�reofter be other- ;�!�a�
<br /> •� wisa setured,whether by mortgape,deod of trust,pladge,lien,asslgnment or otherwise.Neither the atceptante of this Oeed of Trust nor its �-
<br /> � � enforeemant whe�her by court action or pursuant to the power of sale or other powers herein contained,shall prejudice or in ony monrwr offeet
<br /> '8eneficiary's right to realize upon or eniorce ony other seturity now or hereaher held by Beneficiary, it being agreed thot Benefitiory shall be �
<br /> ! ° entitled to enface this Oeed of Trust and ony other security now or heteafter held by Beneficiary in such order and monner as it may in its ob-
<br /> " solute discretion determine.No remQdy hQrein confened upon or reserved to Beneficiary is intended to be exclusive of ony other remedy herein � ,
<br /> u E
<br />. �. or by law provided ar permitted,but each shall be cumulative ond shall be in addition to every other remedy given hereunder or aow or horeafter
<br /> � existinq at law or in equity or by statute. Every power or remedy provided hereunder this Deed of Trust to Beneficiay or to which it moy be i
<br /> ' oth�rwisQ Qntitled,ma�be exercised,concurrently or independently,from time to time and as often os moy be deemed expedient Beneficiory
<br /> and it moy pursue intonsistant remedies.Nothing herein shall be construed os prohibitiny Beneficiory hom sQekinq o deficiency judqment ayainst
<br /> � fh�Trustor to the extenf such oction is permitted by law.
<br /> • 10. T�de of�rop�rtps A�w�ption.If dl or any part of the propeMy or any intorest therein is sold, trons(erred or tonveyed by Trustor F �
<br /> without Baneficiory's prior written consent.excluding la)the creotion of a lien or encumbrance subordinote to this Deed of Trust, (b)the creo- ,
<br /> tion of a purthose money seturity interest for household appliances,Ic)a transfer by devise,doscent or by operotion of law upon the death of a
<br /> _- _.. . . . ' •----• -
<br /> _ ,�. .�._ __�� �t...... I.....I...W :��.r�ef nf fhroo uonrt nr(pcR not eontainino an oution to pathose, Benefieiary moy, 01 :
<br />. ._. . . . . �um� �flWm v� w� u�a yT.nu .n ..n� .............. ...._.._. _. ....__ .-- - - -
<br /> Beneficiary's option,declrne olt the sums secured by this Deed af Trust to be immediately due and poyable,or couse the Trustee to file a notice ;
<br /> � of defuult.Beneficiary shall hove waived such option to accelerote if,prior to the sote,transfer or conveyonce, Beneficiory and the person to
<br /> whom the property is to be sold ar transferred reach agreement in writing thot the credit of such person is sotisfatory to Beneficinry ond thot
<br /> tiw interest payable on the sums secured by this Oeed of Trust shall be ot such rote as Beneficiary shall request.
<br /> ,
<br /> i
<br />