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<br /> condemnutfon or olher I�lcin�ot uny purt of the Pruperty,or ior coil4�anee in lieu ai ccxidemnution.pre hereby axYigned a�xt
<br /> � rhall bc pnid ta Lcndet.
<br /> In thc event of u twal �aking oi the Property, thcp�oceed+ Khall be applied to the suma secured by �his 5ecurity
<br /> ' InRt�ument,whelher or nat�hen due, with uny exce�s paid�o Bormwer. In the evcnt of u partial taking af the Propeny In
<br /> � which the fuir murket vAluc of�he Prapeny immediately before�he�uking ix equul tu or grenter thw�the amount of thc xums
<br /> . �'�; secured by�hia Secudty Ingirumen�immediutcly before the tuking,unle.rx Borrawer und l.ender otherwisu�ugrcc in writing.
<br /> � the sum�secured by�hiK Securily bs�rument shnll 6e reduced by�he umount of the praeeds multiplfed by the fallowing
<br /> , Prnction: (u)the totol umaunt of the guma r,ecun:d immediatcly before the�akiog,divided by(b)Ihc fair market valuo oF the
<br /> �- - "-�--�� praperty immediu�ely beiar �hc luking. Any baluncc shall hc paid ta Barrower. In Ihe evern�f a psutial laking of thc
<br /> -,-� propeny in which�he fui�murke� value of the Propeny immediutcly befare the tuking ix less thon thc amount of thc suma r
<br /> � secured immediately before the tuking, unless Borrower and Lender otherwise ngree in writing or unless applicable law
<br /> "'�• otherwire pmvides,the proceeds shall be applied to�he tiumx secured by thiK Security Inxtn�ment whether or not the xums ure
<br /> �-•-�..�;4,�i then due. '
<br /> _ _ _�,i If the Pmperly ix uhandoned by Batrower,ur if,�fter notice by Lender ta Borrower thot the condemnor offers to make
<br /> ----- nn awurd or settic u claim for damugex,Borrower fuilx to respond lo Lender wilhin 30 duys ufter�he dntc the notice ic given,
<br /> ���� `•�•�� Lender is autharized ta collect nnd Apply the pr�x:eeds,ut its aption. cilhcr ta restorutian or r�epuir of�he Properly or to thc _
<br /> � �.�� suma secured by ihis Securily Inxuument,whether or not Ihen due.
<br /> �±�?'�-;�� Unleas Lender und Borrower othenvi:;e ugree in writing,uny upplication nf proceeds to principal shAll not extencl or
<br /> ------- -_=_ _- posipone the duc date of Ihe monthly paymentx refened ta in purugr�phx 1 und 2 or change the�mount of such puymentg.
<br /> �~� i l. Rorrower Not Released; Porbearance By Lender Not p Waiver. Bxtension of the time for payment or
<br /> ��-���-=�-�-'�i moditication of ulnartixa�ion of the�ums se�:ured by this Securiry Instrumen�grnnted by L�nder lo nny succeswr in interiest
<br /> - -_���=�:� ' I of 8ormwer ghall not opemte to rcleuse the liubility of the originAl Bo�rower ar Borrower� successon m interest.Lender
<br /> __� _ ���•-°«�4'"�' Rhnll not be requined to commence proceedings ngainst any succosxar in interext or refuse to ex[end time for payment or G
<br /> �.�....v..�
<br /> _�e�� I otherwiise modify amonizmion of the sums u:cured by Ihi�Security In,trument by reason of uny demand made by tlie uriginal
<br /> � � — Bortower or Borroweri. successors in inlerest. Any forbeumnce by Lender in exercising uny right or remedy shall not be a
<br /> _ � �` wAiver of or prcclude the exercise of�ny right ar remcdy.
<br /> a� " 12. Successurs And Assigns Bouad;Joint and Several Liability;Ca�ignerx. 'The covenants und ugeeements of this
<br /> I�`�`"i"'` Security InK�rument shaU bind and benefit �hc�:uccexsors and�.YSign+of Lendcr and Bcxrower, subject ta the provisions of
<br /> ��:,�;.;�i�:;,; ^ pucugr�ph 17. Borrower:s covennnls and Agrcements shall be joint und several. Any Borrower who co-sigm this Security
<br /> — ��'� � Insuument but dces not eaecute the Note: (al is co-signing this Security Instrumenl only to monguge,grunt nnd convey thut
<br /> __.��rw•
<br /> ;�••:Ya,t.,,�,y�?!s�c � � Bortower�interest in�he Fhoperty under the tertns of�his Securily Insirumenr, (b)is not personuily oblignted to pay the sums
<br /> �?,��`;;���:;• omuke unyiu commod ifons with regu d torthe,terms of Ihiti Security In.c�trumentror the Nate wlhout�hutBorrowers
<br /> _".>t;� • �� ' consent.
<br /> '� " � 13. I.oan Charges. If�he loun ucured by thi� Securiry Inxtrument is +ubjecr �o u law which se�x muximum loun
<br /> `�Q�.``•` chargcs,and st:st laeY is fina!!y inteq+reted �a,�hn��he inter�.st or aher loan charyteti callected or�o be collected in cannection
<br />_ �
<br /> '�'� • wuh tMe laun exceed ihe permitted lirnits,tl�n: lu)uny such loun charge shull he reduced by the umount necessury la reduce
<br /> u�'r.rii�ids'r .
