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( �Ai� � � + y .� 1 �A'S,S � k t��.� C+� p�. <br /> , i� t:��� � }! I � S's,��`-- 'di:1�lIS�_ �r;,:r_�,i�sYf.;�. -- <br /> '+- �� �fM�4. -��... <br /> �-:�� ���i'�� �`� � --°- . .�. ". _ _- _- . -'- <br /> .Jlsl��,i� `�! y -..'�—'-'-a- ��� ..� - .sa�•: <br /> r'• y .-. ..;:,r,v <br /> �_.� .. .n .^'r�i.�F�i r�� iM1 _ . �';:�9�,__ <br /> ' M1'x:' ..�'� aa Y�1Y . <br /> � ' 1os��� <br /> .,:4 — <br /> .�.����_� ::,:�„� 92 <br /> ,_ _���.�� <br /> --------��� perlcds�hut L.endcr reyuireo. The insurnnce curricr providing thc inhurunce xhall ix chnrcn by B�m�wer xubJcct to Lenderb <br /> — °°"""�`� � approvul which ehnU not be unrcnsonably wi�hheld. If Sarrower fuflx to mainluin covemge described above,Lender mry.�t <br /> -- Lender�aption,obtufn coverage ta protecl Lenderk righ�x in the Propeny in accord�nce wilh paragraph 7. <br /> �� '°'= All insurance policies und renewalw ahall bc ucccptablc�o l.e�der und aha0 includc u stundard mongagc clausc. Lender <br /> ���,ry • shall have the right to hold�he policics und rencwul,�. If l.ender rcyuir�s,Borrowcr xhull prompUy give 10 Lcnder all raeipis <br /> ;� � -� of paid premiums ond renewal notices. ln[he evem af'losr,Dcxruwer whull give prompt natice to the In�urance curkr wal <br /> � L.emler. Lender may msike praaf oi'loxg if nat made promptly by Borrawer. <br /> ' '����'?-�Y�-� Unle�s L.ender and Sorrower otherwfxe ugree in writing,inxunu�ce praceeds shall be upplied to rcatoration or rcpair of <br /> --- —_--`T,�' the propetty damuged, if�he restomtion ur rcpuir iy ecunun�ically fea�.ible �nd Lender� secarity i�not lesgened. IP the �__ <br /> - ,�'•� restaation or repair is not economicully feu�ible or l.enderR security would be lessened, the inauronce proceeda shnll be <br /> applied to the suma secured by this Security Instn�ment, whether or na then due, with uny excess paid to Bomower. If <br /> ��;;�,�,�� ;, Borrower abandong the Property, or does nat unawer within 30 duys a notice fram Lender that the insurunce cw�ler h�s <br /> ,s;���.-,�:.Y . -- <br /> .,��: ,-. � offered to senle u clnim,then Lender muy callect the insuruncP�+rocceds. Lender mny use the proceeds to rop r ar restore <br /> t�.��,�,�'�:';• the Propeay or to pay sums secured by this Security Inxtrument.whether or not ihen dae. The 30-day period will begin when <br /> _�. :.:-�. u.. � the notice iss given. <br /> . s�,`.;..,�:.. �' <br /> �:����i.^�r�.: Unless Lender su►d Bocrower othernise ugree in writing,uny upplicution of pmccedx to pdncipal shull not exlend ar <br /> .��:_�;;�..,� _, , postpon�the due date af the monthly payments refemed to in parugrnphs I und 2 0�change the umount of 1he payments. IF <br /> --���..�.,_. under paragreph 21 the Propeny is ncquired by Lender. Bartower's nght ta any insurnrice policies und praceeda rewiting <br /> �`�� "�"' from damage ro the Property prior ta the acquisition shall pnxx to Lender to the extent of�he sums secured by this Secudry <br /> :•�����:��' ,�:� Insuument immediately prior to the ocquisition. <br /> _E L�r�;�,;_..;��:.., ,. 6. Occupnncy, Preservption� M�inlenAnce and Pratection of the Property; Bo�ower's I.oan Applicwtion; <br /> �,Y�,���,�;�: I.easeholds. Borrower shall occupy,establish,and use the Properry as Borrowera principul residence within siaty days after _ <br /> - . <br /> --- - -.---�.. •:��-` the execution of this Security Inctrument und sBall cuntinue ta occupy the Property es Borrower's pdncipal nesidance for at <br /> — "�"°'�'"°"'"""''' leus� one year after the date of occupAncy, unlesr� Lender othenvise ugrees in writing. which consent shaU nut be -°� <br /> �'�`���� ' unreasanubly wi�hheld,ar unless extenuuting circumstances exist which ure beyond Borrower 5 control. Barrower shall not ---- <br /> =L�-- '� deslmy,dzunage or impair the Property,allow the Propeny ta deteriorate,or commit wnste an the Property. Borrower shall <br /> _ - . '^t`•'� ' be in defuult if any fort'eiture action ar proceeding.whether civil or criminul,is begun thut in Lenderk good faith judgment =__ <br /> _ . ,.t��',.,�, • — <br /> �a� �;�. � . could result in iorfeiture of the Property or otherwise mnterinlly impair Ihe lien created by this Security Inswment or _ <br />`_�k�' ' • ' " " ' � Lender:c security interest. Borrower may cure such u default und reinstate,as pravided in par+�graph 1 R,by causing the actbn � <br /> _��; � �."