. ' ,. �. , � � ' _ . - � . ` ` ... ' - . . _�}:�T`.�. , . � ,. ,.. , ' _. ' .. �---
<br /> . . , �-.a�� . ..� � . .. • � : . . � • . . . . . , . � . •i � • • � � • � � .
<br /> i
<br /> . . .� ^ � ' . . . _ . � . � � � . . . , - i; . . . .
<br /> . ' .. , �. , .. . ` . ..�. � ' �- ` . '.� � .L` . - �.. . , •. ' ' ' t ' ° : ..,��. .
<br /> '�y . . • . . • . . ' � --°�?�,:�..._..•—'- — .,_ : ,. .c.`.��'_—L.._.'.._.�._..,..�_.; _ ;_r'-. _ -
<br /> � � ,�. �.a.�_..�—..—.._._..._�.i_ -._.,..���s.�.... .—_.� ...,.,_.�_._�_. .. . .^w.r,�.��- • _.
<br /> . � ��� � ��� . . . ; -
<br /> � ' of I.endec if mort ge insuraace coveroge (in the amouat aad for the period�t��r requires) � � : -
<br /> at the option , Sa � •` ,
<br /> ' � provided bp aa insurer appmved by Leader ageia becomes available aad is obtained.Horrower shall pay the preiniums . „. . ,--
<br /> � . requu�ed to tnnintain mortgtTge insorance in effecZ,or to provide a los reserve, until the requirement for mortgage �._^.`___—. '- _
<br /> � -
<br /> ' insuraace en d s in a c c u r d u r�ca with an y written agrcement between B+�rcowes and Londer or applicnbie law. �er s h a l l i � _-_-� ._...,�.
<br /> -- - 9.Iasg�c�ion.Lender or its agent may mako reasanable eatriea uFon es�d inspeetions of the P r aperty. � _ . '' - -
<br /> °�°� give Sorrawer acstice et ttie time of or prior w an iaspectiaa e�ecifYinB r�t�saAnble cause for the insgection. _ ; -
<br /> . 10.Condt6mnar oth tekin�g�Y PIIrt o4 he PropertY�°r faor lcoavey�utcet nr lieu o wndQ�natio��i,are he Y -_ � , , ' . '
<br /> any condemnu
<br /> _ assigaed aad e�nll be paid to L�nder. '�-``,-- -�'-'-",.
<br /> .. .:._.b���,
<br /> � In the avent oi a totsl teking oY the Property,the proceeds ahall be epplicd to tho aume secured by thia SecuntY T'' .,s � �..:
<br /> Instnrmea�whether or not then due.witb any excess paid to Horrower.In the ovent of a pnrtial ta�ting of tho PropertY in ' ,�i, ;,;:�."�"*�,,,.;
<br /> :1..
<br /> �� which the fair maricet velua of Me Property immedi�tely ba4ora ehe tnkin�ia cqwl tca or greater th�n tho smount of tha ,: ,.,;,��: ,�„;
<br /> . � ��. suma secured by thia Security lnstn�ment immadiately before the taYing,unles��orro�rcr and Lettder otherarisa�gree
<br /> .-:.�.. �'s_
<br /> � in a►riting,the suma secund by thie Security Instrument ehnil bo reduced by the amount of the procada multiplied hy _��:> ` ��.
<br /> _ Ne[ollowing lraction:(a�the totel emount oi the sums secured irnmediatsly betora tho wking,dividad by(b)the fair .��•• �`.:,:�;:;���._°__
<br /> � merket value of the Property immedietaly betote tha takiug.Any balance shall ba paid to DotreNer.in tl�evet�t of e z •;�;�:,_�
<br /> aki
<br /> . ' partial taYing oi the PcopertY •�'�,"�'"�u`
<br /> in which the fair nearket velas at the Property imraediately be4ore the taking is less than ��� — .';:_-
<br /> • the amouAt of the sums sccuted immediauly before the tek�tg,unle�Boreower aad Lender othera�rise agre:,in writing ��.'�°.,`�N i�.-.
<br /> or uatesa epplicable law othetwisa provides, the proceEda shull be applied to the aume secured by this Security - �.�"
<br />. Instru:neut whether os nat the s�ms are then due. 'Y �. �.
<br /> If the I'roperip is abuadoned by Borrower.or if.after aotice by Leader ta Borrowe�'t�s�the condemnor ofPera to �"
<br /> E"�:^,: •.-.1---
<br /> -- -- make aa award ar sattle a claim for damages, B orrower fails to r e s p oad to Lender within 30 days af+ter the date the `�� � _� .� _�.'-
<br /> notice is g'iven,Lea�er is suthorized to collece and apply the pmceeds.at ita option,either to restoratioa or repair oY the ;�:P�+ .-_
<br /> property or to the su�s secured by this Securit9 Issswment.whether or aot then dae. -'°�:�'- :.�_�::
<br /> � v��Lender zad Bonower otherwise agcee in cvriting.aay applicatioA of proceeds to principal shall not eatead or y� :
<br /> postpoue the due dat: of the monthly payraenta refen'ed to u► Parag�P� 1 and 2 or change the amount of such } : �
<br /> :-" paytaenta. .:._� .
<br /> flE. �Iart���:�oZ R�Z��d; Forbear�ace By Lem�ler Not a�aiver.Extenaion of the time for payment or
<br /> ' �
<br /> modii��c�:�ef a�.artizatiun of the anma secur�d by tivs�ecurit9 Instrument granted by Lender w aay suocessor in � �;�_.
