� . .:..
<br /> ,. y��yy'�' •a { s '� y, '�'.c -- --•— --
<br /> I��_A` . -'J" � " •�}s�rv i'�'}i�ti..e't,�...,�-�. I r..� � , / � �- K — -.
<br /> �+Y'.-.G•_. L .,t-v'JR' v '� 7YA1�5-.(+
<br /> � l;^�i•JS " � �t 39/+�� ,��F �AYy.."�A --�����._.-�- -. __. - __i
<br /> �� .�}��`' , ._ `. - -•.` .
<br /> . '�.� . . . . _ -_
<br /> i,
<br /> ; 92_ -_---
<br /> �,d� :.' .,.-.�";•�'��_.. . �ortoyy�r nKy aa�wch �dd�ult �nd nlnsW�.u prorld�d b pWayraph 1B� by au�Inp th� �atlon ar��
<br /> �,;�,.. ... .. .�...� � a�
<br /> r ..: dkWniss�d vrUh a nYhp th�t�b Lmdw'� pood I�Nb dMMmhdlon,pr�dudu foA�iwn M th�Bonow�'a bt�t In th�Prop�rty a
<br /> �.����:'- . oth�r rtwt�rW Yt�p�knMnt a th.Nn on�c�d by thb 8�awily In�pwn�nt« L�•. s�cwlty IntrMt. BoROwu �h�Y�Ito M
<br /> :,�..,•�^�.r•.•,*: , ' In d*w�l M BaROw�►,durY�O lh�b�n�ppiaitlon ProcM��O�v�nntMMMy Ws�or Inacawat�Infarm�tlon a�ttlrn�nts to Lmdw
<br /> r., . , :
<br /> ,o ° (a WMd to provid� L�nd�t wMh�ny m�tMMf Nfomwtbn)In conn�Aloe wNh th� lom�vid�nad by Ih�Not�. Mwiurinp� but _—
<br /> eot Nmit�d to, npru�nUtbna conamin� BoROw�r's 000up�ncy ot ih. Rroprty u . ptindp�l ndd�rs�. n thb S�airMy C
<br /> , a�'",�d Inshummt h o� �IMSOhold� Bortoww sh�M cony�ly wMh W Ih�provlsians of th� IMS�. It 8oaow�r�oquk�s IN fNN to th� C•.� .,':;::--
<br /> ° ., .. Propwty,th�IMUhold�uid th�fe�tNw sMN not mrrq�unNss L�nd�r��s to th�n�p�r In w�ftlnp.
<br /> ��' ��:�';"-•;',:�:: � 7.Prat�tiolt M I.�nd�r's Rl�hb In th�P�o�A�/.tl Baroww I�qa to p�Aam th�cor�nmts�nd apr�rMnt�
<br /> ._... conUhed In Wa Saai�ity Metrumenl, er then h�legd Proe�dt^91hat m�y slpnMunty a11�ct Undr's rfpMt b th�Rupwty �--�2„-.�Y_-
<br /> .. . y,,,� (such u�procM6n0 I n b�n b u P tay.W o 6�t��fa eon d w r w t b n a r/a l N t u n a to�nforca I�ws a r p uN�Uon�). ihen UndK may �—
<br /> � . •, • do md pay la wh�twr Ia n�wy to prot�ct th�v�lw of th�Pirop�ty�nd Undw's rlphb h th�Propwty. L�ndw's aalbns
<br /> -.-- '`., ° m�y tndud�p�Y�O NY� s�und by■ Nm wh�h has prlodty ov�r IMs S�ourity InsWm�nt. �ppMrinO ��, WY�Y
<br /> .. . : �. rM=ombM�Ilom�ya'tMt md �nt�tM�p an th�PropMy to m�k�np�Ms.Aphouph L�ndw mry hk��cUon undw thb p�rapnph
<br />�s` , �' • 7. (.�ndw do� nM h�v�to do so. '
