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<br /> "-"�`�� ' pertods Ihat Lender reyuires. 1he inwuruncc currfer providing lhe intiuruncc shall be chosen by Bartnwer subject to Lendcrh
<br /> -�---���. approval which shull nw bc umeusonubly withheld. If Borrowe�failK to muintuin covemge dc.ycrilxd obove,Lcnder
<br /> -- L.enderk optian,obtafn coverAge so protect Lender's rightR in the NropeAy in uccardance with parogruph 7.
<br /> — - • All inaurance policies and renewals ahall be acceptable to Lender und shull include a stundard mortgage clausc. Lender
<br /> � —� ghall hnve Ihe right to hold thc policles and re�cwuls. if L.cnder rcyuires. Borrower shall promptly give co L.ender all receipts
<br /> —±��i'� of puid premiums and renewal notices. In the event of lass,BoROwer ahull give prampt nolice to the in�uronce cartier and
<br /> ' ��
<br /> Lender. l.ender tr�ay make proof oP loss if not mude promptly by Barrower.
<br /> ,,.s.,�,,,..�...:,< �,� Unless Lender und Borrower atherwise agree in w�iting,ingurunce praceedx shall be opplied to rc.rtamdon or rcpair af
<br /> �� t}ie Propeny damaged, if the regtomtion ar repuir is econumicully fwsible unJ I.ender s security is nM legRened. If the �_
<br /> -.����,���°�� t+esrorution or repair ix not economically feusible o� Lender�security would be lessened,the in�urnnce proceeds shall be
<br /> ---° -�_$.:,�-� upplied�o the sums securcd by this Sccurity In�trumen�,whethcr or not then due, with uny exces4 p�id to Barrower. If
<br /> �-�'=---�n L, Barrower obundons the Propercy,or does not Answer within 30 duys n notice from Lender thot �he iosuronce enrr�er has
<br /> ' � offered ro settle a cluim,then Lender mc►y collect the inxurunce proceeds. Leader may use the proceeds to repair or rcstore
<br /> .��,.����' che Pro rt or ta sums secured b this Securit Instrument,whether ar not then due. The 30-day period W'i��beBin�"'hen
<br /> .��;�s.���aa,� Pe Y PAY Y Y
<br /> -�;� .�r��•� the notice ia given.
<br /> �r���• � Unleas Lender tind Borrower otherwire ngree in writing, uny npplicutiun of proceeds to principal 4hn11 not extend or —
<br /> �;:.,,,.�,Q:Z�w:..:.j� . pastpone the due dute of the monthly puyments referred to in ptuagruphs I nr�d 2 or change Ihe umaunt af the payments. lf —
<br /> x.,,:�,�;j,�" under parugruph 21 the Property is acquired by Lender, Borrower's nght to any insurunce poUciex and pruceeds resulting
<br /> ��j{� from dumnge ta the Property pria'to�he acquisition shall pass to Lender to the extent�f the suma secured by this Secudty _
<br /> ��M��V•�w4' �..
<br /> r ''wc"++^ ' Instrument immediately prior ro the acquisition.
<br /> ��`�`'''�-�`-�=�` 6. Occupancy. Preservwtlon, Malntenwnce and Protection oY the Property; Borrower's Laan AppUcation;
<br /> x.�.
<br /> ���� .: •
<br /> �11 i. I.easeholds. Borrower shall occupy,cstablish,und ur,e the Propeny us Borrower's pnnc�pal residence wilhin sixty ays ter
<br /> �-- "`•`���""�`'�'"'`7�'�`'- � the execution oP this Secu�tty lnswment and ahull continue to occupy the Property ac Borrowerw pdncipal residence for ut F
<br /> "`'��:.:;::;�,,::,�,.b,�.,b. .:
<br /> 'J ° least one yeur ufter the dnce of occupnncy, unless Lender athenvise ugrees in writing, which consent shult not �y.
<br /> _ "��"�M'� �� unrea.aonably withheld,or unless extenuating circums�unces exist which are beyond Borrower�control. Bortower ghull not �,
<br /> {:: . ;.: . •.
<br /> -���= • ��� °' destroy,damuge or impair the Prope�ty. ollow the Prop�rty to deteriorate,or commit wuxte on the Property. Borrower shall
<br /> �— "� be in defnult if any forfeitute acQon or praceeding,whether civil or criminal,is 6egun thut in Lender:s gaod fuith judgment __
<br /> — ��`�°�"����"�'` could result in forFeiture of ihe Properry or otherwise muterinlly impair �he lien creaced by this Security Instn�ment or
<br /> � .,; . �• Lender!s secudry interest. BoROwer muy cure such n de1'uuU and minstate,As provided in paragruph causing the action �;:.
<br /> �.;��;.,_;,��,u y�y,�°. � or proceedbig to be dismissed with a ruling that,in Lender c good fuith determination,precludes forfeiwre of the Borrower's =
<br /> - . . •,�.::: interest in the Praperty ar other muteriul impairment of the lian created by �his Securiry InsUument or Lender's security �
<br /> -�� � interest. Borrower shull ulso he in defuult if Borrower, during �he laan applicu�ion proces,, guve materially fitlse or
<br />