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<br /> of Ih�m.�h�ll b�entlu�d to enforcQ thl�Trust M�d md sny olher�aeurlty now a hna�Rer hold by BsnN�ci�ry a TruslN In wch ado�nd m�nn�r
<br /> _���n� w th�y a aUhK ol lh«n m�y fn Ihelr ebsoluu ducrellon detsrm�ne.No remedy hereln confarrad upon a►awrv�d to Trust�a a 8�n�l�lary Is Int�rMW
<br /> _ �:�� to be�xcluWvs ot�ny ather remsdy h�rein or by I�w provldad or permllted,but each�hall be cumulollve and sholl be In addltlon to�wry olhsr r�m�dy
<br /> �_� � s ylven hsnunder or now or h�raaflor exi�ling at low o►1n equlty or by statule.Every power or remedy provldW undar Ihls Trust D�d lo T�uqN a B�nNicluy
<br /> � --=� or to which elihar of tlwm may b�othrrwlse anGltod.moy be eKerciwd,concurrently a ind�pendenl1y,lrom tlme to Ilme end os oRen u may b�dNm�d
<br /> -=- --- --'��
<br /> A�„-° expsdlent by Truetee a BoneNclary and elthor of lhem mey pureue Inconafstent ramedlea.Nolhinq herMn shNl ba conNru�d as p+ohlbitfnp n� �
<br /> ---- Iram wakiny e ddlcl�ncy�utlpmeM apaMSt tlw Truotor to liw oxtant auch acifon Ic pwmiltwf by law.
<br /> � �`�� 11.TRANSFER OF THE PROPEiiTY;AS�UAIPTION.If all a any part o11he Property or Intereat Iherein Is sotd,Ir�nsferrod or othsrwlee convoyW
<br /> � L. by Truata without Boneficlary's pr►or wrltten conaent,exeluding(a)the creatlon of e lien or encumbrance aubordinate to this Trusl Deed,(b)a tran�fer
<br /> "=�� by operallon of IYw upon ths dealh of o Trustor who ie e Jolnt lenant or(c)ihe grant ol eny leacehold Intoreet of threa(3)years or le�whlch das not
<br /> ---I+r� 1 I 's o qon deelare all lhe eums aecured by
<br /> 'g�:�}�I eontaln an opllon to purchase,auoh ectlon la a breach of thla agreement,and 8eneliefnry may,at Bene Ic ery p
<br /> �=��a. . this Truet Qeed to be Immedlately due and peyable.ProvlQed.lu►1her.thfs Trust Deed may,at Benelklery's optlon.be declared Immedlately due end
<br /> ���uax:+z.�-�.�c; ' payeble.If(t)Trustor 1�a putnerthlp end any interest in Ihe paAnerohip ia sotd or assipned by any meana whatsaever,or(2)If the Truslor is o eorporatbn `
<br /> - - - end a iransler of Ihe moJorlly stack ownarahip intereW In the corporallon occura,or the Trustor corporatlon merges In eny form with anolher corporation
<br /> ---_Y~�w� � � or entity.Benelklary�hall have walved sueh opllon to accelerate il,pria to Iha sele,tranefer or conveyanee,Benelklary and the peraon b wham ths
<br /> f;-_,�-q-•.. ;���;�r��� Property ia lo be sold or tranf(erred reech agreemenl In writinp thol the aedit of auch pereon k seQslectory l0 8eneticlary end Ihat ths Intwaat payeble
<br /> !�1'i13{���4i� ' • � on Iha auma secured by th1�Trust Oeed shall be at auch rate ea Benefielary shaU request.
<br /> �..-��"":`."?'{�re'
<br /> �''`* 4 3'•�" ' 12.ACCELERATION UPON DBFAULT;REMLDIEB;SALE.The tallure by ihe Truslor.to make eny payment a to perfam any of ihe terma and condltlons
<br /> '� �" of thls Trust Oeed.or the tarms and condlllons ol the Note.a any renewals,modlflca0ons or extenslon�ihereoi,or ihe lailure to meko payment of any
<br /> �?Ii�u',��1Wt. �1" � ---
<br /> V�t.�,�c,�s{�,Sei�.•, .� olher Indebledne�s,prla or subsequent lo Ihic Truat Deed,and secured by Ihls property,or Ihe death ot ono or more Truaroro sheM be a breach and �:_.
