. _ '. ' . � . 4 . .. . . . . .. , . .. . . . ' ', , fs�a�i �. .f 5 ��-
<br />. . . \. . . 5� ' .• . ' • ' . . ' . . '_ . ,�,.' . , r t(�.,.-
<br /> . +. .( . . . ^ a r _ ' - � - - .. ` . ` ' _ y-S .�. .l� � ����.wA.ay�l's�+�+c��
<br /> - . . � . .. - _�. , � . !� . . � . .. . , c ... - _ ' .i{.fi.. [t..�.. . , Y . -
<br /> • .� . • . .h . � . . . 4^ ` f
<br /> ..� '::.,?�: >- . � � � ..a ....tl.....�. . .._._,- _ _. •,_ __.��.. a . _...,.__. __ .. . --..�_.,_. .' ._ .�... � � . a
<br /> �— •.�.���.�a'.�� .� �...�..�._.�.i_..___�.—' .. C`, - ,. ��i.-..
<br /> � • �s— ����a� � . .� , . . , ;z_.
<br /> r<< ::�-
<br /> ' 16.Bonower's Capy.Horravrer shall be givea one conformed copy o4 th�Note and of this oY he Pro �or any f`"�r' n ' � a"�` "`�
<br /> 17.Tnasfer oY the Property or s BentEicial Inttrtst in Bonower. Ii all or aay patt P�Y. �;,;.;;.` .��; • ,.� ��
<br /> intereat in it ia sold or vensterred(or�f a bt�ef1cial interest in Borrower is wld or tteasfened and Bonorrer ia not a ,;� , __r��,
<br /> a
<br /> "'.�''�" -
<br /> natural person)without Lender's prior writtea coasen�Lender msy.at ite option.require immedinte payment in fu11 oY , . .
<br /> all svms secured by this Security Instrument.I-io�rever, ttris option shnlf not b� esercised �y 1.ender if esercise ia ' !�^+r.�
<br /> prohibited bq 4ederal law as oi the date nf thie Seeurity Instrumen�. . .. �'' .
<br /> If Lender esercises thie opti�n,Lender shall give Barrowsr notice oY acceleratioa.The notice shall provide n period �
<br /> 04 aot!e�than 3D daye from the dnte the notice is delivered or mailed Nithin which Bonower must pay ull suma secured ,� '. `;�� , �
<br /> z T by thia Security lnstrument.if Borrower faila to pay t4iese sums priar to e�ha esp�ratian at this�ris��Leuder msy inval•.e �.,._-_;-._-,-�.Y,' ..�
<br /> any remedies permittedby ahis Security lnsuurnent without furt her natise or d e mand on BorroNer. � , ,
<br /> 18,Bomower's Riaht to Iteiast�te.It Botta�rer meets cartain conditiotu{,�ormvrer shall havs the right to hnve
<br /> enforcement ot this Security lnstrument dismntinued et any tima prior to tke earlie;at:(a)5 days(or such other periad _ __ __ ___ _
<br /> e s appl i c a b�l e l aw ma y e p e c ii y for reinstetemeni)before sale oi the Pto��weuant to anYpovrct o4 sale contained in _.
