. •• � ., . q• . . _ `4i. . � . _ i. . . � _ . • - •�i " .. .., „ :s ' •"`c`+- -
<br /> � � �., 5, 4 � < ...c`, • ... . . � .. — ..._._�_.- ___.--.�_� ._—.1".:� ` � ' •_ _ _.
<br /> ,.�,< <-- _ —....' - - . .
<br />. . . .� � , ,Y.' -
<br /> � ����� . .. , �`'^R"[��`� t
<br /> �
<br /> , . # , , .� ��
<br /> �.�az�rrow.�4y Inss�a��. Hmaozvea sh�ll keep tt�im�av�ts now existiag mr h�reafOea aested oa t�e Pcapaty ' - . . .. �� " �`
<br /> ��ins3 Ioss by fir�.da�ds�st�ed withm d�e term "extmded oaverage" and any other harards.mcWd:a3 ttaods ar ,` �. �.*;�S" --
<br /> ao s -� �.�_:.:.
<br /> � IIood'mg,f�w3uch Lendea c+equu�s insuiance.'Ihis ins�suce shatl be mam�.iuted in t�e aanwmts�d for die peaioQs t�a3 L�u�r ,.•.•.� . ,<.,.w.,•--
<br /> ' tequaes'�'6e ins�usnce can�rr pmviding the m.:�umttce sha�l be c�ns�a by B�aower s�lbSece m Lender�s aFP�v�!w@icb st�all gui ' " ` :� �,,. �':
<br /> ' 6e u�sons�ly with�eld. If�aa+awer fails m m,amtain wv�age desaq'be� abave. Ieudar snay.ai L,ead�r's a�8on, obtam . . � ; � �-
<br /> oa�resaae m p�asecc Leades's rights in ths Raputy in aaard�se wnh paragdegL 7. • . .. .. � � _
<br />. Ari insa�aace polic�es and r�ewals sbaII be soozgtabk w Ixadra aat!shall�cIade a saandard mu�Se clause.Lcndcr shaII .. . T
<br /> have the right to dold Yhe galiaes and�evraLs.If Leudgx r�zs.�o�aovrea shaII pmmPdY give w L�ender aIl re�eipcs of paisi , _
<br /> --- g�iu�s�d r�uewal noii�es.In the eveat of bss.Boaowei sball give pmmpt aa�oe to ehe m.s�u�ce pt�r a a d I�d e r.I.e a d e r = : ." .. _ ..-J=
<br /> `. , may make praof of ioss if aoi madr pmm�ptty by Baaocvea. �- _—_ `—_y..�
<br /> Iln2�s I.�and Boaower otheawise Pg�ee in wriL�ng.instu�ce piaceEds shaIl be appt�d w r�an ar repanr of the ;. . . _
<br /> ptapraty dauraged,if tbe�ar re�s is eoonamically f�'6�a�d Lyuder's securrty is not Fess�e�.If t�e e�.suanarion a� '.:. °
<br /> repair is not ec�n6micaDy f�asible ar Ie�drr's�ty wmWd 6e l�ened.t�e ursuiance piocezds s5�all be spp3iea9 to the s�s .. ., �
<br /> � s�d by this Sec�ity Insuuu►ent, wtiet�r ar not thxa d� with any��as gai�tn Boirowrr.If Emrower abaad�ns tl�e ._ ,;:-��;:�.-,
<br /> d ���.�� r��.�:n
<br /> Pmpecty.ar does nat answer within 30 days a notice 5rom Le,�es thae t�e in�aace carrier has off�ed t,o s�'e a c1a�.thea 1 . ,..,,.:��.�_�=�-
<br /> Leader may oollect dte�ce gm�eec�s.Lead�e may a�the�m a�n¢ar restore�e Ptopa�y or m gay s+�s��d -`` `=-- - -
<br /> Dy this Ser�uiry Ins�ea�,wt�36,�cFrr�aa t�u due.'Ihe 3Q�day period ar�i3egia w�the uaas+�is give�. .'�-=�,
<br /> Unless I,eader and Ba�war oY�wis�a�ee n wmm8,ar►Y SPPl�au af p�+oc.�ds to p�al s1�all aci�d ar p��aae : �� f°t,.
