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<br /> �°• „ 1.PAYMENT OF PRINCIPAL AND INTERBST.Trusta�hall promply pay when due the pnncipal of and intereu on IM�ndrblWn�w wid�nc�d bY
<br /> a'' '' ' �.� 'e �� Iha Noto,and all olher chorpe�and Iw�a prwidW In tha Note,ond Ih�principal ol and Intwest on any Fulun Advancw s�curW by Ihlt Truu ONd.
<br /> . �i;�;,�i��;�:�'i`•:;�' 2,WARRANTY OF TITLE.Tlu�to►le Ipwlully eolzad and po�s��sed of good and indeleoslble Ulle and oetate b the Prope►ly henby eonveysd and !
<br /> ,;_ - ;,�.;;,;:,;;..;,;,,_ , haa Ihe righ�to grent end convay Ihe Prope►ry;the Property fs free and clear of all Il�n�and encumbrance�Yxeapl Il�n�now ol ncord:and Truetw wlll
<br /> ���,:���='�',;_"-`�;��,,- wartant ond defend the tltle lo the Property ogamtt all ala�ms and domands. �-_ --°
<br /> � "��-�"'�"f'�f n� 3.MAINTBlIANCE AND COMPLIANCE WITN LAW8.Truator shall Neep the Property in good repalr and eonditbn e�d shall not eommit waste or permit
<br /> - `�4����° • Impelrment or deterloretion of the Property and shall compiy wUh the provisbns of eny lease II IMe Truet Qeed Is on a leasehdd.No fmprovement now
<br /> �},�4�1�.',.i�'r . pr hgreafter erected upon the Property ehell be alte�ed,removed ar demolished without ihe prior wrftten coneent of Be�ellclery.Truator ahall comply wilh
<br /> ' �^ �• - ' �S� all Iaws,ordineneea,repuledons,covenpnta,condlUOns and restrkllona aHectl�g ihe Property and not eammit,euNer or permlt a�y act to be done In or
<br />— - "�,p`,��r:«s;.�-• ^ upon the Proparty In vlaleqon ol any law,adlnance,regulatlon,covenant,cond111on or restr�tlon.Trustor ahall complele or reslore promptly and In good �LL:
<br />�. �
<br />—----. _,.�,r,
<br /> s...�: `'' workmtinlike manner any improvement on the Property wl�ich may be damaged or deatroyed end pay,whan due,all claima for lebor perlormed end matarla e � __
<br />.�c�� .. �..��. __
<br />�,� . - � ��, IurNthed Iherefa and tor any alteratlona Ihereol. �►�--=" ���'`��-
<br /> � , 1.INSURANCE.Trustor,at Its expenee,wIM melntain with Inaurwe approved by Beneficlary,I�surance wllh�espect to Ihe fmprovemenla a�d personel
<br /> lC.�.:akY:l'.S4%:. � �"�' __--
<br /> . •�� property,constituUnp Ihe Propany,agalnsl loca by IUe,Ilghtnlag,tornada,and olher perfls and hazarda covered by standard exlended coverage Indasement,
<br /> , ^ �;,--
<br /> • - • •� � In an amount equel to at least one hundred percent(1004b)of the full replacement value thereof and Insurance apainst sueh other hazards and In auch �.�.^�
<br />� ' emounte as Is cuatomeril y carrled b y owners and o perators of almNar propenles a as Beneflciary may requlre la Ils pwtectlon.Truslor wHl camply with �:__
<br />�����•• . euch other requiremente as Benefklery may Irom time to Ilme requeal fa ihe protection by Ineurance of the interests ol the respective perdea.All Insurance ���--
<br /> - ����� pollclea meinleined pursuant lo thls Truat Oeed ahall name Trustor end Beneliciery as Insured,as thelr respective NNerests may appear,and provide Ihat �L�'3`,;.