<br /> nst
<br /> thia Sxurity Instrument;or (bl entry oi e �'ud�rteent e n forcing t h i a ecun t y I n s t r u m e n t.'1 7 i o s e o o n d i t i o n s a r e tbat , . (::T,� _,` _
<br /> Borroaer: (a) Pqye L.ead�r all suma wkich then wovtd be due vader this Se�uritY Inscrument and the Noltne�in . :�:r.:,:., ���' '` �.i; ,
<br /> � -' 4'�-' •'�'
<br /> acceleratiaa bd ocetutr�:(b)avres anY default of any other covenauts or agreem t�(a)paps a11 eapenses' '`
<br /> --�.-�
<br /> euforcing this Securitq I�s�ument,induding,but not limittd to,reasunable aitorneye fe�s;as�d(d)takes such ac�an as ; ''�'�;-
<br /> I,endes may mar�onabty require to assure th3t the li�a of this Security Instrume�►t,L.ender's rights in the ProgertY�� � •.�: �rw,,�;;�.a..,�:
<br />� Bonower's obli�ation to pay the sums secured bY this Security InstNmeatehall coatiaue unchauged.Upon reiastat,emcint -'�-�.;;,;as-: ,� .- �
<br /> b y Bonower,this Ssewity Instrument riad th�obligations secured hereby shall remain fullq effective as if no acceleration _:��,..� • a�+r
<br /> a h 17. � -
<br /> ..,.��?..�•--_ , �-
<br /> had occurred.Howevet,t b i s right to reia�.�►t�s h a ll no t appIy in t h e c a s e o f a ce e l e r a t i o n u a d e r p a r a g a p :-_..Y __
<br /> 19.Sale oi Note;Chaage o4 L�S�vicer.'The Note or e partial interest in the Nate(ta$ether with this SesuriaY ; . ,.: -_
<br /> Instrument)may be sold one or more�isnES without prios notioe to Bortower.A sale may result�n a change in the entity � .__;,:, �� ' ,�
<br /> ments due under ths Note ar►d this Se�urity Insuument Ther� . �� '`'�' =`
<br /> (kaown as the'Loan Servicer°)that oollects montb.tY PaY , ,: ..;�:`'��.`-"'—.�
<br /> also may be oae or more changes oi the Loan�mi�er unrElated to a sate of the Note.If there is a chaage of tfis Lcaa .. .t- T ,,�-_
<br /> - Servicer.Borrower w�l�given wntten natice a�s�c�ange in aceordaace�i4h paragraph 14 alwve and agplicable lnav. ',._��_,�._:�.�-_.�,��_
<br />. ��,�•. The notice�vill stnte the imme and address of the rr��.o3n SErvicer and tAe.rC�ress w wtucb paYa►enas sbauld be�zea�e. -�;_ :,I:� � ;; 4�..
<br /> The nouce�1 also contain any other iniormation r�ruis�ed by ag�licable la�v. �
<br /> 20.k�aaardous Substaacxs.Borrower ahall��t ratrse o��ermit the presence.use.disposa1,storage.or release of .� t _ .,-
<br /> sny Hazardous Substences on ar in the Property.��rrower shall not do,aor allow anpons else to do,aaYttung af��°� r'°:;�.-=
<br /> afE
<br /> . � �^'',
<br /> �` �e Praperty that is in violation of any Baviranne�►'��,et Law.The precediug two sentences shall nat a�pgly to the gr+�nce.
<br /> use. or storage oa the Property of small qua�2nfi�2s of Nazardvua Snbstances that are generallp recvp,nized w be y �.,�,,., , ���,•.
<br /> 'r appropriate to norm a l resi den t i a l uses a n d t o n a az n't z�a a c e o f t h e P r o p e rt y. ..:.• ` . . _�
<br /> Ho�ower shall promptiy give Lender writtea notice of aay iavestigation,claim,dem��,lawsuit dr other eca�a bY +.•' -
<br /> � ':� anY Sovetnniental or regul atory ageney or private party invalving the Propetty en�d a� �ia�rdo o S�u6m�of :i:Y� '`'���: '.�1
<br /> Environmental Law of wiuch�orrowec h�s actual knowlodge.U Barrowet learns.or is r��sd bq a�.y g ; 's ...,, • :�--
<br /> . segulatflrq authority,4D��.t aay removal or other setnediation of aap Hazasdous Sub�tance affec�ss,�the Prvgerty is : �: �:::�.�ru ..•;<<.�;,::�+;
<br /> necessary Bonower sh.�::lrt�romptl�take ell n��9 remediat actioas in aooa�r.c+�ance with Environ�es�iu3 La�v. �,'_��`�,;�`:;:,s;;,'�;:;,
<br /> A B u s e d i a t h i s p a r tt&r a P h Z t 1, Hazardaus Substances"ase those subst��oeo�s de�ned as tosic or H::�n3ous substaaozs ��,.,t�
<br /> 1 � yA .,,�'� :.
<br /> bp Enviresnmentai I.�w and the following substance�gasolia�e k�rosrne,other ilannmable or tosic p..*�m eunn ra d u c t s. ` `" �°: ,, �:`
<br />_-. � ►.osic �e s t icides aad h�tbicidea. volatile solvents, materiats auntaining asbestos or formaldehyc�x. aud rsdiL�uve � ��:�c�e�.::,:.°.
