' . ., ' .; � ,C t., �`. . ( . . �.. _ ' . ,-µ '' ` . 'r£ —
<br />:�........�........�...._...�..� -, _- ........_.u.-..��sr�.�.'N.��'G�i2-,:.a::_...-.__.._._..�_......�__.....a__,�.___.�_................e..�.��.—_.._..�._...�..._._..�.,�..�._..�..�w�_._._._.,, � �.t � ' ` - ,
<br /> � g�� �U��°7 .. � // ,t�
<br /> � . �.
<br /> ,�j 1 . : ... ,... _ .. ��•k�...
<br /> 1 I�a3'me�ts muy u�irr��ta�aqui�arl.c3 ttex ap�on of L�a.if martg�ge��c�+��coveaage C�tha�vns uud faa tP�aetiod , _ < +
<br /> �� ���Q��D�•�•'�d by�in�zuer agpmvxd by Lcc�d�r agan ba�acncs avaSlable and�S obtain�.Ban�rower st�74 pay tbe f� ';.. � ��.
<br /> �remiuna rc�u�od tz�rn�st:n m�a inssr�nce in etf�,ar tn provtQe a i�s re�ave,until tl�roqtu:emsnt 4'or mr�t�,age . " -
<br />,� in�ttuatsE enGs aa�w�s�y svriYE��eemsnt�ct�veea Barmnrer pnd L�nd��ssppiirah!;.law. �;:' � ; •
<br /> 9.I�xt4.J�a. L��ar its q��u m3y m�:se r�.cor�b�entr�upan�d ia4q�of tPts Pmp�ty.I��s�ll give ' �� � --
<br /> * ..�>�.._
<br /> � Bnrrowt�r ttotate ab r�;�ttr�of ct pri�w�.aa inspecCan s��ifyYmB te3sssn2bw c�e far the insg�ian. � . _ i�:.
<br /> � 10.Caad��s►�itn. 'IM ptoto�Qs ef sny saard ar ctaim fai dam�es,direri or consequ�ti�]. in cannection cvil�a suiy � � � • .-'':
<br /> oandemnnsi�aa or�!+:e�r�g ef aay p�t af the Pro�ty.ar for canveyance m liesi of ooade�c�ian,are hereby tissig�[m� "' ' . .
<br /> � si�l1 Dt Faid�bo.�;hc -- - ° -`— - =
<br /> .� III!�C e�'�q M A S:f6f3 C�L'sIn$Of th8 Pt'Rpeaty.t�e pr�eads sha11 Ir�applisd w tha sums seaued by duY S�In4hur�nt, �'s .`
<br /> w5�tht�i at e.mG.�ih.*c��cm�32L�y a�o'�gid tt�Bmm�v�r.In We eveat nf a paitiel mhmg of the F�openy�whisL the fair mzr�� � . .
<br /> �;. . _� _. .
<br /> value of th��a{��3st}��ty iortoze ti�.:taoiag i�eqnal tfl ar grea:er thaa U�2muimt of tt�sum�s�d by thig 3oc�cril� � •G�
<br /> Insu�mea3 i����b°�Qre tL8 mi�ng.mmScss Bomaa�r mud L�er otnawise agree in wri�ag,tt�su�secusad by rh� --,---- . . . -
<br /> Saa�rity Ia��rn�i d�t�te�lutr�d by the ar�ount of the gt�oeeds mWdptied dy tHe folbwa�g 5�ctian:(s)rd�e wtal�C of . •;�,,�.�:`,
<br /> the snms seQ�farmm�xiy bettaa�e tl�e c�►g,divi�d bY (b)d�e fair mart�et vatae of t�Pcopepty inomzdIstgty be�aae tt� � � . ...
<br /> raidng.A�y�Lwxc at���.p¢id to H�rc�.tn tke evrai of u pattial tafcmg of tha Ftopaty in whirh thg fa'v u�t�t valm�af ttr, �-�'�
<br />�' Ptop�tly �d6d�� 3ar�tae thu m'a-�g a�less thea tbe araa�t of du sums se�ed immsdi�tsiy bef� � � t�lr.as �`�
<br /> � Bo�mwer a�.L�irtt��wi.�e r�,r�ia wriisng or unless applicabie taw atherwi�pmvides.thz piooeeds shall be sp�ied to i`� . � ° . ., .,...�
<br /> s w a�s o c�a d(b y s�ar S�r s u i ry I n m a u m e a�t w 6 e t S t e r m a o t t h e s n m s t r e t h�u d u� �
<br /> � tf the Pa�.^tS��S�aDa�darnd bp BmraR�.or i�after notioe by L�da to B�cowu that the o�ad�amr offes to m�1aa sn '�:�,,,;«
<br /> � award�¢set�a r.t�n�fus dr�g�.Hmmwrr fa�s to�spoud to Lead�er�3n days after tha date the nodce is ginm,A.f�'t .. _ --- - -
<br /> �
<br /> is aatt+caized ro c+o�5:t����p3Y tha Pm�eds.at iis og�n,eithel Go re.starat�n�r repa�of thz Propeity oi ro tde s�u�s sea�td ��`€`T "� ,
<br /> � b3►this S�rity'.sr3tattr�t. ,whCd�ttr ornot�du� c�:�,�� ^---
<br /> ' U�s Las�e�Bmsmti�r ath�vvise s�e ea v�ritsng,�►y cgpi�iva of p�s ro p�csipmi s6all not e�tud�pastp�re �'���������!
