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;y • i n; A-,:Hrw�aw�-�� r,•�-.-�.-• . ...,...r•. �,,,, , , ,,.-rrn=...._ <br /> 1j : kr' .�. .�a= "' „r; C .ir . • , , :i <br /> .�,:.f y,•,� �.. �y�,�� „ l�M1i�Ai�„ _ <br /> ��s�'..�.��'ngn � `� <br /> " �♦ _ .,�`r�.:i-r�.. . . ._ �, ` -_ --. _- <br /> '+�, _ . � ..i YY/�:.,M'•' '�'�S � ' . ' . v .. �. <br /> .��'. .. . . ,r. . <br /> �r'- �-'.�. - . .. .,_;_- _ <br /> .� __1.�,�. . ..�iu�Gi�* <br /> R_�___"_� <br /> 92- Q$'� _ .�-:..;._:._�,i._,� <br /> ( .,' . . , •., ,�'=°• . 17.Tran�hr d th� Propsrl�► a�B�n�ficid IM�nst In Bonow�r. u�r a�ny p�oi�i� �«�v a -- - -4 <br /> �. " � �ny Int�n�t fn N Is wld a t�ndwnd(a q�MnMdU int�t In Borroww I��old a vamt�rrod�nd Bortowr b not��dural <br /> . . P��)wilhoul L�drr'�pdor w�lt�n oons�►t, Lwid�r nwy,�t Its opdon, rpuk�Imm�t�p�ynNnt In tuM of�M sum� acur�d by --- <br /> , - .,,., . .. . thls S�oirMy In�ttummt.Howww�thlt optbn sh�Y not b�w�oiNd by Und�r N �uroia�b prohlbit�d by I�d�ttl Inw u o11h� <br /> . d,.t.�.,,' _.�:. d�t�ot thl�9�owKY Instrun►�nt. <br /> ° ' II L�nd�r audtes thl� opibn, l�nd�r shtl qN� Bartowr notle� ot aceM�ntbn. Th� notlu �ha1 provld� �p�bd ot <br /> . , not Ma lh�n 90 d�ys lram th�d�t�th�noda is d�liv�nd or rt�INd wNhln whlah BartowK �.e p.y �I wms��ound by <br /> � ihb S�outKy In�Wmmt. If Bortow�x i�ls to pay tha� sums prior to th� �xpk�tlon o1 thla pMod, l�nd�r m�y invok� �ny �":...;_-__. <br /> n nn�dbs pwmKhd by this S�owNy In�trummt wkhout IuAhv noda a dNn�nd on Bortowr. <br /> � 18.BorrOw�Ps RIpM to RNnstat�. H Bomowe� meeta ce�Uin condMbne, 8arow�r.haM h�v Ih• dpht to h�w � -_ : <br /> � • ,y�: �nlac�rrMn1 0l this S�airlty Inttrum�nt diaconthu�d �t my drtN priar to ths wrlNr o@ (�)5 daya(a�uch o1hK pwiod�� <br /> � . �% appYoabM law m�y �Mcly lor nin�qt�n«►t) 6Mon saM ot Ih� ProP�Y P�rwant to �ny poww ol � conWn�d in Ihfs <br /> - B�uwNy In�tnan�nt; or(b)entry of�judym�nt�nlorcinp thb S�curqy In�tnim�n�Thos�oonditlons w that BoROw�r:(�) pays <br />- l�nd�►d wnn whkh ih�n woutd b�du�undrr thls�Mstrum�t�nd Ih�Noto �s�f no acceNndon h�d ocaurtsd; (b) <br /> ^ cuno any de�wll oi�ny oth�r covwunt or �yrNm�nts: (a1 WYs aN apm��s Incurt�d In �ntorcinp thb S�cuiily Imtrum�nt, <br /> Indudtnp, but not Wntbd to.nuon� atlomys'f�es: �nd(�talas weh adlon��L�nd�r nwy rneon�bty nquin to aswn <br /> • � that th�Wn ol thb S�ourUy In�hum�nl, lendsr's�hts In th�Prop�rty md Bor►owK s obYpalbn to p�y tha sums sacund �;.• -- -- <br /> ^ by thls S�e+yiry In�bum�nt shd eontlnue unch�ny�d. Upon reinsLtwmnt by Bortow�r. this 3�aulty Insdumrit md th� �=.�— <br /> obYp�Uons s�cund h�eby shal r�mh tuMy�flccth��as q no �eeolwatbn h�d aoart�d, Howaw.ihls npht to ninq�t�thaN <br /> not�pply In ih�cas� 01�ccMeadon undar pu�yraph 17. <br /> � �� 19. Sab of Nd�; Ch�np� of 1.oan S�nic�►. The Not� or� . p.ra.l Inter�st In Ihe Not� (toy.�h.