<br /> � �atenals.Aa used in���paragaPh 20�"Environmental Law"means f e d e t a l laws an d latzs of the j uri�ctton w�ttte -.';,�.,., .;.5,,
<br /> +�: tetohealth,safe ar���ironmentalprotection. t�.�';,� ��'":
<br /> ted4h.. :t+e12 t9 , - ,,(r�;�Y
<br /> Propert is loca - � :
<br /> N�N-UNIFORI�{�OVENANTS.Bonoav��ud Leader furtherwvenautand agreeas follow� ,.�."
<br /> aa
<br /> � 21. Aceelerstio�; Reiaedies. Lendcs s*�all give notice to Bonowar prior to acceL�:rr.t� �allowing ���,�
<br /> Bonower's breach of sny cove�,�ms oT agreemeat ta thia Security Iastrumeat(bss3 mv,t senr to acctlerattoa -.;�,,�>��:
<br /> � onder pua�raph 17 ualess a�plixaSblt law provides o4herwise).The aotice shall s���':6���defiffidt;�,��the � :M_:..:;,�,;.�,�;
<br /> � actioa required to ccue the dafault; (c) m a3eto, not less tDw 3�d�ys from the ci's.ro� s� r�3ice ifl gna�to .- ,. - ,,,,� •.y., �,':� ..
<br /> � Horrower.by wbic�ttl�+:deisalt must be cu�d;aad(d)that favnre 4�care the dofaoit o��t�efore t�:3�ate ���_
<br /> � � s�c iiteA ia tbe aot�amsy r�sott ia accelc�taan of tDe sums securerd by th�s Securtt Instsmrmr�t aad sa�e o4 ��z--��� �-_
<br /> the Ptopertq.The notice shs11 iurther iafora�n Horror�er oi the ri t to reinstate�ter aec-.Il�3is�a amc3 th� -� .}r�?����.�.
<br /> d Pp . '�r�-�
<br /> �. � right 4n brin�s court action to essert the aon-eiist�nce oi s deiwlt or anp othor deiense oi Fe��a to
<br /> i acceleration aa�s�le. U the deiault is aot cored om or before the data spscitied in tha not�ce.Le�den:,an4 its ��-=-
<br /> ��•� 1 opttoa, pnay requua immediste pay�ent in full oT all sums secore�by this pecaritj►lnstro�n��; �w •.` ..{�.+•;':.'.:_, �'f.
<br /> •� ' � furtHer demand aad �sy iavoke the po�sarr of sale aad�ay other remedies erc+nitted ��# a�p ' -, �.. __
<br /> ° Lendet shall be eatitled to collec4 all oxpcna�s incusred in putsoing tho remedies provldcc�nrm rtxna Fara�repL ;•,_.1—�:`'T'�� "
<br /> ''�� 21.iacluding,bnt aoi limited 40.ressoasb�e attomeys'fees and costs ot titte evldenoe.
<br /> � It the powes oi sale is iava��di.Tra�stee shall recotd a aotice at dofsult in esch coonty i�c�}�u3t� Lsart of �'`;_'..�'_
<br />' the Property ia located and s�in�11 mail wpies ot such notice in ihe m�nn$r pracribed bq s,��ls�:aD��le law.
<br /> Borrnwer aad to the other gersm::..� res�snbed E�Y�pP�icable law.After the time require�b��pgv � :.
<br /> :: p
<br /> Trustee ah�ll�ivo pumlic notice�s�iz 4�¢m�e�s:sons and ia tha m�nner prescrlbed by sppl��f�te la�v.Trostee =�'�-•�-__—•�
<br /> � without demm�on�onower.sh�e11 se7D s��I�roperty at public suct�oa to the�ighest bi�der mt thes time au� .
<br /> � plsce aad oader the terma de���t�.'1 arn 31�a aotic�ot sale in ono or more Qarc�ls and in any a�dor'i'rastee _ ��"x;_;."�,
<br /> 'n
<br /> dettrmines.Trustca may pos�p�na salm o4 a�D ot uiy ga.mcel oY the Property by public a�ouncesa�u.ti at tho ,`,:�;�:
<br /> time and place oi any previou,sDy�schsduled sale.Lendor or its designee msy purchase the progsec�ty as�nY - _— .,��,�_
<br /> sale. ��-"
<br /> . -•�.,o.,--�--.-��.
<br /> • . .�'"`�.
<br /> . Fam� 302i 9� . � _.. __
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