<br /> the Gne date of d►e montLly gaymeues�tq ia�hs and 2 or sh�n�e the amo�mt af the ym�If under h '� 4 -�^�=:f'1�
<br /> Pa P� .;,;��-
<br /> 1 �� • . ,. . ..
<br /> .�. .,._..
<br /> 21 the Aopecty ss acq�6y I�,Bamrres'a ui�t to�y ms�ance pal�Ci�s and gsoaeeds msaTting fsm�s daa�age tn tbe ;_'.;���-;,,_.
<br /> �Y P�to ths aa�CU�an sbalL�SS to Le�ura¢��e e�eut of the sumu�by t�is Secar�y In��Y ,.. ... ;.� • • � .
<br /> pr�oo the acq�sition. •••. • _ --_---
<br /> .��x�•.::�,,:�_ . .
<br /> i. Pte�rvativa,Mnintenaare and Proi�dton of t�x P�n,,,^cr�y: Barraicer's Loan Applic��an;Lc�d�s �i� ,�;�.�_�
<br /> �!+
<br />, Bamwer shali ooar�y,�b1uh,2nd¢se th$Pmpezty a4 Boaower's g�cipat�oe wN�sbcty days after t�e ex�re c� : _��'�=°'�
<br />' - this Sxuziiy Insuamea�sm�shzll oontmue tn ooa�y th�Propeaty as�ocrawer's pkru�cipal re9deace far at least oae�r�� t ��
<br /> date of ao�cy,mr� Lendr�offiQawi..se agees sn writmg, w6i�h caa�ettt�raII not be anrea�onabiy wit�ead,as at'� •;�, � `� �'.
<br /> exteauadag cutamslances exist whicL�e beyond Bomosver's oontrol.Bornsv�er sbaD nat d�mop, �dams�e ar i�ga�t�e�►• _ .�,i+:��y.'s. : �. • .,t' ,••.
<br /> -, albw the Rogetty tp de&eriarite,�oommit wa�e on�Pragraty.Baa�zmr s6aU be in m�avlt if any farfeir�n� aar ,��� :F" ;t•�`. ,
<br /> Baa ' avIt �'
<br /> • ,yadQutemt coold�t m fafeis�c�t�e�t�y or �.�, �;., �:`���"'�
<br /> , p�oo�ing�civ� crim�al.�a�ted�bp���s good fa� 8 � ,��`'. �5.';..:' ;l;:�,:;
<br /> �,� Insa�neat�i�der' secau�y E�aay c�e so�a ,�� ��.•,•i�'� � .
<br /> ,.. defnult aod�emstaLe. grovlded m Para�Fb 18.bY c�s�g Dzv�e�g to be dismissed ari11F.a that. ,I �''` ,,,,,;;` 3�
<br /> the ar�i�a aa a�8 m � .r;; �; '�r.
<br /> Lendee'��:�f�th determmaLia�n,�clud�fmf�i+�are of the Basmwer's int�crca in the Pm�ty ar othea maleaial�pa�3 aY `�'° ;',;�,,r. �:'�
<br /> � this S a�i ry 1n�naeut ar Le�der's se�rty mtYtest E�.ro�er sLaII aLso 6e w defaflli if Baaoa�er,d�ur�;tQ� :� : ` ° �•'��,,• .;
<br /> . Ihe 1t�t.e,�,�aDl� y '..: ;•«� �r �f;�.
<br /> ���' �,���t��ve matrrialiy felse or inacc�te infurmatiun oa s�at,ameats m I.eadea(ar�ed tn gmvide Lertd�rnrii�e ,r�`� .7'r```;
<br /> :��''�" r
<br /> �►y matcrial it�fa�eaaifittn):�oa�nection with th�!wo evide�oed �ry ths No�.�cluding,but not l��d tn.�s ' .�,� .. •;;�'r,ll�•_�,,_
<br /> � :�. , ; '_,.,�.;t,riR.
<br /> o�g Boa�o,we�$r�ne,y af the Praperty as a p�int�pal rr�nce.If cWs, Iastrmnent is on a t�ld,Boaowea , ;..;.3:�:,.•i � b,::
<br /> �c�itY z., . .
<br /> � si�all oomDlY wi�aD the�ttovisim�s of t�e[s�se.If Boaotve�a�qaa�fee m'Is w t:e Pro�ea2y,tlt�Ieasehold and th�fee trtle ah�II . ` ..:��;.�+' "' �f'.-;,:`,��__..