<br /> ���• �r�- � ' •a'�r-R===
<br /> -_��i �' "-= =-�"`"" Ihere be no canceliption or modlficatlon wlthout at least t S days prlor writton nol�lcIIpon to Trustee and Beneliclery mey procure euch Inswance In accorda�ce
<br /> 1,, wfth Ihe provl�lons of peragraph 8 hereol.Truator shall deliver to Benelicf�ry the origlnal polkies of insurance and renewals ihereof or memo coples of �''''�"� -
<br /> ' '•'`�'��:'•:'.'��'" �'�� � such poi�les and ren�wels ihareot.Fallure to lurnlsh auch Ineuronce by Trustor,a renewal�aa required hereunde►shall.at the opUOn of Beneticlery. .•�r,�.��
<br /> �
<br />� • �•; •'"�: ' • ConYqtule a default. a;�s:..�,.,�.
<br />; , .,. ' .... ,.�.:n,� �.ad_�,�_�
<br />�'. ' � b.TAX�B,ASSESBNIENTB AND CHARGEB.Trusta shaM pay all taxes,easessmenis and other charges,Indudfng,without Iimftalion,fines and imposltlone „
<br />�;. -�..' ; .'ri;:.,. E,�.:�.:.:_.:� '�
<br /> • altribuleble to the Property and leasehold paymenla or ground reMs,It any,belore ihe same become delinquenl.Truslor ahaN promptly Iurnfeh to beneliclary -
<br /> y,�1'� ;�{� !;. �� all noUeas ol amounla due under ihfs paragraph,end in the event Trusta ahall make payment dlreclly,TrustorehaH promplly fumish to BaneBcfary recelpis ��-� -, _
<br /> evfdencing euch paymenta.Trustar shall pay all taxes and assessmente whtch mey be levled upon Beneficlary's Inlerest hereln or upon thfa Truat Deed �,:t:y.:.:.-_
<br />�'' ' �� without regard ta any law thet may 6e enacted imposing payment o11he whole or any part Ihereol upon Ihe Beneliclary. -�?r�x._� `
<br />�°` - �'...;.,�,:-
<br />�.. • . ' 8.ADDITIONAI UENS AND PROTECTION OF BENEFICIARY'S BECURITY.Truslor shall meke all paymenls ol interest and princlpal and paymenis �'v�
<br /> ; . of eny other charges,lees and expenses coniracted to be pald to any exlstinp or aubsequent lieaholder or beneliclary,under any exlsting or subsequeM _ ___
<br />� �' �• .. modgage or truat deed betore Ihe date Ihey are dellnqueM a In delaup,and promptly pay and diacharge any and ell other Ifens,clalma or charges which =—_
<br /> ' '� �� �•• � may Jwopardl�e the security granted hereln.II Truttor lalls to make anv auch paymenl or lells to perlorm any ot ihe covenants and agreements contained .�+a�^=--
<br />� `" In Ihls Truat Deed,ot the Note referred lo hereln,or In any prlor or eubsequent truat deed,or If any acllon or prxeeding Is commenced wnich matenelly °
<br /> �, �..:r.vm n:
<br /> aHecis Beneflciary's fntereat In the Property,Including,but not limited to,eminent domain prqCeedings,praeedinge invWvfng e decedenl.notice of aele ____ _ _
<br />• • by Trustee,nopce of delault by Trustee,morlgage lorecloaure actlon,or II Trusror Ialls ta pay Trustor's debts generally as they become due,ihen Beneficiary. Q�.�-.--�
<br /> ' „ at Benel�fary's option and wilhout notice to a demand upon Trustor end wlthoW releasing Trusta Irom any obllgetfon hereunder,may make such appearancea, _
<br /> k ,�.a: dfsburse such sums a�d teke nuch action ea 18 necessary ro protect Beneifcfary's interest,fncluding,but not Ifmded lo,disbursement of reasonable attomey's °----�-�
<br />'; 4 , � " ., feee.p�yment,purchese,contest or compromise ol any encumbrence,charge or lien,entry upon Ihe Property lo make repaus,or declaratlon of default ���_.yM
<br /> . un0er thle Trust Dead.In ihe event ihat Tru6ta sheU faH lo proCUre nsurance or to pay lexea,acsesaments,a any dher charges or to make ony payments ��6_