<br /> a My amounri di�bws�d by Lw� und�r puapraph 7 sh� brcom� �ddidonal d�bt of 8arower sscu►ed by thii
<br />�`'+ S�ourlry InsLum�nt. Unlas Bortower �nd Lander �pn� to o1h�iwms of p�ym�nt,Iha��mounb�hai bMr InNnat kom —_--
<br />#+�% th�d�b of dfabwsNn�nt�t th�Not�rat��nd sIW b� payabl��wMh tnNnsl, aPon notia kan UndK to Banow�►aquaitnp —
<br />,.-
<br /> ;.�"�_ . �e.�Mortya�Insur�na�. 11 L�nd�r raquk�d mort�y�In�uma� �s �condidon ot nnkN�p th� loan ssourad by thia _
<br /> b�-;:• � . ' S�auity InsLwo�nt. 8ortower sh�Y p�y th�pr�rntums rpuked to mynWn th�matqaye Insumce In elhct. il�fa�ny rwson.ihe
<br /> .. mortp�p�inaurana eov�rap�nquirod by UndK I�psa a c�asa to b�In�ffecl. 8ortow�r sh�p p�y th�pr�mlums rpuk�d to
<br /> . , obWn oov�ap�wb�tanti�Ay�quN�qnt to 1ha moRy�p� Inw�na pnviousy in�ibat, at�cost subaWtWy puNdmt to lh�
<br /> cost to Bortoww of ih� moRqap�Inwranc� pnviouay N elfed, kom m alt�te matg�ps insuror �pprov�d by L�nd�r. II
<br /> wb�tantl�My quNtlmt mott�y�Insurana covemps is not+a�Y�Ws, Bartoww�h�tl p�y to Lender aach month a wm�qwl ta �--- --
<br /> �. .� on♦tw�Nlh of th�yaaly moAp�pe k�wrana PrwNuro Minp Pud by 8o►row�r whm Ih�inswwncs coveraye lopaed w cMS�d to �
<br /> . , b�In dl�ct. L�ndr wi1 accept, usa and r�hN�th�ss p�ym�nts�s a los�n�wv� in Yeu of mortpap�bsurance. Loa rourw ��--
<br /> � ' ' p�ym�nts rtMy no lonper bs►puksd,at the opdon of Lend�►,H mortp���Insuanc�corarape (In the�mouM�nd la th�p�1od �,___..
<br /> " � . th�t LrndK nquk�s)Pmvid�d by an insun► �pprowd by Lendrr ap�in b�com�s�v�bl�u►d la obUin�d. Bortower shaY WY
<br /> ih�p►�nlums r�quk�d to m�k�t�Y�mortyays Intunnce b effect, or M provW� a bss nsKw.untA the nquk�rtNnt fa mortyspe � ;•` y;`v
<br /> . insurana�nds in�aordRnc�wilh�ny wrNten apremu�►t betwMn Bor►ower�nd Lender or�ppNcabte Isw. _
<br /> 9. Infp�Ct10D. L�ndor or Rs�peM m�y m�ice n�aon�bN wtt�s upon�nd�nsp�cdon�oT th�Roparty. L�nd�r sh�A piw
<br /> ., . Bortowx natlo�at th�tYns o1 or prior to�n hspsatlon sp�dlylnp��on�bl�caute fa the�nspectfon. `�
<br /> , 10. Cond�mnatlon.Th�procesd� of any�wud or citlm ta d�rtwpes. dk�ct or eonssqueniW.in conmetion wHh any ---
<br /> eondwm�tion or othw W�M�p o}any part of th�Properly. a for conv�nnw fn Il�u o1 condrmatlon, u�h�nby uslpn�d�nd ,"� _
<br /> . , - �h�N M pald to Lmd�r.