<br /> � � � . "N the chsuge ro the permitced limit;und(b)uny xums ulreudy coUec�ed from Borrower which exceeded pemiiued limi�s will be
<br /> :�•':�;�,'..,� � refunded to Borrower. Lender muy choos�to moke thix refund by reducing the principal owed under�he Note or by muking a
<br /> —_ ^�'�''" " � � direct payment la Boirower. If u refund reduces principul,lhe reductian will be treutcd us a purtiul prepuyment without Any
<br /> - .,-.��,..d?d�4� .. pr�epuyment churge under�hc Note.
<br /> °'� �� '' 14. Notices. Any notice to BoROwer pr��vided for in this Security Inxlrument tihull be given by dclivering it or by
<br /> .;i:�5.4� ,,,.�. ,
<br /> — _ ,�;A•..,.�� muiling it by fi�st clutis mail unlezs upplicuble luw requircs use of unuther melhai.The naice shall be din.•cted lo the Property
<br /> � • • Address or any other uddress Borrower dcsignutr�by no�icr �o Lender. Any notice to Lender shull be given by firxt cluss
<br /> --- .�'Y` „ mnil ro Lender's address s�ut�:d herein or nny other aJdrcx�I.ender de,ignutes by notice�u Barrower. Any notice pravideJ for _
<br /> ����' ��;,,;,,,�,;;,,,,.�;, in Ihis Security In+tn►ment .hull in dremed �o huve heen given�o Borrower or Lender when given ux provided in �his
<br /> o== •.r.": : � parogrnph.
<br /> __ - ,r� -- l3. Go�crning Law; Severability. This Sc�urity In�trument shull be govemeJ by federul law und thc lu�v of the
<br /> .•��� ""` �`• �" '� jurisdiction in which thc Propeny is lacuted. In thc event thut any provisiun i�r cluuse uf this Securiry Instrument or the Nore
<br />_;Y-�_�,n+Ui9tlqB�i�.c�".�'.,
<br /> _ _J,.,,,„.l . conflictx with npplicublr luw,such ranflict�holl nut uffec�nther pmvisions ot'thir Security In.trument or�he Notc which cun —
<br /> =���':�...,w:.�..�,„`...�r,. ,;• be given effect without the runflicting prrnixiun. To this end�he provisions of�his Security In�trument und the Note orc
<br />-�••r.r*_'�� �' -" " . declured to t+e severuble.
<br /> --�`x; '�� � 16. Borrower's Copv. Borrower+hull he givcn one conl'armed copy of the Notr:mJ uf Ihi.Srcurity Imwment.
<br /> -�"� "''` 17. 71rAnsfer of the Property or u Benelicial Interest in Horrower. If uU or any part of tlic I'ropt:hy or uny interrtit in
<br /> .�r�rrrw... .
<br /> ��,�,•� { i�� K. �° jt ix sold or truntiferred lor il'a lxneficiul intcrc,t in Borrowcr i+�o1J or irantifcrrcd und Burrower is not u nutur�l penon)
<br /> .,..ib:�..a.,.::� - .
<br /> �::_�"� '
<br /> ,:;��„ .�,�,�„�;;;�,,,,,,; withaul Lender's prior written conxrm.Lender muy, a�it.oFitf��n.rcquirc imnudi•rtr payment in fuU of ull sumti secun�d by
<br />�;:�;{, � ����„ •. � ':,� , this Security In�tniment. Howevcr,this oMion shull not he exerci+ed by Lendrr it'rxrrci.e is pn�hibited by federul luw�.�uf
<br /> ' " "�,`: the dute of'this Security Instrumem.
<br /> ..����'��'� ' ' If Lender exerci.res thiv optiun,Lrndcr shull give Borruwer notice uf ucr�kru�ion. 7'he nutirr.hall pmvide a period ot'
<br /> ���'4 " � " not less thun 30 Jayr frum�he dute�he notice is drlivrrrd ur rnailcd�vithin which Barrower mu,t pay all�um.+ecurcd by�hi,
<br /> �'�H���_.... . _
<br /> . �- Sccuri�y Imtrument. If Burrowrr tuil�t�� puy thr.e vums rrior to tlx cxpira�iun i�f�hin prriad. Lencier may invoke ony
<br /> � ' remedics Fxrmitted by Ihis Securit�•1 mirmmm without funh�r nntice or J�mund un Bortuwer. _
<br /> . � ' 18. Horrower's Right to Rein.etAte. If Born�wer mret. cen•rin conJiti��n+. B��rn�wrr .hall h:w� Ihe right to have -
<br /> � . enforccment of'this Security Intitrumrnt di.runtinucd a�any tim�priar tu thr carlicr�►L (al 5 iG�y+I�x �urh other period us -
<br /> , � tiioKkF.unih••F�onkllwciFreddk�furl'\IFI)R�tl\til'Kl'�tt:\f-•l�mannt'�acnam. 4,40 q�u�ra�qn��u,��:.� �
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