<br /> ,, , to any exletinp or subsequent Ilenholder6 or exlsting or subsequenl benehc�enee,Benellaary moy ptoture auch insurance and meke such payment,but �••---
<br /> �� � � ehall n01 be ob��ge�ed�o do so.Any amounts dlsbursed by BeneOcfary pursuanl to Ihis Paragraph 8 shall becoma add�lional Indebtedness ol Trusta secured _
<br />"" by thls Trusl Deed.Such amounts shall be payable upon notfce from BeneOelary lo Truslor requeating payment thereol,and ahell bear fntereat Irom the �--""-=°-�"�-
<br /> � . dati ol dlaburaement al the rele payable Irom time lo Ilme on outstend�ng pnncipai under the Note unless payment ot intarest at such rate would be eontrary __ _
<br /> • lo applkable law.m wh�ch event such amounts ahall bear mlerest at Ihe highest rate permleslbte under eppl�c�ble law.Nothlnq contained In this Paraqreph =-----
<br /> ' 8 shill reqwre 8enelfciary to InCUr any expense or lake any aclion liereunder. —__=-
<br /> s ° ,, 7.ASSKiNMBNT OF RENTS.Beneliciar ehall have ihe n ht,power and authont durmg Ihe conUnuance of Ihis T�ust Daed to Cdlecl lhe renie,iseuos 1'-�'r-'
<br /> .,. Y 9 Y ��,, ic•iT;.__
<br /> � end prollte oi[he Property and of any peraonel property localed Iheraon w�lh or wlthout taking possession of the properly nllected hereby,antl Trustor ��----
<br />. ` hereb abeolutel end uncondllionell essl ns aN such renls,fssues end profds lo BeneOciar .Benelia�r,however hereb conaenis t0 lhe Trustor's "' ._"'-'"-`
<br /> Y Y Y 9 Y Y Y .,,�.,ti-_�--:
<br />,; �� . � cdlecibn end retentlon of such renta,Issuea end prolds as Ihey accrue end become payable so lonfl as Trustor is not.at 8uch lime,In delaull wilh respect wE�=--_, -.._�_
<br />- � . to paymonl of eoy indebledness securetl hereby,ar fn the perlwmence ol eny agreemeM hereunder.Upon any such delault,Benelfciery may at any time. F�,�-
<br /> elther In persan.by agent,or by a rece�ver b be nppol�ted by a courl,v�nlhout notice pnd wdhout regard to Ihe atfequecy of any seturfty lor tha Indebledness �,,y,R,,..�-�
<br />' hereby secured,(a)enter upon and take possesslon of lhe Pro en or en art ihereol,and m rts nwn name eu e lor or olherwlse CalleCt such rents.Issuea q-.�F;� :_
<br /> � and proflta,lncluding ihose pael due and unpald,and apply Ihe same,less osts and expenses of operaUOn end collecUon,mclud�ng reasonable atlorney's �� -`-
<br /> ( - leea,upon eny Indehtedness secured hereby,and m such order as Benet�c�ary may determmp:�b)perlorm suth acta ol�epau or protettlon as mey be �-� . `
<br /> • , neCessary a proper lo conserve!he valua of the Properly;(c)lease Ihe same or any part ihereof lor such rental.lerm,and upon such tOnd�tiona as its , w�yvaw�--�
<br /> � judpmant mey�lktete,or lerminate or adJuat ihe terms and conditions of ex�slmg leases-U�less Truator and Benel�Cary thereol apree otherwise m wriung. -. .�
<br />" ° " . a�y appl�catlon ol rents.issuea a prolds to any mdebtedneas setureA herebv Shall not extend or posipo�e tF�e due Cate of the mslallment paymenis as
<br /> ' provlded fn eaid prom�ssory note or change Ihe amounl 01 such�nstallmenis. The entenng upon and takmg possession of ihe Properry,the collecUOn
<br /> : ' ot such ren18.�sBUes and prolita,and the applicatwn lhereol as aloresald,shall not warve or Cure any default or ndice ot de�ault hereunGer or�nva�ldale ..