<br />. not mage�1c�s I.rader agroes to the mr�ges in writiag. . ._
<br /> �
<br />' 7.P�ot�tioa o!L�dtr's Rights en the Fm�ty. If Ba�mwer fa�tm per��rm rhe cavmrr�is�d a�cous�!in -.•
<br /> � dus Sor.�ity�+*+��.ar these i�a leF�D�S��Y��tP4j affrxt Leadea's righi�m tim Y?cspeny(ancD as a �_,.��f: ..�..��'���
<br /> f�8 m b��Y•P�•fa aoodannatina a forfemue ar to er�ce iawa��egul�tio�s).rhra f.r�rti�t ana�do an.d gay ':.� �.
<br /> �� fa wbate�er is noxss�y to psota�@�e Va1ue of the Pzogc�ty an+d Lr�der'e 'n�in Yhe RopQty.LaxSer°s�ioas may mcl�de _ T �`,' �°-<
<br /> �� � '� r sums sea�red by a lien w�icb das grioeitY ovar t�3s Sa�t'J Inu�l,apPe�8 ID c�,paYmB�� '''"�
<br /> . .� � pt�,. � . .
<br /> a�,i�'.13�s m�d eAierbog an the Pr�opetty tu malte�s.Aithc�gb 3�euder m�y tare aaI�n andea tLis p�te 7�,Lattt;ei �,'�°'�.._ ......
<br /> ..' ���..�--n�__.�,.::,.
<br /> � , �s not�ave tudo s�. — -
<br /> av _ z�, . .
<br /> ' Atny amoomts diui�c�d by Lmder ander thi�p�apb 7 sfiall beo�ae orL}iJir�nal de8i of Bflrmwrs sa�,�ed by th�Secariiy .. � . , ,-=.
<br /> .�' � Insocurnwt Unkss Barrawer and I�eadu a�oe m att�r tams of paymeay s�ese amaimts atnll be�r int�est f�m 0�e dau af � �.��j���T�-_
<br /> di�b�oant stthe Note iate�d sLaD be payabte.with ini�est.ayaa notsco fran I�ead�er w IIar�vc ce4�8 DaY� �� �� ` ..�
<br /> � f 8:Martgagt I�rAn��e. If Lc�des reqaired moctg�insmanee as a c�andi�n Of maldu��laan�by tfli�Soc�ity � , , ��.'. . �
<br /> �: .t Instrt�etj�Bo�m�wa st�aJl pay�c ps�ms required w mainr�n tlto matsg�ge�asivaaoe m eff�rt I�fa sa►y rrasaa.the ��--�,7��.:`�-
<br /> u�; ma�qgage�covaage required by Ixnder la�ses or ceases w be in r.ftect,Bomnar�sLaII pay the gtem�s rcqa�ed to , ;,:%;! ;,,'�y,�� �t:
<br /> ...; oblam coveTage snbsrantially equivala►e to the m9rt�e iaswanoe previQau}y ui effec�ai a cast sn6smudaIIy o�uivatcaE to the �. .� .-��t,:,`}��::
<br /> ' cast co ffuauwer of tLe mortgAge ins�uance p�v�usiy in effect.€rom an aTrra�ate martg,pge ia�tri appioved by Ieffiri.if ��:, • . .. ��
<br /> . �4` ' sabsta�i�r�P e4aivaseat mo�tge insu�ce cove�age is aot avau"abTe.8�a sbaD pay m L,e�odet eacb maafl�a a�eqnal oo T —
<br /> �t�vedti�cf @ie Xc��m�ge in�e Premium bemg Paid hY B�co�vPr whea the ias�anoa oaveralge lapsed a aeavod m � •;�}�.,..;�.
<br />: � 6e ia effcx.+�.�at�wii� s�oept,ase aad rerain thu�e pay�m as a k�a�ase in lieu of moltpqge;na,.anr�1a�s nseive - . . ,. ,..t.:.
<br /> Fon�a02�4W0 ,�R.r,',!�
<br /> �. ,
<br /> ��I11���tf12t�.01 Pay�BotE tn�lalc: . �f `;���r . _.'
<br /> . �'
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