<br /> g- �-�no;;�y;,�;;���-.. delaull ol this Trust Deed and ihe Benoflciary may deeloro u detnu4 and may dxlare all sums aecured hereby Immedlately due and payabte and Ihe �_ _
<br /> �--'�Fe:�� same shall thoreupon become due and payable without presenlment,demand,protest or�otice ol eny kind,provlded,Truslor shell have any atatutory �
<br /> _-='�}�-� ripht to cure Ihe detaull belore any notke of delault end demend for sale may be dellvered to Ihe Trustee.Thereafler,BeneUdary moy dellver to Truolee �
<br /> ' �.�'`�v���� � � a uvritlen declaratbn of delault a�d demand lor sale.Trusta agrees and hereby granls Ihat 1he Trustee shall have lhe power ot sele ot ihe Property end _
<br /> If BeneflClary decfdes the Property IB to be sold It shall deposit wNh Trustee ihis Trust Deed and Ihe Note or notes and any olher documenta evldencing =-
<br /> ' �.�'r•:'�: expendilures secured hereby,end shall deliver to Truatee a writlen notke of delault and electlon to cause Ihe properly to be sold,and Truoteo.In turn.
<br /> �. �ir`•�(J�'�
<br /> ' ;';..�!.;,,:. ;., � �hall prepare a sfmller notlee In ihe form requlred by law.whlCh shall be duly Iiled tor reCad by Trustee. __
<br /> i . .,.��;,;��t.;;.;�:5' ',.
<br /> •°,A ..` ��.,� ,:�;;�..,,;,,��;. (a) Afler Ihe lepae oi such tlme as may be requlred by law fdbwing ihe recordallon oi Notice ol pelault,end Notfce of Delaull and Notice of
<br /> • t� , Sale hevmp baen glven as requlred Oy law,Trustee,wilhout demand an Truatot,shall sell the Property,fl not redeemed,In ane or more
<br /> _ ��""�'"`'r`'"'� "�.:� • parcels end in such order aa Trualee moy determine an the date and Ihe tlme and place deaipnated In eald NWice ol SWe,at pu611c auctlon __
<br /> - '�'� '; . ,�-},�`;,; accordln4 to law.
<br /> �i.'•' ., ,.�..�;,i1i4 —
<br /> �„� ' 1� ;� (b) When Trustee sells pursuent to ihe powere hereln,Truatee ahall apply Ihe proceeda of ihe eale to payment ol ihe coats and expe�ses ol
<br /> ` _ �—*�1�±����+�?��:.�� px�rr��in��hn{xiwar nl aale and ot�he eale.Including,without Ilmilatlon,attorney'e lees and Ihe pnymenl of Truetee's fee6lncurred,which __
<br /> -- . -;-..-•�.
<br /> `�,.,' � Trustee's Fees ahall not in the aggregete exceed the Iollowing amounte based upon the amqunt secured hereby and remeining unpam at
<br /> , � , Ihe time ccheduled lor sale:5 percentum on the belance thereof:and Ihen to the 11ems In subparagreph(c)fn Ihe order there stated. —
<br /> , � h b'� �"'� (c) ARer payfng Iho Ilems epecilled In subparagraph(b).It the sale Is by Truatoe,a II the sale 18 purauant lo judkfal forecb�ure,the prxeeds
<br /> . ...`.,I , ,;� of rela shall be epplled in Ihe lolbwing ader: —
<br /> b (1)Cp�l ol any ovidence o1 tille pracured In cannecllon with euch cele and ol any revenue tranelar lee requlred to be peld; W�
<br /> � ' (2)All obllgellone secured by ihls Trusl Dead:
<br /> •• „� � ' , � (3)Junlor Irust deedn,mortgape�,or other lienholders:
<br /> , . (4)The remolnder.d any,to Ihe person legally enUtled thereto.
<br /> � 13.APPOINTMHNT OR BUCCE880R TRUSTHE.8enetlt�ary mny,lrom t�me to lime,by e wrnlem m�trur��en1 executed end ecknowledpW by Bsnsl�cury,
<br /> malled to Truator and recorded In Ihe county or counllea in wh�ch the Property is lo�aled and by oth�rwise complying with the provlelont ol the YppIICaDIe �,.
<br /> ' . ` lawa ol Ihe Slate ot Nebraska subat�tute a successor or successora Io Ihe Truslee nHmed herein or act�ng hereunder. —
<br /> �.•t , - �"`
<br /> 1�.INSPHCTIONS.Benel�ciery,qr Ita egents,representetwes or employees.are eulhonzed to enler at any reasonable tlme upon Or In any pert ot ihe -
<br /> Prop�ny la the purpose ol mspecting the same and lor Ihe purpose ol perlaminp eny ol Ihe acta d�s authonzed lo perlam under ihe lerma of lhe Trusl Dead.
<br /> � � 15.OPTION TO FORECLOSURE.Upon Ihe acurrence ol any breach and upon ihe deClaralbn ol delault hereunder,Benelicl �
<br /> ery shall hevo tho optbn
<br /> � ' to IweClose thla Tru9t Deed fn the menner prov�ded by law for the foreclosure of morigages on real property.