���'��=r�== or praceeding to be dismissed with n rulfns thut,in Lender:s gaod f�ith detennination,precludes forfeiwre of the Borrower's � <br /> w� interest in the Praperty or other materiol impuirtnent of the lien created by this Securiry Instrument or Lender's securiry <br /> =�• ,. �•• interest. Borrower ahAll ul4o be in default if Borrower, during the loan application process, gu�e materially false or _ <br /> �.", •• ' ' � inaccumte information or atatemen�s to Lender(or failed to provide Lender with uny materinl informution)in connection with =_ <br /> -.—.�i� ' ��.,o • <br /> -�� " the luan evidenced by the Note, including, but not limited to, representutians conceming Borrower's occupuncy os the �.__;, <br /> '-�� . .��.,��;,;� property ns u principa l residence. lf this Securiry Instrument is on u leasehald,Borrower�hall comply with ull the provisions �,,,.-:. <br /> �:� - ° of thc ka,e. 1i'Burruwt�acquires fcc titic io ihe Psnperty,the lts�chold nnd the fee tiUe shell not merge unless Lendera�rces <br />.-,.'r : ,: ."� --- <br /> to the mergcr in writing. <br /> , ,'",,;�%; 7. Protection of l.ender's Ri�bts In the Property. lf Borrower fails to perf'orm the covenants and ugreements <br /> �:, �: <br /> �,`s�:.: �:: contuined in this Security Instrument,or lhere is a Iegal praceeding that may significnntly nffect Lender's rights in the ■C�,_; <br /> t�. `.�.'.'�'° Pro n tiuch as a roceedin in bankru tc robate,for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulutions), then ___ <br /> �% , �.it•i;:;.'..�.:.: <br />:. �.. ��,:;.....i : Pe Y(� p 8 P Y�F -- <br />- � �•"�"',::•;,�",�' • I.ender may do and pny for whatever is nece�snry ta protect the value af Ihe Property and Lender's righls in the PropeAy. <br /> '' � � •: ' " • Lender's actions may include paying nny sums secured by u lien which has priority over�his Sewriry Insirument,nppearing --- <br />- " ' in coun,pAying rea+onable attameys'feex und entering on the Propehy to make repnirs.Although Lender muy tuke action _ <br /> w�`�' y ,y,� under this parogmph 7,Lender does not huve to do so. �.�• <br />� Any Amounts disbuncd by Lender under this parAgruph 7 shull bccomc udditionul debt of Bomower secured by thix <br /> ;;,�..' Securi�y Instrumenl. Unlcss Borrowcr and Lcnder ugrce to othcr tcrms of payment.the�e nmounts shall beur interest from the �"_== <br /> - � � ��� dule of distwrxemcnt at the Note rute and shAll be puyable, with interest, upon noticr from Lender to Borrower requesling �n <br /> . . payment. � <br /> �Y:;' ' " �. •. S. Morlgage Insurance. If Lender reyuired mortguge insurnnce a.u condition of making the loan secured by lhis �,� <br />- _ . " Security Instrumern. Banower sh•rll pay the premiumti nquirc�l �o main�ain the mongnge insurunce in effect. If,for any �u_ <br />_-,�. , � �cuwn, the mort�uge inauronce coveruge reywred hy Lender lupxe� or cea,es to be in effect, Borrower shnll pay Ihe �- <br /> =- - -:�f , premiums required to obtain coveruge sub�tantiully equivulent ro the mortguge intiurnnce previously in effec�, A1 A cost !_ <br />- , substuntially eyuivalent to the cost to Borniwer of rhe munna�c inxurance pr�viously in eftcct,from un altemate mortgage 6_- <br /> � � insurer upproved by Lendcr. lF subwtantiully eyuivalent moriguFc insuruncc coveruge i�not uvailable.Borrower shall pAy to <br /> Lender each month u sum eyual tn nne•twelith of�he yrurly mongugr imun►nce pr�mium t+cing puid by Borrower when the <br /> � - insursuice covemge lupr.ed or ceased to he in eFfrct. Lender will uccept,u,e:u�d rct�in the.r psyment�u.c u loss rcserve in lieu � - <br /> :.., , . of monguge insurunce. Lms reserve}wymentx may no lon�er ix�rcyui�tid,at thc optian of Lendcr,if monguge insurance �;,,_. <br />