<br /> �' �• In th• Mrent of • toUl fakinp oi 1h� Properly, th� proded� shall bs �ppllsd to tM sums s�auad ay ihl� Securfty �
<br /> Imhummt, wh�thr or not th�n du�, wHh �ny exeeas pNd to Bortower. In ths wmt of�putW Wdnp ot tho ffiopwty in �.��___
<br /> - � whl�h th�hlr nwikd nlu�of the Propedy immed4dely 6efae th�UWnO la aqwl to a yre�ter ih�n the�unount of ths suma �:-:-.-.,
<br /> s�ound b this 8scu Msbwnent knmedl�t bdoro th�hkh , uMeat Borrowe►�nd Lender olhetwla� �pree in wddnp, ths ��"�f':^
<br /> Y „N �Y SI rrssr.:.r_...•..
<br /> .,, aums aewnd by thb SscurNy Insbument ehdl be reduced by the�mount of ths procaeds muMlpYed by ihe 1dlowinp h+icdon: �,..�,,;,�;y,:.
<br /> (�)the toUl unount of ihs eums aecurod Immadi�tNy b�fon ih�WcNg,divided by (b) the fNr mukN valu� of ths PropeAy --- -
<br /> � Grwn�Jidely bslore th� uklnq. My b�l�nce ah�l b�paid to Barower. In ths avent of�p�rti�l takiny o1 1ha Property in wMoh ��
<br /> • th�tdr mukK wlu�of ih� Property Nnmedi�tey before th� Wikiy is Nas than ths unount of th� eums seaund immedl�tery ,�����`�
<br /> .,:'�:.• 'E�.�•.�ar
<br /> .!.,...
<br /> belon ih� Wdny, untass Borrow�r �nd Lander othe�wlae �pre� In w�f(ny or unlas �ppYcabta I�w othrwu� provida, the � ' � ..
<br /> proce�dn ahd be�pplied to the suma securod by thls 3ewrity Insirument whethx or not tha sums an than due. . .
<br /> � � . If th�Propwy b ab�ndoned by Barower, or H, �ttu notica by L�ndar to Borrowu that the condarmor oflera to mika�n .
<br /> • �wad a aMtl� � ddm for dam�g�s, BortowR i�Aa to rtapond to Lender wllhln 30 d�ys �Rv ths d�t� ths nodce Is yiv�n. I
<br /> Lender Is aulhorized to co9act �nd apply the proceeds, at its optlon, aqh�r to nstoratlon or rapak of tho PropMy a !o � � ..• �.
<br /> • th�sums a�curod by this S�curily Instrument,whetha w not ihm dua.
<br /> UnMsa Lu�der �nd Borrower otheiwiae �qree In wriW�p. any�ppNc�tdon ot proceeda to prindpol ahaM not extand or ;,y_�,,�_
<br /> . u
<br /> •• poatpono the due d�te of the monthly payments relerred to In puagnphs 1 and 2 or ch�nQe ths unount of such p�ymaits. ~-'.�•r'�•'-.'°
<br /> • 11. Borrow�r Not Rd��sad; Forb�armc� By L�odo�Not a Watv�r.Extanaion ot tha ume ta payma�t« ;�:��i;�.:,�;-f
<br /> � modHiaUon of unoAizatlon ot the aums aecu�ed by thla Sec�xiry IntUvment g�ntad by Lander to �ny wccoeaa in hterost ,_::,,;p,,;;.�,;::
<br /> � of Botrower�hdl nol opente to rele�se Iho Ilabllity oi ihe odpinN 8orrower or BoROwar'a auccaaaors In intereat. Lender nhap ; ,.��t�;�_-
<br /> oot bs requked to comnenea procaedinYs �yNnat�ny aucceasor In Interost or►atuae to extend time lor p�yment a otheiwise • ��,,;
<br /> modNy�morUzatlon of the sume aeeured by thls SecurNy Inahument by rcaaon of�ny dem�nd made by the aiyind --•� --.