<br /> ��� ''. �� 18.FOREBEARANCE BY BENEFICIARY OR TRUSTEB NOT A WAIVER.A�y lorebearance by Benef�ciary or Trustee in exeraslnq eny riflht or remedy ��--
<br /> hereunder,or olhetwise allorded by eppllCeble law.shall not be a wnwer ot w preclude Ihe exeroise d any such nght or remedy. Ukewise,Ihe walver t.,�
<br /> • ' by Benellclary or Truslee d any delaull oi Truatw under thfs Truat Deed shall not be deemed to be e walver of any other or simller delaulte aubrequenGy �'""�
<br /> , occuning.
<br /> ; 17.BENEFICIARY'8 POW8R8.Wllhout allecling or releasmg Ihe Ifsbllity of lhe Trustor or any other person hable for Ihe paymenl of any obligation ��`
<br /> t • hereln mentloned,and withoul a�leCting lhe Ifen or cherge ol this Trust Deed upon any poruon of the Property,Beneflcfary may.Irom time to t�me and �b'��
<br /> �' wilhoul notice et Ihe requeat of one or more Truslors,(i)release any person lieble,pQ extead or renew Ihe metunty or alter any ol the terma ol any suCh �._._.
<br /> �• obllpations.(lif)grant other indulgences,(Iv)rolease or reconvey,or cause to ba released or reconveyed at any Ilme at Beneficiary's optlon any parcel e,:
<br /> � „ or all ol ihe Property,(v)take or release any other or edddionai secunty lor any obhgal�on herein menUoned.(v�)make seltlemente or other arra�gemenl8 �
<br /> • wlth Truslar�n relatlon Ihereto.All Trustors ahall be�d�tly and severally obligatetl and bound by Ihe actions ol Ihe Beneliciary or any ona or more Trustor
<br /> as stated�n fhis paragraph.
<br /> ' � � 19.ATTORNEV FEE8,COSTS AND EXPENSES.The eanehciary ol this Trusl Deed�a entilled to Ihe payment of altorney's lees,costa aod expensea �_�-
<br /> � • . es provitled in th�s Trust Deed,exCepi as otherwise proh�bded by law
<br /> 19.RHCONVEYANCE BY TRUSTEE.Upon wntten request ot Benel�ciary and upon p:iyment uy TruRlor ol Trustee's lees.Trustee sha11 reconvey to
<br /> � Trusta,or Ihe peraon or persuns legally enUtled Ihereto,wdhout warranty..�ny por�ion o�Ihe Properly ihen held hereunder.Recdala�n such reCOnveyance �`'
<br /> „ ot eny matlers or facls shell be Concluswe prool ol the Irulhlulness Ihereol-The gronteu in any recaweyanee muy be deacnbed ee the persOn or pBraons �
<br /> • " „ let�ally enUtled Iherelo". •
<br /> • ' 20.NOTICES.Except far noUCes,demonds.requesls or olher commun�c�tions mqwred under apphcable law lo be grven in anolher manner,whenever �
<br /> Beneticlary.Truslor a Truslee grv6s or serves any nolice�mcluding,without um�lat�on,not�ca of delault nnd notice o1 sale►.demands.requests or other �
<br /> � commun�catlon w�th reSpecl lo►his Trust Deed,eaeh such notice.demand.requost or olher communicat�on sh�tll bc�n wnlmg and shall ha elfeCtfve only
<br /> ���ti.ee,..o�o dou.,or.,ri►,o n.,ra,nai cwrv�r.w nr�a ma�lpd bvi ceri�hed mml.nostnoe nrena�d.addressed lo the address ns set lorih at the be0mmnp of Ih�s � _
<br /> � Trust Desd-Any parly may al uny bme change its address Ior such nohces by d�Irvenng or ma�hny lo Ihe other pa�ty hereto,as alaresa�d,a notice ol �
<br /> sUCh Change.Any nolice hereunder shell be deemed to h;�ve been qrven to Trustar u�Benelip;�ry,when grven in the manner designated herem '
<br /> ' 21.REOUHST FOR NOTICE.Trustor and Benotic�ary hereby request u copy ol any nolice ol delaull,and a copy ol any no1�Ce of sale ihereunder,be }
<br /> meded lo each person who�s a party herelo at ihe atldress lor such person sel forth in the I�rst paragraph ul Ihis T�ust Deed S
<br /> [
<br /> .r 22.QOVERNIN(i LAW.This Trust Deed shall be governed by the laws ol Ihe Slate ul Nebraska ',
<br /> 23.SUCCHSSORS AND ASSIONS.This Trust Deed.and cill lerms,conddions ond obhgauons herem.tipply to nnA�nure to Ihe beneld ol and b�nds '
<br /> . " all parUes hereto. the�r heus,legatees.dewsees. perso�ai represeniaUv�s,successo�s and ass�gns The Icnn BeneOc�ary"shall mean the owner and
<br /> � .. holder o�Ihe Note,whether or not named as Benel�c�ary herem- '
<br /> �
<br /> . 1
<br /> �
<br /> ' •'y ..-----'-- --- � --� ' -
<br /> � --- - .. ,-- . . ^- -'- ._. . . .. . . .
<br />