► wkh <br /> thls S�wriy In�trum�nq m�y M sdd ons or mae tNn�s wilhout prlor noUc�to BoROws►.A sal�may nsub In+�chanpr in th� <br /> . e�tl1y (Imown�s th� 'Lwn 9wvlcr')thtl wM�ots monthy p�ym�nb dw undo►th�NoU�nd this S�audty Instrum�n4 Th�n <br /> �Iso rtNy bs on� w mon ch�np�a ol ths Lwn 3wvfcer unniH�d to � tal� of tha Noto. tl thara la a ch�np� ot ths I.oan =-_, ------� - <br /> g�nrlGr, gortcwK wW b�plwn w�itUn notic�01 th�ohanps in aocad�nc�with parayraph 14�bov� �nd�ppYuble I�w. fi� ':�� .x;�� <br /> notla wiA st�t�th�n�me and addras oi the nsw Loan 3ervicer�nd tM addras to wMch p�ym�nb �hoWd M m�d�. Th� �� <br /> � notla wfl dso eonWn any othw Intam�don aquk�d by�ppYeabl�kw. � - <br /> 20. Hau►dous Subshnca. 8orrowa shaN not c�uas a p«mit ih�presmce,us�,dbpoal, tlony�. w r�le�s�of <br /> "• any Hmrdous Sub�tances on or In ihe Property. 8arrowsr eh�A not do, nor�Ilow�nyons el�s to do. �ny�hinp olktin9 the °°� <br /> • PropMty th�t is in vfol�tion o1�ny Envkonm�nW Uw. The prac�dk�p Nvo nentenae sMN not appy to ths pnsencs. us�, �'�"u"� , <br /> ., . or �toraps an th� Pmpeily of un�p 4a�nddes of Hwrdous BubsUnaa th�t�n pensnYy r�coynit�d to b�appropriata to _ <br /> nomwl raid�ndd uaa�nd to m�int�nc�of the PropeAy, i����';�'� <br /> '.�, 8artow�r�h�Y PromptN 9Ns Lmd�r wdrien nodce of any inveatlp�tion, dNm, dwn�nd. Vwsu�or oth�r�cUan by�ny <br /> pov�nm�nW a ropulatory�penay a p►fvats p�uty InvoNinp Ih�Property�nd my Hwrdoue Subatanee or EnvkonmanW Law of -- •,^�` <br /> whbh Bortower ha �ctud knowledpe. fl Bortoww Is�me,a la notMed by +ury qorwnmentd or repuialory�ulhority, ih�t�ny ' '- �- <br /> — --- is n�us 8oiiowor si►afi i�1ca� 'r— ., ' <br /> ------- �novv a othK nm�don of any Hwrdoua tiubstmes �if�cp�p P►operiy' .w wry� Pi�nY . _ — <br /> `' • naqawy rem�dW�cdona in aecordmce with Envkonmant�l I.�w. u i,�.. <br /> 'v,'• As uaed In thl�puapraph 20, 'Haardous 3ubaUncea' ue those w�atmces deflned�s toMla ar hazudous aubsuncas by �_;�:,,�- - <br /> Environma�tal I.�w �nd ths folbw(np aubstancaa: q�aoline, keroa�ns, othK 11�mm�ble or toxlc petroleum produets, loxia ,;".,.�+,t, <br /> pesGcld�s�nd herblaidea,volatlb soNenta,mate�iala eonWninp asbestos or brmMdehyde, �nd ndiwctive m�terWa. As uaed in � <br /> pwyaph 20,'Envkonmental L�w' me�na fod�nl I�ws and I�ws ot th�Jurbd�Uon wh�n tho Property Po loo�ted th�t►e{�b to :,.4:i`{y�•-•�-�� <br /> � hadth,al�ty or anNronment�l protectlon. "•';"'7 <br /> � I NON•UNIFORM COVENANT3. Borrower snd Lender Nrthor covonsnt and�yreo aa folbwa � �'`r..i '�7�.r <br /> 21. Aocolordlon; R�mpol�a. Londor shall give ndica to Borrowor prior to acc�l��ation . ,,„, —.-- <br /> � • followin� Borrow�r's bnach of any covonant or a�ro�m�nt in this S�aurfty Instrumont (but not , , �-°- ` <br /> ., prior to acaN�atlan undor p��aqr�ph 17 unl�ss applicabl� law provid�s oth�rwlp). �rn.natc• : - ' <br /> sh�ll sp�cify: (a) th� dohuli; (b) th� action roqulr�d to eun tho d�fault; (c) ■dato� not I�ss than � _"` <br /> . 