<br /> Bortow�►w BoROwer's succesaon In Interest. My lorbev�ncs by Le�der In exerdsinq eny Npht or rom�dy sh�Y not M � � ��'�„ `
<br /> wdvK of or predude ih�exardae oi any Nght ar ramedy. • •"'�`-a��;4::=•-•---
<br /> ..�:.,��_ . ,
<br /> 12. Succ�s�on and Assigas Bound; Joint and Sovoral Uability; Co-si�nore.The coven.n�s and �� �����
<br /> ��' ��� . �yreemmts of thls 3ecwily InaWment ahdl bind and benefit!he aucceasoro and assiyna of Lender�nd Borrower. aubjecl to the �
<br /> provialona o1 p�ngtiph 17. Borrower'a covan�nta ond agne�nente ah�M be�olnt and aeveral. My Barower whn co•aiqns this {
<br /> 3awrUy InaWmant but do�s not execute the Note: (�) Is co•alyning this Secuiity liswmant ony to mortgage,grant�nd eonvey '
<br /> � , th�t Barower's Intereat 1�the Pruperty unde►the tertns ol this Security Instrument; (b) Is not pe►aonally obYg�ted lo p�y the �
<br /> � � suma aecured by thls Secudty Inahument: and (c)agrees that lender and any olhe►8ortower may egree to exlend,modNy,
<br /> � �.,, forbear or m�ke�ny scconwnodatlona wHh rapsrd to tha tarms ol thla Socurily Inatrument or the Note without th�t Bortowar'a
<br /> consent.
<br /> 13. LOa17 Cha�gYY. If ihe loan sacured by this Security Instrument is aubJect to a law which sete maMknum loan .
<br /> cheqea, and thal law is flnally interpreted ao lh�t the Interest or other lan ch�rges coUected or to be collected In connecUon
<br /> wHh ihe loan exceed the permfUed INnfta,then: (e)eny such laan charge shall be reducQd by the amount neeessary to reduce
<br /> i '� .' the chuge to the permittwl Ilmq; and (b) eny sums ekeady colleeted hom Borrower whlch exceeded pQrmlriQd IhNta wW
<br /> . � ' be retunded to Bortower. lender may chooae to meke this relund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by
<br /> I�I mNci�g• dkect payment to Bortower. 11 e relund reduees princlpal, tha reduction wW be UeNed as � pertisl prepaymeM
<br /> I wqhout any prepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> 14. No4iea�.Any notice to BaROwer provided lor in ihis Securfty Instrument ahtll be gfven by deliveriny It or by melling it
<br />! ; �,,a.,.�.�... .�,.0����. ■onl�e�bte 1aw reaulrQS use of�nother method. The notice shaA be directed to the Propeity Addresa
<br /> � � w any other eddress Bortower designates by noUce to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by firat elass mall to
<br /> Lender's eddresa atsted herein or eny other address lender designates by notice to Borrower. My noGce provided lor k►
<br /> tMs Security MsWment sheY be deemed to have been give�to Borrower or Lender when gNen as provlded in this pangnph.
<br />; � 1b. �ovorning Law; Sovorabllity.Thls 3ecurity Instrument ahall be govemed by federal law and the law ol the
<br />� Judsdictlon In which the RapMy b Ioc�ted. In the eoent thol my provlsion or clause ol thls Security Insirument a the
<br />' • Note conllicta with applicabte I�w, auch confNct shaA not aBect other provfslona ol Ihis Securily InsWment or the Note which
<br /> can be yiven etfeci wflhout tho eon�tctfny provislon. To thfs end Ihe provislons ol Ihis Securily I�strument and Ihe Note are
<br /> d�ciarcd to be sevenble.
<br /> , 16. �onowar's Copy.Barowar shaq ba yiven one conformed copy ol the Note end of thls Security Instrume�t.
<br /> � �
<br /> �
<br /> F1Jt8.LM0 t10Ni) coqe! aeS
<br /> �
<br /> i v�w.iM �
<br /> • ' 1 _
<br />