<br /> any act done pursuant to auch notice.Trustor also assigns to Bene}iaary,as lurlher securdy lor Ihe perlormnnce of Ihe obligal�ona secured hereby,all
<br />`. prepafd renls end all monles whfch may have been or may hereafler be deposlled wdh said Trustor by any�essee of the Properly,to secure lhe paymenl
<br /> of any rant or dameges,or upon delault m lhe perlamante o�any ol the prov�sfons hereol.Trustor agrees to de Iwer such rents and depos�ts to Beneficipry.
<br /> Delivery of wntten noUCe ol Benelic�ary's exerc�se of Ihe nghls ganted here�n.to en�tenant occupy�nfl sad premises ahall be suNicfent to requ�re seid .
<br /> ; _ tenant to pay rent to the Benehc�ary unld funher notite. '
<br /> 8. CONDBMNATION.If Idle to any part of ihe Properly shall be laken�n condemnat�on procoed�ngs,by r�ght ol emmen!domam or s�mi�ar acUon.or t
<br /> " ' �� . she�l be so�d under ihreat o1 condamnat�on,all awnrds,damages and proceeds are hereby:+ss�gned and 3he11 ba pa�d fa Be�el�ciury who shall apply i
<br /> � ' , suth ewards.demages and proceetls to the sum secured by this Trust Deed,with Ihe excess.��any, pn�d to Trustor II Truslor rece�ves any not�ce or �
<br /> , • , other mfwmatlon regarding such acUO�s or proceedings.Truslo�shall�we prompl wntten noUCe Ihereot to Benehciary Benehciary shall be enUNed.at �
<br /> n rts optan,to commenCe,appeer m and posecuta m ils own name any suCh acUOn or prceoad�ngs and shalt be ent�tleG to mako any Compromise or seqlement j
<br /> m ConnecUOn w�lh any such act�on or proCeed�ngs �
<br /> .. �
<br /> 9. FUTURE ADVANCES.Upon reQuest o�Truslor,Bonel�ciary al Bene��c�ary's opfion,pnor to reconveyance of Ihe Property to Truslor,may make
<br /> :. . . . ."' "____._r. _._" n _��....___''____' . .�. _.'"__..�""'__ _�.���._'"_..._��..�r._1.....�ll....�.�.1..........A�nnM 1�..n�n�n�oeiv�e1�110Q CIA�IIIfl
<br /> . ' I{JIYICYVtY1140i�V��UO�Y�.J��.���Y\Y�VO�IY0��4CJ.A��������Q�O,����Q�CV��..������Y[f,C�.��ov���..r.��.�u�va+��.�..�...�.�.�.............��.�....��� • _.__ " �
<br /> thet ead notes are secured hereby:prov�ded thal at no time shall the sncured pnnapai and luture advunces.not �ncluding sums advanced lo protect '
<br /> IhB Secunty,exceod lwo hundred percent(207�u)of the arigmal prmnpal,�mounts secured hereby
<br /> 10 REMEOIES NOT EXCLUSIVE.Trustee and Be�efivary,nntl each oi them.shali be unl�tled to enlorce payment and performance o�any�ndebtedness �
<br /> •• OrObligetions secured hereby and lo exerase ali nghts and powers under Ihis Trust beed ar under any other:tg�BPmpnt CxBCU10d in COhnBCtiOn h@�eWdh
<br /> or any laws now or herealter in force,notwdhstanding some or all ol Ihe such mdebtedness and obi�gntions secured hereby may now or hereaNer be �
<br /> otheiwise SeCUred,whelher by morigage.Irust tleed,pledge,lien,ass�ynment or otherw�se Neither the.�cceptance of Ih�g Trusl Deetl nor its en�orcemenl
<br /> � whelher by courl action or pursuant to Ihe power ol s81e or olhe�powe�s here�n conla�ned.slinll p�e�ud�ce or�n.�ny m.,�nner,ilf�c�trustee�s or Benel�c�ary's
<br /> rlghl to reahze upon or enlorce any ofher secunty now or hereafter held by Trustee or BeneUciary,d bemg agreed Ihat Trustee and BenehCiary.and each
<br /> � �
<br /> I
<br /> I
<br /> �
<br /> . ;��•
<br />