30 doy� from th�date ihe nottco t� �iv�n to Borrowo�, by which th� dshult must b� cund; and -� <br /> (d) that falluro to curo tho dotault on or bofora tho dtla spoctflod in tho notica may ra�ult �n ;-,;�;a <br /> accoloratlon of th� iums s�cur�d by this Sacurity Inatrumant and �al� of thq Prop�rty. Th� �MIc� � �t� <br /> • shall fu�tiwr iMorn� Bonow�r of th� �i�ht to ralnstato afbr �ccolorNion and tho ri�ht to b�inp � ��'''":�;;;'� <br /> � couK actlon to awo�t th� non-�xist�nco of a d�fault or �ny otl»r dofanso of 8onawor to Y�=';��� <br /> accol�r�tion �nd salo. If tho dotault is not curod on or baforo tho d�t� sp�cffiod In th�notice, � �•��- <br /> � ' L�nd�r at its optlon m� roquir� immodiat�payment In full of all sums secu�ad by thls Security t : �'''�' <br /> � Inslrum�M wlthout furthor damand and may Invoke tho powor of sal�and any oth�r nm�dios ` �~ <br /> � parmitt�d by �pplicabla law.Lendor sFwill ba antitlad to colloct all oxpanoos Incur�ad in pursuln� � <br /> th� r�mwli�s provided In tMs par�praph 21, includi�q, but not Itmit�d to� raaso��blo attorn�ys' � <br /> - � foas and coats of titlo avidance. <br /> If tha powar of sala is Invoked, Trustoa �hall rocord a notico of dafault fn oach county In <br /> which any pad of the Proporty is locatod and shall mall capi�s of such notico In tho manno� <br /> � pro�crlbod by appNcablo law to 9orrowor and to ttw other parsons prescribad by applicabla law. <br /> ARor tha timo roquirod by applicabla law. T►ustoe shall giva public notico of salo to tho poraons <br /> . and in tha mannor protc�ibod by applicabto law. Trustae, wkhout dam�nd on Borrowor. ahall sall <br /> tha P�oporty �t publia auctlon to tho highost bidder at tho tima and placa and undor tha tarms <br /> d�otgnatod in thP notico of salo in ona or moro parcols �nd In any ordor Trustae dotarmino�. <br /> Trustoa may postpono sala of all or any parcel of tho Proporty by publiG announcomont at tho <br /> tima and plaeo of any proviously schodulad sale. Lvndar or its dosipnoo may purchaso thv <br /> , Proporty at any salo. <br /> � Upon racalpt of paymont of the prfco bid, Trustee ahall dolivor to tha purchasor Trustao's <br /> ._ _1_ J__J �L��� L�� I��I� ���a� w� <br /> ' dYY11 COnvYying ti�Y rropvriy. i no reciiais in ii��TFiisi�..v.o.. o...�� ... r.....• .�...� =-...��:C= ... <br /> th�truth of tho atatamonts mado therofn. T�ustee sholl apply tho proceods of tho sala In the <br /> 1`ollowing ordar: (a) to all costs aed axpan�os of oxorclsing tho powar of salo, and tho �alo, <br /> includtn� th�paymont of iho Trustao'a foas aMually Incu�rod, not to oxcood three <br /> . 9�of tho p�l�clpal amount of tho noto at <br /> � tho tlm� of th� daclu�tlon of dofault, �nd roasonablo atto►noy's foos as pormitted by law; (b) <br /> ' to all sums socurod by this Socurity Instrumont; and (c) any axcocs to tho pe�son or <br /> , p�raons la�ally onNtlod to it. <br /> �^ r 1 �� )►� <br /> I Ft7t6lM6��0911 Pau���;1 S _.��_�.i <br /> I <br /> � 1 , <br /> q i;....�1� <br />