<br /> F!
<br /> t tbe�ae d�te a€t�a�Iy p�.ymt�is saff�ed to m pa�ag�upbs 1 a�2��e tde amaunt of surb paymffitv. =:-�"'�� �-
<br />, ; . 1L Ba�ucrosQe�I��Vt II��c7i F����y Le�dar Nat a Waivs Exie�sian of d�e time for paymeut�moc'i8c� , �:-: A - —
<br /> T of�,'�aY�',it�t s�s�by this Stc�ity Instrumeul�nted by I�der to airy saooessat in iniaest of B�mrrcz aJt�D r "�'� .
<br /> - n�t ape�e�op�b3�t1b�t-��},af t6e arri��al Bamaw�ar B�mwez's su�s m iace�t Leada sffitl�t be e�to �; �� , - �'J�
<br /> � .. . ,
<br />� � �@�8'���S'�uooe�t ie!inte�est Or retase to exteud tun8 fo7 ,_; .. r•
<br /> dse sa�s sat�rd4 t�f tfr�5ec�nity Wstcamer.��y re�ason of aay demand made by the ariginal�arrour�or Boamvca"s�a� ,
<br /> ;�,,..'���� -
<br /> ..t;:4'" ___
<br /> - m�Ai+y fa�u�e by Lc�3�r in exez�g any right ar retnedy sha�aot be a waiv�of mr prer3�de the eae�sa af uay ���;:r'
<br /> . ���� ��;�.; `.�
<br />;; '. ].����t�s Daand;�'oia3 nnd Sev�rnl Lt�bfltty�Co�gpera 'Il�e oove�auts aar� � of� ttr� ;u"' �.
<br /> . Secazity Irr�tsav�sn�et�xil bind a3fl b�fit�te svoo�s sud assigns of I�nd�and B�owea,s�i�s¢to the ga�av�It�of ' �r0• ,� _--
<br /> � e s �:. .�,�'.. i,
<br /> � ' p� 1;►. Bttlqms�'s��ts Fmd agi�eats sLall be}oinl aad sevetaL My Bc��er crr� co-si�ts 9h�i3 Soc�city •i��% t� .• , .. . .
<br />:., t S.`��,� - -.
<br />;� ��u�i.�:��imi eaceait�ttr�lYo�(a)is oo-si�g tbis Sesrlrity IasUameaa anIy ts m�,��t�oau�e/th�t #,�•
<br /> Barso��-�r's zr0uuaat���Prap�ty andPi dre te�s of[hi9 Secumy►Ias�um�(b)is noi pasomiIIy a(s`,�tod to pay►he su�
<br /> 'r �t ty
<br /> seGS�od��r�5itctuB.��Eas�am��aad(c)�ees tLat I.eader and� otLa Ba�ower 4��. ,
<br /> Y �Y�w exterW.maCifY.fa��ai ° '.�� ��
<br /> a�1ce ffisy�ccae��qd�s with n�ad w the t�ms of tmis Seauity Insuament ar tt�Note wai�a�tLai Ba�mwes's ccr�, t'� r,�N�;�� "`�_—
<br /> 3�a ...,�.
<br /> L2 E.�tC�. If tbs lam�Eet�ued by�'IS Se�nrity Ia�at is Subj�t tD a Lz�v�6ith Se,ts ID�T��C�„ �,'.�i��'r�,���,•' .
<br /> i:,t�`'��i:l:ti�''s'''-:, ':'I-,�.
<br /> . aud O�nL hvr a 6�ntLy'�t�r�;d s�r�the�or other Iarm ehargac ooBe�ted�to 6e oa�lected In o�ecuo�w�1�b$Efluu r,=�.° •,-,. . _
<br /> ' -�t���f'.
<br /> . C,TOBe1D t$�p1�1T5(�' �i7'�t.`�.,�7:(A)8a}I 9.ICh I�II Ch�gC Sh8I1 bC ICQUCCd I3y d�C flm0UD1�SS81y LO II3fL7QC tll�C$31�y�OD 4�3 •ti���--=
<br />