<br /> � in�+es���+bc,.*�.v�xer shall aot operate w release the liat�ill:itY of t�e origiaal Bonower ar Borrower's saccessors in . .- � .,.
<br /> intect.....�n���'_not be raNued to commeace proceed'sags a�st any succ�ssor in interes�or refuse to estend . . ��-.! �?-�
<br /> L.. �,;
<br /> • tiffi�Pec pap��.*�a'��:�erwise modifq amortizat'soa of the sum�secvme�by ttas Security Instrument by reasoa of any ;';.r,:,.
<br /> dema�d made br�c:iginal Borrower or Borrower's successors iy i��e�rest.Aap forbearance by LeAdes in eaercising '��:...
<br /> any right or rem�dP s�a�l.act t�r;a waiver of or preclude the exercise o��a.�right or semedy. - � �,-:.";3,
<br /> -;..,
<br /> IZ.SIICCESS�TS IIII�AS8igII9 BUDAf�;Joi�nf and Several Liabilitq;Co-sigc�tas.The coc�nte and agteements �;;r:'
<br /> oi thie Se�vrity�:..^°s�timent sLa11 bind aad beae�t tlse suvicessois and a�iga$oi I�ades and Burrower,subject to.the .,,,
<br /> , pmvisions of pr.rA�n 17.Borrower's coven�a�and ugreements shg,'_'�'be jaint ead several.AnY Borrower who co-signs :,:.
<br /> . � " t h i s Security ir��eat but dmes not es�cate Lhe Not� (a)is co'�be�g ttia Security Insui*��t only ta mortgage. �. '::fy;,`
<br /> . graat aad convei w'�at Bortower's interest in the ProPertY under c3�e terms of this Seeurit;�iir^�..=.-�ument; (b) ia not •, A�.i,-,
<br /> . pe�...�xs�!�y obligated to pay the sums secured by tbia�c�.�ity Ir,s�:-nent;aad (c) eSrees that I'...hnder aad aay oth� .�.- .
<br /> SQ*rD�er may�e to eatend,modifY.forbear or make��ssoc���dations with regard to the terms of t1�Sec.vritp - •.' .
<br /> . _.,:�.�'.
<br /> � Iststn;rnent or t..�fl'+�ou without that Bonower's wnsen�
<br /> - � _...�.
<br /> � 13.Loasn�"t�sn'ges.If the loan secured by tbia Security IBSt�'�.�u�::t is aublect to a law wbi:d`e sets masimum l�aa� , �'�^. _,.�_
<br /> charges. and tP.��ll�w is Cnally interpreted so that the interest or�.'r loan charges collecto�l�.r to be collated i� . �--:-�_�: -
<br /> counaction with the loan e�d tha permitted limits.then: (a)aay su�cb loan chasge shaU be rnduced by the amount �,a.�.�._
<br /> . • oun
<br /> nec�seary to teduce the cherge w the permitted limit; aad (b) any snms already collec2ed from Borrower which �"�`�_.::"
<br /> � exceeded permntted limits will bo refunded to Bonower. Lender r.iay choosa to make thie rrfund by reduci�g th4 - .
<br /> principal owe��der the Note or by nnaki.rxg�direct payment to Ec�rower.If a reivad rodaces pracipal.the reduction. G _ , i_ 'r s::
<br /> �: ,� _.::�.:_;,,:
<br /> will be tceat��rs�partial prepayment wit2:p�ay prepayment c1v�.c.�vnder the Nota. =��_:-,�_:�;a<,•.
<br /> D�.Not��,.�s.Aay notice to Borrower rovided for in t�s S�a:�it9 Instrument shall ba given hy delivering it or L�� ���aer�'�:r
<br /> • ��:�it b��rst class m�il unlesa applicable law requam�r��.;�.^.other method.The notice shall be direcud to t�: ���-���;-
<br /> . r���tp A.�.•c'.c�..�or enY other address Bonower desigr.��L•7=rs�.��to Lender.Any notice to Lender shalt ire�vsn 6� �u.1�::.
<br /> g n
<br /> �� �r�t cta�nn�?��o Lender's address stated herein or any ather�r'..�ess Lender designates by notica to Borm�er.Aas ��•.��
<br /> : r,a�?;.s provide8 Yor in this Secwity Instrument shall be deemed tn i:.��e been Br�en t°B°n'°wer or Lender w�en g;���
<br /> w�uxa�aded in thie ParagcaPh• ����s_--.
<br /> �l�o�tx�.�s.�-_,
<br /> .. Il3.(ioveraing Law;Severabitity.Thie Security Instrument shall t�e governed by federal law and the law of the �,.
<br /> � ' jurisdietion in which the Property ia located.In tha event that any provision or clause oi thia Security Itistcr,�znt or the
<br /> Note confliats with applicable law,such conflict ehall not affect o�u'ec provisiona of thia Security Inotnim�:�r the Note t"-��=_
<br /> � � '�, which can be�iven effect without the confEic�ng provisian.To t!hi�end tho provisione of thia S�eurity Instroment aad ���;;,
<br /> � the Note ar�declared to be severable. ���`:,i'
<br /> :� � Farm 30Yt 9/90 - �.� �. ,�.,.
<br /> � , �BRWEIro»sio+ v.�.�o�e ►nit�a�fi� ._'�_-
<br />� ,� .-z.��:
<br /> . .�,
<br /> � . _
<br /> • � �•w'�'
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